Backpack Challenge | Modded Minecraft VS.

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luckily loads of horses here though so that's good not for the horses though hey guys what's up Eliot I already hit and welcome to Minecraft versus the series where I go head-to-head against Joel in some Minecraft challenges each episode features a different mod and a different challenge so this episode's challenge is the backpack mod so the backpacks that we'll be trying to get today are these three displayed up here we have the horseback pack the chicken backpack and the spider backpack they are each crafted with a different unique recipe requiring us to get different items from the Minecraft world so these are our plain backpacks here as you can see they're very glitchy at the moment we're going to have to transform these into it broke notice in to bear beautiful animal versions you can do them in any order but once you've placed all three on your side of the leaderboard then you are the winner and the winner will receive the backpack skull of victory backpack so the victory sounds like good things to me yeah to go on your totem pole of victory so Joel I think you really need this one don't you I kind of do I'm getting a bit behind right now hopefully I can add to my skull I hope that I can also add to my skull so I can start catching up well only one of us can win Joel so okay well you that's what you think so I've also given us each a chest over here so that we have some items to start off with got some cake this time some pork chops and some chicken to eat Joel's already eating some of his I see I was very hungry there's also some armor and some tools to help you on your way so wow you're you're an eager beaver I'm ready to go Lizzy so am i what's the cake for that just for eating yes what else very for I don't know if I might eat make it back now cake something I don't know oh that reminds me if you forget how to craft any of these backpacks just open up the craft guide with G and you can find the recipe so this is a recipe for a horse backpack this is the recipe for the chicken backpack and finally this is the recipe for the spider backpack did you get that I got that yeah three two one go oh my gosh I don't know let's go I'm gonna go for the chicken backpack first I'm gonna take one of our backpacks with me just in case I can make it on the go mmm I don't know what to do first ah there's a horse over there I'll kill it for its leather what I didn't think about that you'll be my first sacrifice for the horse backpack oh no I feel so bad oh I see a load of horses they're all about to get murdered goodbye house I like to crack a few meetings ma oh oh I found another victim did your house drop leather cuz I forgot one lever from free horses so far yeah I got some leather but I guess it's gonna be a lot of horse murdering before we can get enough leather yeah can me luckily loads of horses here though so that's good not for the horses though so we're going to need like far leather for the backpack but then we also need to craft a saddle which requires like five lap I yes kasha is a lot of leather luckily I've already got eight what yeah continue from the four horses I killed well the horses the horse guards were on my side today Oh maybe I can get some iron down there hmm cows Oh cows will drop leather won't they don't yet I didn't think about that I was like why is he so excited about cows okay none of these cars are driving leather so far what huh there's a creeper okay I'm just gonna get out of here how did you get eight leather I've killed four cows and four horses and got free lever so far oh they'll go some more I've also found some INR now so I think that should be enough five INR let's see um oh we only need two to make a saddle perfect right I'm gonna see if I can get some more materials and then I'm coming back to spawn oh there's a creeper yeah it's a good job there's a load of cows here oh oh oh my gosh look II I just felt so good I found some latches on a wall and I'm gonna steal them what what chicken oh yes I've also just thought that we need hay for the horse back pack don't weigh carrying stack collecting seeds mm-hmm I'm Way ahead of ya what it is how much week do you need to make hey you need nine oh wow lots yeah ah okay I'm coming back to spawn cuz I'm scared there are zombies don't know where he came from see if we can do this how many pieces of hay do we need you have those all right yeah and then I need the saddle and the leather okay I'm gonna make my saddle but then I think I still needed more leather oh I'm one leather shot oh nine lever in total where am I gonna find leather at this time of night maybe I can kill you know you'll drop leather nah I doubt he'll ever he turned around I don't have any level is there's no point trying to kill me do you know bout I'd have any fine I'll kill some spiders instead where all the spiders usually they're everywhere and I hate them you'd fall spider dies I'm saying all the cows disappear at night or something yeah they go to bed they go home to their wives and children question the villagers drop leather don't know well we'll see won't we ah no no I don't did they do okay it's nighttime so maybe I should just be trying to kill spiders maybe that's the smartest thing to do unfortunately can't find any spiders wait there's one right there what there's an explosion probably spiders is they seem to hang around every other mob so it's kind of unfortunate it's that part ii' Oh horse oh my gosh I'm gonna die oh I have fall spiders eyes wow I have none oh yes I have enough leather now I can make the horse backpack okay I'm crafting my horse backpack tada done nice congratulations there we go it's on the leaderboard we just need the chicken and the spider what came first the see the chicken or the egg and the horse actually okay currently getting shot to death by a skeleton can see spawn though we can make my spider backpack I am hunter said dead Oh interesting yes Tim piece was so close to spawn as well I just got a spiders I hey soon I'll have as many as you I had five Oh maybe doubt so soon then oh I've got two why is there about 18 months buy all my stuff yeah they're protecting it for you nice of them yeah how nice them they're gonna kill me again well I found the spider mother lode okay how many do I have now I've got three spiders eyes do I just need one more I think so yeah I've got enough string and I've got my ladders so I can make the spider one now oh hey Joe how's it going gonna make my spider backpack nice arrows is that a fashion statement yeah oh gosh I don't know how to even craft this oh no I think I'm missing something what else was it ladder spiders like string uh-huh got the spider one put it on the wall OOP now I just need the chicken one dang it and I don't have any eggs I also have two spider one less ooh there it is oh nice um how do you make the chicken one okay oh wow you need gold nuggets as well hmm I have an idea of where to get those doot-doot-doot this could be a terrible idea let's see oh I've got one gold nugget I need two more how have you got that already what did you do to do that you'll never know I might not make it out of here alive though okay what do I have now got two oh yes okay I have plenty of gold nuggets now where was the portal oh I've gone to the never I see I know I gave it away uh-huh back to the overworld all right now I just need eggs and feathers and it's daytime when does that happen did you get any eggs yet no did you kill the chickens that you saw having gotten the iron yet what but one feather and that's it did how did you get the feather did you kill the chicken yeah that was a question I asked you ah okay it's proving a little harder than I thought to find chickens oh my gosh I'm just kidding I found them huh now lay some eggs can i spook them into laying eggs come on lay some eggs boo I tried to scare them didn't work okay I've collected the chickens I just need one of them to lay an egg now Raven laid any eggs yet no oh I found an egg it laid an egg no it was just on the floor no these chickens even gave me an egg I hate you all I'm gonna kill them for their feathers now how many feathers do I need oh I have three no I need to find one more chicken and then and then I can go back and craft it and then I've won well Joel some of the week's regrown at the farm I'll go grab it in a second I'm gonna go find some gold nuggets okay I literally have every single thing I need except for one feather don't pigment your peppers I probably don't either I've got all my nuggets now all I need to do is get home safely picking nuggets no just gold no yes ah I just need one chicken Oh multiple chicken found some yeah and eggs everywhere just splattered all over the place can you believe this not really no because I haven't seen a single chicken let alone an egg I saw one I killed it and then that's it that's all my chicken knowledge maybe you shouldn't I killed it maybe she's just waited and complimented it till it laid an egg for you that's not how it works there's like and yes it is all right now I just need to find the spawn which I have lost did you in case your chickens in a wooden structure I did I found that structure keep going you'll find a a gaggle of chickens oh I found some chickens hello guys I wonder if they were the same chickens I murder some of their family I found an egg I seem upset I've got all my favorites now as well and they don't seem too upset now got crafts this before Joel gets back got feathers gold nuggets and an egg got it got it ah before I get back I've still gotta get somewhere hey I don't know hey Tara but God created my chicken one as well but I'm nowhere near the small and I have no horse backpack yet I'm gonna eat my cake while I wait for you to come home just kidding honey I'm not hungry dang it I sent the cake Lizzy oh and here is my chicken backpack but I'm nowhere near completing the last one so this is now mine Oh Joel got so many victories I can barely reach it Oh unlucky that's so unfortunate are you all right thank you guys for watching this episode of Minecraft versus if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave a like on the video if you want to see more let us know what kind of challenges you want to see us do in the future and we will see you next time and
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 3,705,625
Rating: 4.9403901 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, couple, bf vs gf, crazy, boyfriend vs girlfriend, minecraft challenge, cool mod, minecraft vs, fun, season 2, s2, minecraft mods, crazy mod, modded minecraft, funny moments, multiplayer mods, minecraft multiplayer, challenge, backpack, backpacks, back pack, custom backpack, cute backpack, collect, collection, chicken, craft, crafting
Id: GlEaChOnIoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2016
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