I CHEATED in Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach

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up close you look even scarier oh look i'm walking you thought it was over did ya well no today we are back in five nights at freddy's security breach where today i'm doing something special that i don't think many people have done i have a full cheats menu available in the game so there's quite a few things that i want to try i am in a completely different save i am at 1am i think i'm on security level 2 and there's a reason i did that because i didn't want to corrupt my main save just in case we go and do some other stuff and i want to prove to you that this works so i haven't actually tried it yet however let's press this and it should come up any second now yes there it is this is the debug menu for security breach if you're excited for this leave a like subscribe if you're brand new as well that would be awesome so we can do a lot of things we can unlock everything lock everything teleport coordinates change our security level change our field of view there's so much you can literally add anything you want to your inventory what kind of stuff am i seeing here um rare item nine ultra item one uncommon you can add jump scares to your inventory the cube of testing strange cube thingamabob what earth freddy slash gregory oh we can give literally everything to freddy so let's um let's do that missions you can access every single mission what are these though roxy boss vani boss burn trap boss oh my god it was called burn trap okay that makes sense instruction cards and just random other stuff which we'll try out too first up let's unlock everything and see what happens so we should have oh no i've got the achievements okay i'm a bad person and then we've got this as well i don't know what the vip achievement is maybe it's collecting every item that could be it i'm a bad person please don't copy me let's go into inventory oh look at this weird stuff what's this nightmare healthy healthy and nightmare healthy a hoodie upgrade what's the hoodie upgrade baking bag the mystery mix which we've already found they must have changed it clothing is like a full menu and this is where all the random items are strange cube cube of testing thingamabob the cds okay i need to work on the cds tragedy and comedy mask dude there is so much stuff in this game i thought i'd found pretty much everything but apparently not i don't know what the hoodie upgrade is that's really random anyway what i really want to try out here is security level 100 and now i want to go into flying mode also i don't know what that's gonna do it could also crash i have no idea oh i got it to work here it is check it out flying mode so we're not even playing as gregory right now we are just a separate entity flying around this is dope it's cool how gregory has a full character but i guess we've kind of seen that already because you have the cameras on the watch now apparently i should be able to clip through everything what this is gonna be super buggy because it's a very hitchy game anyway but this is sick does this mean we'll be able to see all of the animatronics as well just roaming around i guess we can now we can see what's behind these doors oh this is a corridor we haven't seen before this is an exit room isn't it so we can go through here and that's the actual exit door but it doesn't let you go through to this corridor that's kind of cool yeah look everyone's operational this is the laundry room wait you spoiled me how can you see me what on earth yeah this is where i wanted to be check it out we're in the main area just flying around this is nuts now i'm pretty sure there is a security level 10 door right here yeah it says 10 on it i could fly right through it but i kind of want to bring gregory over here and open it normally because i could do that so give me a second i'll reload and get security level 100 and then come over here so we want security level 100 i wonder what this does as well i want to change this to a hundred as well oh oh if only they had an actual fov slider this looks so good what else do we want to get we want to get unlimited stamina we want everyone shattered as well i don't know what the vani meter is we want all the upgrades for freddy right now and we can change the clock to 6 a.m i think that's all done oh i also want the faz blaster as well i want to try 120 on this oh that looks so good i don't know if i'm just used to it in minecraft but look at the fov i wish you could play like this the whole time right i'm gonna go to that security door i have the fast blaster i have everything ready to go and unlimited stamina this is this is cool i'm hacking this is what i was looking for everything just looks so much better you can see so much with the fov much higher here it is the security level 10 door shall we open it let's see oh wait i didn't actually expect it to have anything in wait hold up we got bins loads of random shelving in a staircase i didn't actually expect this to have anything in it there's umbrellas in here so they've actually dressed this i thought this was going to be hidden for a reason there's a plush down here what's through this door oh okay never mind yep we're um we're in the void oh god there is a void it's cool that there's actually something behind it though right let me go and find some other security level 10 doors i'm sure there was a level 10 in here was it this one oh yeah yeah it was this one there's screens up there oh that bits the um that's the mini game at the top where you kind of have to block the doors and zap them okay i kind of want to walk in there's another door down there but if i walk in i think i'm gonna wait hold on you can actually go through them freddy's t posing oh this is a perfect easter egg he's deposited all right you can actually go in here fine lift oh god i'm i'm triggering all kinds of stuff right now i actually feel weird oh this is this section okay that makes sense we've been here before you just can't come back here because there's the stage 10 i think next on my list is trying son's room so you remember the daycare i don't know what's going to trigger because i can't remember where we are in the story but i want to go in sun's room where he jumps out at the beginning and see if there's anything behind there obviously there might not be but it's worth checking there's also band doors i want to go in or go behind as well let's see what we can find slide no no no no don't snitch no one likes a snitch so can you not go down here he's like oh i love the two sun and moon animatronics they're so sick fine if you don't let me in i'm busting in this the room right here it does have some decoration to it oh oh i am so dumb this is where you get that secret golden plush no way this is where the balloon world minigame is i didn't even think about that some of you guys probably put it in the comments when i was in here but my fun day me oh this is so strange i did not think that's where sun came out of that's weird that's that's who was living there the whole time that's actually mad look at the mess he lives in though it's kind of gross is he drawing these or are these like visions from me because look he's like drawn me with freddie and a pizza but freddie's got these crazy claws and stuff that is not what i thought was behind there right gregory where we going next we're in the bowling area because i want to see if there's anything behind this curtain right here is bonnie here because bonnie's been missing the whole time no trace at all let's see if there's anything behind here there is a stage there is bonnie ball but that is it that is the only thing that's behind here it's so weird seeing the behind the scenes of a game that you're not meant to see but the stage is there it's fully formed if bonnie would like to make a return she can next thing i want to try is in missions you can try these bosses vani boss i don't know what that is burn trap let's click that it doesn't actually do anything oh wait it does what have i done i clicked it way too many times oh it just puts you there it just puts you right here it teleports you there that's kind of cool now the reason i want to go down here is because i want to go to that final room and then use the fly and see what happens i am definitely sure let's go god this game looks so much better with this massive field of view it looks sorry i haven't actually seen that guy up close he's freaky let's go oh there's doors here as well that we haven't opened okay that's just the desk and there's just voids behind there i wonder if there is actually stuff though problem is when we go into flying mode i can't get out of it so i'm gonna go down here i think i gave freddie all his upgrades so we should be good oh no you are on low power do not kill me now buddy can you not get in um okay this is a problem this is a big problem can you make it down there so i think if i go down here by myself i get jump scared right let's see what happens oh it won't let me down there that's kind of crazy i think i'm gonna get jump scared i think i'm gonna get jump scared freddy can you come down here please oh my god that scared me i knew it was i knew something was coming but i haven't actually been jump scared by that before freddie you need to protect me next time since freddy won't come down with me i'm gonna have to fly and see what happens this is i don't wanna get jumpscared again is this it this is it here wait is this different wait what is this are these the afton rooms yeah because these are the corridors right here this is the room that you're in but this is the corridor you go down and these are the rooms that you see again very dirty little boiler room and this is where he starts to hack freddy these are the things you're cooking with kind of crazy that there's a recharge point in here why would that why would that be there and then there's the third room here maybe he recharges himself it's cool to see these rooms though oh doesn't he get out of that in the cut scene yeah i think he gets out of this because this is pre-cut scene right now oh this is the vent they actually modeled the entire event as well i kind of want to see how this works when the actual boss fight is happening this is the jump scare material right here that's actually quite a scary animatronic the way it's breathing and stuff there's chica with stuff coming out of her mouth his body in here yeah maybe that might be bonnie's hand oh there's baby there too oh it's made up of loads of different ones foxy's in there wait what is that fun time foxy this is cool to see actually i think this auto save right here is the auto save before the boss fight it is okay this is my legit save but we are going to completely destroy it now because we're furthering the game we should be able to have all the upgrades for freddy we should be able to charge as well and go down and trigger the cutscenes okay i still can't charge freddie can go down though but i can charge when i'm down here here we go avoid the jump scare at least you've got to see a new jump scare that was kind of cool and then we fall down here here we go so i need to go when we're in there we need to go into fly mode and just see what happens i want to see who is in the vent as well oh this is why you can see an event because it's in the cut scene there he is oh he's so cool i wish you could like play as him or something they need a five nights at freddy's game from the animatronic perspective that'll be so good there he is what was that let's push it let's go quickly into flying mode with no collision yeah here we go oh it's weird seeing this he's in here so we can go through there there he is holy i never realized you look so freaky up close you look even scarier okay that's the scariest animatronic look at that it's chica okay we are gonna die though which is a problem oh looking walking that's so dope we're gonna die and this is him hacking him through the thing chica's coming chica's coming i didn't actually see what happens when freddie gets taken over is it just a jump scare maybe even this looks weird in third person gregory's looking at the floor like no no if i don't look it's not happening we just swim jump scare in third person that was actually kind of sick so you can watch all of the animatronics get you in third person with this mod that's so good next on my list the band doors i think i might need to go into flying mode to open these because i can't just walk in there as gregory so number one let's go inside and see what is in here nothing nothing behind this one there is two doors though this one's smaller oh wait there's a door here something's gonna load oh oh that stall where's that door then there's like a secret arcade in here have we been here i don't think we have there's a game table are we in the other side of the daycare i think we are so you come in there which when you come in the door disappears which is super weird and then what if we go through this door oh it's the secret room down here the fazcade in the in the daycare but it's got these one-way mirrors on so no we've never been in there before but you can actually access it and it's got loads of arcade games in it that's kind of crazy again i want to play all of these games but they're not active that's kind of cool so there are loads of hidden areas that are all built and ready to go but they haven't been accessed yet so maybe just maybe there might be some dlc there's an actual crane game here too with moon and sun in let me just test that by going back through here we should end up where gregory is gregor yeah there he is hey buddy you know what i never really got a good look at you with no eyes it kind of looks like you've been bleeding jesus the eye sockets but nothing else god these animatronics are so cool i love the destroyed versions more than the actual versions one other thing i just thought of are these right here so this is glam rock's beauty salon i don't know if there's gonna be anything behind here oh those are the doors that lead into this beard okay that makes a lot more sense we didn't spend a lot of time in this area but it was a really cool area apart from that i don't think there's anything new there's just a random backstage area here where have we ended up now where are we oh we're up in the stands of roxy raceway we haven't actually seen the raceway because the raceway is a cutscene you can't actually get onto the track but here it is i wish there was a mini game to play on this though that would be so good if the boss fight could have involved some form of actual driving that had been really nice but you know what i think that's all i can think of for doing today let me know in the comments section down below if there's anything else that you would like me to try i think i've covered everything i covered some of the security tenders the shutter doors you can't get past well i hope you enjoyed i thought this was interesting if you did leave a like that'd be awesome subscribe if you're brand new and i'll see you in the next one superstars bye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,051,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny, fnaf
Id: lh0Funkuz90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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