FREE ENGLISH LEARNING CLASS || SESSION-5 || Self Learning Activities || Skillfident English Academy👍

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hello my dear Learners welcome to a new session here at skillful Dent with your mentor namita now those of you who have been following me from quite some time you already know that I always insist on self-learning when it comes to acquiring the skill of speaking English fluently so today also I'm going to insist all of you not to join institutes for learning English not to buy courses not to go to anybody's classes for speaking in English fluently yes I teach English as a profession I am qualified trainer to teach English to different groups of Learners I train them in different areas but still I am telling you not to join even my classes you don't need that all you need is some activities which can help you develop the skill on your own so in today's class I'm going to share with you five practical activities self learning activities which will help you become fluent in English and you'll be able to speak English very confidently better than those who are spending money on classes on buying courses on joining institutes you will feel that you're better off than them how well these activities are research based this is something which I've worked on for years I am training my Learners using these activities only so here I'm sharing it with you with all the Learners who don't want to pay money if you have that confidence if you have that faith in yourself then this is the right way for you you only need a mentor you only need a guide who can show you the path towards fluent English and I'm going to be that guide for you I'll show you the right path you simply have to walk on it follow the techniques that I'm going to share with you so today we are talking about five major activities the first one is working on monologue now what is monologue I'm sure that you know about dialogue dialogue is between two people die two two people you're watching a movie you're listening to dialogues where two people are having a conversation but mono means One Mono acting where only one person is acting performing monologue the monologue the conversation of a person with himself or herself so a speech is a monologue you have to practice a lot of monologues I'm giving you some topics note them down and start practicing them right now you can plan a weekly activity schedule for yourself based on these activities it is completely up to you how and when you are going to do that so note down these four major activities the first one is the best day of your life talk about the best day of your life when did you feel your happiest self what special happened on that day what were the things which made you smile why do you think it is the best day who were the people who were involved and where were you everything about that day so you have to speak about that day for a couple minutes like maximum three to four minutes if you can include the details you're talking to yourself so there is nobody else listening so you can be honest you can talk about everything talk about the best day of your life that's the first monologue activity the second one is importance of reading books now this is something which you I'm sure can talk about endlessly not just for three or four minutes you can talk about it for more than five minutes if you think you cannot then I'm going to link a playlist it is all about books it has book recommendations how you can build this habit of reading why reading is so important how you can become fluent in English by reading books there are so many videos only about books so you can go through that playlist and then you can talk about it importance of reading books how books can actually positively Inspire Us in different areas you don't have to talk about English the benefit of reading books different kind of books include all the books all the categories give yourself a chance to speak about it now the third topic is the biggest lesson of your life what have you learned as the biggest and the serious lesson till now life keeps teaching us something every single day but some of the lessons we remember for the entire lifetime so what is that one lesson for you it is a very good topic to talk about you're talking to yourself again so it would be easy for you to talk about the lesson what was the situation were you going through some tough time why do you think all the things happened and what have you learned what are the precautionary measures that you're taking right now in life everything share all the details with yourself now the fourth topic is how to maintain a healthy diet now what is healthy diet for you are you being able to maintain a healthy diet for a good body for a good physical health of yours or not if not then what can you do to maintain a healthy diet if you're already following something then what is that healthy diet this is something that you can share here in the comments section also a few points and you can build up your speech around those points if you are comfortable of course so talk about a healthy diet we have been reading these kind of topics in our school science books right from childhood balanced diet nutritious diet what are the ingredients and everything so talk about a healthy diet so this was the first activity monologue now the second activity is have a discussion with yourself the first one was a monologue where you just have to speak now this is going to be a discussion you have to give yourself topics where you can discuss where we will have two different point of views and you have to talk from both the sides you have to favor both the sides let me give you some topics and then you can think of more topics on your own the first one is hard work versus smart work you have to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of both of these you have to talk for and against both how do you think hard work helps us and how do you think smart work helps helps us how much hard work shall we put in how much smart work shall we put in or what do you think is more important than the other choose one side and in the end conclude it which you favor the most like talk about both the things both hard work and smart work and concluded with the one which you think is the best one over the other the second topic is social media social media its advantages and disadvantages we all know that social media no matter how glorious is it looks still has some disadvantages so talk about the advantages first then move on to the disadvantages and again conclude it by sharing your personal Viewpoint this is how you're going to have discussions with yourself now the third topic is love marriage versus arranged marriage now these both are complicated marriage itself is complicated how many of you agree with it which one do you favor which one do you think is more long-lasting it's more harmonious love marriage or arranged marriage talk about both of these and then conclude it with the one which you think is better than the other so this is how we discuss things the fourth topic is Early Bird versus night owl an early bird is someone who gets up early in the morning and try to finish everything in the morning itself and a night owl is someone who can stay awake till late and perform better than they can in the morning who are you are you an early bird or a night owl what do you think getting up in the morning when everything is so fresh and you feel more motivated to do things or staying a bit to light depending on your physical capabilities is better concluded with your best view and which one you can relate the most with and the benefits and and the negatives of both these things so have discussions on these topics and then you'll feel so good about yourself because this is somewhere brainstorming you to think about different aspects to look at different perspectives of life so I think this is my favorite one where you have to do discussions with yourself because you're giving yourself two scenarios to speak on I hope you're noting down all the points whatever I'm sharing with you now the third self-learning activity for all of you is dictate your ideas to yourself we all are full of ideas thoughts point of views perspectives we have so much of imagination which is waiting for us to share it with the world now first of all let's begin sharing it with ourselves our own ideas to ourselves so I'm again going to give you some topics the first one is what is your idea of improving your life none of us is satisfied with what we have right now we all want to improve our lives what do you think are the area of improvements in your life what changes can you bring what are the positives that you want to include in your life how can you basically improve your life talk about this thing in detail and try to speak for three to four minutes the second topic is what is your idea of taking care of mental health now these days mental health is gaining a lot of significance and I think that's a very good thing that finally people are talking about mental illness the mental stress that we are going through we need to take care of our mental health and I do have my own uh things to share about it but what is your idea about mental health Improvement how you can maintain a good mental health speak about it for three to four minutes the next topic is your idea about bringing positive change in your life what is that idea for you where you can involve more positivity into your life because of our surroundings we all get affected and we knowingly or unknowingly feel a little negative how we can dilute the negativity and make our life more positive how you can actually bring a very positive change in your life is what you're going to speak about again for three to four minutes the fourth topic is what is your idea about spirituality spirituality is a very personal thing everybody has their own way of being spiritual I'm not talking about religion I'm not talking about God I'm talking about being spiritual if you are still confused I would want you to Google this thing and then talk about it what is your spirituality what makes you spiritual talk about it for more than five minutes because this will help you bring out a lot of emotions from within something that you have not even shared with yourself so these activities will make you a different person you're not realizing it right now but when you actually start working on these self-learning activities you'll feel that your mind is getting a wonderful Outlet don't skip this part note down every single topic that I'm giving you it is coming out after a lot of research now the fourth self-learning activity for all of you is memorize quotes and read them out loud and then talk about the same quotes how you can relate to the quotes and how they are applicable into your life famous quotes some of them are out there the quotations by so many famous people okay let me give you some quotations then it'll be easy for you the first quotation is by chanakya listen to this one chanakya says books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person what do you think this quote is trying to say what do you think is the point of view of chanakya behind this quotation talk about it first of all read it out loud and then talk about it what is your understanding of these lines so it will give you a chance to think more about your inner self the second quotation is by Albert Einstein now this is a very very nice quote and this is one of my favorite quotes it says everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid and I completely understand it but what is your understanding behind it read it out loud and then talk more about it how you can relate it what do you think is the idea behind these lines the third quotation is by Mahatma Gandhi live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever what do you think this quote is about what is he trying to express what is he trying to impart all of us with this quotation think about it and share your point of view with yourself the next quote is by rabindranath tagore you can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water of course you cannot if you want to speak English you have to actually jump into practicing English and speaking more of it every day I have given you slight idea how you are supposed to talk about these so read out all these quotations loud speak them if you can learn them by repeating five six times then they will get imprinted on your mind you can do that but most of it what you have to do is you have to explain them and narrate them to yourself in a more detailed manner all right I hope till here it is clear and you're noting down everything let's move on to the fifth self-learning activity which is a very nice activity teach yourself various skills in English don't simply get tangled into English grammar vocabulary phrases verbs nouns there's that pronunciations native speakers no don't get stuck right there into the language teach yourself various skills but in English if you are somebody who's interested in in reading more books then read more books just for the sake of enjoying that part of reading not because you have to become fluent in English now how I don't know about you I don't know about your interest areas I don't know which skills you want to develop but in general which I think most of the people can I'll share it with you the first skill can be gardening teach yourself gardening or about plantation the plants that you can keep inside your home the indoor plants the plants which give more oxygen to you which are very good like money plants spider plant snake plant we have Jade all of these the Tulsi plant read more about it how you can actually plant them in your home what are the requirement how much are you supposed to water and all of that you know so this is so important that you learn about gardening but watch videos or read content in English only learn more about gardening through English that's what you need to do the second skill is journaling writing a diary what kind of Journal can you involve yourself in an art Journal this is very popular these days you can Journal your entire day just by drawing something or you can go for a gratitude Journal a journal which is all about planning your day in advance or talking about your day later what is your way of journaling teach yourself this art of journaling through English watch more of English content related to journaling read more about journaling in English the third skill that you can teach yourself is cooking culinary art this is again gaining a lot of popularity earlier it was limited to one gender only females were into it but now many men are coming out I think chefs were always males it was it is just in Indian households that we have females cooking so everybody of you can learn more of cooking more recipes more ingredients the name of different ingredients that we use different Cuisines everything you can use English to learn this one skill similarly you can learn more about meditation and yoga what are the benefits of meditation how you can meditate till what extent you can take yourself how deep you can go into this world of meditation yoga and how it can relieve you from stress in everything learn the skill but in English so when you teach yourself any any new skill in English it would not be a boring thing for you it would not be a study session for you it would not be something where you have to stretch yourself and you have to force yourself to do it you'll enjoy doing it and in the process you will learn English also it will be just an outcome so if you follow these five self-learning activities religiously then no one can stop you from speaking in English fluently and you definitely don't need to join any Institute any classes any course you don't have to spend even a single penny for learning English you can simply do it on your own at your home absolutely alone you don't even need anyone yes you need a guide and I'm always there for you if you found this video helpful you need to leave one comment letting me know that yes this is the kind of content that you want from me from a professional teacher then I'm more than happy to bring it forward to you all right so I'll see you in my next video till then take care of yourself keep practicing your English have faith in self-learning bye bye for now
Channel: Skillfident English Academy
Views: 362,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free English classes, Speak English fluently and confidently, English lessons for free, how to speak fluent English, don't join English classes, skillfident English academy, skillfident with namita, English speaking skills, communication skills in English, learn English for free
Id: _Y0zZh1Ehd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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