I built the perfect gamer space | Unraveled

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coolant milk is extremely cursed

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/FranniBaka 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

For everyone worrying about the coolant milk and how cursed the concept is, you might want to look at this behind-the-scenes video.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/EstufaYou 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit the milk cooled pc killed me

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Franklin413 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
PC gaming is a vast ocean of entertainment and if you want to explore all you have to do is sail out and speaking of sailing out this is my first ever sponsored video that's right the the the folks over at riot have decided to corporately sanction a video from a man who is best known for hanging sad clown portraits in this apartment you see they just released valor n't and since I'm currently stuck at home they were kind enough to give me a budget to help turbocharged my computer so that way I could unravel how to get good at PC gaming but the thing about valor ins is that you don't need a high end PC to play it riot told me that even on an old clunker with minimum specs you can still play competitively and sure enough I excavated my ancient PC in order to test this and it played great it plays great oh that doesn't count so I could use that sponsorship money to soup up my computer or I could use it to solve one of PC gaming biggest problems unlike a console which can plug into a communal TV true PC gaming needs a dedicated space I live in a three bedroom apartment with two other roommates and they are not gonna be cool with me setting up my sick rig in the spot where we keep recycling that we haven't taken out in two weeks in fact the only unused personal space I have is this four-foot square right next to my radiator and I like to keep that block unused for whatever I want to feel like a rich person [ __ ] yeah but maybe with a little help from my sponsors money I can turn those 16 square feet into a gamers paradise today I'm teaching you how to make the perfect gamer space oh yeah for inspiration I asked a couple co-workers what they look for in a PC gaming space hi I'm Jeff Ramos I'm Julia if there was anyone at polygon who could lead me to gamer space perfection it would be Jeff and Julia and in our discussions it became clear that there are four major elements to a good gaming environment the first is a solid foundation if I want to build a PC gaming space where should I start first I think you need a computer check but without these other foundational elements I'll have less of a gamer space and more of an ominous obelisk from there you can start embellishing your foundation with element to a virtual gaming space which is just a fancy way of saying a place you can stream games from wanted to do that for people streaming for you was less about like getting Bing and it was more about sharing an experience with your friends element 3 is aesthetics if you're gonna spend hours at your computer at the very least it should be nice to look at and it should represent you everything else on my desk is black there's very little decoration and I like that because it's you know clear mind that can just focus on what I'm doing at any given moment versus like looking at a desk full of Funko pops to try to make my space fun and engaging and the final element caters to bodily needs what type of chair is that that you're sitting in oh it's a terrible one and it's going to be replaced and it gives me consistent back pain does that affect your gaming at all I'm not comfortable then like I'm just thinking about like getting my butt hurts my back hurts and then I can't pay attention to things you ever eat near your computer do you ever have to refuel I try to separate eating from my desk space there is a space off to the left where I usually will always have a coffee cup and like a water bottle and sometimes it'll be like a snack when you're in the throes of match you don't want to be worried about your back hurting or feeling a little famished and that means your gamer space should provide the fuel and comfort your body needs if you can imagine eight these four elements you'll have a good gamer space but I'm making the perfect one and how can we prove it's perfect an increase in gaming performance haha you thought I wasn't gonna do what I was sponsored to do get out of here I'm just killing two birds with one stone my co-workers said in no uncertain terms that a good gamer space will make me a better gamer once I have a dedicated space that's gonna be all I'm gonna need in order to be proficient at this game well I mean you should still practice a little bit I mean though I normally don't let little things like rules stand between me and victory valor ins has anti-cheat software that kind of makes that impossible so there really is no way for me to get good at this game without practicing but a perfect gamer space will envelop me in a cocoon of learning shutting out of the world around me by the end of this build I'll prove that I've developed a perfect gamer space by showing just how much better at PC gaming I've become luckily that's not a very high bar that doesn't count and with my four elements to find it was time to start I taped out the four by four square and purchased a desk that would fit within the perimeter built the desk got the monitor unpacked computer keyboard mouse in position and we were in business element one check I hopped right into valor ins and things were going way better than with my coffee table setup and in hindsight maybe I should have stopped there but I still had money to burn you see I really was getting better at valence but I had no way of clearly showing just how well I was doing and as Jeff said cuz if I noscope and there's no one around to see it then does it matter I ordered a nice microphone and got out my old webcam to set up my streaming space alright check check we are set to go everything looks great on the game things do not look as great although I was prepared to start gaming for the masses my room was not I can do better than this if I go live with this setup everyone's gonna make fun of my finger jointed builder's grave garbage moulding I can't be known as the substandard molding guy luckily I had two sources of inspiration for gamer space aesthetics on opposite sides of the spectrum I wanted to land somewhere in the middle obviously the first step was installing RGB LEDs because a gamer space without constantly changing rainbow lights is like a Little League coach without wraparound Oakley's I also purchased a modest number of game figurines because even with a sponsor who boy those things are expensive but at the end of this my space still felt pretty empty so I gathered all the figurines I could find all of them beyond this there was nothing behind me to brand me as a true gamer for the stream viewers so I mocked up a quick poster idea and sent it over to my coworker Pat for some illustration work and used a little bit more of that sponsor money to purchase a large cloth banner oh my god it's perfect finally I purchased a video game themed birthday party set and with that my aesthetic was complete what's up y'all I am back at it at the streaming setup we've got everyone here you could tell as I always say back there don't talk to me before I've had my gaming I just have a little I there's actually nothing in this Cup I should be about keeping snacks off my desk but I was worried about getting hangry in the middle of gaming so I prepped some peanut butter toast also julia had a specific piece of advice about emotional needs I have one of the guy from B stars so when I get too mad about playing video games I can look at him and he'll soothe me though the site of an anthropomorphic wolf isn't necessarily soothing to me I do think it's important for me to have something to calm me down after the rough matches warm milk and I still had some sponsorship money left over so I purchased myself a gamer chair unfortunately the only one that could ship in time was the largest size which meant I had to rearrange some furniture and with that the perfect gamer space was complete all four elements checked the gamer space is created and now that's left for me to do is be the gamer within the space I played a few matches taking a sip from the warm milk anytime I got a little flustered but for some reason I wasn't much better than when I started this journey just had my wrists hurt that's the only reason why things aren't going great even after running to the drug store to pick up some compression braces my gaming didn't improve it didn't make any sense I had spent over a week building this gamer space which included dozens of minutes playing valor ins why wasn't I any better the space isn't perfect yet that's the only explanation I hadn't reached my goal of being a better PC gamer but I also hadn't run out of sponsor money it was time for a second pass my single monitor wasn't giving me enough screen real estate for what really mattered my stream set up so I got a second one and also some nice lights we have now upgraded our new space I can now see my game and I can also see what my stream setups gonna be it's looking good enough but good enough is never enough when one is striving for perfection the problem with streaming is that most people are ok with one camera and one game I am an author who understands the importance of silliman tog Rafi and if I'm supposed to stream in a manner that matches my aura I need more cameras sadly pretty much every webcam is current they sold out I was running low on time and that's one thing sponsor money can't buy but it can buy enterprise level video conferencing solutions just wanted to check in really quickly to let you know that I am unstoppable sorry I figured out how to to three cams on OBS and now I can play game which is great except I'm looking at the overlay it's a little busy our little test proved that there were two big issues with our space the first was that the cameras took up most of the screen the second is that my roommates didn't enjoy hearing me yell which is nothing new but that's when it hit me and have a plan on how to kill two birds with one stone by recycling all of the boxes I've received if I could create a soundproof box around my gamer space and cover it in a green screen then I'd have more screen space and my roommates would stop yelling at me so I used more of my sponsorship money to buy a bunch of expensive studio foam and I taped it to a bunch of cardboard and then I threw a green screen over top of it and voila a hermetically sealed gamer space now a few of you might be wondering how how does one get into this space but you'll see that right behind my air conditioning unit there's a way that I can crawl underneath there and the best part about it it's not even dark because we've got that I put in the LEDs all I have to do is just weasel my way they say no pain no gain and you know I'm a gamer no pain no game maybe that's better than my current slogan get the head through first cuz that's the that's the hardest part of it you know just kind of like being born okay oh do a quick 180 and then you swap up and then you're here and then you're in the you're in the gamers space it's easy as pie after a vigorous four-minute entrance it was clear that things were working out great check this out look I've got it there's so much I can you can see the hole you I so there's the problem of these screens I spent a lot of time trying to make sure that I had a cool-looking background such is the curse of the green screen though you can put anything behind it sometimes you are left with the void I worked so hard to make sure that my background expressed my gamer hood and the gamer box just covered it up I wanted to digitally recreate it but since I had three cameras it would have to be in 3d so I reached out to my coworker Jenna to mock something up in blender for me based on some previous images I had of my gamer space okay so we just got the new background set up let's get up in here that caught on the thing this was a rude awakening but a necessary one my current clothing setup was not compatible with the gaming rig so I figured out a new way to kill two birds with one stone the idea came from my compression braces my wrists felt so much better while compressed and it made me wonder what if all of me was compressed so I looked up those tactical black skinned suits that athletes wear in the Olympics but I was running dangerously low on time and money so I had to order from a less than scrupulous vendor and when it finally arrived it was not to my specifications I didn't have any more time the deadline was fast approaching so I dealt with what I had crawled into my sweltering gamer space and I see what the problem is now my new compression suit was causing me to dissolve into Jenna's wonderful background so I asked her to remodel it this time with a 3d photo realistic virtual Brian that I could superimpose my face on to and the worst part of it was that and I forgot my snacks but in all tribulations there is a chance for greatness and greatness was found with a little inspiration a little heat exhaustion and the very last of my sponsorship money I'm covered head to toe in this important green screen and I don't want this to get marred obviously so what I've come up with instead of having to eat toast with my hands is that I've purchased a horse feed bag and I was worried about you know my hot milk is gonna start to cool down and my computer right now is is running a little bit hot - why don't I just kill two birds with one stone there are tons of liquid-cooled computers out there and if I use this tubing I can feed the the cool milk through the PC cooling it down perfectly up around my headset over the microphone I got my feed bag which will allow me to eat my snacks and then I've got my warm milk which was also going to be cooling my computer in my game in the in the Box I'll have my snacks and I'll have my box and I can stay in there with the invention of the milk cooled PC patent pending and the feed bag sustained me patent pending the perfect gamer space was complete okay hello gamers I have my my feed bag I've tossed it over before hands the crown of it all my milk cooled PC let's get gaming though the feed bag worked wonders I was still doing poorly in my matches I was getting flustered and couldn't focus but that's nothing a little warm milk couldn't help see I don't get onna nananana sup nothin up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ha bro this is bad this is very bad this is very bad after mopping up the milk masters lactose coolant fluid and toweling myself off I broke out the gaming laptop I borrowed from work and sat back down in my original valor and test position and I was better without the lights and the monitors and the hands-free snacks I was gaming better on a coffee table than in my dedicated space so did I screw up and kill too many birds with too few stones or was I a less than perfect gamer perhaps I was asking a toddler to pilot a helicopter there's nothing wrong with my hot cardboard box of gaming perfection I simply was not ready to handle it responsibly one day I will re-enter that cocoon and emerge a wonderful gaming butterfly but before I grow my wings this little grub must learn to crawl and also how to defuse the spike without dying it seems impossible has anyone done it yet I don't think I doubt anyone's done that yet that's ridiculous I'm so dumb i screws in all the way you didn't want to say nothing you didn't you knew and you didn't say nothing no
Channel: Polygon
Views: 1,435,332
Rating: 4.9519076 out of 5
Keywords: unraveled, bdg, brian david gilbert, valorant, videogames, video games, polygon, gamer, gamer space, pc gaming, pc, riot games, riot, green screen, fps, sponsored, 3d, blender, webcomic, gaming, figurines, leds, gaming rig, battlestation, battle station, perfect, perfect gamer space, gaming space, streaming, how to, play valorant, valorant gameplay, valorant unraveled, how to play valorant, polygon plays, gamer chair, gaming chair, gaming pc, gamer pc setup, gamer pc build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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