I Built the Best Starter Farms in Minecraft!

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this is my SkyBlock island you can join using the IP play.penguin.gg and if you join and type wolf SB you can join me on like all these people and now there's quite a few improvements that I need to make around here mainly improving the crop farms because they're all quite small at the moment so I'm going to start by first harvesting up all of these then buying a load of dirt and placing it all down I'm hoping nobody gets in the way of my place if they do I will be just kicking them from the island there's gonna be no mercy today that's every single piece of dirt down and apparently I don't have a home Inventory but I'm pretty sure one of these chassis at the farming on yeah look at that two of them well we might as well use them both also going to need all of these because they're gonna need to be planted down so yeah the main thing to do right now is just till the entire guy why did I pick up the poisonous potatoes I don't think I did maybe they were just already there okay yeah but till the end Target let's say I'm gonna end up kicking everyone if you keep getting in the way of my work Guys these Stone holes do not last very long at all do they they seem to be breaking very fast I'm gonna need about 17 of them to till every single bit of almond so I think I've got an idea to mine up a bit more Stone I left my craft plenty more hoes we should be more than enough to till the end entire thing with that I can begin the planting I think I'm gonna go for just planting loads and loads in a section it's also really nice try and plant them when you're hungry so I'm gonna plant loads and loads of section rather than plant them in rows I'm just going to get them all down because it's going to be way way easier I don't know why this person's thinking that they can plant probably yeah it doesn't work you know you're not part of this island but they're going for it and they're just doing nothing yeah I'll have loads of carrots down in this section then I'm gonna remove a row of dirt along here and nip back over I think towards the main block because I have over here loads and loads and loads of Vlogs yes they're in this chest I'd mine so many trades on this island that we've got plenty of them speaking of trees tree farms looking good I can't be bothered to go and remove any of the logs but it's still looking good so I am going to place all of that along here and I'm gonna do the exact same thing in this section okay if you stand in the way believe me I will give you the big kick okay don't you worry about that there we go so then in this section we could have like potatoes and then over here we could have wheat let's get all those potatoes down the potatoes are going in the biggest section because potatoes are the best thing to farm in Skyblock generally speaking you know you get a bit more somebody thanks to the poisonous potatoes this person's still determined to try and plant beetroot you know it's not happening it's a potato section bait and it always will be and that many people have voted though we have a vote party okay I need to do it slash VP get it claimed are we all are we all doing it okay this is where it's gonna get crazy on the island because it does a lightning strike for everyone so when they all do it at once yeah you just end up with loads and loads of lighting everywhere thankfully there's not too many people here at the moment but sometimes it can get a little bit annoying that's every single potato planted I'm gonna sell all of these different types of crops and put all these holes back in here because there's not much I can do with them at the moment then I shall climb up this ladder because at the top I have something very very useful yes all of the week things in fact I'm gonna leave those in there for now and do a quick Harvey stickers look at them all grown right for the taking ready to be collected no point leaving them like that might as well go in there then we're going to place down every single one it is a pretty small wheat patch but it's doing its bit you can see I've got loads and loads of wheat from that nearly filled up that entire chest actually I'm gonna have to start selling it it's making me good money as well as this server you can see we're nearly up to 5 million on the right that can go in there and I will grab quite a few Stacks because I just don't know how much I'm actually gonna need look at you in and out the gate as well but yeah no idea exactly how many I'm gonna need so I am going to plant down every single one of these all right operation make a decent crop Farm is complete and the next thing that needs to be sorted is the netherwalk farm as you can see I've got so so much netherwart in this chest plenty of stacks of it plus all of this which has grown and is ready to be harvested so really the thing I need to do now is just put down loads more blocks so that I can plant all of it I've bought four Stacks just to begin with and I'll see how I get on with that turns out it was nowhere near enough so I shall buy another four Stacks which was nearly enough but still not quite and there we go all sorted this has made me realize though that if it took way more than four it took like eight over eight or nine Stacks to fill it all in so to be able to plant on every single block I'd need eight or nine stacks of nether Wards and as you can see I've not got anywhere near that so we'll we'll see how we get on I'll just plant down as much as I can and then we need grown I could just Harvest it replant it and by then I'll probably have enough for everything it's I've fully grown already I don't think it is I think it's got a little bit left doesn't it so I'll not touch it I'll just leave it I'll let everything else grow as well first so there we go get busy planting and I'll just fill in yeah Villanova which is well not much I don't know if I'm Gonna Fill in half with it I could find another water to plant it but I see no reason that I might as well just be patient and slowly expand to the Nether Warts Empire that's every bit of it down and it means I can move on to the next Farm yes the cactus one because this is also way way too small and once again like the last one I have plenty of spare Cactus and I can Harvest all of this it's just the sand that I'm missing so I will Begin by breaking these and I think I have a crop Hopper somewhere but I'm not 100 sure yep indeed I do I got it as a reward for completing a quest so I'm gonna place that down in the chunk that way I don't have to worry about actually picking up the cactus it'll just pick itself up so this chest here if I move it somewhere like there then we can have the crop Hopper going into it I can put all that like that and every single time I harvest it I'd have to worry about you know going into any of the cactus or me picking it up or anything because it's just going straight into the chest let's see how much we got from all that look at that a good few Stacks extra now I'm gonna buy the sand I also want to put this with the netherwax it is fair but maybe at some point in the future I'm gonna need it you just never know so I'll Chuck it into there look at that the sun is shining just like it's shining on my SP 737 summer merch available on sp77.star but anyway more importantly I'm doing all of that I also could do with string now spider spawners are quite expensive and they're on tier two I I'm nowhere near being to that level but a good cactus farm does heavily depend on having string so I either have to buy it apparently I can't even play Sunday the checkerboard pan let's just do it like that yeah either I'm gonna have to buy the string manually or I'm gonna need a spider spawner so how am I gonna get all the one well don't you worry ladies and gentlemen because I have two and a half mil in the bank and I've got a plan one is to type in ah have a little search hopefully that brings it up oh there's three available five hundred thousand are you kidding 450 000 that's a bit more reasonable see 250 000 is so much cheaper so we're gonna go ahead and buy oh I could buy Six could Splash out ladies and gentlemen no I'm just gonna buy one all right no point being greedy where should I put this spider spawner I don't know but I'm working over in this area so maybe here for now will do and this sword I'll tell you what I'll do as well I'll buy some sharpness I can afford to get it to Max and more importantly I'll get looting three all right and you know what I mean I'll get fire aspect and I'm breaking okay everything else I'm not too interested in means I'm just gonna get way more string every time I take out the spiders which is gonna let me get busy on this Farm as you can see on This Server you don't take damage when you walk on top of cactus which which does make this even easier so that is the first layer now with my 24 string not very much let me just get a little bit more from these guys but yeah with my 24 string which is now 52 string I actually need two stacks of it to fill in the entire thing but with this string I place it in between all of the gaps of the cactus like so and then sand can be placed above it that way as soon as any Cactus grows it instantly breaks and the crop Hopper picks it up before anything else could happen so the farm will work fantastically I mean I'm trying to think is there any other things I could use instead of string to place between the cactus it basically needs to be something that you can put a block on top of but that will also not break the cactus String's one of those things there's probably other stuff but in reality string is pretty easy to get I could buy more spawners should I just do it to speed things up I'm going for it I'm impatient so I've just bought five of them let's just stick them all into this like that yes it means I don't have that much money left but it also means I can now probably get a lot more of this cactus farm finished a lot faster yeah look at that loads more string Fantastic look at that another layer complete I've only got eight Cactus if I really only got Eight Cracks I'm starting to not believe that sure this morning oh there's loads more you know what I'm gonna basically keep laying this up until I run out of money there's no reason not to do that so let's just keep going with this big cactus farm project since I've got those six spider spawners I'm easily getting all the string I need the only thing that's kind of custom me money is the sand and that's definitely going to be very costly I think I'm going to struggle to do another layer but yeah I've got quite a bit so basically it's two stacks of everything of string you know two stack string two stacks Cactus and two stacks of sand to do one entire layer so I've got enough Cactus to do at least two more layers I've got enough sand to do one in a bit of a layers and string well let's just say it's waiting over there in those 30 spiders for me play number three is also done I am going to now continue placing string it's definitely coming together I realize I have a ridiculous amount of string I think I'm only going to have enough Cactus to do one more layer and then I'm gonna run out unless there's one possibility unless this chest has filled up with more characters but we'll see we'll see I'm sure it will take long to get all the characters as I need again but I you know it takes time as well just sitting and waiting and I guess doing other stuff whilst the cactus grows that is the beauty of this Farm I could be cracking on with other things I should really I built this one first and then while I was building the other two I could have been getting more cactus from it but anyway you live and learn it's not the end of the world let's just get all this string all this standard all this Cactus down string complete next it's the Sun and I've just realized I've not made this as big as it needs to be it doesn't fill up an entire chunk oh there should be more Cactus is fantastic I can make it wider all right good good stuff let's get plenty more and adding more string all that good stuff because yeah for some reason I don't know how to build something that is exactly one Chunk in size thankfully adding a layer onto the side is fairly easy and with that service can resume as normal job done let's go this time I'm just gonna basically keep going on at this point because I might as well put the layer of sand Above This Cactus even though this is pretty much the last layer I can do with actual Cactus because if the sun's there then any cactus that grows will be harvested whereas if I don't find anything above these they'll just grow to three blocks taller to sit there for ages so yeah I do need to get rid of well get it get itself above it a little bit more as well and that is that not gonna add any more although yeah you know what I'll plant these down why not because at least then it's extra Cactus I can Harvest another day plus the only thing is I'll plant these down and then I'll look down in the chest at the bottom where the crop Hopper is and I'll be like oh this there's more in here maybe I should plant them as well but no these are I'm telling you now this is the last bit of cactus work I'm doing I've had enough whoa there's like a stack could add another left no I'm not going to but I am going to get loads and loads more string from these spiders because hey when there's 240 spiders just sat there you've got to get rid of them and now you see why I put the spawner right by the cactus farm so that whilst that was building I was still getting spiders in the background every bit of string could go in there wow I've got so much string we haven't got enough space yep and we've got a little spider head as well nice I think I'll put it on here wouldn't it be cool to just mop heads all the way along here and then mine at the front yeah I don't know it's going to scare off all the mobs from being here they're like yeah well don't come here because it will you will definitely regret it and all of these can be so oh no I don't want it hold on I'm just gonna manually sell them rather than pressing sell them because I don't want my wood to go and the stake is useful to keep in fact whilst I've got the steak um well not whilst I've got the steak but whilst I'm thinking about it I should head to the cow spawner which is one of these come on cow spawner spin faster and spawn me a cow there you go we got four with the Luton and the fire aspect it's food straight away you could also get pork chops if you want it but I'm I'm not a mistake man now I'm always eating steak in Minecraft but making sure I always have plenty of it is very important to me and I think I've done well I've probably built three starter Farms on this Skyblock they could all be growing you can see even the Netherwood is starting to fully grow in certain areas too it's hard to see every single one because they kind of look very similar but I could get some of it and expand that I'll just wait for every single one to grow then I can properly do that same with the wheat farm carrot Farm potato farm over there that's starting to grow nicely and the cactus farm well that's just gonna work AFK in the background which is really really good it's gonna get me more money I can expand it oh everything is coming together and I could build that inside a giant Cactus it would go in the theme I'm really pleased with this guys so thanks for watching use warp SB to come and see me on the server and I'll see you in the next episode
Channel: SB737+
Views: 76,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sb737, mod, minecraft server, minecraft mod, modded server, minecraft mod server, sky block, minecraft sky block, sb737 sky block, penguin.gg, penguin.gg sky block, best sky block server, sky block server, hypixel sky block
Id: qHDI7y2rP_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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