How To Speak Without Preparation? | Communication Skill | Extempore Speech| Dr. Vivek Modi | Live

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imagine you are sitting there in the audience and on the days okay people are calling upon names and students are coming taking their their prize and going back all that is happening suddenly the announcer there says that now we need somebody from the family of the students to come and talk maybe as a parent as a brother sister you are there and suddenly the person calls you hello mister you xyz please come come on the dais and say few words okay now this situation happens many times and what happens at that moment is people go blank because they had no plan how will i talk they had no plan good evening good evening please hold on your comments for few minutes let me complete the topic i am giving you a good very nice technique thank you very nice technique on how to speak ex temporary when this technique you won't find anywhere because this is my technique okay and i'm giving you here uh usually i'm giving it in my courses i'm giving you here today and i'm sure it will be useful so in any situation when you are called without any preparation to speak and you do not even have a topic to speak okay they have just called you please come and say few words okay and at that moment what happens if people are not experienced and not easy with public speaking they get stuck they get frightened they think what will i say i have seen so many very experienced people very well read people doctors and professors getting really a cold feet when they are suddenly called to speak without any knowledge of it so i'm giving you a technique using this technique you will be able to manage such situation i am not telling that you will become a perfect speaker in this this extempore speech extreme power means without preparation impromptu when you are speaking without preparation people are not expecting you from you a scholarly speech no they are expecting some decent speech that's it so using this technique you will be able to manage it so this technique is called p p i t you can note it p p i t technique okay and using this technique you will be able to speak on any occasion if the issue is not given to you you are simply called so what is ppid here let us understand okay first p in ppi t first p is called people people okay so it means you can talk something about the people present there let us say if school principal is sitting there on the desk so you can say few words about that you can first start by greeting good evening good morning namaskar to all and then you can say thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to come on the dais and represent parents or brother sister or represent our son there who is studying in this school then you can say before i begin keep in your mind p you can say before i begin and say something let me congratulate principal sir an entire staff of this college or this school to run it really well and professionally we feel it is like our family now you are talking about people there okay so say few sentence about people present on the days and people present in the audience in general you will always be able to make few comments about the people no matter what is the situation now it may be a club function it may be a wedding ceremony it may be some other kind of office ceremony a farewell party or something where suddenly if you are called to tell something first remember p talk about people something say a few words okay then move on to the second p p p i t i told you second p second piece place okay first piece people second piece place now what do you say about place talk about that organization or that location where you are so you can say whenever i come to this campus if it is a school or college or whenever i come to this campus i really have a feeling that i am coming like i'm coming to my home or you can say i really like the ambiance of this place or i love the energy here i love the greenery here i love the infrastructure building it's really well planned you can say something about the place no matter where are you you can always say even if you are sitting in the ground somewhere outside you can say i love this ground you know i like the location of this ground i like the greenery here something you can always comment about the place okay so first talk few words about people people on the days of the days okay second talk about the place because you don't have an issue there they have just called you to say few words so you are saying few words okay then third thing comes issue now issue may not be there or may be there so what do you do there in issue let us say if you are talking on the days of a college or school then there is no such issue they are just told you to say few words so you can say since i am presenting here my brother my younger brother or my son whoever you are presenting since i am presenting let me say about my feeling related to this organization because you know principal they are sitting people on the desk they are really concerned that you say something good about them okay that's also etiquettes so you can say i really like and fill in the blank something i really like the friendliness of teachers here or if you are in the club i really liked the way our our president handled this his tenure if you are talking on a club okay create some good issue some good point if they have not given you a topic and speak few words again on them so we have covered three things first is people second is place third is issue and last t p p i t technique t means time now what do we talk about time time here means past present future okay so let us say after speaking three points also you have some more couple of minutes to fill then think about past ok so you can say earlier i remember when i was young and i used to go by this place i used to look at this building you know you are talking about past save one one line two line about it or you can talk about pressure or you can also talk about future in future you can talk about people's future you can talk i am very sure students studying there they are going to make our country very proud i see few of them will become bharat ratna or nobel prize winners they will bring glory to country you are talking about future of that audience you are talking about future of that organization you are talking about future of that place again so same ppi in past present future again you get some more points to speak and fill in the blank so it really doesn't matter what is the topic really doesn't matter what is the audience really doesn't matter what is the occasion you always if you can keep this technique in your mind p p i p p ah place a people place issue and time if you use this technique you will always be able to speak confidently at least for five minutes and that's good enough and you know one of the good thing about it since you have spoken extempore people will love that because they are not expecting a big speech from you they have just called you and still your speech will look very very well organized speech so please try to use this technique i am once again very briefly telling some people have joined later i am talking about impromptu speaking i am talking about a scenario where you are called to called on the stage to talk something about the occasion without any issue then you can use ppit technique first piece talk about the people or second piece talk about the place two p's are there okay people and place talk about the people who have called you talk about the audience talk about something related to people second talk about the place okay place is good what is good about that place ambience or greenery or infrastructure or whatever it is say something about the place you will be able to fill in something very relevant then i is issue whatever is the occasion you can talk about the occasion okay you can talk about if it is annual function you can give good wishes to the students you can praise few things about the teacher or you can name few particular individuals and thank them individually so many strategies are there then the time if you still have some time then the last t comes time talk about the past of that organization past of the people past of that place present and future so even if you give two to sentence for each you have good stuff five to ten minutes of speech is without any problem you can make with confidence people will think how could he speak how could he think you know you need to remember the technique the problem is i have given you the technique but even now majority of you will forget the technique when the occasion comes so what you need to do is how to implement it make a plan take a notebook and take this technique because i give this technique in my professional paid courses i'm giving you here right now okay take a paper take a pen and write p p i t and use this technique in some hypothetical scenario ask your friend brother sister someone to to talk about it so in my earlier one of the videos i think i have shared one impromptu speaking technique which is q a technique very common technique okay how to organize your thoughts so you can go and watch that this is one more technique today i have told you ppit and this is more useful for p when you are speaking on topic which is general which is not having any particular and when you are just called to speak something when you are not given a topic that time its the most ideal technique without hesitation like a pro speaker you can speak one very important tip here to remember is please use the language in which you are comfortable okay really doesn't matter when you are called upon the stage don't hesitate that no no i have to speak in english only if you are not comfortable in english extempor speech are always best in the language in which you are comfortable because you don't have to think again how to construct the sentence in extempore already you are thinking about the content so your spontaneity will be maintained if you maintain your original language your mother tongue and speak in that and people would accept it don't worry about it okay slowly slowly this english castle is breaking people are giving respect to now indian languages also so let me now take your questions i hope you like the technique ppit technique it's a very useful technique in personal life i have used and many of my students use it i can understand what people say but my problem is i can't make sentences you can suggest us something that is the exact problem i had uh bubble i hope it's bubble only yes that's the exact problem i had you know when i was in my mbbs doing my first year of mbps that was my problem because i come from a small town in rajasthan nobody speaks in english there i did my entire education in hindi medium suddenly in medical college i had to speak everything in english and that's where i improved so i've already shared in a video so if you found uh that interesting i think that should be useful okay answer my question what is your question please uh tell me in my path i could not see your question i want to know how can develop my vocabulary power i am able to speak english okay so you have to see and read and listen various things which bring diverse topics for example you can watch daily news from the point of view of picking up some words okay now here important aspect is don't learn words learn the use of the words and start using them every word which you learn should come with a context in your mind first learn where this word will be used and then learn the word simple means what see there is things can be simple but effort needs to be kept so vocabulary i cannot give you mantra you chanted vocabulary happens you have to listen more people that's how your words get rich you have to read more book if you're not able to read and say me i want to become affluent it won't happen yes so you have to do simple things read more variety of things and talk in different scenarios watch debates watch people talking and see what kind of phrases and words they are using there are few words which will repeatedly coming any video you open you will find few new words look at those words internalize them imagine where will i speak these words and speak that's it so it's a process don't keep a timeline in two days my vocabulary should be good or in one week it would be it's a lifelong process even today i learn new words what do i do whenever i find a new word i tell simply my phone google please remind me of this word you know so you have this google assistant which can help you so much so remember any word or make a note keep a diary make a note if you are hesitant of working hard i can't help you friends you know you have to work hard you have to put your work simple doesn't mean easy okay simple means it's easily understandable but you have to take those steps without taking steps there is no way you can learn any language forget english no language communication if you want to develop whether in english gujarati tamil marathi anything you have to really really work on it you have to speak that's the only way and vocabulary i told you show yourself sources from diverse background diverse means different different background okay so maybe a doctor speaking you may not need that vocabulary but maybe uh in a news debate which happens two people are countering each other let's say you know sushant singh rajput so much controversy is going on okay so one person is saying in favor of cbi transfer another person is saying not in favor but they are using certain phrases which might be useful for you you got to note that you got to watch that that's what i did i used to see everything from the point of view even though scrolls which used to go you know below that every screen in the channels and all i used to read it carefully and i used to say okay this word can i use it and imagine once you use a learn a new word in vocabulary understand the moment you learn a word please think where will i use it how will i use it what situation i can use it if you cannot imagine a situation then put that word in a in background use first learn only those words which you can think of using and when i say think of using it should not look artificial or odd it should look very natural when you're talking to your friends when you are talking to some people on phone or otherwise if it is not natural just to just to make it very difficult just to make sounded very sophisticated if you are learning a word and using it word no it won't work communication is not about creating difficult words and using jargons no in the end communication should is about conveying your message effectively and receiving your message a two way so listen carefully to people and communicate in simple yet understandable english or whatever language you want to so that's the process please please don't complicate it unnecessarily okay any more questions do you have now if you don't have a question i want to say few words because i received couple of emails regarding my crash course which i have announced in public speaking and which has been with all your support being very good which went really well but then i received this message couple of message that sir why are you charging for the course friends i want to tell you one thing when a professional speaker who has 10 years of experience is taking 330 rupee for a crash course on public speaking it's not the course fee dear friends it's not the course fee you're mistaken my course fee is not 300 2013 i have not sold course less than 5000 forget about selling it now 330 is not the course fee and if somebody has a mentality that everything in the world should be free that's where i have the problem you know i want to filter people who are just interested and people who have little more than that with just interest things don't happen we are interested in thousand things you don't get thousand things just by getting interested you need to show some commitment you know i used to take free webinars i took so many it has seen the attitude which people join it and leave it i don't want i don't want to teach them if somebody is not interested in learning and somebody is not committed and 330 rupee also is a problem that my dear friends you got to really think about it you know couple of days back i put a story on youtube i don't know if you have seen or not i've told i have told in that that sometimes free is more expensive than you think sometimes free is more expensive than you think you know what is taking this free thing it is taking your time and life because if you are casual you take things freely anybody receives it you know everybody registers if something is free after that they don't turn up what is happening with them they are getting into a habit of being casual about everything too much casualness will make your casualty please get out of that thing okay get bit serious if you are doing something do it with focus okay and if you're not doing fine at least don't get into this mentality that everything in the world should get free to me i'm sure my subscribers are not like that who want everything free come out of that thing okay so that's the answer to those people who think you know everything should be free sorry uh you will be disappointed if you think so you know whatever is free i'm putting it on youtube and i'm ready to give more than enough because i know people who cannot take it they won't take it free you know you will watch thousand videos in a month in the end what have you received in the end what have you really you know built with this that question you need to ask otherwise go on watching i mean they they say in one day on youtube they are uploading more than 500 years worth content somewhere i read therefore yesterday even if you try whole night whole life you cannot watch enough free stuff that much is there the thing is what are you doing with that free stuff okay if you are matured enough committed enough to even work with commitment on the free stuff do it good luck most people don't do it that's why that 330 rupee is a is a it's an indication that person has real good desire okay it's not a course fee i am sorry you are not even aware of the course fee okay so that's uh that's it i wanted to say any more questions if you have i will take otherwise i don't want to talk much about corona and all no i don't want to talk about corona stuff now already so much is there you can follow some of the good youtube channels dr k agrawa's channels and all many they are doing good job of educating people so i think i should be out of it you should know grammar rules but for speaking well just knowing grammar rules does not help if you know it is good if you do not know the approach should be learn sentences learn grammatically correct sentences and there is something called linguistic intelligence okay every human being has linguistic intelligence so once you learn enough correct sentences you automatically understand grammar that's how you know the grammar of your mother tongue it could be hindi telugu tamil whatever your mother tongue is you know the grammar because you know enough correct sentences you don't know grammar because you have read the grammar for most people that's the fact yes so english is same [Applause] okay so was there any other point i wanted to say no so i hope friends you would have liked that technique of extempore speaking ppit technique use it practice it give your feedback if you liked it thank you thank you love you too thank you so much for all your support you are the people who keep us you know giving it back otherwise sometimes you know we get people uh i will be making more videos don't worry uh presently i am in a different process of making my online courses i am myself learning so you will get more and more videos okay eventually but you have to stay put for few days and in between now and then i'll keep coming live like this and i'm happy that many of you have joined if you all liked give it a thumbs up already have given i think good thank you so much i think it's what's the time what's the time friends time is almost 10 20. so thank you so much and take care during this corona time see you again later thank you
Channel: Dr. Vivek Modi
Views: 1,076,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Public Speaking training, public speaking, communication skills, public Speaking course, communication skills Course, Dr Vivek Modi, Vivek Modi, extempore speech, technique for extempore speaking, motivational speech, how to speak without preparation, English fluency, public speaking latest
Id: 4jnyb9hNoMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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