Pokemon in REAL LIFE - Kanto Edition

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have you ever wished that pokemon could be real when  i was a kid i wanted nothing more than for pokemon   to be available in the real world so let's take a  look at what some of them would actually look like   if they were real and of course if you liked  the video don't forget to like and subscribe   to the channel if you're new if you want to see  more things like this ah okay now terrible start   bulbasaur's a cutie but this thing is not  so cute i think there's gonna be a theme of   these not gonna be as cute as we originally  hoped let's have a look at some of these other   ones but bubba's not not so cute i don't mind  the ivysaur though the ivysaur is kind of cool   but the venusaur i think i see what they're trying  to do here but the eyes are tiny i don't know what   happened as it evolved it had much tinier eyes but  the rest of it looks very cool i really like the   teeth very dangerous very cool dinosaur-like  charmander which is very cute i like that   charming is pretty cool too all right that shows  that's pretty badass but its arms are so little   it reminds me of the what cartoon is that and  it's like i have a big head but little arms like it like t-rex i don't know about  the arms but the rest of it's very cool   squirtle's adorable squirrel's my favorite  pokemon of all time i love squirrel his eyes are   giant my god what totals kinda okay blastoise  again with final evolution with the tiny eyes   i don't know what's going on there but that  looks awesome i like the feel they've got   with the cannons as well they're not  sort of metallic they're more like   bones i guess which is probably more true which  is kind of cool canopy very creepy very creepy   metapod very cool with the eyes i love the  shining eyes that looks pretty cool i like that   a lot butterfree okay that's not too bad i was  afraid they were going to do us dirty weedle is   very ugly very very ugly i don't think it's that  bad of a pokemon but real life very very creepy   kakuna okay don't really know what they've gone  there beedle wow that was like a chaotic bedroom   oh my god bg's kind of cute that looks like a  sparrow that they've sort of done up a little bit   the photoshop very cool i don't mind that at all  pidgeotto pretty cool too i like that definitely   more like real world looking i suppose pgo is  pretty cool too all right that retarder someone's   just got a purple filter and put it on a rat  that's all i don't know how i feel about that but   uh okay that raticate is badass that is very very  cool that's more like what raticate should be it's   kind of scary and creepy than not something you  want to see but very very cool i like that a lot   sphero kind of cool bird i guess fire looks pretty  cool too i like that all right same with the red   tata they've just done that in photoshop to put  the color over a regular snake which i guess isn't   too not true i guess arbok again same kind of  thing so our box should be big though arbok is a   big pokemon that's just a cobra sized pokemon it's  not big like in the anime right detective pikachu   of course nice and easy ride shoot what's wrong  she went to texas pikachu i don't remember but   that one definitely looks like detective pictures  kind of styled there sandra i love sandshrew but   i don't know that's that's not really it the  sand slash is very cool though i think sandshrew   and sandslash are very underrated pokemon just in  general sandshrew not sure sandslash looks pretty   cool i like that neither that's very cute that  is very not so cute more dinosaur like i guess   kind of like the charmander vibe that we had  earlier not bad not bad neither could that's very   cool i like that a lot i like that the nidoran was  very cute need a queen very cool i like that a lot   that's very cool hopefully needed oh no what have  they done my boy i love neutron male and just the   whole nidoking line but god nidon female is  amazing they've done us dirty with this one   my god that poor nidoran male oh god nidorino  looks like an old man there's a lot of wrinkles   need okay okay okay he's like an old man but now  he's badass that is intense oh that looks pretty   cool oh that's very clefairy he's very cute okay  very cute what is that like a rabbit or a mouse   or something i don't know clefable kind of kid too  i don't mind it it's all right is that it is that   someone in a fur suit that vulpix what is what  is that all about that that does not look alright   see that is so much better why don't they use that  vulpix in the first picture that first one was not   it but this vulpix is so much cuter they've got  the 9000 the vulpix together that would be perfect   not what we had just before yikes okay jiggly  very cute i'm glad they kept with the giant eyes   wigglytuff kind of the clefairy line as well  very similar zubat wow that is very very creepy   that's pretty cool though i like that it's  pretty badass very cool golbat again very   very creepy damn look at that mouth what that  tongue do though damn that looks cool artists   i don't know about the oddish they're not that's  disgusting great good violet violet had such a   simple basic face it's just dot dot smile uh i  don't know about that the detail in the petals at   the top though is very cool but the face i'm not  sure about that is a creepy paris the eyes have   gone up like 10 times in size jesus that is creepy  parasect very creepy as well there's definitely   a creepy vibe going on wow that he's fluffy is  venom that meant to be fluffy that is very fluffy   wow i wasn't expecting that at all venom often  kind of cool not all that different i suppose   diglett what else could it be i want to see  underground that would be kind of cool but uh   i guess it's a mole but that noise is kind  of weird but that's cool that's all right   don't treat okay i'm kind of glad that i kept  with the theme there that's a lot better oh the   mouth is very cute i love the meowth that's very  cute i like that a lot persian okay that's my   compuma which is very cool psyduck that's creepy  that's from detective pikachu right i think so   gold looks kind of cute okay okay they're  definitely gone with i guess what looks more   like a platypus kind of build here having it on  fours in a burrow i guess kind of cool though   kind of cool wow that monkey is very ugly but very  very well done this definitely i think is one of   the ones that looks the most like what it would  be if it was in real life this mutation thing i   think that's very cool actually i like that a  lot prime map is very cool too very very cool   oh growlithe looks derpy don't you think he looks  dirty this is the potential to like be really   cool and he's derpy and even his front paws he's  like doing this i don't know like i guess in the   picture he only has two like claws but i don't  know it kind of looks weird he looks very dirty   hopefully arcanine's better okay arcanite's very  cool i love arcane that's a very cool one don't   know what's going on here with the poliwag  i mean i guess it's just a tadpole but that   that's wow that's a bit weird too polly whales  don't look more like a frog okay polly okay   that looks pretty cool i do like the polywrath  i don't know about the whole butt crack in the   fists kind of thing but that's that's pretty cool  i like that a lot abra is very cute too i like it   kadabra looks scary look at the detail in like  the mustache i love it that looks very cool come   on alakazam all right alakazam's pretty cool too  i do like it i like the detail dude mid-shot looks   like he's gonna beat up a [ __ ] damn all right  that looks pretty cool he's a bit scary yeah my   choke looking good too looking tough all right all  right not too bad not too bad wow i feel they've   gotten too detailed on the bellsprout just a  little too much detail that guy looks creepy   a lot of these pokemon there we go i think we're  a lot creepier than what we would hope they would   be if they were in real life a victory that looks  awesome though seems that is unnecessarily creepy   antenna cool in real life would be scary but  now they've just made it even worse my god   tanda crew looks very cool though that's  something you don't see in the depths of the ocean   wow the geodude is so detailed look at that  like the cracks in the rock that looks very cool   very very cool i like that a lot yep gravel looks  badass as well so does the golem oh i love it they   grabbed a lot more teeth as well ponytail looks  very cool they made it very cute the detail in   the eyes i think makes it very cute i like that  that's really cool yep rapidash very cool as   well i like it wow all right this is not what i  thought slowpoke would be like i really like the   detail with moss growing on its back because it  moves so slowly that is very cool okay the more   i look at this the more i like it if like little  hairs or the whiskers like on the on the front   look very cool i like that that's very cool too  i think i like them a lot more than i originally   thought that's cool i like even just the scratches  in the middle there is very cool in the magnamite   yep and the magneton too very cool i like that  oh that looks cool the five fantasy definitely   looks more duck like i guess maybe just because  of the shape of the bill but very cool i like   that wow what's with the tiny eyes a lot of tiny  eyed pokemon i guess i guess dodo i don't know not   meant to have big eyes not all the smart i guess  still very cute i don't know about the slobber on   the tongue but very cute very cute jugong's pretty  cool too i like that qigong's not bad okay grime   is very creepy which i guess is what you want but  i think it's those eyes doesn't even have pupils   mark looks very creepy too i like that that's  cool see shoulders i feel shelters could have   been a lot cuter has it got like a fishing lure on  its tongue got caught i don't know wow okay that's   not what you'd think i've always i've always  wanted to know let me go back a little bit   what the insider close to would be like because  we don't really get much detail uh still feel like   we don't have a lot of detail but very creepy  those teeth wow the teeth are very different   okay guys this is kind of cool i'm not sure  how that was going to do ghastly haunter is   very creepy i like that a lot gengar very very  creepy as well i know a lot of people's favorite   pokemon is gengar but just look at the teeth the  difference in the the difference in the teeth is   huge from just going straight to jagged and  pointy definitely looks a lot more sinister   very interesting oh okay onyx is covered in sand  not bad not bad don't mind that okay drows it's   kind of cool definitely look more like a  tape here which is cool your hypnos well   looking like a tapia which is very  cool very detailed again on the   frill i guess around his neck very hairy  that's cool oh dude is that crabby i would   thought that would be like a kingla but that's  a crabby kingly's gonna be like ginormous right   oh okay nevermind that's a bit of a letdown i feel  like it could almost be swapped the detail in it   all right top is very shiny i'm not sure what  happened there they gave him a good polish so   very very shiny on the voldsorb that electrode is  very different though that is really cool that's   interesting the change they made on the  eyes from just simple dots to that purple   very detailed kind of eye very interesting i  like it a lot okay exit execute me that's all   right exeggutor kind of cool i like the detail on  the body of the tree kind of like the bark that's   pretty cool cubone's a cutie i like him a lot not  so cute but kind of again going with that sort of   dinosaur vibe that we're seeing on a few pokemon  which is kind of cool i like that wow oh gee   i don't know about that here monday the detail  the legs are very cool like the the spring   but why is it so skinny why is why can you see  like it's ribs under his eyes i guess that looks   kind of weird i don't know him on chan giving  us groot vibes like a tongue okay you know like   a tongue could have been a lot worse than what  that is to be honest that could have been a lot   worse that's all right coughing somehow they  made it cute with like the derpy kind of smile   which is kind of cool wheezing very detailed  makes it look wrinkly and old oh oh okay okay okay   this is very cool this is a very different take  to what i expected for rhyhorn that is very cool   i like that a lot with the grass on it very cool  bridal's kind of cool too not bad but that right   home was very cool that chansey is very different  oh my god it's very fl it's like a rabbit i guess   is the kind of look that they were going  for not bad very different not bad tangle   looking kind of creepy which is cool i like  the eyes kangaskhan kind of cool too the little   baby kangaskhan's looking kind of cute that's  kind of cool i don't mind that which is maybe   a little bit bigger why does horsey look old  why is it got bags around its eyes it look   it looks like it's old horsey's like a baby  and then the anime is just cute and helpless this is a there's looking oh that horsey  cedra looking badass though very very cool   goldie not has got too much detail i would  say that's a little bit weird those bumps   look like a brain out there seeking looking kind  of hopeless but kind of cool i like that starry   very cool actually looking like a starfish with  the detail around it i like that a lot that's cool   same with starmie yep very cool i like them a lot  mr mime unfortunately from uh detective pikachu   but uh i guess it could have been a lot worse for  mr mime scyther looking very cool he looks a lot   skinnier than i would have expected i guess  i guess he's kind of a skinny pokemon anyway   but uh that looks pretty cool i like  that i wish we could see the blade ah i kind of forgot the jinx was coming up i  kind of wish that it wasn't like it's hard to   improve on jinx they tried i guess she's i guess  kind of skinny than you would think but god it's   god they didn't do it any favors they  didn't have much of a starting base though   is looking kind of cool i like it i like it  a lot okay okay magma definitely going with   the duck bill as a as a prominent feature here  which is very interesting definitely made it   like a bit skinnier as well so that's kind of  cool i like the look that they did with magma   that's pretty cool and the flames on his head too  wow pincer just out of bloody stranger things out   here my god that is creepy i love it that is  very cool tauros looking like a bull what can   you expect magikarp okay it's pretty close to  the original oh wow okay gyarados could have   gone a lot of ways here i don't know if this is it  though i think they could have done a lot better   with gyarados unfortunately it's very chunky and  i guess not as scary as you would hope it was   i don't know maybe because it's the side on view  lapras again with the tiny eyes lapras wow i love   all of it except his face if it had bigger  eyes that maybe would have been a bit cool   it's also got like whiskers coming out which is  a new addition as well the rest of it's amazing   um i love like the little features swimming around  it too and on the back of its shell but those eyes   they're not it they're tiny oh it's a cutie diddy  what else could they do really eevee very cute all   right when we're talking about cute pokemon in  the real world i think eevee is what we all want   right if you had a cute little pokemon i think  we all want an eevee let's see these evolutions   that'd be really cool okay vaporeon not looking at  like a seal maybe like a puppy johnson definitely   looking like a puppy flair yeah okay these are  cute these are cute none of these are going bad   paragon i guess what else could you do you have to  animate something right okay i don't mind that it   definitely looks more like an octopus especially  with the eyes but very detailed which is very cool   i like that a lot i'm gonna start not bad not bad  kabuto okay i guess i have something to work off   from the real life anyway with like horseshoe  crabs or something but uh not bad not bad   cabood shops i was thinking i was like i wonder if  they'll give it a similar kind of vibe to pinsta   they really did this kind of looks like cypher and  pincer in like how deadly i guess it could be or   how creepy it is so that's very cool aerodactyl  looks amazing i love that i love the purple on   the wings as well that is very cool that's exactly  what i wanted there with daxil to look like i love   that that is really cool oh why are you still like  so fluffy okay articuno looks cool that looks cool   zapdos yep these are looking cool i love  it i love it moltres looks very cool too   like a lot of those wow look at the detail  on the tratini dratini always looks so smooth   and now it looks like it's got scales and it's  swimming which is really cool that seems to make   it a little horn on the forehead as well very cool  very cool is that a rock what what is that oh my   god from tratini to this i don't know about that  dragon that's kind of looking like charizard see   charizard had very short arms if you remember  this has much longer so i feel this should be   more like a charizard this uh this kind of  looks weird for a dragon it doesn't have the   the chunk to it the dragonite classically has  you two looking badass okay that's good and mu's   looking adorable oh i love it mu's very cute and  they continue to make it cute how awesome is that   so out of all the cancer which one do you think  was your favorite and which one do you think was   the worst ones let me know in the comment below  also let me know if you want to see more videos   like this as well and don't forget to subscribe  to the channel if you haven't before thanks guys
Channel: Metalfear4
Views: 3,930,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon in real life, pokemon, pokemon in real life 2022, all pokemon in real life, kanto, kanto pokemon, pokemon funny, gen 1 pokemon, charizard, pikachu, real life pokemon, best kanto pokemon, strongest kanto pokemon, real pokemon, dratini, dratini pokemon, charizard pokemon, real pikachu, real charizard, real mew, real mewtwo, pokemon real life, mew, mewtwo, real world pokemon, metalfear4, fakemon, fakemon pokedex, fakemon region, fakemon dex
Id: qC7xSJO8kqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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