Understand English, but can't speak fluently? Here is why! Action plan - Marina Mogilko

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hey guys welcome to lingo Marina do you know the comment that I get from you all the time it sounds something like Marina I understand English but I can't speak it what should I do so today I'm going to give you the action plan my name is Marina I was born and raised in Russia and I lived there for 25 years at the age of 25 I moved to the US so English is the language that I had to master in order to build my business here so today I'm going to give you my best tips on how to improve your speaking and how to make speaking English almost automatic in your brain so it comes naturally and you don't have to hesitate before pronouncing things by the way guys before we proceed please comment down below who has this problem you watch movies you listen to podcasts but when it comes to speaking you stumble you become nervous you forget all the words I want to see who has the same problem now you comment and we continue let's start by drawing a diagram that's going to give you an idea of where to start and how to continue imagine this is our language our English and we have four levels here let's start with level number one basically the foundation it's called the phonetic aspect now this is basically how you pronounce words and I know for a lot of people there is a lot of psychological stress associated with the way they say things because they have accent from their native language because somebody laughed at them maybe and they stopped feeling confident about their English you know there are several things that could happen to you or for a lot of people uh because for example when I was growing up in Russia and learning English I remember sitting in the classroom and I just came back from the UK I took part in an exchange program two weeks I got inspired by the British accent so I came back to my classroom and everyone was speaking like this we didn't have any accent we spoke Russian English and I started speaking like this with a British accent so everyone was staring at me they were like Marina what are you doing stop showing off when I talk to a lot of people here in the US like Indians I tell them like hey this this is how you could pronounce this word and they're like no no no this American pronunciation sounds funny to me I'm going to pronounce it my Indian way I'm like okay and I totally understand it because when you're in a community of people who speak with a certain accent you don't want to be different you want to sound just like everyone else but but if you're willing to sound more like native speakers then the phonetic aspect is the first thing that you should take care of how you pronounce certain words certain phrases and you can do that by watching a lot of videos out here on YouTube or you could take a course that is called from intermediate to Advanced where teachers talk a lot not only about pronunciation and phonetics but also about words that you need to improve your level different grammatical structures that are required to become Advanced I will leave a link below to that course and it will also give you a special promo code we have two two accredited teachers teaching that course and we also have me motivating you throughout the journey this is a course where we also help you find a steady buddy somebody who you can practice your English with we divide participants into teams depending on their age interests where they're from and what they hope to achieve with English each team completes homework and for every completed homework you get points and those points allow you to win prizes like individual English classes personal coaching or other courses that you want to take so the course from intermediate to advanc is not just Theory it's also a lot of practice so join the course using the link below and we're going to continue with our diagram so phonetic aspect I'm going to give you a couple techniques that you can use the shadowing technique means that you are listening to somebody speaking English and you either pause and repeat or you try to repeat after them I did that a lot um back in Russia when I was trying to practice my accent and the second thing you can do is you record yourself cuz you know what happens as a YouTuber I record myself a lot and the thing is when I speak I miss some sounds and I don't really notice that when I listen to the recording of myself I'm like oh my God I mispronounced that word oh that sounded weird oh my God what did I do here so when you listen to yourself you notice other things that you could not notice when you were speaking because your brain is obviously busy processing another language that you're speaking right now so record yourself listen to yourself oh my God that's going to help you improve just go back to my first videos and watch them you you'll see you'll see the difference okay so we have the phonetic aspect here that we just covered our second level is vocabulary now ideally you know in order to speak English you need to know 2,000 words but what is better to know 2,000 words poorly or to be confident in 500 Words of course be confident in 500 Words so that means when you're learning youu vocabulary don't just try to learn 50 words a day ideally two or three words a day maximum but try to use them try to use them at least three to four times in a sentence make sentences with them make texts with them just please make sure that you know this passive vocabulary where you have all of the words that you know you've heard or you've read um you know and you kind of understand them make sure they transfer into your active vocabulary and active vocabulary I made this circle smaller just because yes normally it's smaller uh you know we don't use all of the words that we know but this is your goal to use as many words as possible and very often this could be like a 2,000 Mark and here we have like a 500 word Mark try to grow this vocabulary by uh transferring ing words from your passive into active and how can you do it well we just talked about that so what we're writing here is active vocabulary pay attention to it the second thing learn phrases not just isolated words because sometimes you see you know ridof how do you use it I got rid of unnecessary clothes in my wardrobe you know you need to learn how you use use that phrase in a sentence instead of just learning chunks of it or like at the moment how do you use it I am busy at the moment I can't answer the phone okay that's great because sometimes we're like oh this is a great word but how does it all work together so here is how you learn phrases not words also pay attention to I call them thinking time phrases because this is also super important sometimes we forget words and phrases like that's a difficult question let me think about it oh they help me so much on TOEFL all of the exams that I'm taking like they buy you time or let me think or I haven't thought about this before so by adding those phrases by adding them into your vocabulary you pronounce them almost automatically which means you will have additional memory space in your brain to remember the words that you forgot if you're taking a test like TOEFL or Isles that has a speaking part in it this is an absolute must for you for you learn those thinking time phrases there are other types of phrases that come in handy when you're talking to a native speaker and you don't understand something could you repeat this please sorry I didn't catch it can you say that again please know those phrases pick out two or three that you like and use them all the time now the next level is lexico grammatical and I'm going to explain what this means this is basically how you connect phrases into sentences and a mistake that a lot of students make here they're trying to learn all the tenses at the same time including all the conditionals now don't do that again it's the same as with your vocabulary I'd rather you know four tenses and use them correctly instead of you knowing the names of 12 tenses and conditionals and not use them correctly please make sure that you go step by step because in a lot of times I know people jump over levels like oh they were intermediate but then they went abroad came back and suddenly you know their speaking is Advanced but their grammar is still intermediate so make sure you actually take your time and uh replenish your knowledge and grammar because I had the same problem with German I learned German I was like ban I think I went to Germany I was inspired by the accent by how they sounded came back to Russia my speaking German was C1 my listening German was C1 uh my writing German was kind of better but my grammar was still B1 or like B2 but I still transfer it to another level missing those crucial parts of grammar don't do that don't follow my example uh be mindful of the time that you need to make sure you're comfortable with all the different grammar structures and the fourth level I'm going to add numbers here and the fourth level is discourse basically your conversations your monologues and dialogues and here again there are so many ways to practice topics right your favorite how do I talk about myself how do I talk about my age how do I talk about my goals how do I talk about my career my family Etc practice those topics speak to yourself it's very convenient it's free and you always have someone who's listening to you the best advice right then our favorite record yourself and talk to Chad GPT I love that because you can have all kinds of conversations with Chad GPT you can have voice conversations you can have written conversations any topic you can ask it to teach you something you can ask it to tell you a story uh the best way to practice or you can take a course from intermediate to advanc and practice with real students from all over the world that was it for me for today guys I hope this was useful for you and uh I hope this gave you some structure on how to fight your fear speaking English and how to deal with the problem of being able to understand English but not being able to speak it without that being said please hit the like button if you like this video take the course if you'd like to improve and I'll see you very soon on this channel bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 101,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english with linguatrip, silicon valley girl, how to speak english fluently, english lessons advanced speaking, how to speak english native speaker, american english, how to understand english, american english pronunciation, learn english speaking, understand but can't speak english, english speaking practice, understand but can't speak, how to speak english like a native, improve english
Id: -W9L7nNeBlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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