the car accident

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I love you I love you um all right so we got in a car accident um as you can tell we're kind of in some pain but we are okay yeah but we still Liv in though uh we were in a cab on the way home from LAX after a long trip to Toronto and uh the cab was a small it was a Prius and we were in the back seat and we were going I would say 70 70 mph in the carpo lane it was pretty open there was no traffic like 12:00 p.m. like noon yeah and then all of the sudden we just you know feel this giant bang and crash and it felt like it lasted for 20 minutes but it was it was a we made contact with another car going full speed not head-on obviously uh there's a median but we rattled back and forth between the median and the car and we got roughed up but we both had our seat belts on and we're pretty positive that saved Our Lives um the seat belts oddly enough because you're going 70 M hour [ __ ] us up pretty good so we have get [ __ ] up by the seat belt thousand times out of a thousand but that's why we're injured is the seat belts and Jenna hit her knee on the little wall you can show the bruise help you can sort of see it I can sort of all of this together oh my God this is such a struggle video oh God there's contusions I didn't break any ribs they gave us x-rays we didn't break any ribs but it feels feels feels like hell dude uh so we are okay that's that's the important thing we are okay um wow bless you good weird SC bless you it was one of those things where it's incredibly emotional it's terrifying it's the worst but then you walk away from it and you're like it's really grateful it's pretty [ __ ] amazing that I'm alive right now terrifying experience um happy to be here like talking you about it I found a new bruise yeah Jenna's got a Bo bruise we just figured out that I also have this this other one on my side isn't as bad he's got his like from the seat Bel like this I have like a little right there I was like kind hair squished I don't have as much bruising but yeah she's yeah this is a seat belt is it there it's right there yeah I feel like I have like something on my back as soon as we were able to like get our wits about ourselves uh I just I literally had my phone on my lap cuz I was on it and I just pressed record like on my phone and I just didn't even aim it anywhere I just kind of held it where I was standing at all times so I I guess you can sort of see some of what the Carnage looked like from the crash and I'll include that in this Vlog at the end the main thing is is like we were wearing our seat bels of course we were not expecting this and we got into a terrible crash but we are okay and within a week or two we'll be back to normal we're going to rest and heal our bodies um but we're we're thanking God we're we're thanking any anything and everything that kept us alive today um it's just it's life is life is incredibly precious and always wear your seat belt always wear your seat belt even if you're in a taxi even if you're in an ice cream cone costume on Halloween it's weird I'm the first to admit that I will sometimes just not wear it on short rides and whatnot and Cals and I will never make that mistake again ever because after today when that seat Bel like literally saved us from going through the windshield I don't want to think about what would have happened and there's fatalities on the 405 like every single day every day for those of you who live in LA this was about 1:30 p.m. on Monday the 24th on the 405 near Howard Hughes Northbound so if you saw a taxi in an accident a lot of people were driving by that you might have seen it that was us yeah the doctor that gave me the CT skin said he saw it he was like were you in that accident the 405 and I was like yeah he like I drove right past it it looks terrible I was like thank you for understanding I love you so much I love you so much and now we're just going to [ __ ] around and take care of each other yeah cuz it it really hurts but we're okay I want to thank you guys for all the support you shown even when we told you on Twitter what happened you guys have been great um but I just wanted to get on here and like let you know what happened so I didn't just not tell you or whatever I love you I love you so much Jenna like I love you so much I know I love you too sweet that one of the scariest parts not the scariest but like wondering other person scariest like because we both like you couldn't breathe for couple minutes at least five minutes I almost lost Consciousness and I'm like looking over at Julian like after you have this initial moment of like what just happened and am I do I have like is my body still intact like am I still okay and I look over Julian is Julian still okay but that's like one of the scariest moments when you're just trying to figure out if the other person but then when you find out that they are it's just like okay everything is going to be okay but yeah that moment of like we can't even really breathe but we're trying to talk we're like wheezing we're like are you okay you know like your chest hurts and you can't talk so finding out if you were okay and finding out that you were okay yeah was really a relief and thank you to the person that was driving behind us that did not you never got your name right she didn't rearend us she stopped her car with enough shopping time and then asked if we needed paramedics we said yes and I was like losing Consciousness and I had like fished in my backpack for some water I had my head between my legs so I could try and stay conscious and uh I was like do you have any water and she brought me like you know a quarter of it was drank already and I just appreciate that so much because she did everything I really needed to stay awake you know but yeah [ __ ] I love you I love you I love you dank fam and fam sorry that life happens sometimes life happens life happens in weird ways but life continues to happen for us because we're really lucky and today showed us that so I really appreciate you all um we're going to be doing H stuff we're going to be doing H stuff we had a big W this weekend at buffer and then we took a big L on the way home yeah but we just ate beegan mac and cheese we did it's not all bad now we get to eat our favorite foods in recovery we're going to watch Westworld while we just lay around cuz it's hard to like find a position that doesn't hurt and I pee my pants so the seat belt like squeezed my my belly so hard you like apologized to the paramedic for it it was you know he's like we'll come over here and sit and I was like um well I actually like I I peed my pants so I'm really sorry but it like I didn't realize it until you know couple minutes after like when we were getting out of the car and I was like I think I feed my pants yeah but it was because the seat belt like contracted on my body so hard that it wasn't like I was peeing out of fear like I didn't feel it do you know what I mean yeah like it didn't the seat belt just crushed us it yeah it's like it's kept us safe but it just crushed Us in the process I mean 70 mph of force of a seat Bel on you is just unreal I I'll include some of the footage so you can kind of see I mean it's not I'm not meant to I'm not trying to make this any sort of draw I literally just want you to see what it looked like cuz I had it right but also in the moment it's like you don't know if you need that for your safety or Insurance the insurance was the first reason I yeah because we're we're in a cab like what do we do you know like it's not our car like we weren't driving like I you know it's just terrifying all around yeah so I don't know what are you supposed to do no I mean that's why I did it but anyway you know I was just walk around with pee in my pants M the message here is please wear your seat belts all the time please especially in taxi cabs or just all the time like you never know like and we're just so lucky that we had ours I think a lot of people are good about wearing their seat belts in their own car or like a friend's car but but I think a lot of people have the taxi habit where they don't do it yeah I'm guilty of that too you know but like we luckily had it on today yeah anyways uh the buffer Vlog was supposed to go up today that'll go up tomorrow and along with that we'll go up my short film and Vlog from Buffer Fest so um we love you we love you guys thank you for everything and caring about us we'll be okay we good we good we going to be all right all right later guys thank you so much thank you thank you thank you so you for thank you I really appreciate it thank [Music] you stand we have bag in there too how many bags we have two suitcases and a backpack okay okay all right guys I tell you what come with me to the I'm going to check you guys out real quick right what happened I don't know your license with [Music] yeah where you where you at my back my chest and my neck you know what let me let me ask my partner real quick give me a thank you [Music] guys a seat all right guys
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 2,223,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2016
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