I can understand but can't speak in English | Easy Tips for speaking English | Learn Alone Tips

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Hello friends welcome to hello English my name is rupam in today's video we will discuss [Music] about yes this is the topic for today whenever we listen to something say a video or an audio or a podcast or we read something we have no problem we understand everything but when it comes to speaking well that is a challenge that is a very big issue why why it happens with most of us we will discuss about this today I'm making this video because recently I got many messages from you guys saying that sir I can understand but I cannot speak English so this is a common problem for many of us so today I will give you some easy solution simple ways to overcome this problem and I'm sure if you follow this video carefully you will be able to speak in English without any hesitation so let me share one incident before we go to the main part of the video recently I met two brothers one is Mr serenit Bora and the other one is Mr Anuj Bora both of them became very good friends with me and we started talking on different topics I realized one of them was speaking very clearly without any problem and the other friend Mr sanjit Bora he hardly used to talk so I asked him what happened brother you speak so less he told me only one thing whenever I talk to myself my mind runs like a Ferrari smooth fast no problem but when I try to talk to someone when I have conversation with others my mind runs like a maroi car maroi 800 car very slow and very noisy so I realized he has some issue I shared few tricks with him which I'm going to share with you and I'm sure you will benefit a lot great let's begin with the [Music] video yes if you are a book lover if you love to read books you can use this book this is an amazing book believe me if you want to improve your English if you want to take care of your English fluency you can try reading this book I'll give the link of the book in the description so let's come to the main part of the video it happens that we can understand when we listen to audio when we listen to podcast videos but when it comes to speaking we fail we come across lot of issues so today's video I have divided into two parts number one why it happens and number two how to overcome this issue to understand properly I have made it into theory part and the Practical part because Theory and practical together makes something solid maybe if you have studied physics or chemistry okay just an example I'm giving you if you have studied physics or chemistry theory is one part practical is another part now if you study the theory part skipping the Practical you will not learn the entire subject same way if you just do practical part without the theory knowledge you are incomplete so in the case of today's lesson also you need both Theory and practical so let's see the first topic why it [Music] happens you guys watch video a lot lot example you're watching my video maybe the whole day you spend say half an hour to 1 hour just by watching video videos how to improve English how to overcome the fear of speaking in English etc etc done once you're done with this watching the videos you don't try speaking the same my dear friends your duty is to watch for some time and use those things in your practical life suppose today whatever I'm teaching you if you don't apply in your practical life how you will understand how you will learn just by watching videos will not help you am I right let me give you an example we all love watching football we all love watching Cricket now if you keep watching in the TV cricket match or football match for say 1 Hour 2 hours 3 hours and if we try to play play after that is it possible that we can play the same way how this players play no this is not at all possible how we can improve our skills suppose we are discussing about Sports football how we can improve our football playing skills only through practicing right just by watching videos will not help same in the case of learning English what's something and after watching the video Whatever has been explained try to apply that in your practical life let me give you the second example suppose you buy a new phone when you buy a new phone you get the reader manual have you ever tried reading the manual and try to use the new phone no we don't do that we keep the manual aside and we just play with the new phone and in that process we learn so many things another example you may know many words you are very good in vocabulary but when it comes to forming sentences and speaking to others you fumble you fear because you don't have the habit of speaking to others so here what is happening you understand everything but but you are unable to deliver your speech only because of lack of practice got my point let me tell you one more example let me share one more example with you you have a driving license now just by having the driving license doesn't mean that you are good in driving unless you practice unless you make some mistake with the vehicle you will not be good with d driving so for driving it's not only the driving license you need to give some time to the machine to the vehicle learn that Master that then only you will be able to ride the vehicle without any problem so what we learn from these examples only by watching videos watching TVs reading books reading newspaper listening to podcast nothing will happen it is like the theory part where is the Practical part let's understand the Practical part now the only thing in the Practical part is that you have to get involved in speaking you need to find out people and you need to talk now a question will come out sir I don't have anyone to talk to well I also have a solution for you my dear friends first watch this small clip I learned my English by myself when I was a child I never got one day English training class outside China do you know this man he is a great businessman of China so there are two ways how you can learn your speaking first if you have some friends or if you have an environment where you can speak in English with others that is the best way if possible and enroll for some offline classes three six or 6 months of short-term course English speaking course there you will come across lot of people with whom you can talk in English or you can also enroll for some online courses same way like offline course it will only be held online there also you will get many per people who will be around you online and you can talk to them in English and you can build your confidence level however if you don't have anyone around you I would like to share with you three techniques the first one is you are watching my video right now you need to do one thing watch the video entirely the full video then think what's there in the video done now this is 50% okay whatever the process I told you now watching the videos is 50% another 50% you need to give your opinion so 50% is from the video and 50% of what you think about the video what is your opinion make it as a story and then you try to speak in your own words you can stand in front of the wall if you can stand in front of the mirror keep a recorder like your mobile phone and start speaking few times you will find it is uncomfortable you will feel no it is not happening but don't stop yourself speak speak the more you speak the more your mind will open up the more your mind will gain confidence remember this but whenever you speak speak it clearly slowly with a smile in your face and with confidence the second technique is you can summarize your day I used to follow this technique at the end of the day whatever you did just recall the entire day what you did at night sit down take a paper and write down the points just the points okay listen carefully I woke up did exercise had breakfast went to work lunch at 2: p.m. came back home 5:00 p.m. had tea got it you got the points now you can see that and you can start speaking in your own way you have the points with you now you elaborate you describe it I woke up at 6:00 after that I did exercise I had my breakfast then I went to work like this you describe your mind will open up your thinking process will be fast and you will have no problem speaking in English just try this finally one important thing is that take out 10 to 15 minutes for reading every day reading plays a a very big role to improving our English read anything read any books whatever you likes book newspaper articles templates anything you read but read every day reading habits will help you to strengthen your mouth muscle your brain will start thinking in English your mouth will get the habit of speaking in English so this are the ways how you can improve your English plus when your English improves automatically the fear which is inside you will fly away you will find yourself in such a position that you are very much comfortable speaking in English that time you can just say to yourself I can understand English and I can speak in English as well I don't care about anyone because I know how to speak a good feeling will come from inside and you will thank me for that so my dear friends let me ask you one question I'm sure you will reply to me how many minutes you spend every day practicing English I want to know from you please reply in the comment section and I will respond to you so if you have any question you can always right I will reply to you till the next video thank you so much
Channel: Hello English
Views: 62,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rupam sil, shorts, SIMPLE ENGLISH LESSON, how to learn english, english words, pronounce, simple english sentenses, beginners english lesson, how to, learn english, english teacher, online english, ipl, learn English alone, books review, motivational stories, YouTube update, interview videos, understand English, easy tips, fluency test, communicate, handle pressure, I can't speak English
Id: tBo5bJAu5Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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