Cheap vs. Expensive vs. Old Camp Stove Comparison

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i really enjoy getting to camp and having a nice hearty hot meal or a steaming cup of coffee in the morning or that aroma of a hearty breakfast and that mountain air oh yeah that's all great stuff but you've got to have a good stove to prepare all that stuff on and today in this video what i wanted to do was talk a little bit about two folding stoves that i have one is cheaper one is a little more expensive and we'll do a little bit of a comparison and figure out which one of these is the best buy plus i've got this brand new to me vintage coleman camping stove that has never been used before and so we're going to light this thing off for the very first time and we'll see how it stacks up against these newer stoves we'll grab some fun in the garage today stay tuned [Music] welcome to trail recon my name is brad and i do love cooking at camp i know i'm not the world's best camp chef but i do enjoy a good meal but more importantly i love a good hot cup of coffee in the morning and having a good stove that performs well and is compact is super important to me and that's why today i want to do a comparison of two folding stove options one is the least expensive which is the coleman fold and go and the other one is the little more expensive one which is the jetpoil genesis and i've had this one for a couple years and so i think there's some pros and cons to each of these that we'll take a look at and figure out which one of these is the best buy and then just for fun i want to light off this old coleman vintage stove that's never been used before this should be a lot of fun okay now before we dive into the specifics on each of these there are plenty of stove options out there and some of them are going to be a little more more budget friendly but they're not going to be as compact like this they're not going to fold up and you're not going to be able to open them up and use like two 10 inch skillets to cook on i mean you can get those little tiny ones that fold up like the hikers use but you're not going to make a meal for like four people on one of those and that's where i think these are a really good option they're full size burners but they are very compact all right let's start off by taking a close-up look of the jetboil genesis now the first stove we're going to talk about is the jetboil genesis and i've had this for a few years and it's been a pretty good stove now this thing weighs just over six pounds it's a little under 10 inches in diameter and about five inches tall so it's very compact but more importantly it doesn't rattle i love that about this stove you know i have very limited room in the back of my jeep and so having something compact like this is super important but more important when you're going down a washboard road to have not one worry about a stove back there which is clank clank like i've never had that with this now i bought this as a kit this is like their full kitchen kit it comes in a bag comes with a 10 inch skillet and a lid comes with a pot and then it does come with a windscreen which i have never used now you can buy this stove just by itself and that will come with a case and the windscreen and the propane bottle adapter and right now that retails for about 259 dollars now if you buy the whole kit it's about 379 dollars and well is that worth an extra 120 for the kit i'll let you decide on that but for me it's been a little convenient because the cool thing about this is it fits right inside the stove you put the lid on there you put that on there and then this all goes back in the bag with the windscreen all nice and easy and compact and so this has been a pretty good kit to have all in all and this actually has a home inside the bag as well it's a pretty good kit but we're just comparing stoves but i wanted to at least show you how that all works so it does have a carrying handle up on top there are nice rubber feet on each side and then what holds this together are these two little rubber straps which honestly i was worried about those when i first got them like oh man are these going to break or dry out so far they've been really good so you undo those straps and then just fold out and you have two very nice size burners now the first thing you'll notice with these burners is if you squeeze this you can actually take the burner off which makes cleaning this which brad needs to do a little bit better job of cleaning this very easy and then that goes back in there and locks into place if you do it right there we go locks right into place and so these burners are really nice you could put some nice large skillets on here some pots on here and you've got plenty of cooking surface on there now on the front there are some plastic dials for each one of these and these have very fine adjustments and then each one of the burners has its own little igniter and so those work really well now you can add that windscreen on here i've never used it but that's only because usually i'm cooking on the back of my jeep and that blocks the wind just fine the other thing about the genesis system is there right here is the connector where is it right here is the connector for the propane adapter and this just uses a standard 16 ounce propane bottle and so you just hook that right up hook it up to the bottle but the cool thing about the way their system is is there's an outlet so you can connect another stove so they have like single jet boil stoves so you can actually do like a three burner system off of one 16 ounce bottle of propane that's really clever i like that now my only criticisms for the stove they're actually very few and that is the handle is kind of getting a little clunky and coming undone it doesn't really snap into place there's a little tab here that used to lock into place and doesn't do a good job of staying in place anymore the other thing is the price i mean this thing is expensive especially when compared to just about every other stove out on the market this is one of the most expensive ones out there but it's performed very well and so i can't complain about that over the last two and a half years it's done great one thing that i think would be neat for all manufacturers to consider is these propane adapters they all seem to use the same rigid copper tubing wouldn't it be nice if there was something that was a little more flexible because when you hook this up you're stuck wherever this lands that bottle has very limited places where you can move that around and so having something flexible that you could maybe set this off to the side somewhere would be really nice but that's it all in all this has been a good stove all right let's take a look at the coleman fold and go and then we'll put them side by side and then we'll do a little boiling water test all right now let's talk about the coleman fold and go and look coleman's been making camping gear for decades and they make some pretty good quality stuff this is no exception now this is larger than the jetboil so it measures about 14 inches tall about 13 inches at the base here and it's about six inches deep and it weighs about eight and a half pounds so bigger and heavier than the jetboil but still much more compact than a standard cooking stove and this is pretty good quality stuff now no rattle except that the propane tube can be stored inside and so if you store that in there it's going to rattle around so my recommendation is put a sock on there or wrap it in a towel but the nice thing is is it does store inside there so you're not going to misplace that now on the outside it's a nice metal i like the red and there are some feet and then you have the plastic knobs down here that adjust the temperature and on this side is where you hook up that propane now to open this up this is probably my biggest complaint about this entire stove is this little latch right here is very very flimsy in fact it doesn't even really do a good job of securing those and the tab on here is they're very small and so i've only had this for about two months and i've only used it once out at camp i think that this might be a failure point in the future but we'll see now when you open this guy up you have some really large burners and these store up really nice so they invert so you just squeeze that and you twist that right over that goes in there like that same with this one squeeze it flip it over and now you have two very large cooking areas and i will say this grill is larger than the jetboil grill but the burner is actually a little bit smaller but both coleman and jetboil claim this will put out about 10 000 btus but we'll see when we go to boil the water now on the front there are the dials for adjusting the gas these aren't quite as fine but i will say i actually like the adjustments a little bit better because it's a little more responsive it's still fine enough and then you have the igniters on either side and those work really well the one thing that i will say about this is it is 77 so you can buy three of these and still have money left over for the price of the jetboil and this is going to do just as good a job cooking with well i think it will we'll see in the boiling water test but i think this is a very good buy okay now that we've looked at the jetboil now that we've looked at the coleman let's look at them side by side let's do the boiling water test and then let's goof around with that old vintage stove now when you look at these guys side by side the quality is really good on both of them honestly and the weight is i know the jetboil is a little bit lighter but they feel pretty similar but the size is definitely noticeable the jetboil is definitely more compact than the coleman and i think that even equates when we go and open this all up you're going to see opened up side by side what a difference there is actually i probably should put this one in front just so you can see the jetboil is a lot smaller significantly smaller and so when we are car camping and the space is a commodity that's a huge benefit now if you don't need to worry about space maybe you've got a big old suv and you just want a big cooking surface area well this might be a better option all right i'm ready to fire these guys up and let's see how quickly they boil water this may be a debunked test they may just do it the same but i'm interested to see okay i'm all set up we have two identical coffee pots and they each have a liter of water in them this temperature right now is 72 degrees and we're gonna see which one boils first at 212 degrees but before i light these off there's one thing that i want to point out about another difference that i just noticed sitting here setting these up and that is on the coleman the bottle is to the rear so if you are using a cooking top that's going to be shallow like a tailgate table this isn't actually ideal the jetboil makes it longer and so that could also be a limiting factor and it's kind of like i mentioned earlier you know these copper tubes are really nice and sturdy but man to have something flexible to be able to move that bottle to a different spot that would be super nice all right i'm going to put a thermometer in here i'm going to turn these gases on simultaneously and we'll see if we can light them at the same time without catching fire here we go all right all right this is going a little faster than i expected we are at three and a half minutes and right now the jetboil is almost there the jetboil is at 194 degrees and the coleman is at oh yeah it's at 149 degrees so the coleman is definitely not cooking as hot and as fast as the jetboil so now the coleman is up to 153 degrees and we are almost boiling yep we're at 208 and the water is already started to boil so four minutes and we have a rolling boil in the jetboil so hands down there it is 212 degrees four minutes and 10 seconds for the jetboil jetboil is a winner we'll see how long it takes the coleman to get there yeah coleman is still at 170 degrees all right well i think we have i think we have a clear winner here which i didn't expect jetboil crushed it i mean both the coleman and the jetboil claim that they're putting out 10 000 btu but whatever jetboil is doing is way more efficient i don't know if it's the larger burner i don't know it's got to be the larger burner so maybe we're using a little more fuel but for me that's kind of a big deal if i'm making a pot of coffee in the morning and it's 30 degrees outside you know this could take a lot longer to make a pot of coffee versus the jetboil so wow that's pretty interesting i didn't expect such a disparity all right let's take a look at the old stove and then i'll give you my final thoughts on these two guys now that we've done this test all right just real quick let's uh take a look at this old coleman vintage stove this is technically a model 425 b and this was made in wichita kansas and from what i can find out they made this style of stove from 1949 to like 1974. i think this one was probably made in the middle there somewhere around the early 60s because they have like a model e and whatnot and so the whole reason i got this vintage stove which is in this very cool like briefcase and check that out it does a rattle huh that's pretty sweet considering what's in here which is a bunch of metal which i'll show you but the whole reason i got this thing was because when i take out the cherokee i wanted to go cook with something that was kind of period correct and so i've kind of been working a little bit on collecting period correct camping gear i don't know if you can see behind me but there's some old lanterns and coolers and some other stuff i'll be talking about that gear stuff sooner but i wanted to i figured for this video let's talk about the stove since this is a stove comparison so this is a really nice stove i found it online on an auction site it's never been used these these are everywhere they made thousands of these over the years you can still find them in new inbox and actually they're a little cheaper than the jetboil so it's definitely a little different to operate and this thing's still a little clunky i'm trying to get the the wing out here so we can put the wind visor up there we go there's there's one wind visor windscreen i guess yeah they're they're sticking a little bit you got to pull these tabs up there we go and the other one and that way i can open this up all right so now that we have the windscreens out uh there's a nice metal grate and then inside here is where your guest stove is there we go all right so put the grate back on there and then this is this is the the fuel can so you put some white gas in there this white gas and you can pick this up at walmart and all your other stores it's pretty easily accessible you fill this up with white gas and then you pressurize this and then this tube right here goes across one of the burners and so when you light this it takes a minute because you have to heat up this tube and once that tube is heated up then the gas starts to atomize and you get a nice blue flame and so i guess i should add some gas so i'm gonna add some gas i'm gonna light this thing up i'm gonna see if i can get this thing going and you know what we're gonna boil some water and we'll see how well this thing does so [Applause] okay well for those of you that were sticking around to see me light off this old coleman stove you're gonna have to wait uh until next time so the rubber gasket that is in here that supplies pressure to the fuel tank well it's over 50 years old and it is not sealing very well and so i thought i'd be clever and take one off of the coleman lantern but that one isn't working either so i'm gonna have to do a little homework and see about getting this fixed but my plan is to get this thing fixed and take it out with me on the cherokee chief and do some camping so i apologize i know some of you are probably sticking around to see that light off but look let me give you my final thoughts on the two folding stoves that we talked about today you have the 77 coleman fold and go and you have the 259 dollar jetboil genesis both great stoves hands down the coleman is the best value do you really need to cook an extra three minutes faster when you're out at camp no and i think that is just the perfect general duty stove now i do like how compact the jetboil is and i like that it comes with that kit even though that kit is a little more pricey because in the back of my jeep space is a commodity and so when you're able to take that stove and put it in the pot you now you've created all this extra space and so taking the fold and go the coleman folding go i can put that back there but then i have a separate place for pots and pans and so it takes up a little more space one's not better than the other i think that i will just continue to use the jet boil but i think the coleman folding go i think that's the best bang for your buck guys and i would highly recommend either one of those stoves and maybe even recommend this stove once i get it up and running i hope you've enjoyed hanging out with me in the garage and uh look if you haven't been over to yet go over and check it out we'd love to have you over there we've got all kinds of merchandise and cool products over there we think you guys will really enjoy thanks for watching
Channel: TrailRecon
Views: 149,180
Rating: 4.8651028 out of 5
Keywords: trailrecon, jeep, wrangler, overlanding, 4x4, off, road, adventure, trail, review, light, lift, tires, led, overland, rock, crawling, desert, forest, rubicon, san, diego, socal, California, product, jk, tj, yj, cherokee, toyota, fj, land, cruiser
Id: HSeMGcAaorg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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