The "SNAG" That Started SWIMMING!!! (3 Spillways in ONE Day!)

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there's no way that's a fish oh my gosh it is that feels quite a bit heavier than that last fish it's massive what's going on everybody nick from 608 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure [Music] just wait and see after a frigid a couple of weeks i am very excited for today because it is over 50 degrees which is crazy because last week it was in the negatives i'm going to take advantage of this nice weather head to a spillway that i have not been to in a very long time hopefully we'll be able to catch some big fish i just made the hour and a half drive to my fishing spot only to find that there is a layer of ice on top of the water i'm heading to another spillway it is relatively close hopefully i'll have some open water [Music] i've only been to this fishing spot once before it's been over a year let's see if we can catch some fish okay i brought a variety of baits but there is one that i am very excited to try out and here it is it's kind of hard to tell but i've actually got some shrimp some pretty big shrimp soaked in jello i've got a lime jello and some type of blue jello i'm going to try out both of these see if i can catch anything with this strange bait it does not appear to be very deep directly beneath these waterfalls i'm going to start by tossing out my little ultralight lure let's see if anything wants to pick it up all right i think it's time to move a little bit further downstream to find some deeper water i can't feel the ground underneath all right i've got that shrimp on this rod on my other one i'm going to toss around this curly tail grub [Music] well i've been fishing here for a few hours without a single bite and there's really not many spots for me to fish so i think it's time to change up locations it's a it's been a rough one and that is putting it nicely i am currently heading an hour and a half south to yes another spillway yes that is three spillways in a single day hopefully i'll have some better luck there [Applause] [Music] all right guys we have made it to spot number three which is a spillway that you may recognize but uh i've actually never had much luck here i knew that the water was going to be open so hopefully we'll be able to hook into some fish [Music] did i just hook something guys no way i cannot believe it i believe i have a fish on the end of my line and it feels heavy oh please let me lay on this fish i thought i was snagged please please please stay on oh my gosh okay this is bigger than what i was thinking the sun just set and it is getting dark quick there are so many snags down there okay i've got to concentrate i think i'm gonna try to reel on my other rod he's heading right for it come on okay what in the world is on the end of my line i've never had much luck at this spillway and this fish right here may turn that around the only question is can i land it i really don't want to try horsing him because this line is pretty light to say that fishing has been tough would be an understatement i don't think i've even gotten a single bite before this fish oh my gosh what is that i just saw a fin out of the water still don't know what it is oh it is a silver carp and i foul hooked it on its dorsal fin with my curly tail grub oh geez okay i'm not a fan of these fish but they are a lot of fun to fight especially on lighter tackle which is what i was using that's not exactly the fish that i was hoping to catch today but after going hours of fishing and driving hundreds of miles it feels good to have something in my net i do have a little daylight left hopefully i'll be able to hook into something else and hopefully that something will not be an asian carp [Music] there's no way that's a fish [Music] oh my gosh it is i was slowly retrieving my lure that feels quite a bit heavier than that last fish holy smokes oh my gosh you guys [Music] please let me land this fish it is a giant whatever it is it's massive i was just slowly retrieving my curly tail grub because if there's going to be fish out here they're going to be hanging out towards the bottom because this water is freezing cold and there's no telling what predators live beneath this spillway it is a massive massive spillway definitely big enough to be hiding some monsters hopefully i have one on the end of my line having said that it is going to take a while to land this fish because he is not showing any signs of giving up and he feels a whole lot more powerful than that last fish i landed please please please please stay on my line [Music] all right i'm seeing some wakes near the surface what in the world is that i just saw finn please don't let it be a carp what in the world are you he did not like that he did not like that i'm a little nervous now because it's uh it's fighting it's fighting kind of weird i hope it's not foul hooked whatever it is [Music] dang it it appears to be another silver carp and it's smaller than that first one but it fought a whole lot harder [Music] so [Music] big fish big fish big fish big fish please please please please please do not oh it's off i was going to say please don't let it be a carp maybe i should have planned on saying please don't come off because uh it came off and that's not good because it is getting dark very very quickly the sun has set and it's getting dark so that's going to go ahead and do it for today's episode and it's been a rough one to say the least i've traveled to three different spillways traveled hundreds of miles fished for hours and i was only able to land some silver carp having said that though i still had a lot of fun today if you guys enjoyed this episode i'd really appreciate it if you left a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't i will catch you guys in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] well my uh the jig i was using i completely lost the hook point
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 239,792
Rating: 4.9076757 out of 5
Id: uNsSeon3vXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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