I Clicked These Phishing Links So You Don't Have To

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what's going on friends today we're gonna go fishing but the internet kind of fishing not the one where you sit on a boat and do nothing kind of fishing I'm talking about the kind of fishing where a scammer is attempting to trick you into filling out a form or giving away some sort of information to them and there have been a lot of submissions lately centered around these kinds of scams it might have something to do with us being in quarantine we're spending more time reading emails hanging out on social media watching YouTube videos I got one submission that I thought was kind of peculiar someone said I'm pretty sure this is a scam kid it's gotta be some kind of dating scam it was a screenshot of their phone they had received a text message saying hi is this arthur we've chatted on tinder last time and i'm coming back to town and wanted to know if you wanted to meet up and they said i think you have the wrong number it seemed kind of weird and i like weird things so naturally i sent a text message to this person and promptly got a reply they said hey is this Mason this is Amanda we traded on bumble last time I came to LA to see my cousin but we never met IRL do you want to still meet up are you around and I said yeah sorry this isn't Mason and I got the same exact pictures than Becky it's like I don't I don't even know if I can show this picture to be honest this it's very scandalous she's got like she's got like most of her she's like a very large portion of her shoulder exposed and she's kind of just like oh oh it says hikes that's cringy I guess he gave me the wrong number anyways now you know my name and how I look so what's your name oh what's your name I said this is Patrick and naturally she says nice to meet you it's so funny but you seem really nice you're not a serial killer right lol smiley face so I ping right back Lowell no haha you're too much I'm here for a couple more days I've been bored want to get to know each other I need something to do I responded in the most truthful way possible I like playing World of Warcraft and I usually don't leave my basement to be honest she says I just got back from a run I'm about to hop in the shower I wanted to show some more pictures at this point I slammed on the brakes and I said yikes no but of course I got a very lewd but clothed picture and and she said what do you want to do to me I at this point realized it was a bot because they it was the exact same thing that the that my viewer had submitted and they clearly did not care when I sent my picture a king joffrey they said are you single I don't believe it I said I can have anyone I want I own an entire kingdom to which she simply wanted to see what I was holding and I think I think that means something mm yeah so the kids yeah when I responded saying that I was too busy playing call of duty she said she couldn't take it anymore I need to see you and sent me a bunch of links now I can only guess what's going to happen based on her subsequent texts because she said I hope you're 18 I don't want to be talking to a kid you have to sign up with your credit card to prove you're an adult haha winky face I'm sure the whole thing was trying to get you to sign up for their garbage like webcam chat site or if you did happen to send a picture of your nether regions some guy Gale might come back and try to blackmail you even say if you don't pay $100 they're gonna send it's all of your friends on social media or something like that I accidentally sent you this ridiculous it apparently Starbucks although that are closing a bunch of their stores and everyone is staying at home has decided to give everybody one hundred dollar gift card no purchase necessary so while you're staying so while you're practicing social distancing you go buy their drinks I don't the website doesn't seem to exist anymore and a bunch of people were talking about on Twitter when I was looking at some recently registered domains though I did see this sucker tell us your favorite item int the menu and guess what a one three chicken buckets not one not two but three chicken buckets all I had to do is share with my friends of course when they click share it wants you to authenticate through Facebook and they're gonna get all of your information and maybe even steal your account depending on what you do a handful of submissions were kind of the straightforward fishing stuff that you've probably seen before like this Netflix email we're so sorry to say goodbye unfortunately we've not been able to resolve the issue with your payment in your membership has been cancelled we'd love to have you back and when you click restart membership they're asking you to login they want your name they want your phone number they want your credit card information all kinds of stuff of course this is not the actual Netflix it's like this is not the actual Apple and this is net world health organization it should be pretty obvious look at all of those at nine Collins who uses semicolons like that and there's different fonts and they're offering an e-book with all of the information and I know we have some more time on our hands but is anybody reading ebooks that they get in their email for free look at this one from PayPal my favorite part right off the bat look at that logo they didn't even take the three seconds it would take to get a transparent background on Google or edit the logo to have a gray background it's brilliant I also really love how they worded to call-to-action verification account now I'll get right on that PayPal a lot of YouTube creators we're getting emails that looked like this for a while some of them weren't right now Oh auth into your when YouTube account so they could steal it this happened to a few people unfortunately and some of them just embedded malware or had you download garbage to your computer I will say it looks a little bit like something that you might get from YouTube but look at all the links they include here to their website contrasted by the phishing email there's nothing detailed in here they don't even mention what specific video had the claim against it some of this stuff drives me crazy too like they didn't even try to add a name to it at all it just says hi look at the bottom it says YouTube creator Awards it looks like somebody is recycling phishing email templates I had a pretty crazy fake sponsorship email come through my business email awhile back I had to open this weird docx file and then it wanted me to visit a website and enter in a code now normally I don't think people would do this but because they were offering a substantial amount of money some people may have been blinded by greed and downloaded an executable never do that because when you run it it looks like this the file sets up a system-wide proxy which likely can see all of your web traffic cookie data and more it just hides silently in your system processes tracking everything you do another viewer sent me a website that I found very interesting I hate to say it but they did a good job with it thankfully the website is down right now but I imagine they're gonna recreate this on other domains they were targeting French Canadians and they would get a text message that looks like this if you click the link then you're taken to a pretty impressive phishing site let's say you want to get started on your application and you click English of course they want your social insurance number right off the bat and then look at this no matter what you type in I've tried it a bunch of different times you get money obviously because it's a scam and for their next trick they recreate the login page or all of these banks and no matter what you type in it tells you that you're getting your money and 24 to 48 hours after you verify your address and a bunch of other personal information we offer you 1000 GB internet for free staying safe and enjoying internet at home it doesn't make any sense to me when you get a text that's saying you're getting a thousand gigs of data for free maybe you fill out the form how many times a day do you wash your hands I'm gonna go with once will you stay at home to enjoy the Internet no I won't do you have symptoms no all questions answered we did not find double answers oh oh wait now I have to invite 1d friends and then click continuation oh this this seems sketchy what is all this stuff okay alright so when you click this button it's calling fn1 and if you look through the code on the website it looks like open up what's up and open up whatsapp you're you're basically inviting people to this website 20 times funny enough though every time you click it c++ set the cookie so every time you click send apparently it would just add one every single time so you can click it 20 times and then afterwards you're allowed to click continuation which takes you that's a nice-looking URL verify now who would have guessed now I have to not only are they're trying to collect your information get your contacts and have your friends come to the website but they want you to fill out a bunch of surveys and you've seen this stuff before I don't know though for a thousand GB I'm not sure what I think about this it feels real scummy and sketchy but I'm not 100 percent sure the origin of it it looks as though they're trying to help you and say whether or not you are a risk how old am i I'm 12 by the way I'm 12 I'm a 12 year old male who has a very normal temperature no symptoms whatsoever all right but now they're asking for my name and where I live in my country my mobile number five five five five five in my email nope apparently I is oh all right I'm not sure if this is trying to take advantage of people and collect their information maybe there have good intentions for it but it seems kind of sketchy I've heard from some friends that there's a lot of texts and a lot of Facebook messages going around where they're telling you that you can check yourself online or click here to receive the latest information it's all real sketchy stuff make sure you pay attention to who you're getting this information from and that it's a reliable source and although I don't have three free chicken buckets for you I do have this nice page from the FTC describing what to look out for and a great resource to share with your friends and family if especially if they're not tech savvy oh there's also new merch this video was a little bit different than some of our scam baiting stuff if you enjoyed it consider clicking the like button so I know to do more bye
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 867,633
Rating: 4.9421611 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, fraud, improv, phishing, catfishing, spam emails
Id: pImi-MKMyJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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