She Scared Me!! | Minecraft Blindfold Challenge

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was it guys so much because here and welcome to a new video where today we're going to be doing something I came up with called the blindfolded minecraft challenge now you probably weren't doing Joel what the heck is that well it's something I came up before going to sleep last night basically we have a blindfold as you can see here Lizzie lovely provided this one to me and we are going to be trying to build a house in Minecraft that's right we've got Minecraft open here I'm going to select a load of blocks so I know where these blocks are so I'm gonna have wood in the first one I'm gonna have a log in the second one and a lighter wood for the floor in the third one we'll get some glass for the fourth one a door of course is important for the fifth some stairs for the roof so that's number six some flowers to decorate let's go with daisies as they're lovely a crafting table to place down in the center of our house and obviously to make the outside look nice we're gonna Bo mill the ground so I need to remember all these quickly because I am going to blindfold myself and then we're going to try our best to build a house no idea how I'm just gonna take I'm just gonna finish when I think the house is looking perfect but obviously I'm not going to know if it's gonna be looking perfect so let's blindfold ourselves up it's probably gonna go Harley so I'm gonna get my keyboard on number one so I know that this is number one number two okay I'm ready are you guys ready I'm not sure you are let's get building okay so I I can't see anything I'm probably not looking at the screen right now so I'm gonna look all the way down this is the floor do I not have sounds on okay for real this time I can hear the blocks place in now so we're looking down at the ground it's just 1 so this is 2 if should have a log out there it is and we're gonna build along from this log I think that's free for nothing's placing why's nothing placing oh no what have I done okay that's why is it nothing around why is nothing placing where am i okay we're gonna start again over this stuck going well so far so number two we've got a log we're looking at the ground now okay there so there's one log we should be on top of it I dropped down I should be moving against it replace one there one there okay it's not placing go this is some fitness is weird okay we're gonna build the door go up free drop down build up free again and then which number was da I think it was seven nope I just play something is that that might be the doll I can't hear it if it's opening or certainly look at the ground right this is probably not going so well this is a lot harder than I thought okay we're gonna start again over here okay we're gonna place a block on the ground wait that probably in place okay gonna place a block why is it not placing anything I'm in my venturi how long have I been to my inventory' far oh my gosh okay I had to open by I think I fought my minecraft had crashed let's try again okay block on the floor move out a bit press number one right what's going on okay doing a block there we've a long run block there move along one block there okay we're gonna go up now - okay we've gone up drop down kappa what number Dory's I think it's five pink that's five one two three four five okay I place a die okay good we got a dark it to place a block next to that dark up basic wood okay just do our floor of our house so I do like a four by four square right here yeah I think that's looking good okay then we'll do the wall outside I'm in my head I can see what I'm doing and it's looking good right regarding to get this log coming through the edge of the house build this up okay glass I think glass was number four place a window in here that glass does it sound like last was class six I shouldn't broke something was class free no cool glass is far okay place a window on our house where's the wall a defying the wall okay found it so we got some glass on there this is the garden here I'm gonna bone meal this is that bone building numbers bone meal right this is a lot trickier than I thought maybe we should build a house let's have a look at how this one's turned out oh I did bone meal the ground right well wow the doors actually turned out quite well I'm surprised by the doors that's actually on the edge of the house I managed to get that bit he's getting quite well until I started to do the floor the floors a bit out and then the glass is a bit out as well and I don't know what that Tower is but most of bone mill the ground a house is a terrible idea just to square I think we had too many blocks so I'm gonna change it and I'm gonna try and build a pig so pigs very simple I'm going to go for a small Pig just start by looking in the right don't like looking at the ground okay pig coming up alright so leg number one bam move across one two three leg one two three Oh leg okay one two three okay so I should have all four legs now I think I'm still looking at the ground BAM okay so next bits can be tricky I'm like crouched on top of this thing right now okay I'm building outwards am I still shifted on this thing why is it not placing a block okay where's the pig gun if I lost the pig okay to start again okay down I should be walking into the pink thing right now I'm not okay down down jump off you scared the living daylights go dark in Minecraft hue not funny my heart is racing right now oh my gosh this pig is not coming along very nicely okay we're gonna start over the pig all right let's do it one okay count to three BAM up one drop down I should be drop down the turn 90 degrees okay drop down run okay look up slightly I think I did something okay what what's happened Pig all right the the feet of the pig are too hard I've decided this is looking nothing like a pig right and what could I build but I could actually maybe build a tree okay I've want to actually build one fig you like at the moment is just going horribly okay we're gonna build a small tree the staff by looking at the ground I know where I am let's blindfold ourselves okay looking at the ground leave please okay drop down drop down let's hope I drop down walk into the tree look up left yes okay far left a little bit and a bit again forward then look right yes we did something okay left a little bit forward look right no I've lost oh no we got it okay left a little bit look forward right come on where are you at tree where are you at I can't find it what do we do oh we were so close no not really but but okay it's a very weird looking tree but that is a tree if only I did like that that might be a tree so this is our pigs as you can see not looking good our tree is the best the house not so good okay for the next one I'm gonna use one block color it's gonna be black and we're gonna try not just the floor and we're gonna try and do a smiley face that's all I made me fall I just want to complete one thing while blindfolded smiley face let's go bang move along free bang move down and a bit to the right left up smileyface let's see what that looks like I can't even do a smiley face like what is what there let's try again not a smiley face this time but just a straight face like you know it's slanted for my face let's do it place a block move to the left a bit place another block move down move to the left a bit move down a bit again one two three four five six seven okay that's got to be a slanted face that has to be it for goodness sake what is that that is just it looks like Mars code is what I've done there well to be honest guys I'm not sure what else I could build whilst blindfolded turns out I can't build anything when blindfolded as you can see here by these well there's no other word over the monstrosity is there so yeah well at least it was an interesting challenge and I hope you had fun probably the funniest part is Lizzy scaring me so there's that and yeah thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,398,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, blindfold, blindfoldchallenge, minecraftchallenge, funny, scary, lizzie, joel, scares, haha
Id: rGBTBrP9s2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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