i competed in jiu jitsu

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[Music] well good morning it is bright and early for me hello there hello there I am just about ready to leave the house and start my day lately my days have been filled with training physical training to be more specific and to be even more specific physical training my body for jiu-jitsu I've wanted to make this video for a long time and I felt like right now was kind of the perfect opportunity to do that for last like two two-and-a-half months I have been training for a jujitsu competition which will take place in about two weeks at the end of the month a lot of you do know that I have trained in jiu-jitsu for about four years now maybe a little more I don't know I've always been a huge fan of like fight week vlogs specifically like the UFC embedded series I've loved forever I've loved it even before it was embedded I loved when Dana White would get on the camera and he would just be like fight week blog week and then it would just be like a tiny little vlog going around visiting the fighters the week of their fight and seeing with her up to and how their trainings going and things like that I thought it would be a cool idea to make this video sort of documenting how I'm training for a jujitsu competition as an adult who trains as a hobbyist so nothing about me in this video is is anything serious but I think that's kind of the cool part I've been an athlete my whole life and then as an adult like I still have that urge to compete and to be a little competitive and so this is sort of my way of putting myself out there and testing myself I'm gonna take you guys with me to jiu-jitsu practice and to strength and conditioning just to kind of show you the kind of stuff I've been doing for the last few months and you can watch me sweat and suffer I don't know if this is your thing anyway I'm gonna try to caffeinate I don't have much time we live on Twitch we are live on Twitch well show yourself first you got to show you well hey guys how's it going welcome to Julien solo Mitas vlogs by Julien sólo mía alright so we're going to jiu-jitsu practice 11:00 a.m. and so there's like a there's a group practice at 11:00 and I'll be doing that and then I'll be staying for extra credit with just a one-on-one training session with my coach and then by the end of it I will have been tossed around like a dirty rag I'm already tired I'm preemptively tired for it but it's great everything's gonna be great because when your friend is following you around filming you everything is just greater than it would be if they're not everything's great it's supernatural everything's great I'm fine I need to find a parking spot and then I need to go do some laundry while I'm in the clothes like folding the clothes while I'm in it how about for tonight huh where'd that thing go [Laughter] yeah if you get any the fighters in your place yeah you took send us your feet too that's why we get paid the medium bucks yeah I mean it's YouTube Kinison uh yeah just film that this would be a patreon shot yeah that's a patreon shot it's almost at the point cuz um we're two weeks out so this is technically a glass-like full training week so it's almost to the point where I'm just kind of running through the motions a little bit yeah I don't know I think today and tomorrow probably like my last hard training days and then Thursday I'll take it kind of easy this coach was saying like the last the last like two weeks is when you get hurt because you just you're in good shape and you like trying to push yourself and the competitions right there so you're just like site so I'm trying to take a deep breath you know but I feel good mondays are fun it's a good group today [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you feeling pain suffering yeah like melted I like never liked a lot of things or boy positions but it was just like I was on top and then you just like plucked a little bit my shoulder instead of like really like talking and rolling it just kind of spiked move around I don't know maybe it's nothing public yeah but I have workouts this week so glass I'll try to come this week yeah okay how's your party with them you look great I mean yeah I've noticed the last few weeks that like when we're going I'm trying to push you even exhausted myself what you doing science I'm just making protein because I don't know that's what they say to do I guess this is not an antenna because of my alley today insane - spinach make me better now I usually have a shake between trainings sessions because anything else I just feel sick something about having an hour and a half between training sessions I don't know as much as I want to have a whole bowl of pasta Alfredo I think this is probably a better idea are you think I should do the alfredo no further yeah alright yeah you don't scratch okay she's taking off right now yeah yeah yeah all right well do the alfredo thanks fine I mean it's great I'm gonna drink this and hopefully forget about everything else such as I use my shoulder and I'm still in a lot of pain I just texted my trainer I don't think I'm gonna go in to train today because I need to figure out what's going on my shoulder doesn't still really hurts I just kind of want to know what it is so I'm calling my doctor who's not answering the phone hi my name is Julie and I'm a patient there and I wanted to know if you had anyone available to see me today of all the days and weeks that I've been doing this the one day I have all the cameras rolling is the day that I'd just like a bit man it's like a pretty intense pain right now so I'm trying to just learn about what it is I want it I just want to know what it is because if it's like something small and it's just bruising like that's good to not let if it's torn I need to know that - yeah I think it's at least at boy time so you are wearing your fanny pack here Julian's on either one and you injure your shoulder it's okay then you just put it on your waist you filter still it hurts but it's down there now this video is very much different than I had I woke up this morning I was like it's so cool I'm gonna be doing like a like a documentary on my you know my jujitsu competition now I'm like let's go to Urgent Care to see if I can move my body Wow everything's great because at least we're getting a little festive your channel it's just my name whatever videos 5 10 200 and then your left shoulder injury it's like two weeks ago I was in the ER for 104 degree temperature so I'm saying like all my vitals and everything looks good I'm like great but now I mean now I need to go and just ruin the gaming chair yesiree a gamer doctor I'm pretty sick but are you a gamer do you were a referral code for that chair on a scale of one to ten what's the main three the amount of time softer than me and he's is than cotton bat okay great no that's great but do you mean like how how is this content like how the hell is this even content or what score is this content yet I was more going what score but also yeah I guess the answer to both is great right I would high-five you but hey what's up you guys welcome to the vlog today he's just put it in your dad welcome to the vlog today here we go she asked me if I wanted anything for pain and I said I'll take some thick ibuprofen [Laughter] she said it's if anything serious that's gonna be a fracture to the clavicle that's why the hip hurts like on top where I kind of bumped it but if he comes back with no fractures and it's four so she said it's an old-fashioned strain yeah she also punched me overall really pleasant experience definitely recommend would recommend oh that's right I drove that was aggressive so the doctor doctor came in and gave me the good news that I don't have a broken shoulder so we have that going for me which is nice but you know the pain is definitely kind of lowered a little bit since this morning since it happened and I think I think everything's fine but I can't work out today but our trainer where we go for strength and conditioning they have a cryotherapy setup they have a whole crowd chamber that we've done before and they have like a cryo machine that can do like localized treatment and so I'm actually going to go do that and so where they dig Walt Disney what are you working on no I'm just gonna cry oh you're just gonna do crown yeah [Music] oh my gosh [Music] don't do injuries kids what are you what are we listening to yeah thank you everything sorry that that song with an interesting choice yeah it's kind of sick though I got in there and I was like starting to breathe I was like okay I'm calm and then it started playing now you doing how are you the gun I see how cold you owe me dude that's pretty cool I like my knees yeah oh that's definitely the I knocked they like defrost do you feel better though maybe your whole body feels good after is yeah you feel like look at my chin I'm like still I feel like I just ran out into the [ __ ] the winds are cold in Minnesota in January you sleeve it no like you feel like you do after an ice bath yeah but you're not wet and you're not like something about the ice bath makes you hurt cause it - its cause you're submerged yeah this is like it's brushed up against your body - you're [ __ ] freezing because of the water Dustin Carolyn there are check the trainer's who run the gym that we trained it and they they told me that I should be coming in every single day until my competition so if I have these tools at my disposal to help reduce injury pain like I'm gonna use them so I'm gonna begin conical for the next couple of weeks I will join each other so now they're gonna do the local thing and then something called white stem so the colors tell you about the temperature of my body so that that read me saying that's too cold so now I'm having to move away huh because that specific spot I've been on is being too cold and then blue means just right as possible so just find you're gonna be like you want to do anything yeah yeah but like she said over time and obviously said - it's definitely gonna help you do this when infrared hits si he's going exactly his plan exactly now we're at a drug store picking up ibuprofen thick ibuprofen thanks Pasiphae I think that's the medical term for it now we're gonna go get some balloons at Party City you guys have any spooky decorations for this for anatomy purposes right yeah but also spooky purposes yeah okay so do we get a Kermit sized one what his was wrong with his foot oh my god Oh fix you posture okay there we go I like this guy yeah get him he's got a stain on his Janice I think he spilled some coffee oh this guy be like don't talk to me before I've had my coffee oh wait I'm dead don't talk to me until I'm dead [Music] hello it's it is now Friday it's five days later and I've I've flown in my favorite videographer from London you can show your face hello Matt is here he subbed in for Ethan so we're actually going to the gym to do some strength and conditioning that we were supposed to do on Monday but remember I fell on my shoulder that was fun so I'm actually feeling a lot better every single day this week I've been going into the gym because they have cryotherapy as you saw we went to on Monday and I've been doing it on my shoulder and I'm feeling good like there's still some pain there's still some weird movements that kind of hurt but I'm able to train I've been working out this week lightly we compete a week from tomorrow so it's gonna be a hard workout but it'll be the last one and it's sort of capping off like this two and a half three month period of doing these sorts of like exhausting conditioning workouts a couple of times a week so I'm excited for that to be over have some pizza maybe we'll see I brought my best cuz we might have to get fancy and dress up mid workout feeling good yeah yeah this week is it's been helping for sure well I got an x-ray mm-hmm that's what the doctor thought I should do and they said everything's fine something it's likely just like a bruisers train mm-hmm there's no chair no Tara awesome I thought you were like proving anything you want to do today particular I just think it just yeah I mean rolling is fine we're just doing conditioning so we're doing this circuit right here is just three minutes a couple of rounds of that but then we're going to switch over to a seven-minute circuit so we're just trying to get him condition for the seven-minute jujitsu matches yes I'm pretty intense stuff is you know we used to do a lot of weightlifting but right now I'm just focusing on conditioning no he's killing it though he's a beast straight up [Music] [Music] the opposite good 117 1701 15 1:18 [Music] I would rather I've just done literally anything for seven minutes besides that resistance bands are a hell of a drug are they calling medicine balls I don't feel any better what day were you at it's happening you done we're done the hour and 15 is done put me suffering and now now eight days and then we just go and wrestle with some stranger's good lot of people watching yeah well it depends that is there any big football games hopefully there's a big football game happening so no one shows up but then again I'm filming the whole thing so people are gonna watch it regardless have some views I'm sure whatever if it goes horribly I'll just put meself myself getting choked in the thumbnail and then yeah I got choked you make fun question mark new audience in the nation I don't go on patriotic so can do a check okay adding a feed pace well squeeze into this haka me holy crap yeah am i coming in all right you wanna yes good thing I have a wife it's just cool this is mean no it's cool it's all warm today we're doing I don't think I can stay in here I think you should be you you're abandoning me that's fine oh I'm so lucky my gym has like all these amazing recovery tools and toys and chambers and space pods because I feel like my body is just it's getting treated right baby anyway um I just kind of wrapped up the last hard workout Dustin my trainer and Carolyn they run this place they've been amazing they've been just taking such good care of me and my body so for the next week I'm gonna be doing a normal cryo for the shoulder and like training sessions and this afterwards and then hopefully by Sunday I'll be a super girl with super your lung capacity 55 Celsius what is that I dunno Oh what where am i this is this is crazy oh my god I'm so hot right now and it's a party no I had to do it [Music] well it is uh right there's Thursday evening as usual I'm losing track over the days of the week the competition is in two and a half days so it's a Sunday I'm drinking tons and tons of water hydrating like crazy even though I'm not really cutting any weight I'm I'm just about 200 pounds right now weigh-ins I need to be under 200 7.5 with the Gion and my ghee weighs about 2 pounds so I'm underweight I'm fine I'm just trying to stay super hydrated my shoulder is still definitely not a hundred percent but I feel like I would be kidding myself if I ever thought I would do a tournament and go into it a hundred percent I'm I'm mostly excited there's like a little bit of me that's starting to get nervous but every time I get nervous I think about the fact that I'm an adult and I have a hobby and I decided to sign up for a competition as an adult with that hobby and I think that like that in and of itself is like a cool thing and like the worst thing that happens is I lose and that's fine because I lose every day in training like that's just part of the sport but I think it's I kind of feel like it's an important step for me as an adult to step a little bit to the side of my normal routine and to the side of my comfort zone and return to a competitive environment just for the sake of competition without having anything on the line there's no money there's you know that I'm not trying to qualify for anything and this is literally just I'm trying to bring all the hours that I spend doing the sport that I really enjoy as a hobbyist bring that into a competitive environment for myself that to me is like what calms me down anytime I start to get like nervous about it it's like I've already kind of done a good thing by signing up yeah I just kind of wanted to check in and give an update and I still don't know the plan on how I'm gonna film the competition because I I don't want to like put it on Jenna to film me because I know she wants to watch but I don't know we'll see I'm gonna do my best to get some footage of it but I think the focal point for this video isn't so much of like the competition it's it's kind of leading up to it and like what what I've gone through in order to get ready for something like this so we'll see but uh it could be worse who even cares like what the heck but I'm just gonna chill out now because it's the calm before the storm right or maybe it's like the calm before the light rainfall not a storm we'll see [Music] vigilant how you feeling baby carpet up ready to go beep beep oh I am feeling one of the pieces of advice one of my teammates gave me was don't drive the competition make someone else drive Oh bud sorry I'm 2 hours and 10 minutes away from my first night and I'm just like I feel like doing I'm gonna do it all once the dog talk I don't like all this is foreign like the feeling I have with the nerves and prepping and training and like the car team and everything I were doing and watching my way but I think once I get on the path and I started rolling everything's gonna feel normal again yeah I'm just waiting for that well no matter what we're all very proud of you and it's so wonderful that you have a life sport that you can do as an adult and be competitive and I also want to congratulate all the other people that you're fighting because I'm sure that they're lovely people who are also taking time out of their busy lives and schedules to just do something for fun and they probably have jobs and kids and wives and families and they're busy and they just want to wrestle you today so excuse me jiu-jitsu we're proud of them too yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been 30 [Applause] [Music] five minutes on [Music] up up up up nice toes [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be honest they are in my zone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now julienne [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] tell me how you feeling first of all I'm so so proud of you you really pushed yourself you went outside your comfort zone and I am just in awe of you as a person and I love you so much thank you for the nice things that you say to me and you had a group of people there that love you and care about you yeah first of all man I've great people yeah we love you whoo I don't really know a lot of things well first of all I'm feeling pain my arm is in pain but that's normal that boy twisted it I just want I don't I don't even know what I'm trying to say cuz I don't I just wanted to turn on the camera for a second because this is sort of like yeah no no I was like an honest it's an honest account of what it's what it was like for me at least my experience as an adult just deciding to do a competition training for one and then going through that and we're on the tail end of it happening it happens you got from that 30 minutes ago I went on to I lost both my fights and definitely didn't feel like myself out there I didn't feel I didn't feel like all the training I had put in mattered it didn't feel like all that all the times I like really wanted to throw up in the gym mattered and I didn't expect any of that to go the way it did in a lot of ways not saying like I expected to win and I lost but the whole experience it was all new and I think that's like that's what I wanted for me I wanted a new experience you know and I feel good that I competed I feel good that I got to compete against good guys their skill set was really really top and they were good people I got to talk to them and they were I mean it's like that they're the perfect representation of this floor and that's kind of why I love the sport so much is like it can be brutal it can be you know punishing you you you all compete and participate in jiu-jitsu which is like it's a sport that's been so important to me for so many years now that I feel like I had to do this and I did it and I guess I have a lot of emotions I I'm so grateful to have you Jenna and to all of our friends and family that came out to watch and my coach Chris like everyone who believed in me and just wanted to come support regardless of what happened I really I really like the sportsmanship and jiu-jitsu it's really wonderful and I'm just really proud of you well coach said I am you know before the first match he told me that I had already kind of had already won in a way by doing it he did although I lost both my matches I genuinely wouldn't have traded today for not doing it sometimes you guys just like [ __ ] jump out there and do some crazy [ __ ] exactly just got to do it one the last week of my life has been nothing but butter fries not mine I've had a train like you this whole time all I'm trained for is it sports sucks to suck I didn't realize that you you weren't gonna get a chance to warm up like we showed up and then it was like okay there's go no there are no were Matt's warm-ups nets and those boys compete a lot yeah I thought that was not their first time but it was yours I think experience definitely is something that you can put under that beautiful purple belt and take with you yeah today was good for me you know I'm happy I did it and I want to do it again and I want to do better and more I don't know I just I'm thankful for you just because I wouldn't have I wouldn't have done anything [ __ ] like this and I mean mid-20s like what the heck yeah you're wild you're absolutely wild that's my pizza now it's Pizza time it's a really cool thing that you pushed yourself to do something you wanted to do that's the coolest part and we got third place yeah you gonna show us the pizza eatin montage yeah yeah let's go let's get home [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 584,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, jenna and julien, girlfriend, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, jiu jitsu, julien jiu jitsu, julien bjj, julien wrestle, julien wrestling, julien choke, julien competition, julien purple belt
Id: otBfGr1kGT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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