3D Scanning my V10 BMW M3 for 10 to 1 Headers with Photogrammetry

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hi i'm phil morrison and welcome to a very long overdue update video on my v10 m3 [Music] [Music] so it's been so long in fact actually i just had to check because it's been that long the last video was the first of february this year yeah i'm 21. yeah i did have to check because i was wondering whether i'd lost a year um but no it's not it's not more than a year it's february was the last video and i'm sure at the end of that last video i said are coming soon this will be happening and we'll get on to the v10 headers the manifold um so a bit owe you a bit of an explanation i have mentioned this multiple times in comments um and i think i mentioned it at the very beginning of the build when i was wondering whether to buy my v10 my beloved v10 m3 back uh some years ago probably what two three years ago now isn't it yeah [Applause] when i was deciding whether to do that it was in such a bad state uh and kind of not really worth what i was paying for it in terms of the sum of its parts because it had been left rotting basically as a lot of you know the story if you don't then watch it from the beginning the collection video and all sorts there's a massive playlist of probably like 40 plus videos on this car so yeah save yourself a couple of days and watch the lot but um yeah anyway when i bought it back it was i wasn't sure whether i should basically i really really wasn't sure where i should so the way that i managed my way through it and decided that it was going to be a good idea for me to buy it back go to germany with jay buy back with loads of baggage along with it another car i'd sell on and all sorts of hassle was that i just pretty much bring it back to driftworks to save it and stop it rusting save it getting worse i'd get onto it when i could and the number one rule would be that it would never get in the way of any of my existing projects the stuff that was ongoing at the time which was the murcielago build uh the 964 and all the other stuff that i've always got yeah that one as well the e30 which is always a big a big struggle as well so that was the number one rule and i know you guys have been craving an episode craving updates for it shouting at me on every single video on the mercy logo whatever where's the v10 m3 well here it is but like i say it's just a case of when i've got time we'll do stuff to it um and when one of the other cars needs something doing the v10 gets pushed back it will eventually be done and it will be eventually done right because i don't want to rush it um for the sake of making you guys happy for youtube i want it right and it will be done next year really i mean yeah but anyway anyway yeah so uh sort of earlier on this year when the mercedes stuff really started to get busy um i decided to park this up out of the way um and just leave it for a bit i said to i think i've told you a bit of the story about the where we got to with the manifold design the ten into one before and it came to an abrupt halt because the essentially the scan data wasn't accurate enough and there were some mistakes made in manufacturing we actually got to the point where uh metal was ordered bent to specific requirement and then cut and it was actually cut wrong so i've got a pile of scrap metal didn't work out it's not the end of the world it's one of those things super complex and you know nothing's held against anybody that was involved in it before i've just now moved on to um working with celeritech um celeritek are a dutch company who makes stuff remotely believe it or not the requirement for them to be able to do that is really really accurate scam data really really accurate stuff now we've found ourselves with a moment or two maybe um between other projects so they've now sent their scanning equipment and we're going to take on our first attempt at photogrammetry yeah that's the other thing that happened during the time we built these me and jay built them there is a video on that you know if you fancy watching until old men's struggle still full oh yeah we still managed to film i'm not sure whether we even had the gi yeah from when we got that but yeah it's we still managed to fill it up and you know there's lots of updates i'm sure a few of you have watched things like me crashing the ethernet in the world apparently i can't drive and uh it was very easy to avoid you know all the normal internet stuff thanks internet but yeah i guess we should get this down off our very posh new storage ramps get a csl out the way and yeah move it into a position where we can get on axle stands and start having a go at this photogrammetry thing [Music] so [Music] there it is in all its glory we're trying to re-familiarize ourselves a little bit where did we get to yeah because jay's just reminded me that although it was february where we did the radiators on this round at craig's i think it was a hell of a long time before that would be done it was before the lambo came back from the gases so that was yeah christmas when the lambo came back wasn't it like last year so yeah it is genuinely ages uh and what we have to do for this is be sure that we've got as much as we can in the engine bay so the scan gives him the data to be able to build around everything so you can see it's got no wiring loom on here at the moment and we need to get that in place and a few other bits and bobs some of it will have to be just factored into the design of the water pipes and everything because we've got to sort those we've got vanessa line to complete but we've got the bits for that now this will be probably filmed over the course of a few days i'd say two three days at least it'd be two two days then send in the data then they'll say no that's all wrong you pair of do it again [Laughter] so that's a wiring loom on and look at this for a nice fancy box this is how celeritech deliver everything in this very fancy very very heavy duty flight case everything we need is in there yeah so you're gonna have to excuse us you know how we made the really nice insulated posh side of the workshop well we've chosen to do this in the tin shed side of driftwork so the noise it doesn't know the day we're filming in here it's raining so excuse the noise let's have a look what's inside there man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we've been busy building a little hut and taping the crap out of the engine bay yeah it wasn't too bad to be here no it wasn't 40 minutes wait four minutes yeah 40 minutes now we have to cover everything that's shiny up don't we otherwise the reflection will ruin the yeah so reflections are the enemy of any um any photogrammetry and also laser scanning uh and after much experimenting i think by celerytech they actually said that this is the best and overall the quickest way to do this um you can use um what was it called mattifying spray yeah but they evaporate and can sometimes give inconsistent results as they evaporate even the 24-hour one and there's a question whether it can actually affect paint as well because they do have a solvent in them so yeah um they just said that uh the best absolute best way of doing this to be sure is to tape stuff and you don't have to be over the top accurate but we just got rid of any shiny surface that we can see and it's you know taking extra care in the areas which are going to be a big problem potentially which is areas like this on the rock covers and down the chassis rails which as you can see is super super tight there so um yeah we've got uh as much blue tape in as we can get really in those areas and we're going to give it a go now we're going to have a first go at doing a sequence of photographs along chassis rail up there back there back there over the top of the engine over to the other side and hopefully try and get a sequence scanning the kind of entire top of the engine and then once we finish hopefully down there we'll move to the bottom and start working along the same side a quick test first almost we're going to send him he's going to have a look at him decide if we're doing it right yeah because if you you want to do it in sequence apparently it's really important to do it in sequence because otherwise the computing time is massive for the for the photogrammetry software to work out where it's actually where this picture is from so all in sequence as best as possible um yeah we've got to set up the we've got like a really nice arm that sits on um so it's on tripod here everything's gonna be nice and secure and we actually shoot remotely using an iphone as a shutter so it's like an iphone oh yeah of course it's not strawberry doesn't work yeah yeah it took us ages to work out the settings that's terrible and trying to connect it to wi-fi android we've never had one yeah end of being android go home what you'll see here is a glue gun a hot glue gun and a camera covered because one of the most important things to make sure of is that none of the camera settings change so we've got some really precise settings that are given to us by celerotec and then um yeah basically cover the whole camera in hot blue but not the whole camera because that bit's quite important yeah we need to lock the zoom yeah lock the buttons and operate it remotely yeah and then the other side all of this equipment comes in the kit here so this is all sort of custom made stuff specifically for this this task photogrammetry the camera goes on the end here um as you can see here there's a special rig that they've made that allows you to turn the camera upside down if that's the best way to um get the shots that you need as well so yeah um very comprehensive very good tutorials on this and um yeah just down to us to completely mess it up now so i think you saw us taping the car up quite heavily um in the last shot so we did that we took about 100 pictures 20 photos yeah something like that and what you can hear in the background here is our [Laughter] so um the guys at celeritech uh absolutely awesome uh sent over the pictures just by google drive link this test set that we did and yeah he's given us a full report on what we need to improve to make the pictures better um so the long and short of it is we did an alright job we didn't take anywhere near enough photos and we need more distance and a lot more a lot more overlap the overlap of the pictures is super important um i won't go into massive detail here but this is an example that he's done and all of these are um where he's basically taking a picture of this engine um so you can see it's been moved around here so yeah more overlap more pictures probably it's going to take it's going to take a day i think to get to do the photographs and that's probably the first batch of photographs then once it goes into the photogrammetry software and with celery tech there will no doubt be some errors part of the issue is just demonstrate is obviously proximity down here this is super super tight um and some of it we can see through like the headlight headlight holes and things like that but yeah what it looks like we need to be doing is is sort of very very incrementally moving take a picture take a picture take a picture making sure that you know we get full coverage and the sequence is also very important um so we might be actually going over the wheel arches under the car like this and then up into it um to actually get the ports and everything joined up but yeah if you don't if you don't do it incrementally like say if you did a picture here and then the next picture you took was from the underside of the engine apparently it takes days to compute some of that stuff because the program goes and hunts through every single picture to find similarities to find out where that next picture goes super complicated um and it's just a case of i think being very very thorough with this and yeah probably getting uh another naughty card report afterwards let's see seeing what we need to fill in yeah yeah we're gonna throw up a gopro and um yeah spend the next 17 hours taking pictures [Music] that's bad enough for that for one day it's getting cold in this tent absolutely freezing it's we're so weak but yeah we're not we're not really moving about loads we're just lying on a cold concrete floor so uh yeah we're hoping i think that's roughly about 600 photos total we're hoping that's enough we're gonna i'm gonna upload them now to the google drive send them over to celebrate um and basically wait for the report wait for the uh the slap on the wrist or whatever we've done today yeah or the camera settings wrong and then we have to redo the whole thing but yeah i think rolling around doing this for six hours i'm i'm hopeful at the very least morning good news we've been sent our report we've been sent our grade [Laughter] so let's watch this good morning gentlemen driftworks the result of one night computing and the result is absolutely great look at it it's yeah you're looking at the high resolution but i have to go to the lower resolution to navigate but the result is absolutely yeah i would say even perfect oh you see it's always horrible to navigate in this program everything is there everything we need you know the data this is not a filtered version mostly you do that to yeah then you make it even more and more more precise but that's mostly for the skill bars and for the flanges the rest you know if that is without within like one tenth or even two tenths of a millimeter being precise that doesn't matter you stay away from it anyway um but you see here the result and again we are looking at the low resolution version but look at it if i switch to high how nice that looks that takes like 10 seconds up there it is everything really high detailed not that we need it but how nice is this i switch back to the lower resolution to show the under side and this is also very nice we absolutely have everything and also here the body we have everything we need what we need to know and this is also the lower resolution version if we switch to high up there it is it's it's all really nice and perfect especially the parts and it needs to be this is i would almost say this is a better job than i've could done myself and i know it's really a lot of work but yeah i myself i absolutely love the result how it looks so take that smug face oh man i am so happy i am so happy with that um as you probably heard from that the results of our work yesterday are adequate adequate to say the least i was super obsessive and jay was uh quite understanding and uh tolerant of my um i've known you long enough [Laughter] but once again um it's worth spending the time it was worth the slight torture doing it because there's a results there speak to themselves that actually looks fantastic even as it is there i could have a drawing of that maybe um recolouring we're gonna have to do that so yeah i'm sure a lot of you are hoping that you're going to see some fantastic design and maybe some metal work in this episode but it's probably going to be the next one it's definitely going to be the next one now um but yeah it's an update for fit and you can't complain it's been ages someone will that will so always complain but yeah thanks for watching uh thanks for subscribing as well and thanks for being patient with uh my projects and time and stuff like that but yeah see in the next one cheers [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Driftworks
Views: 34,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photogrammetry, scanning, v10, v10 m3, bmw m3, e46 m3, driftworks v10 m3, driftworks, celeritech exhaust, bmw e46 m3, s85 m3, bmw s85 v10, bmw m3 build, bmw m3 project car, custom headers
Id: 29nLdy9C67g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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