Avoid This Pronunciation for Professional English (American) - 10 Words

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in this video I will teach you ten words that you may be pronouncing incorrectly even if you're an advanced speaker of English these words are commonly mispronounced by some native speakers that's why I always tell you be careful who you imitate if you want to sound educated and professional when you speak English I will teach you how to correctly pronounce these ten words when I was planning this lesson the next day I was scheduled to teach a student and she's an actress her name is Katara Hamilton and I decided to give this lesson to cateura I wanted to see how she pronounced some of these words she's an actress originally from Jamaica Katara has lived a big part of her life in the United States so she already speaks with a very good American accent actors need to be experts in different kinds of speech they need to know how different people pronounce different words for example if an actor has three auditions in one week maybe the first audition they need to play a character who is maybe a car mechanic and then for the second audition they need to play a sophisticated businessman or businesswoman and then for the third audition maybe they need to play a criminal these three characters are completely different types of people and therefore they speak completely differently and the actor must know which version of pronunciation they're going to use for that specific character and that's why I say if you're watching a lot of American TV shows and films what kind of character is speaking if it's an action film for example you may not want to speak that way in a professional environment if you want to speak English like a professional you need to study how those people speak and by the way watch this video until the end you will see another lesson that I was teaching cateura where we were practicing word stress and elodie she was having a really difficult time with the sentence that she needed to say in a performance we were practicing that sentence and many times to make sure that the rhythm and the melody were correct if you watch this video until the end you will see the kinds of exercises I was giving her to make sure that she could master this difficult expression and now let's learn the correct pronunciation of ten different words look at these two words how do you pronounce them a lot of Americans confuse the pronunciation of these two words let's see how cateura says these words let's look at the next two words and tell me how they are pronounced differently there are different meanings that people often confuse the pronunciation okay so silicone yes and the next one silicon yes very good yeah but we stress the first is silicon silicon the first word is silicon and the second word is silicon listen to the difference silicon silicon silicon is a material it's a substance in it's like rubber but it's liquid it's like liquid rubber I used silicone to seal the area around the sink I used silicone to seal the area around the sink and the next word is silicon you've probably heard of Silicon Valley remember it's not Silicon Valley it's Silicon Valley and silicon is a chemical substance and it's used in making computer chips and because Silicon Valley has so many technology companies that make computer chips or work in areas related to computer and technology this is why this area is called the Silicon Valley it's in northern california near san francisco he got a job with the tech company in Silicon Valley he got a job with a tech come in Silicon Valley so be careful don't confuse silicon with silicon one has an O sound and one has an ah sound silicon silicon how do you pronounce the next word do you know what it means let's see how Couture pronounced it okay how do we say the next mischievious common mistake really yes common mistake we're gonna say mischievous mischievous that's mischievous mischievous that's why I didn't list of us perfect the mischievous fun tip is the way she pronounced it is a common mistake made by native speakers also the correct pronunciation is mischievous mischievous don't say mischievious you will hear some Americans say that but you shouldn't pronounce it that way it's mischievous mischievous is an adjective it means to behave badly to be making trouble but usually in an innocent way usually when children misbehave the mischievous boys were disciplined by their parents the mischievous boys were disciplined by their parents don't say mischievous and the mound of mischievous is mischief mischief don't cause any more mischief and how do we pronounce the next word usually we see this word in writing as an abbreviation et Cie but we also use it in speech how do we say it let's see how cateura says it how would you say that excetera excetera okay common mistake you're saying X cetera uh-huh and that's a very common mistake it etc etc etc not XS ETS o X yes o exit like okay like you say each year so it's s don't say etc it's etc etc XS when you give additional information you want to say something more you say etc I need to buy paper a pen a pencil etc I need to buy paper a pen a pencil etc and sometimes people say etc etc and that means and so on how do we say the next word do you know how to say it even some native speakers struggle with this word because the pronunciation is so different from the spelling we say nuptial nuptial and nuptial is an adjective meaning related to a marriage or related to a wedding the noun form of this word is nuptials nuptials many people watched the royal nuptials on television many people watched the royal nuptials on television very often this word is used in this expression prenuptial agreement prenuptial agreement pre means before before the wedding before the marriage some people sign a document before they get married it's a legal document that discusses things about finances things about money that's called a prenuptial agreement do they sign their prenuptial agreement they signed their prenuptial agreement yes the next five words are not advanced English words they're easy words but people still mispronounce them how do we say the next word some people incorrectly say pronunciation it's not pronunciation it's pronunciation the verb is to pronounce the vowel sound is au to pronounce but in the noun form the vowel sound changes and it's just nun nun pronunciation I would like to improve my English pronunciation I would like to improve my English pronunciation don't feel bad if you didn't know this one I have heard people tell me oh so you teach American pronunciation look at the following two words a lot of people confuse the meaning and the pronunciation of these words the first one has an is ending and the second one has an es ending listen to the pronunciation first we say parenthesis and for the second one we say parenthesis parenthesis and the second one is the most common usage of this word parenthesis are the two symbols they are curved lines that you put around a word or an expression or a sentence you can say I put the sentence in parenthesis make sure you pronounce the E's parenthesis and a lot of people don't know this but that extra information is called parenthesis parenthesis a parenthesis is a message that departs from the main subject that's called parenthesis and now let's make a sentence I put the sentence in parenthesis I put the sentence in parenthesis how do we pronounce the next word this one is difficult because there are three consonant sounds next to each other and if your language doesn't have these consonant groups these consonant clusters then this will be a hard word for you to say let's see how cateura says it how would you say the next word strength strength strength okay what happened to the G kageura strength but there's a G in there strength strength strength that's right when some Americans don't pronounce the G sound it will be incorrect it'll sound like this strengths but it should be strengths you have to create the G back here oh.um strengths and then there's a th and then an S that's not easy but you need to practice until you can say it naturally strengths strengths strengths when you go for a job interview a very common question is what are your three greatest strengths so don't say one of my strengths is say one of my strengths is tell me about your strengths tell me about your strengths don't skip that G sound how do we say the next word some Americans incorrectly say jewellery jewellery don't say jewellery it's jewelry Jewelry jewelry jewelry I love your jewelry I love your jewelry she's wearing beautiful jewelry yes she's wearing beautiful jewelry she's wearing beautiful jewelry and let's look at the next two words only one of them is correct the first one is correct never add an S to the word anyway don't say anyways I hear a lot of young people speaking this way and they say and anyways it should be and anyway I didn't want to go but I went anyway and now I will show you another lesson that I had with cateura on a different day she was struggling with saying this following sentence Picasso is interested in museums she was stressing the wrong syllables of the words interested and museums she was saying interested and museums and she didn't know how to fix it let's watch how she practiced and how she mastered this sentence that was so difficult for her we will do it seven times interested in museums interested in museums interested in museums interested in museum now no more hands just said interested in museums interested in museums interested in museums Picasso is interested in museums Picasso is interested in museums Katara what's Picasso interested in because he's interested in museums it's effective because it's fun it's fresh and I feel like my brain needed that not like intellectual you know just talk buh-buh-buh-buh knowing the rules all knowing the rules only Basin becomes playful it's almost like a kid you know you get a child and you say okay let's play this game why teaching the child something that's all basically I felt like I was a kid for a moment and I was learning something new without be like okay this is how they're gonna do it by the rules but more like okay let's play a game we have a lot of fun in these lessons if this video was helpful to you please subscribe to my channel and click on the notification bell so that you can find out when I post my next videos also to learn to speak with the standard American accent and learn all the rules that you need to know you can get my online course by visiting accurate English comm thanks for watching and keep practicing your English to learn all of the rules for a good American accent you can buy my online video courses at accurate English comm [Music]
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 2,963,921
Rating: 4.8647552 out of 5
Keywords: sound intelligent, how to pronounce words, correct pronunciation, sound educated, like a native speaker, american accent, keturah hamilton, Lisa Mojsin, Mastering the American Accent, proper English, business english, accurate english, speak fluent english, fluent, job interview, advanced english, professional english, how to pronounce jewerly, mischievious, silicon vs silicone
Id: h_i2jDbMGwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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