Are GRID LAYOUTS effective in Mini Motorways?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to mini motorways i am motorway matt and i no no still no one calls me that one day people might call me that but for now i am just matt regular old boring man but today we will be continuing our adventure in mini motorways we we had a good score last time 6 000 in manila but today we're taking on rio de janeiro janeiro janeiro but rather than just doing the standard old tactics of trying to get the highest score i thought we'd try something a little bit different let's see if grids really are the best because if we speak to an american they're like grids yes roundabouts no and we've sort of we've tried roundabouts we've done unlimited roundabouts but today we're going all out well this could be tricky actually we've got a big ass rock cor cavado the corcovado brock formation oh it's the one with the look at the shadow with christ the redeemer on it sweet but anyway i've paused the game straight away because i sort of want to get the grid system sorted out so i'm thinking if we do like all corners because i don't want to go mental and use like every bit of road available i wanted i want to do this as best as possible so i think so we can see a shop takes up that much room a two by three grid not a six by six as i've been saying my previous videos numbers are hard right so that's our sort of grid pattern we've already got one bit of raid left but i think that should make things spawn in these areas now the houses could [ __ ] us up though hopefully they'll sort of all be able to be pointed onto a road like that's that's really not ideal oh we can do that that's all else that's the last piece of road but i'm interested to see if this works the grid system is very popular but uh we shall see we shall see how it how it works now we've got a greenhouse and a green shot so we've got to connect them unfortunately as you can see that we've run out of road tiles all right so that's similar to what we had but there's a few less roads used so hopefully we can just join those up sorted and we carry on and now you can see green car is leaving greenhouse and he's heading to the green shop there's another one so we'll just pop you to the left so that doesn't use any road pieces you get sort of one road piece to use with a house as they spawn right so it's the end of week one so these are the two upgrades we had to pick a bridge which you've already got one of or a roundabout now as we're doing the grid system i'm gonna steer clear of roundabouts we're going straight for a bridge you'll notice we also get 20 road tiles so we really need that as we've only got one rotal remaining so right let's press pause i sort of want to lay out our grid system as the map expands you'll notice as things go on you can kind of see like the edges of the screen with slowly slowly zooming out so oh look at this look at this right so in order to get to there in our grid system we're gonna have to do that sort of thing and that sort of thing this isn't the best grid because we got this mountain in the way so we can't really fit we can fit one shop there but we can't fit one in here anymore yeah but to be fair things aren't going that bad look there's a green in there so we got two choices i'm going to bring them over the top it's a few more bits of road but uh i think it's better than going underneath with the grid because i do want this to do well i'm not trying to like make it fail i actually want things to succeed we've only got 12 bits of road left thankfully it's nearly the end of the week it's saturday oh and we just got more houses and things born i think i'll leave them as they are they look good there and just like that it's the end of another week time flies when you're having fun as before roundabout don't really care about this round so we'll go for our tunnel which i think will come in handy at some point although in a tunnel you can't have a junction so doing a grid through a tunnel it's going to be a bit tricky now i'm going to hit pause and just see how the level has expanded right you can see at the top there's a lot of space so i'm going to extend all of these up by one and that should just force the supermarkets to spawn in between those oh bollocks let's hit pause so we've got unfortunately a building down the bottom which means we're gonna need our straight through road all the way down like that that's a lot of road but thankfully there's a load of there's a load of purple houses i can get over there pretty quickly should be fine there you go look there's another one i personally think this grid sort of system isn't going to work though think about this house over here this pink one so it could go to the closest supermarket there if it gets a need but it has just as much chance of going to this one over here as well let's just hit pause because you can see the lever has expanded up and there we go we got a yellow in there so now we need to connect these grids together so you can bring you a little house to the left that way i'm going to just connect those up so now there is a root you can see this guy he's on his way and then he's very slowly making it so there so the downside with this grid system for this game in particular is cars travel very slowly over crossroads they're a bit cautious obviously it's give way in every direction so not ideal uh once you unlock some traffic lights we could potentially make some of those better but haven't had the best luck with traffic lights usually in the game all right and it's week three motorways are usually the thing to go for on this but i think they're sort of cheating if we think about the grid system so i'm going to go with the 30 road tiles which it just feels wrong but we are doing it oh god and this is upgraded to an imax not good so you can see this first purple supermarket it's a square shape which means it can hold six journeys however people can only go to the supermarket so often before they get bored and they want to see some blockbuster films on a huge imac screen they're on imax cinema they hold i think up to like nine journeys but they do fill up a lot quicker so the demand for here will be a lot more so it could get a bit tricky now i'm sort of thinking if we do a grid around the back up to that house yes not ideal there is a 45 degree road but uh the grid system is a bit cocked at the moment all right so i think that will do us better i've just just had a bit of jerry pokey at the top left okay and there's another purple house connect you in like that another purple one i do think i don't really know how to connect you in actually mate maybe we'll just do that so yeah maybe rio isn't the best place to be trying this method with the mountains and the way you are but look at this we've got we've got a massive area i might actually wait for a shot to spawn down there and then base the grid around that there you go there's one there already so if for over here we're gonna do grids lots of like that this is a bit all over the place now now we've only got five bits of raid left as well grids definitely use up more road that's definitely a negative the imax is sort of filling up it's got four journeys in there already i feel like the grid system could be not working very well already but thankfully it's the end of another week because we've run out of road tiles we're on zero i'd love to do a motorway we've got a stick tree we're doing a grid grids only so tunnel it is all right so i've just extended those top three just to stop spawning where i don't want it all right but things aren't doing too bad that imac seems to have recovered although we are only 150 points in and bear in mind my record last time was 6 000 so you wouldn't expect to struggle at this stage to be fair oh look at this we've got a new red so a new color i think we'll take you around there and then connect you guys like that i'm a bit concerned they've got quite a long way to go and i don't have many road tiles left i've only got six tiles left oh god i knew that would happen right so we need to use those six probably to go across here and then connect these guys up like that but it's the end of week five we're going to grab 30 row tiles because we're really running out and our map has expanded quite a lot so if we grab that press pause i'm actually going to do a straight through like that sort of thing and then i'm going to disconnect the reds from down there well at least one red i can't disconnect all of them but uh that should reduce traffic a little bit i think a bit concerned about something spawning on this island here so i am just going to block that up because i literally can't afford to get across there at the moment but for now we'll just leave that doing its thing it's not looking too gritty it started off well but then it all started going a bit mental oh look this green has just upgraded to an imax you can never have too many imaxes in one town look there's a green over here as well i've just noticed oh two greens over here we'll connect you in like that mr greens all right it's thursday we've got a few days left of the week we've only got two road tiles so this is a bit tricky now you are going to connect you that direction just so you're a little bit quicker and get you can make your way to the green area a bit quicker i can't believe i haven't been offered any traffic lights yet right the end of week six again 30 row tiles i really need them we are slacking on the road tiles all right green down there so green you actually have to go down and across like that the greens are not looking good over here the actual imax look how busy that is there's so many films to go and see but no one to go and see them oh god these islands are not good either i can try and block up all the areas but uh ain't gonna be easy all right we'll leave it like that there you go look we got a green down here that's actually in a good spot for our grid so we can do that i may as well delete those two and connect you straighten this one our grid we sort of want that to happen and we have run out of road tiles not good oh look another purple in there that's a perfect spot there's a lot of purples over here so maybe we need some sort of bridge we do have a bridge but we've got no road tiles so at the moment we're just sort of waiting right week seven let's get those thirty row tiles let's think about the best way of doing this we've got purples in our purple's actually struggling blues are struggling big time and there's two more houses connected to this blue supermarket blue down here you're not in the best location i i think we're gonna bring you over that way ah this is a timer so if you don't get enough cars to pick up the shopping bags uh the manager of the store really hates it and he gets really angry and he's like right if these aren't removed in the next 10 seconds i'm shotting the entire city down so yeah not not the best line manager could be a bit more patient we've run out of road tiles though and that blue is failing big time thankfully it's nearly the end of the week and we'll get some more road tiles and then we can try and fix things uh no point getting right away because we're not using motorways and it's only 10 road tiles if we go for the bridge we get 20. so let's do that let's press pause and let's try and fix everything if we were to get rid of this arm we can put that one in instead and the other thing i was thinking was a straight up tunnel to there because that's sort of still on the grid it just gives these yellow houses a straight through route compared to going all the way around so we'll see if that helps it probably won't there's a green down here as well i'm going to connect that in in the grid i've got another yellow in there so that's not too bad i think we can connect that up and that should be fine we could even do that one while we're here oh there's yellow houses over here so let's bring you guys like that we've only got one row tile left to solder i'm gonna put that in just to complete the grid but yeah thursday there's already a timer and i've got no road tiles i can't even see any blue cars on their way i haven't connected it crap bars boss that's why now we've connected one in unfortunately that might have cocked us i can't believe i didn't see that quick enough oh dear that was my fault that was my mistake i don't think it would have lasted much longer to be honest that's the trouble with this grid pattern there's so many crossroads it takes cars so long to get anywhere now we only lasted 61 days terrible however we have unlocked dubai yes we'll come back to that one but i want to try like an easier level with the grid pattern i think we'll try la in a grid and maybe i won't try and do roads in between we'll just literally try and do like a horizontal grid it will start like this and just see what happens i'm actually going to speed this up because you've sat through all this before i don't know maybe something like that i don't know grids very well i'm british we have cody sacks oh look we got a dark blue so we'll connect you in like that and we'll connect your house in straight up this one will add the bridge and connect you straight down and you straight down all right a light blue up here and we've got some light blue houses down here i might connect that up oh and look it's week four sorry motorway we're going for a bridge i think we'll do it like that we just realized we got we got we got segregation accidental segregation down here this red supermarket is all on its own not connect to the network at all all right we've got a yellow there so i think we'll connect you up like it would be worth a straight through shortcut but we've only had we only have three tiles remaining thankfully got another 20. whether it's worth putting them in now not entirely sure oh god we've got a green all right so we gotta do your own grid down here i think that's okay for now this is so confusing it doesn't look very gritty either really doesn't look very gritty oh look that's just upgraded to on imax thankfully we can just connect the red in like that and this one we can do you straight down both you straight down and then a straight through up like that nice little shortcut connect that red in and this imac should be good completely segregated like the green one over here but seems to be working right oh here we go roundabout or motorway i don't want to take a roundabout because it's a waste of an upgrade but it's 10 more tiles so definitely use that i might actually use the roundabout sort of block an area out all right so i think nothing should spawn down there now all right what's going on at the top oh god right we got greens and all sorts so you like that connect all you guys up yeah i think that's fine i think that's fine all right end of week seven we're gonna go for a bridge i'm actually gonna rather than having that one going there i'm gonna do a little diagonal downstairs just because it makes no sense for a yellow to go like super long route straight through is much better all right dark blues we'll connect you guys there and that dark blue in like that right right meanwhile a little bit concerned there's a lot of space in the top right i could start blocking it all up i don't really like doing this so find it a bit lame oh and look we've got a light blue spawn next to the green i got a load of houses here we're gonna have to integrate so we'll grab the bridge for the end of week eight we'll take you guys that way and then straight up to there oh look it's an imax uh light blues really really struggling i'm just sort of thinking are there any shortcuts we can take i'm not sure it's the end of week nine i'm of course going with the roundabout even though i don't need it just for the extra raid tiles light blue is really not good i think traffic's finally picking up now also question have they removed traffic lights from this game this is two rounds in a row i haven't been offered one single traffic light oh no i think top left is about to fail quigley park [ __ ] you park like blues are just cooked wow 66 days pretty similar to the first round and i feel like that one i didn't i didn't make any mistakes that time so overall we just learnt grids suck ass i think we knew that from the start i think we knew that so sorry americans that love grids uh you ruined brazil but next time we have dubai to try what a prime that was anyway guys peace love and non-grid patterned highways that's a weird one i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 422,271
Rating: 4.9591026 out of 5
Keywords: mini motorways, mini motorways lets play, mini motorways guide, mini motorways walkthrough, mini motorways lp, mini motorways review, mini motorways game, mini motorways gameplay, new strategy games 2021, rts games 2021, puzzle games 2021, new puzzle games 2021, management games 2021, mini metro, dinosaur polo club, casual game, minimalist, city planning, highway, traffic control, real engineer, highway engineering, rce, mini motorways grid, grid traffic mini motorways
Id: GbmFigFyAV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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