I Spent 100 Days in NEW Zelda BotW

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imagine there was another DLC for breath of the wild with completely new shrines structures animals buses and so much more today I will try to survive for 100 days in this new and dangerous world for that I first need to search for new weapons and equipment even on the plateau there's already so much new it's just going to be awesome especially when I arrive at my first destination a completely new Village but on the way there of course I had to complete the plateau with all its new challenges wait I'm on the first Tower and I'll already see what is that a fortress there's usually nothing there this is crazy there's even more new stuff than I expected but would you have expected that the whole Shrine is also new whoa okay mainly there are just new trees everywhere however they could grow here but it looks damn beautiful you can't deny that for a spirit orb but not only the shrines offered new content I also found outside are those rats ew and even after the next completely revamped Shrine I couldn't stop being amazed no way is that an anvil you can grab things what whether where do I get feathers from give me your feathers oh thanks very nice after exploring three more days of new shrines blowing up the goblins and collecting Pokemon and what did he say it was finally time for the paraglider and the first steps in Hyrule ah fresh air so peaceful uh what do you want from me who else wants to come now okay as in every good breath of the Wild play through one thing cannot be missing a horse of course with its new name Rapidash this made the way to the new Target Village Arden considerably faster nevertheless a detour to the next Shrine could not be missed where a new enemy waited me who are you a new Guardian can it even shoot no but it can jump oh [ __ ] okay yeah that could become annoying a visit to Satori Mountain was also very important for the journey where I stocked up completely on Hardy durians the most of a powered fruit in the game but would happen on day 8 nobody could have foreseen we're really close to Arden we're almost there actually no no no no no no no no oh my God it was a nice time for better or worse I had to continue the rest of the way on foot and just as I was about to activate the next Tower I noticed something in the distance yo what the hell is this huge Tower doing there suddenly this monster emerges at the top of paper Peak but I still have to become much stronger before I can find out what's inside and the best place to get started was of course order I just can't rip my head around the fact that there's a whole new Village it's just so crazy I spent a whole day getting to know the villages oh a dog visiting all the sites and seeing things in the cemetery that we should all forget about now but one resident stood out in particular Richard the real Richard the main reason I even came here was him leader of a group of the best Knights In the Land known as the Colossal fighter crew yeah I don't know who came up with the name but I want to join so can I join we're only letting you in if you can handle this huh no that's impossible I couldn't believe what Richard was asking me but I had no choice then I'll go get the strongest armor in the game I guess because I would need it my test takes me to the whole country for the greatest challenges in the game the destruction of the Shadow Syndicate six enormously strong mutated buses waiting for me the ruins scattered across Hyrule but one thing scares me the most the Hat behind the shadow Syndicate no one knows who he is or has even seen him if I want to end this whole thing I have to find him too but I've already taken a good step in that direction because this is my completely new armor WoW unfortunately that wouldn't be enough so I spent the next few days getting perfectly equipped for the first challenges including a new horse no I don't want to talk about what happened to the old one so fairies more slots from has to and of course Spirit over Spirit orbs now there's only one problem where do I find The Syndicate luckily Richard gave me the location of a secret operation center for the Colossal fighter crew yo oh what is that bro and every statue has the location of a Syndicate bus seems like it the first one isn't the ruins of sprock lake so I set out perfectly equipped directly to the northeast of the map only to find out no that's not shrug Lake damn it now I have to search the whole freaking map it wasn't that bad though just one Tower over to Banta I found what I was looking for finally there it is that's where we need to go nothing looks the same and struck like anymore everywhere you look are new ruins to be honest I have no idea what to expect here what kind of buzz and if I can even beat him with my equipment oh God a huge octorock with ultra precise shots and the best part arrows and Bows seem to have absolutely no effect on the boss how how am I supposed to hit him oh this works now ironically The Shield was the only effective weapon against the octura which was driven out of these runes Forever After just a few minutes but didn't he drop anything really nothing well at least one of the six is done I didn't leave empty-handed though as I was able to pick up a diamond at the secret base and of course locate the next mutated boss on a plateau overlooking the Thunder Plateau that can only be this does it without waiting long I directly headed to the banter as evil doesn't defeat itself after a very dark Shrine I was already there so according to my calculations you should be up there somewhere unfortunately I chosen one of the toughest bosses already the talus Lord a huge mutation of igneil and frostellus with incredible power what but with my Superior fighting skills I was able to I hid behind a rock and waited them to fall hey it worked you would have died in two seconds okay very important although the victory over the second bar seemed like a success in reality I was harshly brought back down to earth I was way too weak with his opponent and I had to face death several times there were still four bosses left and the identity of the head of the Syndicate also remained hidden this couldn't continue therefore side quest time activate your Robo Tower loot secret cave complete new Shrine bro this one has waterfalls what complete another Shrine complete another Shrine complete another Shrine complete another Shrine complete no I am equipped now or so I thought because at the end of the day's hike to Hebrew Peak the mysterious tower that had caught my eye days before it was waiting for me damn it's so huge it does look small From Below of course it's really big From Below too but this big holy the tower spans 7 levels each with its own Challenge and each with a notebook documenting the dark history behind the building many years ago the royal family sent a man here to monitor the tower in Hebrew which year the witch left because she was responsible but not really it's a long story anyway he's now the next boss at The Syndicate I have to defeat come down here you clown hey what kind of attack is this now it's just raining fire ice and electric will it stop already how overpowered is this boxers is flying around man what the it was a tough fight as it was continuously attacked by flying books but not even they could stop me now finally man he was so annoying boss number three was crossed off the list and the view from the highest point in Hyrule was simply breathtaking wow this is the highest point in the game there's nowhere High to go you can see everything the castle Death Mountain what was that what was if you're keep looking for me you are regret it what will I regret your subscribers no not my subscribers I couldn't lose you all but the mission saving Hyrule it was important that was clearly the leader of the Shadow Syndicate I had to find him before he could take away all my Subs but how I think only one person can help me now but last time we got the master saw then wait kids yeah well never mind thank you brother bye okay we have a destination we have to go to Death Mountain that's quite a long way but luckily the next bus is also on the way so it's convenient one Shrine later the peninsula was already visible so far everything looks pretty much the same as always that's the Lionel but it can't be the boss someone else must be hiding here oh come on you you're not no no way that's not a normal Giga is it oh okay the attack is much stronger than from normal Giga this has to be the boss this Higa can certainly be called the strongest in Hyrule kogo looks old compared to him the worst part is he only needs to hit me once with the sword and it's game over no oh my God was that close yes come on I almost got him ah that was really tough and that's the fourth boss The Syndicate is slowly breaking apart but the leader always worries me I still don't know who he is but that's exactly why I'm heading North now just as I was about to activate the Zora Tower I noticed something in the swamps was that house always there no that's completely new right that's a whole Farm or something here here in the swamp someone lives here even yo he sells swords yes I want right away thank you and on the long journey I almost forgot something I can still pick up the boss rewards for the witch and the yiga the witch not only gives you her mask but also her wand which can shoot fire Electro and Ice really powerful item and the yiga whoa this is really strong 52 damage sheesh that's exactly what we needed on the rest of my journey there wasn't much new to see the shrines of her as per usual completely overhauled with their new own challenges other than that I didn't find anything spectacular before garonia well run City all right then I'll quickly buy the armor in the shop and somewhere around here should be the welcome I'm supposed to find perfect the armor should be enough hey Robert is that you me no no Robin my grandson finally you visit Grandpa Vulcan this is Volcan this won't work I'll never find the leader of the Shadow Syndicate like this the shadow Syndicate you say yeah go to the sacred Springs today you will find answers okay okay thank you thank you so the strange odd Vulcan was good for something after all now how could I quickly get to the sacred spring exactly I'll grab the next to dongle and right there easy easy the dongos are old enemies from the Zelda franchise now they have returned and you can actually ride them so all the way to the South was just to jump away I really never thought I'd ever ride at a dongle and there they were I waited in the water and this has to work now this is my last chance show me it was quite clear the spring shot me his whereabouts where else could it be in the middle of the jungle and as for his identity yes I have a very strong suspicion but don't celebrate too early first I have to defeat two bosses and the sixth one is probably the strongest of them all number five was not located far from the central tower in this inconspicuous Hill there's a completely new cave with a sad story this little girl lost his stuffed animal perfect okay don't worry I'll get it back for you apparently the guards are searching for valuable ores in this cave there's only one problem look at the map there's a blue yellow green and red path the stuffed animal is probably in the red path unfortunately it's blocked by a collapsed Rock the only way to uncover it is to carry this Barrel bomb all the way down the yellow path to the entrance of the red path boy that is far it was worth it though there were Treasures all over the walls sapphires topaz and emeralds are completely new and extremely valuable ore okay I've dragged the barrel bomb all the way here if there's nothing important behind it now oh okay yes that looks important I was able to find the stuffed animal guarded by just a regular Talus I thought there was a mutated Buzz well it turns out the actual boss wasn't in the cave but on top of the hill it had nothing to do with the cave oh here it is but that didn't change the fact that the mother slime had no chance against me no seriously I probably took one minute for this guy to be weak I felt Invincible nothing scared me anymore how however I didn't know what to expect from the last henchmen of The Syndicate I'm very confident that we'll have destroyed The Syndicate soon we just need to take down this one Buzz nonetheless I'll quickly go to Theron again now yeah there are still 15 howdy tourists or something here can't get better than this and also nikala I checked again if there were any special new weapons to buy at the lab there weren't any the last muted advice is just a few steps away now somewhere here at the entrance of this Gorge you must be oh my God is that him that must be him the Luna Lionel nowhere else in the game will you see such a strong Beast again more life than any other Lionel has a dangerous wind blade and can generate lightning just like that the best part two hits and I'm KO okay okay but I'm slowly learning his attack pattern he takes very differently than all the other liners I've never seen anything like this oh that was close all these all the weapons he's taking so much damage come on just one quarter this is so intense Jeff yes yes done all six bosses of the Shadow Syndicate have fallen only the head of the group remains sweating for me in the jungle will I be able to stop him I honestly have no idea what to expect but first I could still pick up the reward for defeating the lunar Lionel you're all the lunar Testament incredibly strong what with this weapon I can only win right I didn't waste any more time and travel directly to the great dragon's mouth deep and parrot well use some guards here so I defeated all of them first and then he personally entered the battlefield Majora's Mask The Mastermind behind the shadow Syndicate has possessed a Boko I knew it the surrender before it's too late you over me I don't think that's going to happen because you are the you're still alive and you are the last one the shadow Syndicate is history Majora's Mask has been defeated that was extremely easy but the kingdom is safe you are the hero awake link [Music] oh no no no no no no no watch this video until your sleep
Channel: Linko
Views: 482,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda Breath of the Wild, Zelda Second Wind, Zelda 100 Days, BotW 100 Days, Breath of the Wild 100 Days, Second Wind 100 Days, Second Wind Mod install, Zelda Custom Bosses, Zelda Mod, Mod
Id: ql1zr03pV64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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