I Caught The SPILLWAY Monster!!! (New PB!) - BIGGEST Fish in Over A YEAR!!!

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it feels big it really didn't oh my gosh it's a monster what's going on everybody nick from 68 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure patrolman he walked by asked me where i'm going said if the sun set on me there i'd never make it home in today's cold and rainy episode i am heading to one of the biggest spillways if not the biggest in my area i've been there a bunch of times but i've never had much luck but i know that this spot has the potential of hiding some real monsters so i'm excited to get out there and hopefully hook into one [Music] i made it to the fishing spots and it is a pretty dreadful day which might actually work out in my favor because i have this giant spillway all to myself let's get some baits out there and see what we can hook into now like i've said i've never had much luck fishing beneath this spillway but i brought a couple baits that i've never tried out here i'm feeling pretty optimistic and here they are i brought some kool-aid soaked chicken and kool-aid soaked hot dogs i'm gonna give both of these a shot i've tried the chicken before but i've never tried these hot dogs and a lot of you have recommended it we're gonna try it today i also brought some night crawlers in case everything else fails while i wait for something to pick up that hot dog i'm also going to be tossing around this white curly tail grub [Music] and this wind is really picking up not giving up quite yet i'm actually going to move a little bit further downstream where the water is a little calmer toss my bait size hopefully turn this day around we will see oh my gosh you guys i thought i was snagged please stay on i was literally about to leave no way no way no way i hooked into something heavy i was literally that was gonna be my last cast i'm not even joking what in the world did i just get into i cannot believe this right now oh my gosh no it's off you've got to be kidding me no no no no no no oh that is so unfortunate okay a few more casts what a horrible day of fishing not only was it freezing raining and windy if it was not for that last fish which was a really nice fish i would have gone the entire day without a single bite the first day of this adventure was a pretty bad day of fishing but we are now on day two it's freezing outside and i am heading to a spillway that is almost two hours away i'm hoping the drive is worth it we're gonna find out [Music] okay i just made it to the spillway luckily it is not frozen over i was worried that it would have ice on the top of it that is not the case at all but unfortunately i have not even started fishing yet and i can already not feel my fingers so this is going to be a very interesting day of fishing let's get some baits up there and hopefully catch something i've never fished here with the water this high and unfortunately i don't think i'll actually be able to cast my lure up inside the spillway but anyways i'm going to start with this chartreuse curly tail grub let's toss it around and see if something wants to pick it up oh is that a fish fish on guys fish on fish on fish on it feels big it really didn't oh my gosh it's a monster oh my gosh you guys he was sitting inside that spillway i was barely able to cast the lure up inside there i'm hooked into a massive fish there's a herd of deer running by me all mayhem is breaking loose the seagulls are starting to come over oh i hope i can land this fish i have not gotten a positive idea on this fish yet but it is one of the biggest fish i've ever had on the end of my line jeez all right gotta stay calm i really want to land this fish i don't think he's gonna fit in the net guys i don't think he's gonna fit in the net and we're going back inside the spillway dang there we go holy cow you guys i believe it's a big head carp and he is hooked in the mouth with my grub that is absolutely insane this is a new personal best big head carp without a doubt without a doubt the question is how big is it the net weighs 2.1 pounds the weight of the fish inside the net 24.2 pounds this fish is coming in right at 22 pounds a new personal best big head carp what a beast i hate to do it to this fish but the big head carp is a highly invasive species and it's illegal to release one once you've caught it he is going to be going home to my freezer that fish right there just made all of the struggle and the two-hour drive worth it i'm never a big fan of catching asian carp but that guy right there was a blast to catch what an awesome fish let's go ahead and toss out one of those kool-aid soaked hot dogs to see if there's any big fish that want to pick one of these up i've got a kool-aid soaked hot dog on that rod on this one i'm gonna continue tossing around that chartreuse curly tail grub i don't know if you guys could tell but there are a ton of small yellow bass that got washed out from the spillway so there could be some monsters feasting on these fish all right that was a pretty good cast here we go fish on i was able to skip that cast way up in there oh it's a buffalo yes yes yes yes yes yes this is a nice one there we go nice buffalo picked up the chartreuse curly tail grub my personal best buffalo is 9.2 pounds this is not going to beat it but it's definitely one of the bigger ones that i've ever landed see you later buddy man that water is freezing i was very concerned that i'd go two days without catching a single fish and i am so relieved that that is not the case let's see what we can hook into next we are getting ice on the guides which is making casting very difficult [Music] no way oh my gosh you guys i thought i was stuck on a rock that is not a rock that is not a rock this is a fish this is a fish it was sitting directly on the bottom i've been slowly retrieving that curly tail grub because this water is freezing cold and whatever fish i have a feeling are going to be hanging out on the bottom and that's exactly where this guy was now what in the world is it that is the question oh my gosh okay i just saw it not sure what it is yet oh dang it it is a appears to be a silver carp not what i was hoping to catch today oh easy buddy oh my gosh he's not giving up there we go finally got him inside the nets he did not want to give up fighting this guy was an incredible fighter but unfortunately he is not going back in the water because like the big head carp he is an invasive species all right this is a little sketchy but we're gonna make it work [Music] not a single bite on the hot dog unfortunately and i am freezing so i think i might go ahead and call it today went a whole lot better than the first day of this adventure because i was actually able to catch something not only that i was able to catch a few fish including a new personal best big head carp and a really nice buffalo so all in all i had a lot of fun if you guys enjoyed this episode i'd really appreciate it if you left a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't i will catch you guys on the next one slipping silent through the creek pounds to lose my sin i went up a tree and i watch them turn wondering where i will well my bait's gone um i'm gonna need that if i want to catch a fish well that's unfortunate i don't know you guys my drone is currently flying away let's go ahead and land this thing before i lose it because i just about lost in the woods
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 353,954
Rating: 4.9366851 out of 5
Id: qtpthw8ScwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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