I Clean Up After Murders, Meth Labs & Serial Killers | Informer

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I'm a crime scene cleaner you just never know what you're gonna walk into I've seen a lot of stabbings shootings machete attacks assaults it's blood on the streets I have found drugs that the police missed one time my co-workers were shot at enough job cleaning we ended up doing a house where the nun had been a serial killer it was so grimy think of the movie Saw there are Camry's everywhere we also do hoarders I've seen past nugget Decon in every possible area you could think of nothing surprises me anymore a little bit of semen and a job it's nothing I see though and I say at least it's contained I experienced a lot of loss and death when I was a child so it always made me curious about death I don't know what the scene looks like until I got there I receive a call I got an address and I go to that address I would describe it as unpredictable always be prepared for the worst even if it's a 15-minute cleanup the first time I saw a ton of brain I was shocked I was gonna say when you go to clean brain it mushes into the ground it doesn't just come off you kind of have to pick up every little piece before you start scrubbing because it's almost like a mucousy type of texture this woman fell and hit her head and died from head trauma when she started decomposing her cat started eating her brains and the car ended up dying there was actually still cat food in the carpet so the cat preferred its humans brains over actual cat food when you're dealing with surviving victims it's often the worst point in time in their life and then at a job that I did his house flooded on and he had just finished fixing up his house using his life savings I think that was it for him and he burnt his Bible outside and went into his little hobby room and shot himself when I got there the wife was in shock she took me over to where the Bible was burnt and just looked at me and said he just overreacted I basically had to pull up all the carpeting and clean the subfloor and do content cleaning because it obviously it splatters everywhere I thought I would get better with dealing with surviving victims but I'd never get any better I stayed ashamed this child actually nearly gave me a breakdown we got on scene all the windows were broken the door was broken down there was glass everywhere and apparently the stepfather who shot his worth and then he shot his sister-in-law and then he sat down on the side of his wife and he shot himself I did my job and I cried all the way home but this is different and this one was like crying spells you know anger I get really irritable and I'm not really able to do anything else except for my job one time my co-workers were shot at enough job cleaning they showed us at this trailer that needed to be cleaned and there was a nun who was cooking meth he wasn't supposed to be there but when they got there they basically told him he needed to leave or else they call the police the guy said if I had a gun right now I would shoot you he left on my co-workers got started all of a sudden they heard something and they didn't really think anything of it but when they went to the leave later on there were fresh bullet holes on the side of the trailer that they had just been working in he went to his vehicle grabbed the gun and shot out of anger it doesn't seem like he was really trying to shoot the gun he probably put it if he wanted to I have found drugs that the police missed it happens a lot more on scene and we will find either shell casing that the police missed or about enough cocaine marijuana you name it and now that I found it it is compromised because it could have been long it could have been somebody else's that walked on it's not all homicides and suicides there was this one God that had been cooking nuts in a really high-end apartment complex it had a ton of money nice cars nice equipment in his house and he had been cooking nuts and took off before the police found his meth lab he was also shooting porn in his apartment so entering this apartment he could smell a really strong smell of cinnamon earned everything was slippery everything on the floors everything the walls the couches everything had cinnamon flavored lube all of it there was so much of it that we actually had to pull off the laminate floor and because it made it through he was actually saving his own semen he had two containers full of semen it was really gross we also ended up doing a house where the nun had been a serial killer it was so grimy think of the movie saw that ring that they're stuck in it reminded me of that that's what his bathroom reminded me of they were cameras installed in the home facing every direction in every single hallway there was a camera facing you so I cleaned this guy's bathroom and I couldn't help but think he was getting ready in here looking at himself in the mirror before he went and did all these really screwed up things to people and it's a really dark cold feeling that you get over you I'll definitely see the world differently there are dangers everywhere I would love to say that this job makes me more empathetic and more passionate but it doesn't I think it desensitized me yeah concerned with my own mental health now because how am I supposed to do this job if I just fall apart
Channel: VICE
Views: 4,238,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Informer, informer vice, informer series vice, serial killer, meth lab, murders, homicide, crime scene, crime, crime scene cleaner, murder, mystery, documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide, vice.com, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, short films, movies, vice news, vice tv, vice money, true crime, true crime stories, forensic
Id: x5XjEH5ukp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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