I Thought I Was SNAGGED... Then it Started Swimming!!!

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oh my gosh is that a fish you guys i just looked into something big i just looked into something big whatever this is is massive i've got to keep him out of that spillway what's going on everybody nick from 618 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure i feel these pages turn yesterday is burning now's the time for learning the future has come in this episode i am heading back to quite possibly my new favorite spillway because every time i go there i catch something massive it's almost two hours away but i'm excited to get out there to see we can catch today [Music] okay i've made it to the fishing spots and i've never actually fished directly beneath this bigger spillway usually it is not flowing but today there is water coming over the spillway i don't know how deep it is but i figure it's worth a shot let's talk some atops and see if there's any fish lurking beneath the surface lately i've been fishing with some pretty interesting baits that i have found at the grocery store and so far you guys have really seemed to enjoy that so today i actually brought with me a package of thin sliced pork chops let's rig one of these on a hook and see if i can get a fish to pick it up okay right away i can tell that this water is not very deep possibly two feet at the max but that is definitely deep enough to be hiding a fish and it is murky so i do not see what exactly is beneath the surface let's rig up an entire pork chop toss it out and see if anything picks it up this is a giant bait but there could be some big catfish living here hopefully one is hungry the sorrows i ain't chasing could overcome the rhythm is a healing so i'll stay here in the feeling the soul illuminating like a rising sun along with that pork chop i am also going to be tossing around the curly tail grub this is a very cool looking spot but i don't know if it's deep enough to be hiding any fish no luck with the curly tail grub i'm going to try one more thing and then i think i might have to change up locations i've got a worm that's spinning beneath the float hopefully this will get a bite not a single bite it's time to change up spots [Applause] all right spot number two i've had a lot better luck at this spillway let's toss our baits out and hopefully repeat that today using an entire pork chop it might be overkill let's try using a piece of it all right here we go oh my gosh is that a fish you guys i just looked into something big i just looked into something big what did i just look into something's up inside that spillway oh whatever this is is massive gotta keep him out of that spillway easy buddy oh what in the world is this very first cast with the curly tail grub i've got the pork chop on that rod something hit this curly tail grub what in the world what is that what in the world did i just look into guys oh it's off not positive on what it was the only thing i know is that it was giant dang hopefully i get another shot no way no way no way another big fish no way please stay on this is different the other fish was a lot darker still not sure what this is but it's a lot lighter oh my gosh that's a nice fish please stay on come on buddy oh there we go well unfortunately it's a silver carp i can't believe he actually went for the grub that is so crazy that was actually hooked in his mouth there are some places where you can release these asian carp but i am not too sure about this location so i'm going to go ahead and keep him for future bait i am not a fan of asian carp solely because they're wreaking havoc on our native ecosystem but having said that they are a lot of fun to catch and i am still very surprised that i've been catching them this year in the mouth with a curly tail grub [Music] fish on this feels big no way no way no way i cannot believe it guys yeah it looks like another one actually went for the grub there we go that is two carp in a row both of them hooked in the mouth all right guys this spot is actually proving to be very productive i've only caught one species of fish that being a silver car and i know there are some massive state record size gar living beneath the surface what in the world you guys i thought it was snagged you've got to be kidding me this is not a snack this is a fish what and of course it's on my ultralight i don't think we're gonna be able to see it i was just tossing around my crappie jig trying to see if i can catch some bait fish or something this is not a bait fish oh no i think he's going upside the spillway this isn't good man i have not seen this fish yet he's almost at the surface oh that is a nice car dang this dude is putting up a crazy fight on the ultralight and there it goes dang it what in the world you guys check this out in the process of hooking that carp i retrieved somebody's curly tail grub that is so crazy this crappie jig it's doing okay but i've not caught a fish with it so i'm gonna go ahead and put this grub that i just snagged on the end of my line i am nearly out of daylight the sun is setting as i speak and i stopped getting bites at that second spillway so i decided to go to one final one final location to see what else we can hook into today i was able to get some small bites on that pork chop unfortunately nothing actually picked it up so at this location i'm going to start out with my most successful bait of the day which is this white curly tail grub here we go oh all right this water right here may be a little too swift let's go move over to some calmer water [Music] well it is getting dark and i have not gotten a single bite uh not only the pork chop but any of my lures as well so i think i'm gonna go ahead and call it today's adventure was a tough one i did not really catch anything too special but i still had a lot of fun catching those asian carp and i had a couple really nice fish on the end of my line that in the end i did not get a good look at so all in all i had a lot of fun today if you guys enjoyed this episode i'd really appreciate it if you left a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't i will catch you guys on the next one i feel the times are changing i see the light escaping the season tomorrow and i'm snagged on the very first cast and i'm snagged on my second cast
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 2,693,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WeAf3C02l74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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