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hi guys hello are you there okay okay I think we're good I think we're good okay everyone's listening hey hey how you guys doing today so guys today I woke up on this beautiful Saturday and I got a message from classy galaxy and do you remember who classy galaxy is you must remember that is cupcake girls older sister guys and they said that well it a surprise for me no I'm not sure exactly what they're talking about but I mean I figured you guys are super interested as to what's going on with them and we really haven't done a video with them in such a long time why don't we see exactly what the surprise is and I want to share it with you guys on YouTube obviously hey guys obviously if you guys are new to the channel if that subscribe button down below looks something like this does it look red I need you to click it just like okay I'm gonna punch this and right when I punch it I need you to subscribe okay three two what wow that really did not go for this make sure you do subscribe and guys of course if you guys now do you want to see more videos like this one make sure leave a like on today's video also leave a like for classy galaxies really cool surprise she's about to show me I don't know exactly what it is it's something related to Minecraft that's all I know but leave a like if you guys do like your surprise I'm actually quite nervous to know what this is but without further ado let's see what this is okay guys so as you can see I'm with Class C galaxies right now okay so classic galaxy you told me to come online on the server here and okay so can you just give me a little background or exactly like what this is so everyone watching this video knows what's going on and what what you have done here cuz I have I don't know what it is yet I don't know what the surprises well I am working on it for a long time okay it's a secret it's been probably like a month in the making and yeah that's it it's all you gotta know that's that's it I mean okay yeah sure wait it took you a month yeah oh I'm sorry should I go backwards should I walk backwards yeah okay I don't trust you you know going no that I won't go to five here let me you're on your own all the time so uh okay wait I can just looked out I could see your feet I'll follow it where you're walking uh it's all weight it should I like you prepared like is there something about to jump out an attack I'm looking at you I'm looking at you I made it to look like how I wanted it to look so okay I don't know if you know but I like the color paint in red you know it's cute to me Red's my favorite color I agree so you you think Reds cute too uh yeah sure okay go yeah you're gonna play skewb so cute come on okay can I look up now yeah okay oh yeah what dog holy cow this is so cool wait yeah you built this all your own yeah but like I said a whole month this is so cool it looks did you get was there a village here before these look like villager homes and they replace the blocks yeah no sorta sorry I can't no I kind of replicated it ah this is so cool you should totally decorate these homes you you and like your sister could have one I could even have a house maybe you and I know well I mean there's a lot of homes here I mean like look there's there's one there there's also one over that we can even make a really cool gaming one to like I don't know wait yeah you know your YouTube channel right yes this is my crew okay wait yeah yeah keep people come over I mean yeah probably why should we invite some people yeah yeah okay okay here you know what everyone watching this video if you guys want to be invited to play with classy galaxy and myself on the official town that she's built and classy galaxy how long did this take you to make way too long like alright I said a month but like in reality closer like month and a half holy cow that's a lot of time if you guys do want to come and I did you know maybe we'll do like a cool like a housewarming party with all of you guys make sure you do leave a like if you guys want to be invited but also comment down below your minecraft username and uh we may just have to pick a couple people so also they have to like the video wow yeah I I said they had to like it yeah wait what why it's a roof were you label were you labeling whatever yeah sometimes I forget what they're called so yeah okay yeah that's that's a roof okay so we have a farm over here of course what what what else you should probably harvest your crops though there's a there's a lot yeah it looks pretty it's pretty I like it but that's true don't see you know anything else okay right Greg I I just I I feel like there's something kind of missing um I I don't know what it say I love the statue but it's it's red it's a fluke yeah because you like red and you thought you said no I love I love red that's my favorite color no I do what's this say ugly loss Hey ugly love oh boy wait who wrote that then who was there anybody else helping you build this or was it cupcake girl no no someone else could've gone to serve right oh this is cool way hold up is there a tree on my head up there is it like oh my gosh there's literally a giant for you at the top of my head what that's actually really funny that's so cool I really like that oh my gosh Wow so it's like it's like I literally it's like oh nine years on Bert yes what is this house house house you ever forgot what this was this is a house over the gym I didn't really get to around building the kitchen first label bit I mean that's okay I I mean this work town kitchen yeah I spelled it but yeah this is uh the sofa TV right here and everything yeah that's probably be my house I like that yeah that's cool I want to see which house I wanted mine to be uh well look we have another farm right here it says die of all-new but yeah there we go I or I didn't write that so you're telling me somebody came around here and was placing all those signs someone could have done I didn't try no I don't know that doesn't sound like something you would say I mean another little small house here we could actually turn this one into like like a chest room where we could just like have all the food and yeah yeah a bathroom yeah that's cool okay let's see there's two more homes over whoo wait no ways it's the only furnace one no way what is it hot well way lagar well agur i is this your friend well yeah yeah just let him be don't touch him I'm not gonna touch him it's okay guys he's got his new shell she's got all this knowledge of tyre knowledge and even has some crafting tables so we can do some good old crafting while he's in here and finally we have this house Oh honestly yeah I kind of want to have this house this one's cool I like this I could totally decorate this to myself I can have my bed over here a kitchen over here I could have like a oh isn't it cute cool like how it's pink and stuff in rags yeah I like it it's definitely very cute I like it and that we have a looks like some more homes down here okay yeah these ones could probably use a little bit of work maybe throw some carpet down or something yeah that's your house and even oh wait this one's my own yeah the one with the we do side and all of those like nasty leaves working table but I want the other house though okay I guess I'll take that one let's see ah this is a farm at nuba did you write that one no I'm not are you sure someone a server maybe I don't know I wonder I don't know who it would be because I mean okay whatever let's see you know this ballad has many villagers well they spelled villagers wrong they spoke Bala Jers yeah it's like a word out thing you swearing a saint you know that's not me I don't even know what this was this is like it's really cool I don't know if we've seen this one yet it seems to be just another empty nice house oh wait hold on see me from down there hey there's a balcony up that's oh wait we haven't gone in this house beside real quick I want to I want to check this one out this is so cool man holy cow I love the look of this city this is so unique oh my goodness check this out it's like a villagers house but it's all pink and red it looks so cool yeah baby jump lol haha noob do it okay what no don't know what oh look over here oh my gosh I'm covered uh holy cow this is so cool this you know what I've gotten a I've got to say this is definitely really really neat in fact even from the balcony up here away actually let me go back up from the balcony here you can perfectly see the statue of myself which is holy cow I need to take a screenshot of that that is that is so cool oh my goodness how long did the statue take you to build by any chance well consider you don't my resources and everything maybe wait where I said resources did you do this all in survival yeah no oh yeah I completely forgot I'm the only one in creative mode no way you did all this and survival buddy yes so please don't punch me or anything I am oh here I'll give you some food here you built this awesome city I can give you some food in return yeah this is so cool honestly like this is Sony even way is there signs up here - wait what is this wait maybe hold up classic galaxy maybe the person that was griefing the city puts signs over here as well maybe they like left something like a trail actually let me fly I can fly just all the signs say is just mountain mountain mountain mountain mountain mountain mountain mountain all they say is bouncing that's it it doesn't say anything else aside from just mountain I I don't know are you sure you weren't labeling that this was a mountain I swear no no I promise I believe you I'm just kidding I'm just kidding that's so cool I just want to fly around oh my gosh this is so unique even there's like a path and behind everything - this is so cool and honestly classy galaxy I just got to say I think everyone watching this video is going to absolutely love what you've done here because not only is they coming over right well I mean they're gonna have to come over if they leave a like on today's video so everyone watching I need you guys to slap a good old like on today's video and I mean overall show some support for classy galaxy can we get a round of applause please yeah honestly this is so awesome and I would love to do some more videos here too and like even like we can add on to this and build some more stuff but I mean basta galaxy I think I think I'm gonna have to end the video here I think we're gonna have to wait for everyone to see who's gonna want to come and hang out with us at this really cool town we also need a name for this town - so we got to come up with yeah wait wait wait wait let's make it right now all right how about pink town red town actually no no no like no everybody uh who can hear me right now are always viewing this video comment below what we should name the city yeah that's a good idea that's a good idea and ladies and gents I think we're gonna conclude it here for today's video classy galaxy again thank you so much for showing me this awesome town that you built and I would love to see more and even like record more videos and like for add-ons like we can add to this build like some cool towers and pull more things but ladies and gents that's gonna be it for me today everyone thank you guys all so much watching and what I'll see you guys tomorrow gonna bring a new video take care guys [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,231,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showcase, troll, funny, gaming, custom, mini game, 09sharkboy, maps, secret, 09sharkboy minecraft, modded, minecraft trolling, roleplay, comedy, craziest, top minecraft, mini-game, redstone, adventure, game, minecraft troll, gameplay, minigame, creations, trolling, squad minecraft, traps, mods, challenge, how to, command, playthrough, pranks, minecraft, spotlight, parody, map, games, modded minecraft, mod, shark, crazy, best minecraft mods, moments, house, video, minecraft mods, glitch, troll smp, tutorial, prank, facts
Id: UBDqEBlnpco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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