14 Tips & Secrets in Zelda TotK, you NEED to know NOW💗!

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here are 14 incredible tips and secrets since aliatives of the Kingdom that you need to know right now because they will massively improve your gaming experience have fun and let's go and tears of the Kingdom we get five new abilities fuse Auto build Ultra hand Ascend entry core as you may have already noticed recall has always mentioned last in other words players underestimate this ability so much that it should be forbidden with recall you can not only make gears run backwards to reach a specific location but also shoot back bomb barrels or any other objects that monsters throw at you or is something falls off a cliff simply activate recall to save it with that you can also use a winged lighter in pretty much every situation perhaps you've wondered just like me how to use the wing glider without those starting rails on the great Sky Island if you place it in front of you on the ground nothing happens if you place it on the edge of a cliff it falls down and so on here's the trick thank you glider with the ultra hand and hover it over a cliff once you've done that place it back in front of you at your feet now simply activate the recoil on the glider and send on it because what now happens is the glider will go back the path we just moved it with the ultra hand if you're over the cliff press L to cancel The Recoil and voila you're flying if you don't have a wing glider and still want to cross a white Chasm just take another object and do the same thing but this time lift it diagonally upwards at the highest point jump off and you'll go much further with your paraglider this way you can reach places you never thought were possible especially in the beginning of the game Oh and before I forget it if you see those Boulders falling from the sky stand on them and activate the recall those Boulders almost always take you to Sky Islands where there might be some pretty cool stuff in every cave you'll find a bubble frog a magical frog-like creature that doesn't seem to be good or evil but somehow reminds me of Froakie from Pokemon man I still love you Buddy each of us has found at least one bubble frog namely on the great Sky Island which is The Game's tutorial if you kill one of these bubble frogs you'll get an expensive looking Crystal and when Nintendo shows you something in the tutorial you know it's important so always explore all the caves and kill the Bobby frog inside trust me really I mean it when I say it once you see what you can get for these crystals you'll want to have as many of them as possible I Promise by the way if you've killed a bubble frog in a cave it will be indicated with a check mark next to the name of the corresponding cave on the map this way you will always know whether you need to enter the cave again or not in tears of the Kingdom stamina is more important than ever not only do we have to climb swim run and fly in this game but we also have to be careful not to break all our bones when we land after a mile long flight the problem is that we often simply have too little stamina or want to push our limit a bit further to discover something special in the distance that's why I have an absolutely brilliant tip for you that personally helped me a lot while playing tutk if you're stamina is empty and you're falling from the sky you can quickly pull out your paraglider just before reaching the ground and avoid all fall damage no matter how high up you've fallen from I'm not exactly sure why Nintendo included this but it definitely helps out a lot the same applies if you fall into water without stamina I'm not sure if this feature was already in BTW but in utk we get about a fifth of a stamina wheel as a gift with this you you can try to save yourself somehow for example by landing on the water lily or something similar thanks Nintendo I guess Shield surfing is damn cool not only are you faster than more mobile but you also have an incredible amount of fun The Shield surf simply holds the L to take out the shield then press X to jump and Aid attacks The Shield under your feet attention Shield surfing consumes the durability of your Shield unless you're surfing on Sand snow or dirt paths so far this is nothing new as it already was in BTW but now we have views with fuse you can attach a zonai car to your shield and go skateboarding yes you'll actually be faster and you can ride over uneven terrain the same goes for sleds or you can use a wing glider as it allows you to jump higher I know what you're wondering now Zelda Senpai how does that benefit me what's the point well it's quite simple the winged light on your Shield allows you to jump so high that you can now draw your bone mid-air and enter bullet time this way you can land the headshot on your enemy in the middle of a battle paralyze them and then run up to them and beat them up it's incredibly powerful and helpful believe me but if you think that's already cool just wait until you hear this you can attach a frozen piece of steak to your shield and because froze meat has different physical properties than raw or cooked meat you'll be super fast and able to serve almost anywhere admittedly this Shield looks incredibly stupid but I still love it and that's not all you can also slide on the rails with your Shield like the ones on the great sky island where you're supposed to place a hook and during the ride you can even change the rails by jumping oh man I love this game also feel free to share more tips and secrets in the comments that you know I'm excited to read them all not only has link evolved from beautyw to tutk but these ugly breaths here have too no I I mean this one the stone tellers while in breath of the wild he had always been alone and hunted down and exterminated by every single member of the Zelda Community by millions of links just because he carried valuable gemstones and tears of the Kingdom he has brought reinforcements well calling a few book oplans a reinforcement is questionable but together they are now called battles and anyway you no longer need to try to shoot the book problems from below let alone destroy the authors don't tell us since climbing is no longer possible we need to find another way to reach the top and that's where Ascent comes in simply go through the wood and then you can beat them all up but be careful the stone tellers start shaking you off after a few seconds causing you to take damage so it's best to jump off on your own if you want to use this mechanic to your advantage now pull out your bow with ZR and attach the motherboard to your arrow by pressing d-pad up if you shoot the battle teles now he realizes that he's wasting his time with his boots on his back and sends them all to find a Dollar on the ground of the neighboring country in my opinion this is a really fun feature hardly any ability is used as frequently in tears of the Kingdom as the ultra hand moving building you simply need it for everything that's why it's no wonder that when building new sometimes completely rotate the selected object and have no idea which way is front and which way is back if you press ZL now the object that you're holding with the ultra hand will be aligned correctly again and you can start the new and yes it's really you useful I myself have used it several times on my own playthrough slimes are also present in tears of the Kingdom you know our squishy silly companions who are never really perceived as enemies because they're just too weak well how should I put it it turns out that slimes are not only weak but also collapse more easily than a folding chair that means you can defeat them with absolutely anything yes really anything even throwing an apple against their forehead with r is enough to knock them out completely so it can be assumed that they only have one HP and are therefore the weakest monster in all of Zelda tears of the Kingdom but don't be sad buddy we still like you effort and determination count if you see an enemy with a good weapon that you either desperately want to have yourself or simply don't want to get beaten by because it inflicts too much damage listen to this you can attach an electric material to your Shield your weapon or your arrow if you hit the enemy with this weapon or let them strike your shield with the electric material they will be shocked and drop their weapon if you quickly run to the weapon and pick it up your enemy can't take it anymore and therefore they will hardly damage you at all and while they hardly damage you you can completely finish them off with a former weapon such a tactic is particularly worthwhile at the beginning of the game but it's still effective later on breath of the Wild's Cooking System was very complex and allowed for a wide variety of ingredients and Powerful Buffs however because there were so many items and effects many players were confused and didn't exactly know what to cook well to be honest it's not really different in tears of the Kingdom but that's why I'm here because I've put together some tips for you first don't just throw any food that looks strong into the cooking pot always use only food with the same effect such as only stamina only Hearts Etc and for the rest if needed with materials that have no effect because when you combine multiple effects they usually override each other resulting in a bad dish second cook each item with hearty in its name separately such as hearty truffles always throw it into the cooking pot alone these items always give you the effect of full healing this means that your hearts no matter how many you have will always be completely restored you might also get additional golden hearts these hearts are added to your normal red hearts until you get hit then they disappear these dishes are incredibly powerful at any time in the game but they become even better as you progress in every Zelda game you always had to walk over Rupees to collect them and that was always very convenient a green rupee is worth one rupee a blue rupee is worth five a red rupee is worth 20 a purple rupee is worth 50 a silver rupee is worth a hundred and a golden rupee is worth 300 but for inexplicable reasons Nintendo has decided to remove this function from tears of the Kingdom after many years of Zelda history and now you have to press a to collect rupees on the ground honestly you don't notice it much at first and somehow it's very satisfying to run through a pile of rupees and spam a all the time personally I prefer the New Concept but feel free to tell me which one you prefer throughout your game you will often see this destructible rock formations and you should never ignore them because they are never there for no reason behind them you can always expect a reward and often they are very very good we all know that you can break them with blunt weapons like bulky swords when of the rock attached or with bomb plants but what if you don't have a blunt object on your weapon or if the bomb plants are all gone the answer is actually super obvious and simple but no one thinks of it ladies and gentlemen let me introduce the Invincible Hard Rock Destroyer the cooking pot no seriously attach a portable cooking pot to your weapon and you can destroy all rocks you can even use them to break oars it won't surprise anyone when I say that there's an absolutely High number of shrines since altitude TK don't worry I won't reveal how many just remember that there are a lot and that's why it can often happen that you forget which shrines you have completed and which ones you have only activated but there's a method for that if the interior of the shrine symbol on your map is yellow then you haven't completed it yet if it's blue then you have completed it the exterior is blue if you have activated it and if you haven't activated it but are standing right next to it the exterior of the map will light up orange also you know that in every Shrine there's at least one chest right whenever you have found and opened all the chests in the shrine and taken the item inside the chest into your inventory at least once a blue chess symbol will appear next to the shrine's name on your map you can also check this while you are inside the shrine let's say this is how I do it on my own playthrough you visit a specific Shrine for the first time on your journey now you're inside the shrine and you found included a chest and now you want to know if you have found all the chests in the shrine simply open your map and check if the chest symbol appears next to the name of the shrine you are currently in if it's not there there are more chests to find so you should keep looking if it's there then you know that you found all the chests and that you can complete the shrank Omni and satisfied this game has various types of weapons strong ones that focus on damage some with elemental abilities some for destroying rocks and so on however that's at all because there are still so many more weapons that all have unique functions one of them is the Hyrule mushroom weapon as the name suggests you simply fuse a regular Hyrule mushroom onto any weapon whether it's a one-handed weapon two-handed or a spear now you're probably wondering what the point of this is I mean you only get an additional 1 use attack power and this also looks insanely stupid and what can I say you're absolutely right about everything it's not strong it looks dumb but it can knock enemies back incredibly far away I mean just look at this possible Goblin this guy has to go on the three mile jog just to come back and help his buddies if you can push enemies off a cliff in this way they will instantly die and therefore you're effectively dealing a tremendous amount of damage in essence you can turn any weapon into a spring-loaded hammer from beauty W except it does much more damage even the legendary Master Sword moreover you can also create space for yourself in combat if you're being overwhelmed by enemies although this can be done with any weapon in the game I can only recommend using one-handed weapons because they strike much faster and you can perform a quick spin a quick spin is and you should definitely listen to this one of the strongest combat techniques in the entire game available only to one-handed weapons you know how you can perform a normal attack and also a charge Spin Attack right but what if I told you that you can perform a normal attack and immediately follow up with the spinner back to do this you just need to quickly rotate the left stick in a circle and then press Y for the attack it is incredibly powerful against hordes of monsters because you hit all of the enemies at once still much more damage and keep all of the enemies at distance and especially with our mushroom weapon you can knock back all the enemies at once and completely ruin the day seriously just try it out yourself it's so freaking cool and tears of taking them the incredible as possible you probably still remember how many players in BTW tried to ride the three legendary dragons right including me well hold on tight because now it's possible not only will we no longer be thrown off by them but the producers actually want us to land on the dragons you can stand on all four of the dragons fly along the mysterious routes and make everything below look small of course in this game we can also shoot the claws for a claw the body for a scale the tooth for a Fang and the horns for horn fragment with an arrow once you've done that the respective part will fall down to the surface and you can pick it up there however you should note that you can only obtain such a dragon part from the same Dragon once every every 10 minutes so choose carefully which one you want I recommend getting all of them because you will need all the parts from each Dragon for money weapons and other reasons that I don't want to spoil if you specifically want an item for a weapon then take the horn fragment because it adds the most damage with 26 especially nitro's iPhone is incredible because it not only freezes the enemies but also doubles to the damage of the next strike now attach the horn fragment to the master sword and oh my God this thing destroys absolutely everything oh before I forget it you can also attach nidra's ice form fragment to your Shield when the enemies hit it or when you hold down ziel and press a for shield attack you freeze them and with a 26 damage from the fragment plus double damage you can easily kill any enemy in the game in this way you can literally tear enemies apart with just a shield Ultra was the fire ability on the other hand is some well let's just say not the best but still beautiful oh and really important make sure to collect all the dragon stones on the back of each Dragon they may not be as impressive as other Dragon Parts but they are still worth lot of money and are excellent materials for weapons besides you always find a lot of them at once I think it's 12 pieces so as you can see dragons have incredible loot so always take advantage of them when you see one in breath of the wild there were numerous armors and weapons that could only be unlocked through amiibos there was of course a problem because the amiibos were mostly sold out and let's be honest the prices were and still are outrageous fortunately Nintendo has decided to make many almost all of the items available to every player and tears of the Kingdom now you can get the formerly exclusive and popular armor sets and more throughout the game without having to spend even a single dollar the best example of this is the Fiesta the armor once beloved now after two months of tutk being released this set has already become a fan favorite due to its cool appearance and ridiculously strong Buffs of course all amiibos still have a purpose but most have a different one than before unfortunately wolf link is no longer in the game even though I finally have the wolf link amiibo for those of you who don't know wolf link as Link's wolf form from Twilight Princess and in beautyw you could have him as a companion he would attack enemies fetch items for you follow you oh he was so cute but well we still have Epona my favorite she's probably the reason why I fell in love with the Legend of Zelda in the first place if you really want to know all the tips and secrets about tears of the kingdom and have a perfect save file then unfortunately this video alone was far from being enough because in tears of the Kingdom there are already so many incredible Easter eggs Secrets myths and much more that's why you should definitely watch this video here right now because in this video I will show you even more incredible facts about Jesus of the Kingdom that will definitely blow your mind even more than these ones I promise that said thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: ZeldaSenpai
Views: 21,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda tears of the kingdom tips, zelda tears of the kingdom tips and tricks, zelda tears of the kingdom tips and tricks for beginners, zelda tears of the kingdom tips for beginners, zelda tears of the kingdom tips early, zelda tears of the kingdom tips early game, zelda tears of the kingdom facts, zelda tears of the kingdom useless facts, zelda tears of the kingdom secrets, zelda tears of the kingdom tips and tricks no spoilers, zelda totk tips, zelda totk tips and tricks, totk, zelda
Id: 13KwPd8VuRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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