I Caught a STATE RECORD Size NEW PB!!! (Monster Fish)

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oh my god it's giant all right guys it's been a while since I checked my minimum trap let's see what we have snake in there oh this is a fish it is a monster what's going on everybody Nick from six one eight fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure I am excited for today's episode because I am heading to a location that has some a massive fish and I've never actually brought the proper gear to this location that changes today I have made it to the road that leads out to this hidden fishing spots it seems like every time I come out here I bring more gear than the time before that is no different today so I'm hoping that it's worth it holy cow there is a ton ton of water coming out of here dang one of those shoes is actually closed off I'm gonna try cast him up in there and seeing if there are any fish hiding up that shoot because last time it was like this I was actually catching some really nice-sized fish from inside that tunnel all right here we go guys first cast oh we got this fish jumping ran from boat oh I had a bite ahead if I petabyte dang it okay new plan I'm gonna try to catch a bait fish using my landing nets so I could rig up one of my big cat fishing rods nothing darn it okay I'm gonna change up locations this spot has a lot of current I see some slack water over there I'm gonna try to work my way over there and see if I can catch some bait holy cow you guys there's a giant fish right here oh my gosh I caught something yes I call it a little Asian card that's gonna be perfect this time around I brought two additional setups I've got my big bait casting setup for a catfish on the bottom and then I've got my spinning reel setup where I'm going to use a bobber and see if I can catch a big gar so for my bait casting reel I'm using a pretty simple rig I've got a little slip sinker so I'm gonna attach a weight to and then about 24 inches below that I have a 1 on circle hook this current is pretty strong so I'm going to start out using a 4 ounce bang sinker all right guys let's toss this out there and see if I can catch a big catfish on my other setup I'm using a float then about 20 inches beneath that I'm gonna put a piece of bait oh you guys oh I got it oh my god you got something taking it here we go oh John oh my gosh it's a big fish I was even rigged up on my other rod yet what we got oh my gosh oh my gosh no way I just like myself get over here buddy no way yes Oh a big blue catfish no this is the biggest a fish I've ever caught that was within that was within like three minutes of me tossing my bait out there holy smokes my personal best is seven point four pounds I don't think this is going to beat it but it is a good start looks like five-and-a-half pounds very good start one of the biggest blue cabbage I've ever going see you later buddy a big question I had going into today was how deep it is out here in this canal previously I've only used blows I've never actually bottom fished out here and it is actually surprisingly deep while I wait for something to pick up this day I'm gonna toss out my second setup which is a targeting gar bhishan fish on fish on oh it's a nice one [Music] hold another blue cat okay easy yes that's what I'm talking about guys another nice blue catfish yes looks like four and three-quarters oh my gosh okay something's taking off on my BOB but I got to quickly release this guy and see what has single has the bait on my bobber Oh see you later buddy it looks like whatever picked up my bobber may have dropped it whoa I am going to be out of the bait once I rigged up this rod so I'm gonna have to catch some more bait alright guys let's check out my minnow traps see if I got lucky oh look at that I actually caught some little ones none of them actually look big enough though that's cool though at least it's working this hasn't calling me anything really too big yeah i'ma put it back in there you guys I'm seeing some fish right here in the slack water I'm gonna see if I can reach them with my neck I'm going for here we go what in the world looks like I just got a drum perfect Oh something has my bait here we go oh no he's still on the hall dang it darn it that's felt like a big fish yes I called another Asian car it appears these fish like the Asian car better than that Buffalo for bait this is the exact bait that caught me that first in the biggest catfish I'm hoping I can repeat that with something even bigger all right here we go Oh something has it oh good shot feels like I'm around a snag but there's definitely a fish on there okay we're free the snack here we go oh the big ones there we go all right it's safe to say these fish like the Asian carp herb ate a lot more than that Buffalo that was within the first 30 seconds of me casting that bait out I got me another chunky catfish see you later buddy oh you guys someone's taking off with my bobber so let's take off with it I think I'm gonna go for it I don't know if this is a gar not and I don't know how long they've had it all right here we go I'm gonna go for it good job I don't think it's a gar oh it is oh he's off thing oh it wasn't very big was definitely a gar though I have seen - a massive massive massive Garf out here in this canal I'm hoping I'll be able to catch one of those that's a good sign I just want to catch something about five times maybe six ten times as big as that one vision oh it's a nice one please stay on all these loves I'm taking over my other line there we go yes all right let's see how much this Big Mama ways yep biggest of the day guys 6.3 pounds my Vivi is a little over a pound more than this but it is a nice catfish see you later buddy when I was landing that last catfish I ran into my other line to say that I have a mess on my hands is an understatement I have a huge disaster of a tangle this is gonna take me quite some time to situate oh man somebody's taking my cat fishing rods bait alright guys I'm gonna go for it here we go if this is a fish it is a monster see shock holy cow what is it I have not seen it yet oh my gosh it's a softshell turtle no no no no no no no no all right I'm gonna try to hook this guy without getting bit oh my god it's giant got it alright see you later buddy man those things freak me out their necks are so crazy long fish on oh it's agar she's a big car it's a big one we say on please stay on yes yes oh my god you guys this could be a new state record 5.18 5.18 it is not a new state record but it is close see later buddy yes that was unbelievable guys the state record short-nosed are just got beat last year before that the state record was five pounds one ounce that gar I just caught with five pounds three ounces so if no one would have beat it that would have been the new state record store nose guard unfortunately that is not the case it was still a massive guard my new personal best tort nose guard there are big ones out here still to be cause so I'm gonna get back to it I'm gonna switch over to the other side of this spillway area I've not been over there today so I think it's about time I'd switch over there and see what I can catch holy cow you guys something's taking off with it Oh fish on big bitch pick a pitch yes six pounds guys just over 6 pounds awesome see you later buddy all right guys it's been a while since I checked my minnow trap let's see what we have sneaking there holy crap there is a snake inside the minnow trap okay I don't think it's venomous I'm gonna try to release this guy without getting bit all right there you got your freak see you later buddy it's fair to say that the minnow trap was a failure the biggest blue catfish ever caught near me was over a hundred pounds the biggest I've caught is seven pounds so there could be some monsters still out there I'm hoping I'll be able to break my new personal best capitis today the shots holy cow you guys hit it so hard I'm not sure what it is yet it could be a guard I think it's a catfish the holy cow oh my gosh I think it's a channel catfish you guys it's a channel cat no it's off easy buddy oh my gosh the hook just came out yes oh yeah you guys take a look at the sides of the channel cat hey alright go ahead let this guy go see you later buddy what an awesome day of fishing guys I call a ton of really nice-sized catfish I caught a giant softshell turtle and my new personal best short nose gar and it was a monster at that so I had a lot of fun today if you guys are interested in any of the stuff I was using I'll link it down in the description I'm heading out of here I hope you guys have enjoyed watching I will catch the next one oh there's a snake sneaking up on me go on get you
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 160,482
Rating: 4.620584 out of 5
Id: adsRsWSbEcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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