I Built my Dream $10'000 Gaming Setup

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have you ever been lying in bed and then just had the sudden urge to want to change your entire bedroom around because that happened to me last week you see how scorning through these cool gaming setups on my phone and I started to wonder why doesn't mine look like any of them to be honest I kind of know why my setup is disgusting number one the desk is just way too weak and flimsy right now it's got two monitors on it if I wobble it a little bit it's falling number two is the gaming chair that thing literally cost me five pounds and number three is the PC I built it about three years ago with hardly any experience and I really wanted to look like one of the ones online with all the lights and all that because at the moment it currently looks like this it definitely needs an upgrade forget that the entire setup needs just a complete upgrade and if you've seen any of my other setup Transformations you know that we like to go all out on these setup builds so my goal by the end of this is to literally turn this setup into something better than the ones I've been seeing online so we need to start the build the next morning I got up really early and completely cleared out the entire room because we needed to start with a blank canvas so before I started building anything I needed to decide what I actually wanted the room to look like so I actually used AI to help me design it I asked the AI to give me some cool white and blue setup ideas that featured some wooden aspects in it as well and these are the responses that we got I can't lie these look sick but I'm actually going to try and outdo myself and make this setup look even better than the references that it showed me but now that we had an idea it was time to go buy some furniture so I took a trip to Ikea and bought myself some new plants a brand new desk and also a wooden shelving unit I paid for it bought it home and then spent the rest of the day building it thank you there that night I moved in all the stuff on my old setup to see what I wanted to change for starters the monitors are just way too small even though there's two of them because I'm an editor I've always wanted one of them super wide screens you know the ones that are curved and really big so I bought one right after that I bought a load of more things on Amazon that would come next day delivery that would really just spice the setup up the next day everything could arrive so it was finally time to start upgrading the cell the first thing to go was that awful awful chair I upgraded it to one of the secret lab ones and although it was expensive I can say it's probably one of the best things I've ever sat in I put up the brand new Ultra wide monitor but the thing was there was just something off about it that I didn't like you see the desk that I bought was pretty big and even though the monitor is Big it only took up about half of the desk and it just looked weird on it so and so um I bought another one but before I could go collect that I had to put up some LED lights to really make the setup pop because come on what what's a Setter without some LED lights anyway the next day I went to go pick up my brand new second Monitor and I've got to say this might be the best decision I've ever made just look at how good two of them are the only downside is like kind of have to move my head around a lot to view everything on the setup but be honest what would you rather have really bad neck pain in about 30 years time or a really cool looking setup anyways now the first two objectives were done I needed to move on to the third build a better PC now I'm not gonna lie this could be an entire new transformation video itself because I'm going to completely change everything about this PC the way it performs the way it looks everything because at the moment it currently looks like this disgusting I built it a couple of years ago with no experience and it just it isn't performing the way I want it to be it just isn't as fast overall just needs a complete upgrade so I bought some new password and then spent the entire night learning how to upgrade the PC and it took a while but like I said I wasn't just going to upgrade it I needed it to look better as well so I ordered a load of white PC parts that would go with a theme of my setup I put all the final pieces together and the piece he went from looking like this to now looking like this I'll put up the before and after specs for people who care about our sort of stuff but look at that that is my PC I am so proud I did that myself it's genuinely gonna fit in so well with the final setup now all the main objectives were complete but I wasn't gonna stop there like I said this setup needs to look even better than the ones I saw online which means I need to add those extra little things to make the setup look even better so I decided to add some new Destiny accessories I replaced my old speakers with these new white ones and then luckily for me a company called Grove made saw my setup transformation videos on tiktok and decided to send me this warn up desk table this headphone standing this really nice Mouse man honestly these things look really nice in the setup link add to that wooden vibe that I wanted to add to it once I added all that the setup was nearly complete but there's one more thing I needed to add and that's some wall lights I saw these ones from nanoleaf and although they were quite expensive oh my God they just completely changed the setup I can now say that a setup in my eyes is complete and the only thing left to do now to show you but just before I do a lot of time effort and money went into making this so any support that you guys give whether it be by liking or subscribing to the channel that really would mean a lot I genuinely enjoy making these setup transformation videos and by the end of the year I want to do some more obviously I can't keep redoing mine over and over again so by the end of the year the goal is to basically to try and make a series where I redo other people's setups whether that be friends or subscribers I want to do that by the end of the year so to make that possibility like I said if you like the video subscribe that really helped anyway I've waffled on for way too long I want to show you my brand new dream gaming setup [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Dantic
Views: 87,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantic, my dream gaming setup, gaming, setup, gaming setup, clean my room, ultimate gaming setup, design, room decorating ideas, room decoration, room makeover, renovation, gaming setup build, tech, technology, gaming room, desk setup, desk setup makeover, desk setup 2023, set up, room transformation, room decorating ideas for small rooms, dream gaming setup, building a gaming setup, gaming setup ideas, building, transformation, setup gaming, gaming room setup, rearranging my room
Id: tS00bJVbhuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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