I built this from an Old Magazine plan. It Works!

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To oil it, to oil it, toil et, toilet.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/AEROSTREAMPRECISION 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Isn't this the guy that buys big machines for basically no reason other than to show them off.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Inside_Spite_4423 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
before the internet one platform was king and that was the magazine they have pages filled to catch your eye like tools inventions and things to buy they would always educate entertain and inspire all you needed to do was submit your subscription flyer [Music] i have stacks and stacks of all this history so let's open one up and uncover the mystery let's take a look at popular mechanics march of 1963 it has this cool speedboat on the cover i want to take a look at that inside here looking at what was happening in 1963 i wasn't born yet but there's always something interesting in here that i have a laugh at yeah i just love looking at the old advertisements more fun than you can shake a stick at learn meat cutting it's just fun this was youtube before youtube these days are kind of long gone of advertising like this on the market 1963 bicycle engine kit these are on ebay right now selling for like 200 bucks nothing is ever new as you could tell we were extremely fascinated with space travel look at that thing fuel cells electricity and a promising new package take a look at this pets ride high nine dollars and ninety five cents if you saw somebody driving with their pet sitting on the top seat already to fall off you'd get the cops called on you what is this an accordion tent folds up like this stretches out that's kind of interesting oh yeah look at this one another pet one looks like it's sticking outside the window of an apartment building with a little hole in it so the cat can come out and take a view 78 bucks for that thing that probably wouldn't fly today either i ski at 106 miles per hour no thanks now this is cool she's water skiing behind this towable ski boat that's pretty neat that would be cool to find one of these today and get it working again now this is interesting this is what i always love about popular mechanics is they always have these cool boats hydrodynamic looks like we're able to build this boat pretty neat looking with this flat bottom we have all the drawings to make this if anybody's ever made this boat leave me a comment oh this one's always fun too okay to start a nail in place too high or to reach with both hands press a nail through a small square of foil then wrap the foil tightly around the pull of the hammer in a manner pictured they have a solution for everything traveling lathe oiler i could actually probably use something like this yeah i want to oil my work my surface finish will be nicer i don't have to continue to wipe with a normal hand brush i can run the lathe as needed and when you're threading you need both hands to run the lathe and it's kind of hard to keep it oiled at the same time i think it's a really simple idea looks like we need a fruit can a shut off valve some wing nuts some 3 8 drill rod a paint brush and some aluminum i'd like to try to build this with simple tools something you'd find in your garage or small workshop so all i'm going to need is a vise a hacksaw some specialty files some drills and something to solder with like a blow torch or a soldering iron and we're going to be diving in deep to why i'm going to be using each tool and i look forward to building my version 2.0 of this exact tool after we're done with the first one so let's get started on the build i'm using this piece of aluminum block it's going to be the base and i need to make an ear in it just like it says in the magazine so i'm going to do this with the hacksaw this is a thick piece of aluminum so in order for this to cut correctly we want to use less teeth per inch and this one happens to be 18. that centerpiece is going to be what we're going to be attaching the rod to this really makes me appreciate my mechanical tools but i don't want anybody to ever be discouraged that they can't build something because they don't have power tools we got our block we got a nice little rib exposed here but the surface is really rough so i want to file this down but we're going to use just not a normal file this is a file specially designed for aluminum this tool is absolutely necessary for aluminum where also the teeth get all clogged up the technique i'm using is i'm pushing on the forward stroke pushing hard but i'm just doing a light drag on the backstroke and that clears that aluminum out of that tooth once i get the majority of the bulk i'll switch to a finer file so i have the majority of the saw marks all cut out with the aluminum roughing file i'm going to switch to these set of preferred files so it gets coarser and finer and then you can get your surface finish accordingly so i'm going to switch to the number two around all the edges the last step i want to do the block is i'm just going to hit it with some 220 sandpaper we got the block done now i need to make the mast that extends from the lathe bed i need to cut that out of 3 8 mild steel rod so let's build that rod next the important thing with hacksawing is to support your work as close to the jaws as possible so this side needs to be flat the plans say i need a hole here at the base that gets mounted to the block we just made a hole four inches up and then we need to turn down some threads at the end so let's make some flat spots which they're asking us to do with a flat file so that we can drill a cross hole right through the side of the rod so i'm going to make a flat spot here make a mark there four inches up so i need a flat spot here i need a flat spot here so now i need to make sure i line up my flat spots those are nice so that i got this side done i'm just going to flip it over and match the other oh man i should have switched to the course file first so much faster to use the right tool okay so there's our rod it's time to drill some holes about four inches apart but before i do that i need to make a center mark that way my drill has a nice place to get started so i need to drill a hole a number seven hole for a quarter twenty thread when i go to tap this but i need to find the center i'm going to use this center finder to locate and scribe all you gotta do turn it 90 degrees right there's the center now i need to tap a hole i should have probably tapped this hole first because this is the part where this whole part could be scrapped if this tap breaks off but these are really good us-made machine taps i do not buy any tap that's made overseas i found that is wrecked way too many projects and that it's well worth spending the money on a good tap this is a ratcheting tap handle made by general you can just keep going straight because as you see the thread is coming out the top i think that's it crisis averted our part is good we have threads in the end now let's cut a little piece of stud and let's drive it in there that's a little bit long so we're going to need to cut that off i'm going to put a little bit of blue loctite on there so it's now time to combine the rod and the base that we just made and i need to drill a hole that corresponds and it looks like in the drawing they just have the rod right to the side of this boss so let's get a hole in there to hold the rod up going to be drilling the same quarter inch through hole [Applause] look at that i think it's time to work on the little rod that's going to hold the paintbrush these two flats on the end need to be 90 degrees from the other set on this small one all right i got the little brush part done now i just need to drill some holes in it and if you're wondering what the flats are actually for so when the components mate have a nice flat surface to slide and glide [Applause] i'm using some quarter 20 brass wing nuts this is looking pretty neat i like this lean backed rake look so now i want to add the paint brush and there's a couple different choices for brushes so let me show you what i have natural hair brushes these ones are synthetic but for my case i think i want to stick with the natural hair that's plastic so i think it's going to hold up better to the oils i think i'm going to try to drill the hole right in between those two rivets because i know there's probably meat there and we'll fasten it like that [Applause] and to make sure everything's all tightened up i'm going to use the fireball hex key kit okay we're getting somewhere now let's talk about the top popular mechanic says i need a fruit can and it just so happens that i have some fruit here and it is lunch time the can they show in the picture was nice and smooth that would be much easier this one has these little ridges in here but i think we're going to try to deal with these ridges and stick with the fruit can good calling a fruit can pop your mechanics have lunch and build something cool let's get the can cleaned out i need to get the glue off the wire brush okay we have to make a bracket to hold this to the arm this is eighth inch by half inch flat bar that we need to solder and bend to make some sort of bracket and you can buy this stuff at the hardware store that's relatively cheap this is maybe five six bucks so let's cut it to length drill it bend it solder it okay flip it around i want all the mill scale that's on this flat bar off so that i know that the solder has something to grab on to just like that now i just need to bend it all right got a bent bracket what i'd like to do is get the bracket soldered to the can but not all solder is equal what you really want is acid core solder this is going to give you the best chance for adhesion if you try to use electrical solder it's just not going to work it's not designed for it this is what i'm going to be using along with some flux and i just brush it on before i go to add any heat and this is going to give the best chance for these two materials to combine together let's get this in the vise this tool is called the grasshopper and it's going to help me hold this nice and tight i'm using the seam of the can to keep it square i want the seam to be on the bracket side so it's hidden from the rest of the world natural reaction is to get really close with the torch and get really hot and put heat and solder at the same time in the same place what i like to do is have a nice wide flame blanketing the whole part on the opposite side of where i apply the solder i'm looking for this solder to flow from here to the back side okay and while the solder is still hot i can see it bubbling i'm going to wipe off the excess let's cool it off in the water so that joint is extremely strong we'll probably rip the can apart before that joint never comes loose so what i need now is to get the oil out of the can and onto the brush the link in between that so we just don't flow all the oil out the bottom is this valve but i need a way to get it right there in the end so we need to drill a hole maybe we even solder it so i got the hole i tried threading it in at first i don't really feel confident with that so in order to get all the oil out of the bottom of the can i'm going to hack saw most of the threads off and then solder that right to the bottom so anytime you're adding heat to a valve you want the valve open so you minimize the heat trapped in there nice good solder flow right around that that looks perfect let's see if it works first test yes let's wire brush it and we're on to the next step guys all right this is looking pretty popular mechanicsy but i need a copper tube to go from here down and drip on the brush so i'm going to use this which is eighth inch annealed copper and i only need three inches the annealed copper is easier to bend if you don't get the annealed copper and try to bend it it'll just crack i think this thing is pretty nifty i'm gonna go get it fitted and we're gonna try it out got the base to our little oiler here and i need to get it mounted to the lathe cross slide and i have two holes that are already here and i just need to transfer them with this caliper to my block every lathe is going to be a little bit different so you might have to make a different block to fit your lathe i'll put a chamfer bit in here and we'll be done all right first design flaw that i could tell with the popular mechanics plans is that my wingnut and my bolt interfere so if i were to redo this again i would have made this taller and not go off the plans to give yourself a little more room for the wing nut to turn all right let's use some rapid tap crack it open a little bit okay oh yeah that's drippy there's a nice good steady drip right there let's get a piece of material in here and we can try it out so the idea behind this is you move this over here get the brush where you need it and then when i bring in my tool lubes up the drill bit okay so we got our brush wiping on our material look at that wipe the oil on it isn't that just cool i think this is a really cool idea but i think there's a lot of improvements that could be made to this i don't like that it's fixed to the lathe i would like to be able to move it to machine machine machine and also be able to move it around on the lathe i only have one axis of movement i need it to twist pivot and slide so with all those changes i would like to try to make my own so let's go fireball a new lathe oiler at first thought i wanted to use some glass containers or using something like this wd-40 can because it's steel and smooth but it doesn't matter which one i choose or make as long as it sits on top of the lathe to oil it to oil it to oil it toil it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] if you take a look at this we have a genuine toilet brush on the lathe let me show you some of the things that i changed from the popular mechanics the first thing at the base i added a magnet now i'm able to move it and slide it around anywhere i'd like to traveling up the frame i used some copper tubing and i put it into an offset s-shape what that allows me to do is get over the edge of the cross slide get it closer or further back just by rotating it the next thing that i did was i used couplings on the half inch copper tubing and the couplings have just enough friction in them to stay where you want them virtually making this a whole tool-less setup so i can slide the brush up and it stays where i put it same with the toilet is that i can twist it and turn it wherever i want to there's no wing nuts to have to mess with and when you lift it it stays because i'd like to use this on the big lathe two so i need that extra height and if i want the brush to be out of the way i just pivot it backwards and i can drip directly under the part and then i have a little chip tray which is the toilet lid so it keeps the chips from falling inside the toilet seat getting into the oil and if for any reason this needs to be cleaned out i can just remove it completely by sliding it up off the top clean it do whatever i want i didn't like the way the valve worked on the other one the valve was a gate valve before pretty finicky to get dialed in with the correct drip so i switched to the needle valve and as you can see it's much easier to control the flow i can almost just count uh one turn back and get the flow ratio that i would like to and then maybe this part of the brush is getting more saturated i could just push the toilet over and saturate another part of the brush where before i wasn't able to pivot this on the popular mechanics i also switched brushes i went with something with a lot more bristles all the way to the end and this is also two inches wide i really want to try it so let's cut this three quarter inch cold roll steel bar hope you guys enjoyed this build as much as i did i want to continue to do more popular mechanics builds in the future so if you like this please let me know in the comments i would also like for you guys to build your own lathe brush too and tag me on instagram i want to see what you guys come up with there are hundreds and thousands of different ideas that we can build off this but hopefully this inspires you to go out and build something and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Fireball Tool
Views: 1,010,126
Rating: 4.916007 out of 5
Keywords: fireball, tool, Fireball tool, Welding, Popular Mechanics, Vintage Magazine, Lathe, Oiler, Toilet, simple build, giant vise, remnant aluminum, reaction video, paint brush, cincinnati mill, go cart grinder, torch cutting, hwacheon, screw tap, 1963, Popular Science, Science and Mechanics, accordion tent, aluminum, toilet bowl oiler, oil toilet
Id: -W3S-sh490Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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