Surprising My Little Sister With Her Ultimate Gaming Room!

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this is my little sister's bedroom right now and in this video we're going to be upgrading it to make her dream set up but first let me tell you why I'm doing this you see last year after making my first big room renovation I moved out of my parents house and that meant my sister got my old bedroom which is why her room looks like this now growing up me and my sister always had a little bit of a rivalry as you can see by these photos it looks like I just don't care about my sister but you know what we've both grown up and I think it's about time we squash I be so while she's on holiday I'm going to make her dream gaming setup she comes back in like 4 days so so we need to get a move on with this now the first thing we need to sort out in this room is the floor so we've got to take a trip to the most exciting store there is the carpet store this is a dead carpet store though I like the ones where you can like go through to naria this one does look kind of nice though yeah I think we'll get this one right here plus it's on sale and I haven't got a lot of money so yeah I got the carpet back home here's some epic shots of me putting it down I definitely did not get my dad to do this part but yeah the carpet was down and the room was already looking better now before I even put a gaming set up in here I wanted to add a sofa and a TV so the other half of the room could be used for like watching movies and stuff luckily I found an the order of the sofa last week so let's put it together here's one arm here's the second arm so when we bought the sofa it was originally like £2,000 but uh we got it for a bit of a bargain cuz it has a little bit of a defect on it which not the price off by like 600 Quid so this is actually pretty much a bargain you might be thinking to yourself Dan why have you bought your sister a sofa especially one that costs as much as it does well it's not just a sofa it's also a bed yeah not only will it be a place for people to watch movies in here and play games and stuff it's also going to be a place for me to sleep when I come around here and there we go a nice new sofa bed mainly for me but it's still for the room so it counts so I'm looking on Amazon right now and you can literally get like a 65 in TV for £400 and it comes tomorrow as well let's buy that man TV's just arrived let's get this up the stairs oh my god look how big this thing is what' you think then D look at that for gameing I'm watching the dantic YouTube channel okay now the TV is in let's go build the gaming setup now if you think you've seen this desk before in one of my older setups you'd be right my sister better not complain that this is a hming now this is a nice desk like I've got to cook Corners in some areas man just got to watch out for falling debris these setups cost a lot of money I'm currently surviving on like 49p beans every day so on that note please like the video now that the desk was in it was time to add a chair now this chair was kindly sent to me by GTA Omega I will admit I've never used one of these chairs before so we'll see how it is let's get his bad boy open don't have a knife on me at the moment so I'm just using an Allan key now my sister's favorite color is not pink it's blue so I got GT Mega a nice little blue chair to match the theme of The W yeah this thing looks SI h i nice for the armrests I managed to assemble the chair pretty quickly I even got my dad to come and test it out and he seemed like he really enjoyed it so I'm sure my sister will as well I attached this cushion to the back added a plant comfy easy to put together I'm happy with this oh my godness this goes really far back I'm surprised this isn't breaking now this setup is still pretty bare Bon so you know I have to go and hook my sister up with a 4k monitor yes technically is another hand me- down but I'm actually sad to let this one go like this thing is actually a good monitor however because I only had a dual monitor arm available the setup just looked a bit weird and now I feel like I've got to go buy another monitor should we go buy another [Music] monitor I don't know why in a shop like Cory where there's really expensive Tech they're still running on like Windows 9 although it was easy to find a good monitor it seemed like buying it was a bit more of an issue can I take a last name please an email address uh and then can I take a postcode and the house [Music] number what did I tell you man you can't just go in there and buy like a monitor you've got to give them your email receipt and your home address and your bank details and your social security number and your post code and your other email address and then they ask you oh yeah do you want to warranty it for an extra 30 quid every single month I'm like no why can't I just go in put the monitor on the counter they go oh do you want to buy this I go yes pay for it and then they give it me it can't be that I I swear down to you that took like 10 minutes to check this out my sister better appreciate this setle man I swear to God I'm annoyed oh well [Music] o now that we're fitted the setup with jeal displays we now need the device to play games on here now my sister is a massive Xbox player which she literally plays on the oldest version of the Xbox one it's 10 years old it's slow and again it used to be mine however all the games she plays on their R cross platform so it just makes sense that she upgrades to the PC Master now we're very lucky because the kind people are Asis they kind of sent me this PC well they didn't really send it to me they're technically sending it to my sister but still let's unbox this thing wo for as small as a PC it is it's really heavy even though it's quite small this thing is rocking some crazy specs now this thing has a 12 gen Intel Core i5 CPU an RTX 370 16 GB of ddr5 RAM and 2 terab of SSD storage and overall it's a massive Powerhouse not only that it's small enough that I'll actually be able to fit it on this desk I don't know what it is I just hate PCS being underneath desks with that being said this bad boy can go here okay let's turn this on wa thank you very much Asus for sending this over I'm sure my sister will be able to play Minecraft in like 400 frames a second or something yo I didn't realize but AC's actually also sent out a new keyboard and a mouse as well the next day some Amazon packages arve ooh oh this is nice oh yo look at that Mouse MK that is really nice oh my God I might have to get myself this one we also got some LEDs because we bought the TV this far out there's nothing really going on behind it so bought these LED lights sticking behind the TV let's see how it goes you can go in there okay let's plug this in I'm so sorry I got a little bit of a cold now as well plug the TV in oh yo yo look at this yo that's Elite man however before we even add anything else there is a little Gap under here so I have gone ahead and ordered a mini fridge which is really hard to get up the stairs oh oh now the problem with this mini fridge is that I didn't buy it for my sister I bought it for me because uh my sister is getting my old one I mean even when you put the two together this one just screams Big Brother little sister yeah let's put this underneath here now she's got a mini fridge plus I don't think this one would have fit underneath the TV so it's a good job I'm having this one now one thing this setup is currently lacking is some good wall out and if you guys know me I never like to leave the walls looking plain in their gaming setup luckily for me we have been sent a gift by the wooden veneer oh my God okay don't try and commentate why you bringing stuff up the stairs oh oh my word now I was generally going to go out and buy some of these but I thought to myself hey maybe I can just ask for some to put them in a video and they said yes you might need to do some readjusting there because these are a bit too big for the the walls so to readjust these things I took some measurements started sawing away but that was a bit tricky without a proper workstation so the next day we got out the jigsaw oh my God this made cutting easier we then sended the edges put some adhesive on the back it's like big toothpaste is it realized we' ran out of adhesive so we had to go take a quick trip Tri to being Q to go get some more and with a bit more soaring sanding and gluing we got the wo design complete and I got to say it looks so much better than I thought it would honestly I love this design so much and a big thank you to the wood veneer hub for sending these out I think the next thing we need is some LED lights oh these are massive oh God I might have accidentally got like too much RGB this generally might be too much we got the best Logitech speakers in the world honestly we've used these on so many setups for the the price they're incredible and they're literally like £30 but like the quality of them is so good now the next thing to do is do a bit of cable management add a few light panels onto the wall okay let's turn these on yo look how sick that looks now guys as I was filming this my sister unexpectedly came home like an hour earlier okay she's just arrived she's just arrived you right yeah I'm fine you all right yeah so I told her not to come upstairs but as I was finishing up things I went to go show my mom the setup and uh this happened the dog I thought you were ktie then trying to sneak a peek into the room what are you doing after that little mishap I managed to finish off the rest of the setup and then it was finally time to tell my sister what I've been up to this week so you know we've never really got along when we were little right yeah and now You' stol in my room yeah basically what I've done you know that old room that used have your old bedroom yeah well uh I've been here for like the past few days and I've uh I've made it into a little bit of a room for you know how you still everything of mine like my Xbox my room yeah I'll just show you oh God should I close my eyes yeah close your eyes close your eyes come through come through come through come through keep keep closing them keep closing them smells like new stuff yeah it does smell like these stuff three two one and open oh my [Applause] God [Music] oh my goodness me you play Xbox on that I didn't want to get you a new Xbox right because uh I thought I'd upgrade you to the PC Master race oh my God so what you think of the setup oh it looks I love the light so cool thank you Daniel is it safe to say after a lot of years of fighting that we're finally friends yeah yeah it gets sent oh yeah see you later good video [Music] bye oh
Channel: Dantic
Views: 370,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Built My Sister Her Dream Ultimate Gaming Setup!, bedroom makeover, dantic, desk setup, dream, dream gaming room, dream gaming setup, dream room, dream setup pc, gaming, gaming pc, gaming room makeover, gaming setup, gaming setup ideas, i built, pc gaming, room makeover, room tour, room transformation, setup, setup makeover, sister, tech, ultimate
Id: AzCKzlNvOeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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