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i just logged back into my minecraft server and it looks like i've been trolled look inside of my house there's smoke everywhere i'll quickly explain what this server is about in case you don't know about a month ago i started a brand new survival world but then evil slogo hacked into my server because i have another friend called crainer i decided to invite him so he wouldn't be lonely well since then stuff has been going very wrong my house got converted into a dirt house and then i decided you know what i'll burn down my friend's house and now we're here my house is smoking smells like ham are they smoking ham inside of my house oh my god they're signs they're signs they left evidence now before i start reading those signs make sure you're subscribed to my channel we just passed 20 million and i'm going for 25 within a couple of months if this video doesn't reach 200 000 likes this is going to be my last episode on this minecraft survival series and i'm going to blow this house up with tnt so yeah 200 000 likes would be a little bit useful and also if you want to get some merch go to the jelly store and let's start reading these signs hey jelly your house is a little smoky isn't it yeah what is this stuff campfire okay my garage is fine oh no in the back too that's what you get for blowing up my house whose house did i blow up wait crainer's house is okay i did put one tnt underneath of his door but oh my god josh's house it's gone yeah i uh i placed a little redstone contraption underneath of his house and it looks like it worked wait a minute i didn't blow up josh's house so is this from him what does the rest say at least i think it was you not sure really but like anyway kiss kiss craner cleaner i used one tnt and then you you do this could this stuff not burn down my house like this is this is proper dangerous and this will take me hours and hours to get rid of where's my carpet too are you kidding me what about upstairs oh wait here's my carpet ah what did they do trainer if this is why what i get for one tmt i need to think of something i need to think of something crater deserves payback he needs to be put back into a spot okay this is actually semi easy to remove i thought it would be harder also charcoal and yes i still have the diamonds in my inventory if you didn't know i found them in the last episode and i haven't found a good place to hide them yet talking about good places to hide doesn't crainer have a secret basement that i found it's under the sunflower in my garden i'm just gonna clean up this mess later i'm gonna do something sunflower hello we're going underneath of you buddy and then crainer secret base has he left anything for me cobblestone thank you greener more cobblestone thank you crainer anything in here four diamonds four diamonds that means i have six now two of mine and four of crater thank you very much trainer yeah that's what you get i'm gonna steal your diamonds i feel a little bit bad crater has been the victim in most of mine and josh's trolls i don't want to steal his diamonds but i'm gonna leave him a sign cute diamond spling bling i took them to a fancy spot far away from this ding thing follow the path to get your cuties back ring ring jelly get it because it's like a phone notification ring ring so i took kratos four diamonds in this video i decided i am going to make a trail for crainer to find back his silly little cute diamonds all right that's much better look i added a little arrow so we can find his very cute little diamonds back now where shall we take his diamonds oh oh i'm going to make a beautiful trail for crainer this is going to be fun oh i think i'm going to need a lot of shovels guys i'm going to i'm gonna need a lot of them we're going far away we're going far away wait no no no isn't it isn't it funnier way to have a good idea i think it's funnier to to make him think that he's gonna easily find them okay wait wait wait wait this is good this is good all right so we've got a reasonably short path so far you see it's going all the way from my house to over here and then i'm gonna say dig 60 blocks deep from here okay uh how much is that oh that's 58 60. okay that's 60 blocks now we'll leave a sign here saying now go back up wait we need to leave him some more evidence we need to leave him some more evidence okay now go back up and travel 100 blocks to the right that's okay right that that's doable all right i'm just making this very very annoying for crainer i actually have to go back up too you know all right wait i'll i'll put some dirt back we're back okay so he's gonna dig down 60 blocks deep and then he'll go 100 blocks to the right wait i gotta calculate this all right i i'm doing maths here just give me a sec okay i'm even making him a path look how nice i am to him look uh how nice all right so we've traveled about 50 60 blocks we're almost there we're almost there this is it this is the block 100 blocks away all right now i'm gonna leave him a sign saying the diamonds are in the chest at the top okay i need a lot of blocks a lot of blocks and i have a bucket of water which is gonna help because i'm gonna have to jump down obviously the diamonds are not going to be in the chest at the top that's a lie but there'll be a sign saying sight guiding him into a different direction this is going great guys we're already on cloud height [Laughter] i'm pretty sure that crainer will not remember to bring a bucket while he's doing this so he's gonna have to dig all the way down oh this is hilarious this is hilarious look how nice it is up here wow good fuse all right so we're like 170 blocks up the starting layer was like 64. so it's it's 120-ish actually but it's okay it was okay we keep going i think the build height is 250 i don't think i have enough blocks for that but that's okay this is pretty high already all right this is enough this this is definitely enough all right wait i'll put a sign here saying uh oh man sorry i left them back in my house next to my bed all right all right all right all right so now i'm gonna have to jump down without dying can i land in that river you think hopefully not actually because then greater will be able to make that jump we're gonna have to go back to my house go to the bed because that's what it says on this chest and leave some evidence for him there alright let's try to make this jump okay that's not possible that's not possible that's not possible that's not possible i'm really bad at this game i'm back the tower wasn't so hard to spot from the distance the stuff's right here okay diamonds diamonds four of them it should be six uh okay yeah six all right so now let's travel back to where we came from which is my house we'll remove the smoke and we'll add something to our bed ah i hate this crater what have you done to me this is not what friends do to each other it's actually relatively easy to remove all you gotta do is go underneath the floor and just dig it all away i can live with it craner can't live without his diamonds though two hours later oh my god he had over 64 of those things anyway where were we the bed alright so currently i have two chests next to my bed do i still have a book and quill oh i do i do i do i'm gonna write him a message hi crainer sorry for all the mess but i actually put the diamonds in a lever activated chest at the coordinates bring this book and read page 2 when you arrive so this chest is going to be right here and the coordinates should just be on that tip of the mountain now i'm going to need the book because i'm still going to write the other message but i'll put the book in the chest later i'm actually going to put an actual lever contraption down there and i need some stuff i need some stuff gunpowder tnt okay let's check do i still have something oh my god redstone sand lever gunpowder okay perfect perfect let's make some tnt real quick it's like this right yes and let's travel to the top of the mountain and place it there i think we're here let's check the coordinates 2046 109 1154. okay yeah it's about right all right let's put the lever down and underneath this three tnt okay that's pretty decent i don't need the redstone hi crater it's okay breasted crater all right chicken look me deep in the eyes do not press the lever until crano's here alright so now about page two this is gonna say the following okay good job you see it worked great things happened now you may return to your secret base and perhaps take a nap all right so let's go back put the book in my house and i'm gonna go to crainer's secret base i put a chest underneath of his bed aka the diamonds will be where he started or will they hmm i'm still debating that all right the book there we go let's remove this one because it's useless all right so now let's actually go into crane our secret basement i could go in here but i'm gonna close this off we're gonna go through here this is crainer's new entrance and then the bed should we take this one perfect all right put the chest down and four pieces of dirt is that gonna do it all that hard work that he's done to get his diamonds back and he never finds them yeah that's pretty good because i'm just i'm just keeping them don't call it stealing all right it's not stealing i'll give them back but i just want him to have for some fun first and maybe ask for them nicely he can ask me there we go i'll i'll put the carpet there for him as well all right go ahead tell crainer that i stole his diamonds but don't tell him that i'm not giving them back all right he thinks he's getting them back by following the stupid trail that was hilarious now ladies and gentlemen remember at 200 000 likes i will create a new video on this series otherwise i'll blow up my house now i currently have six diamonds before we end the episode i'm going to put those in a secret place in my house now don't you dare tell crainer and slogo about this one what a lot of people don't know is that i i have an addict yeah it's true watch i have a secret attic look at this place i've never done anything with this place oh that doesn't look great i'll fix it i'll fix it there we go but i thought it's time to put my diamonds in a new cool place let's keep them safe from all the monsters with some torches there we go there we go do not tell krator and slogo about my secret chest they will not find out and don't worry i'll get rid of these okay there we go thanks for watching a 200 thousand likes i'll open up the video click here for another video on the screen right now there's two options i would click on at least one thank you for watching see you in the next one bye
Channel: Jelly
Views: 3,152,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, troll, troll server, funny, funny moments, slogo, crainer, jelly minecraft troll, turtle town, cow town, I Sent MY FRIEND On A TROLL SCAVENGER HUNT In MINECRAFT!
Id: iPUtNQYKwrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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