I can't believe this Minecraft Base was hidden behind LAVA.. (Hide Or Hunt #2)

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in this minecraft video a terrible mistake leads to something amazing wait a second no way this is minecraft hide or hon if you guys like this series and you enjoy it and you're new around here make sure to like also don't forget to subscribe and also follow the playlist in the description so you don't miss an episode also comment down below do you think we're gonna win this season or not welcome to season 14 episode two we're out we've made a base if you want to go check that out go back in the playlist and watch our first base it's under that ice lake right there so cheeky i know i just hope no one goes along and starts breaking the ice but if someone does then we know that someone's searching the air which is pretty sick you know what i mean like that's a good indication but can you break ice easily yeah i see a skeleton down there all right let's go right so nature make your way top this hill uh we did have guys behind us i'm not sure who it was but if it's if i if i'm right um i would say it's probably raving because they came out of nowhere and they definitely do have their base nearby 100 and right do we maybe we should try can we grab some blocks nope we can't it's something it's all eyes okay are you telling come on is there a base up here let's be real i really hope no one breaks our eyes because i just realized it's so easy to break for pickaxe like you don't need you could make a small little base a tiny miniature base inside one of these anyone around here i would say here is a skeleton hello give me a bowl please do you need arrows yeah oh yeah i need aaron oh no oh someone's been here somebody has been here or something just like jeep mining here [Music] oh my god how weak are you i wasn't half heart no way a freaking heart i am so clumsy okay hang on hang on just let me gear up i need to i just want to get something high for two seconds let me just let me just heal up fully maybe you should get high too okay i'm nearly healed up i'm gonna heal up oh there's a wood there's okay there's a treat maybe we're right maybe right there could be a face right there somewhere there's a tree broken wait a second oh no way oh you opened something wrong yeah i was gonna say we just that looks like a freaking door oh no way wait oh it's an admin base oh my god that's it yeah it's not based oh come on there's no way someone built this i was going to say it looks like a natural diamonds oh ryan look at this look at this look at the bottom chest blue the bottom chest oh okay i had three of them oh bread okay i'll let you take some i literally saw it outside yeah oh another end whoa whoa whoa whoa these are sick i don't know what we're doing we've got gold as well i literally saw that oh let me break that diamond oh my god three more oh my god these are sick i literally saw it aside and it looked like a doorway but it's just like how cause you drained the lava when i fell in i mean right i'm not trying to be maine but i'm kind of glad you fell on that lava now i'm kind of glad myself but i knew he died if i died that wouldn't have happened yeah it looked like i just love how the one thing i broke it literally just opened up the door look because it looks like a door well actually well any evidence of it is now covered but it just looked like a doorway yeah how many diamonds did you guys get uh freaking toddlers we got everything from there yeah uh yeah i got a living in the pearls should we grab the gold on the wall and stuff yeah any diamonds that are hiding in the side oh lapis laughs as i'll grab that that's insane was that redstone piston like a redstone lever behind lava originally i think it was sure definitely it must have been okay um what okay um when he if we kill him he might go back to his area right we need to get this bed home and yeah um yeah and the diamonds as well yeah i'm telling you there's definitely a base somewhere there and actually toxic's behavior could have been like the fact that there's a base because why else would you come over and like it's just getting a little bit right who's attacking this naked guy get him no one kills naked swords who kills naked people actually wait we just killed him yeah we're just gonna talk we have good stuff yeah but you know the problem of going back to the base is risky on episode two i do not want to like but like if we don't like this stuff goes to waste if we die with it i mean like try making an an opening from the mine up to the top we do like a little exchange thing like we throw our stuff in that hole and emil comes and swipes and goes back down yeah but i still need to go to the i think it's kind of obvious okay do you want to give me the stuff anything you want to bring down okay so i will then go back down oh we got a guy below us where did he come from who was it it's sword no it's taco taco okay we gotta be careful we don't get hit in the back dude that's messed right yeah he's there oh no no he was yeah that's the guy he was attacking mastery and kappa have a really similar skin right there is a lot of traffic around our base can i just say a lot of traffic are we about to see this guy maybe go back into his base did you see where he went because he's down there somewhere no i wasn't looking i'll smoke yeah he didn't definitely know and that's where like taco and cap go on the same team i think so i think they might be i don't know though okay right they did run off in different directions right it's up to you if you want to stay in this hill or not i mean what i can do is i'll waste a pearl to get smoothly across over there so there's no like so maybe if you want to stay here it's up to you because if you're hanging around the base while i go down oh you just came out camper just came here oh criminal oh no no no okay go back to where you are go back to where you are i think i was still waiting for no comment all right okay i'm gonna i'm on the stage yesterday there i can pull right back up to you so yeah you see that like little icebreak down there that's where he came out of yeah did he have to come out of it yeah he came out of it like he's climbing up the hill now he like unshifted out of nowhere and i've got diamonds on me but yeah maybe that mine option might be the best idea so if you could maybe come out on like the south side or something can you give us an angle of where we can go yeah i think i found the cave to go straight up to the top so i've seen it sounds good i've never tried the cave route or the mine route back into the base kind of smart i see you as usu oh perfect this is going to be a meeting point right take these take these boom boom actually show me back a shovel take the shot i don't know i don't have room for this okay whatever you think is not important okay like ryan right here that's where he came out oh yeah yeah gold knights and a bed in a bed if you don't have one bed baby right there we go boom all right so see you later mill right so we'll go over into this corner basically that's what we're thinking like someone's living over here capturing right there you see that like little iceberg right here ryan yeah right here yeah it's true oh oh is it a base um be careful with traps but there's definitely something here or is it just being searched oh no it's just been searched from this angle look they don't i thought well maybe no okay oh i see someone oh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go up up the hill don't pearl yet pearl if you're desperate okay i got a ton of building blocks now you still got pearls yeah correct yeah i got a ton all right well there you go oh they're on me oh i'm oh yep oh no okay i'm about to pearl okay i am right this is gonna be oh no there's people up in this hill okay that's fine so you can hopefully cheekily try get back into the base it's not an issue yeah well actually you can go into a mills uh tunnel if you want he can show you the way he's got your pros no ah i'm dead as well luckily we gave a meal that's nice i kept myself i kept myself i kept myself i kept myself i kept myself no way don't wait all right where are you okay here here go back to the base go get yourself geared be safe which way is that basically destruction east always easy oh my god i can't believe that cheeky buggers echo away has been eliminated by factions raven oh they got your pearls that's what um like it was awkward you need to get stuff i'm so lucky to keep myself holy smokes there's so much people over here this is the thing it's hard like i don't all mill i don't know if it's best you just being with us and playing because like that's that's the same issue i'm gonna be that soon i have everything to enchanted oh sick okay so we're gonna show them oh i see them down there yeah yeah i see like i'm outnumbered man i'm just gonna go on a stalking mission i'm talking fail he's smacking oh oh oh oh um he just he's just seen me yeah there's so much activity around that base right now okay capture has jumped down taco's not oh dude i think i just found that oh not an admin base i'm just gonna is it an admin base oh it's an amazon bed yeah it definitely is it's definitely not theirs because there's no beacon inside it oh fail just wait that means a fail has stuff and he just died by an empty explosion he must be down here somewhere yeah he's dead he's dead he has um food and that's about it oh here's a bowl i'll take that i'm right now very close to taco and he's crouching okay i don't know i feel like taco do you have a base here like if you have stuff in you you have a base here he didn't okay he doesn't well i don't know is that base wherever you go back i feel bad cause i killed him but like i thought maybe he might spawn back here i'm just gonna search up here while you guys are getting here but i can't wait to be kind of reunited i feel like i've spent so much time in this hill there has to be a base up here yeah so do you think i should try to go through their mind because yeah right now yeah that's the like that'd be the best way to go back through i gave you a pickaxe right yeah and i also got my iron boots back will i come back with you i can come back down with you okay sure might be in our best interest i'll go on to the base for two seconds all right i'm coming down two seconds yeah i mean if you get jumped on your own right now it won't be good exactly what's the point we just go back to square one okay where do we go what the have you been doing i'm assuming we're going this way just judging from the base okay let me just show you people don't know what you but emil was our secret weapon okay i see you i see you so where do we stack up two seconds i'm going to show you guys get in get in welcome home guys right so emil do you want to drink up an invisibility part and we'll crouch as much as we can and you get us all geared yep right guys that is all for episode two i will see you guys in the next one hopefully we're gonna be coming out like as long as we can take out one team that's gonna be sick i think we will be able to and we're gonna try and trap some swords as well i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 394,114
Rating: 4.9503613 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft video, minecraft base, secret base, secret minecraft base, mine craft, kid friendly, minecraft funny, I can't believe this Minecraft Base was hidden behind LAVA, creepersedge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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