Amazon Alexa Scammer Caught Lying

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oh hello ma'am can you hear me yeah yeah yeah yeah having a problem here and I don't know who else to turn to with my Amazon Alexa okay what problem are you facing it doesn't quite do what it's supposed to anymore I thought I was supposed to have it work up recipes and purchase things for me it's not doing any of that I'm gonna technicians okay okay what do you see what's written over there I'm connected to your computer now you can leave your mouse I will be helping you from here now okay okay well I'm gonna catch for us well I have a I have a son he's just three year old so your son's probably only there they're learning how to cry at that age right exactly yes it's an amazing feeling are you even listening to me what I just asked you that your son must be crying and you said it was amazing yeah it is an amazing feeling to hear your baby cry well he's a small kid the tears of your child bring George joy to your year yeah yeah yeah it's a it's the biggest joy I've ever had it's a beautiful feeling well that's interesting because I'm going through the best days of my life are you some kind of a demon or something no Alexa did he put a firewall on the computer or what letters now don't play a song I'm asking about the firewall the firewall is not working in your computer I know we have a wall I know what I paid good money for that ball Pein shake Alexa she's gone rogue there's something wrong with this Alexa because it is missing your firewall that there's a reason why I could fall I paid for this call is being recorded if you do not wish to be recorded please disconnect at this time [Music] thank you for calling support this is Sam how can I help you - I'm here with my Amazon Alexa guy I paid nine hundred and ninety nine dollars for your lifetime support playing a while ago I believe we're having a problem with what did you call honey a bug yes it sounds what kind of firewall you installed on his on her computer can tell me okay okay wait wait when did I installed any firewall well I don't know if you did it but I got this is a number that I paid you um about a thousand dollars for the lifetime security plan and Ida I wasn't supposed to have any bugs or or hackers or anything but the hackers are interfering with my Amazon Alexa and all these bugs are making her making her crazy okay I'm with my friend installed I am the collections poorest I'm helping her with a lavage the only way okay so be really ma'am okay basically ma'am can you please do you have any email regarding your purchase do you have something like that and whom did you pay thousand dollars oh heavens a final I don't remember his name I think it might have been around you can do is you can you can do a chargeback on that okay did you pay no no ma'am you what you can do here is you can contact your bank okay and you can tell them to reverse the payment that is what you can do right now am i right fly the because can you tell me that which do you got did you get any recipt on that okay horrible maybe you got scammed or something Microsoft they know that Mary told scam damn no we're talking to myself no no they're not Microsoft Sam with Microsoft yeah you are you mice now she's talking to my croissant yes oh wait okay tell me a number then what's your number yeah it's a global number Microsoft does have three or four what exactly I know I relocated no I'm riding me like this because she just got scammed for $1,000 what he may not see his horse can see the score ahem so are you her lawyer are you Amy I'm a technician I'm a technician that's why my name is Ian but you are not totally alike you are not we saw her there I'm not liable to you I'm not but if I'm helping her she could scan $4,000 yeah but we never took thousand dollars on me this is all news to me so you tell on me right now then I'm not talking to the real night was off yes ma'am you're not are you not talking to how do you know yes how do you know sir that he is not talking okay and you're telling you are claiming him and you are knowing may you not give wait with you are claiming that she got scammed you are claiming that she's not talking to Microsoft Union every my sister I never asked for money and Microsoft never asked for money money so much for the money she's telling this little okay maybe no no maybe she got maybe she did pay to some wrong people but who told you have Microsoft never charged who told you I guess like yourself have some national support well I'm talking about the firewall Microsoft never charged for firewall Microsoft only charge for Microsoft charge for no no Microsoft charge for professional support services well she she is having firewall $4,000 am i right ma'am they told me that they were supporting a fire until my computer from him some infections and I need in your life Kanchana George back to work sherry care deeply I believe I believe ma'am I want to add an ironic for $10,000 you know when you pay $10,000 did they give you any phone but particular phone number to call back let me face any problem that is basically not possible because if you have a shaft number right yeah this is Microsoft number this is Microsoft number but let me tell you there is no plan like thousand dollars in Microsoft for the lifetime there is no plan in Microsoft okay maybe it was 899 know if you are saying lifetime so we do not offer anything lifetime either its one-time or either its one-year that's it only to plan like amazon election okay that is what I am pretty the winner elixir yeah we are working on that okay so okay no problem so will you charge something to her no not at all we are free support thank you ma'am and we don't charge we don't scam we don't charge anyone we don't have any $500 plan or $2,000 plan we don't charge anything you need to you need to enhance your knowledge you need to enhance your knowledge ma'am like an interview that okay problem ma'am happen to one thing you can do charge by $1,000 because that is not from Michael helper okay with that the way I see that number here I think calling that number okay can call it all on that number and you can just cut this caller from Microsoft or whomever you've called okay oh he actually just hung up great you know help you yes I'm calling about the plan and I purchase from you just had a couple questions about it I'm here with the exact my Alexa technician I guess I did you Taurus deflate appointment I guess thousand dollars yes me know with whom I'm talking to its this is a Microsoft number this is all scam well I mean honey I just need help finding out what what wall you put on my computer I'm not mad I just need to know the wall will you put on the computer that's all yes ma'am either I am the alexa technician yeah I don't know why the other guys love not talking yeah because they come because they can't talk with you they do not have the guts to talk because I am a technician I am working on this one because I can see they're still there are problems on your computer right and Microsoft never charge all this much of a meld you know and that guy sounded Indian don't you think so he was not from the state oh that doesn't bother me any well you know nice nice lady did it comes to bingo I think she's willing me well you know everyone would you everyone will talk nicely with you to take the money thank you gentlemen still there the gentleman from Microsoft no he's gone he is not able to talk to you and here I'm here ma'am okay I just need help finding out what wall you put on there sorry that's my friends computers graces I just need someone who can help me I will help you ma'am tell me what do you see on the screen right now Amazon shine and no I want to ask you what can a firewall did you put on her computer that is mighty ocean can you answer me alright yeah I played for the firewall and then yes that is what we need to know and I forgot how many years plan I paid for yeah that is what we need to know right sir can you tell me I'm are you talking to me yes yes reactivity yeah reactivity the network firewall ok the name of our time china the name of the firewall it's delphi wall Dell SonicWALL firewalls which and how do you install it why hold it on the network I'm speaking there's enough stuff to be able to fight them like really well to see I know you did a scam on a poor lady okay well where is that are you gonna see that on the computer yes I'm here so ma'am are you talking to me or are you talking to this guy well he's helping me fix my Amal on Alexa it has bugs and hammers on the network and he said that I need a firewall but I already bought a firewall from you yes ma'am so hang up the call I will help you I will fix that as you already paid to us some here's that call No can you just talk on the phone with him because he is very knowledgeable about Amazon Alexa so since I've already paid you to work for me I would appreciate it if you would work with them thank you sir can you tell me what can a firewall did you installed and where are you calling from can you tell me that at least I order I already told you each and everything now where are you calling from that is what I'm telling you asking where are you calling from calling from California well we're in California I asked you where in California which Street you don't have anything to answer California so I don't know how to answer that Oh where in California are you can you reply me sir what a firewall you what did you call it a Dell it's nothing ma'am it's nothing trust me yeah he will hung up because you know everyone is honking up the call aren't you getting the point I hope you understand now right everyone is hanging up the call board press 1 for technical support press 2 for billing and press 3 for any other systems why are you calling there's no point of going oh we need to figure this out your college very well with us you're generalizing here by the neck your late payments aboard you're speaking with Richard how can I help you mr. Richard I'm calling with my Amazon technician about a problem we're facing I already paid for the support plan from you and I believe you put a firewall on my computer what was it that was the name of firewall a picture can you explain me or did should we do a chargeback hello can you answer see they don't answer why on God's green flat earth one day aunty they're never answering you for answering me terribly for the service I just need to know what it was you put on my computer so I can get my Amazon Alexa fixed please they will never answer you because they did nothing that was my money they can't just take it well they're already dead Mel I'm sorry a little reason I considered some problems from a computer who are we here I had by you to skip a couple doctor's appointments to pay for their sorry you don't skip doctor's appointments when you're my age mm-hmm I know my like English I know I know thieves don't liars yes ma'am BR did they enjoy it so do you think they just they're too lazy to get another job I'm do a V what would you do if someone stole from your family well I would just kill him you can't do that what's wrong no I'm just I'm just telling you in a funny way I would just take it as a lesson and I would explain my grand parents that never do this again you know we should always take these things as a lesson ologist you can see on the right side these are really expensive you see this the right so they're eight and that is because you are a senior citizen and you already face lots of problem that is why we are giving you a discount and you can get it for 450 okay which one am I gonna be getting you're gonna get this one you see this okay can you click on that okay just SonicWALL TV 600 okay we're gonna install a software version on your computer okay so this is gonna come right to my house how quickly are you gonna ship it over here softer version means really we're gonna do programming or with the network oh yes yes google that for you so I can see how much it lasts ma'am it will cost around 400 recipes I can't put it on Google it is a coding building and only this is I'll show you how we do a coding okay this is called the coding you see this this is all the coding oh you're typing all that yeah see this I'm some kind of code is it and this is a coding used to install firewall over the network this help you does go fast exactly it's very fast gotta go fast are we doing exactly that is how we will install it and it will make sure for coming three years everything will be perfectly working fine for complete three years you won't pay a single penny for complete three years it will take care of everything okay that is what I can do from my side all right yeah so you're gonna you're gonna code a custom SonicWALL firewall yes yes on their computer I knew exactly exactly I got it but I thought you said you weren't gonna charge me anything there's no you're gonna be coding it all by yourself and you're gonna do it for free right I am NOT gonna do it right we have different I am NOT gonna do it we have different departments who work on this charge me anything well it's all those gammer she said our support is free we don't charge anything hours well that is why I'm talking to you for free of course wait I'm talking to you from last an hour now right I'm not charging you anything right you're not going to touch anything their code a custom firewall either but the fire will be fake that's what I'm telling you so you're a liar no you told them that the support is free yeah the support is free the fire your customer to do an to coat a firewall you said so hapless yeah it going to put on your firewall and I'm sorry I can't talk to you more it's been a lot of time I'm talking to you if you want me to help you you want a real firewall I can solve it for you what do you mean you can't talk to me anymore you should I could call you any time you're my personal technician well but for that you need to take a support plan from us wait so he said he's gonna talk to his technician it probably means he's gonna talk to the other guy in the office it keeps whispering to him alright how are we gonna complete this scam okay we work for Alexa we work for printers we work for computers okay okay so Amazon hire noodle fix yes now let me show you my companies yeah let me show you my company's address and everything okay let me show you okay okay why because you need to work with me for three years now right you should be knowing where I am from well you said you are from you said you were from Amazon before when we were talking in those Microsoft guys maybe you see this this is my company's detail this is my address now you're in Texas yes we're in Texas all my exes are from Texas oh wow yeah and this is my company here it's right understand why why did you lie to those other guys because if we didn't lie to them they won't even tell us the truth are you getting my point okay so you're saying sometimes you have to lie to get to the truth exactly that is how life works yeah you know I know a thing about that what are you searching for let me ask first you tell me I was lying to you two sorry I said I was lying to you two what what do you mean just like you were lying about working for Amazon I was lying about being a 80 year old woman I could catch you in there I could catch how you guys do your tech support scam is this nigel by the earth getting sorry is this a nigel by the way now for you okay cuz I talked to I think I talked to you a couple days ago you told me you weren't a scammer a couple days ago what would you say now after pulling up Event Viewer after saying that you were gonna say you were gonna custom code something and you typed the tree command say for yourself man you were you were pretty upset with those other scammers you said they were criminals they were thieves now what is it are you too lazy to get a job cuz that's what you said the other guys were doing Nigel that makes me mad well yeah I figured he would hang up to ya there today so if you guys want to hear the other night I'm actually one of the editors is working on getting that edited right now but the other night we talked to this guy I pretty confident it was the same exact guy it's a very night Nigel kind of a nasally voice like that so we spent 30 minutes talking to this guy before right and he was very good at his script he actually he knew some stuff I think it was the same guy he was very good at going through computers he knew uhm frankly he was diagnosing it almost the way that he should have liked the way that you actually could have found problems and there were I think there were some people in chat who thought I called a real support person and there were people who were like messaging me and donating me like hang up this guy this guy's legit until all of a sudden he said that he could he couldn't ping my Alexa device because my network was congested and he pulled up the net net stat like list of connections and I was like oh can you explain that and he hung up because he knew it like he knew and I was doing a voice like this like I was just doing my regular voice so I called back and we talked some more and you know when I said I think we'd said like no you guys are criminals whatever and they're like no they insisted that they were legit so seeing it today especially talking the same guy and how much differently it went with Edna just makes me frustrated I mean I know I've been doing this for a while and I I know that this stuff happens it's just so sad how differently the guy at he was up he was like almost lazier you know like I can just lie she won't know what she won't know what Event Viewer is she won't know what that is she won't know what this is and then going to the point where he's telling her about how all these other scammers are they're just trying to take advantage of her and he's got her back and like you know [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 307,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scams, improv, prank call, alexa, echo dot, amazon scam, gift card scam
Id: PLxRbmFG4Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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