I BUILT BALDI'S SCHOOL! | Baldi's Basics Roblox Tycoon

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications okay people we got the money let's cash it in hundred thousand let's go by the logo what is it the grand reveal [Laughter] [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to roblox we are in the baldies basics tycoon no longer do we spend our days living in baldies world no in this world we built all these worlds that was way more dramatic than it needed to be also want to remind you guys got a merch sale going on right now the first one first one ever this is the first time I'm selling shirts Kitely 10tv plant shirt it is available link in the description down below only out for two weeks so keep that in mind if you want one you gotta get it in the next two weeks there's all kinds of different options colors you can get a sweater you can get a Jersey you can it's cool there's a lot of cool stuff check it out if you're interested but we've got bigger and better things to take care of now we're gonna build baldies school apparently I actually have no idea because I've never played this game well let's do it so first things first we need to find our plot of land there's a school right there that can I have this yes touch to become an owner owner owner I own it this land okay so now I need to build baldie school begin your adventure okay notebook dropper okay so the glowing the glowing squares are clearly and obviously notebooks we're basically manufacturing what everybody uses for every single called II ripoff Baldy fangame Baldy Maude see we're creating the pieces that go into all of those mods or something maybe okay let's build another notebook dropper please what my money oh I need to collect my money of course okay collect the money build another dropper there you go we need 300 to build a mega notebook dropper the ultimate of all notebook droppers logo costs is that here $100,000 okay we got a ways to go for the logo maybe we'll get there one day maybe we should build walls let's build some walls get my cash build some walls the school is coming together upgrade the walls I'm not gonna worry about that right now how much money do I have I have 320 so now you buy the mega dropper you look not so mega in fact you look the same as all the other ones just you have like a glowing belly amazing truly amazing we got flashlights here you know in case you need to do any kind of troubleshooting of the equipment seems like everything's working properly hey baldie hey welcome to your new home maybe I don't know oh we got money we got money to go okay so Oh a thousand for a super notebook dropper okay we're almost there we're almost there these guys are like fighting Baldy is like chasing us oh he's gonna kill him he's actually doing damage with the ruler that is impressive it's a weapon a weapon of mass destruction all right let's buy the super dropper which looks the same as the mega dropper I'm onto you I'm onto you guys you think you're so special you're the same as everybody else buy Power Core penny dropper hey Baldy just murdered me rude very rude no murdering in this schoolhouse young man I'm invincible now and you need to get out of my house okay so is there a way to get him to never come back again I don't know I'm gonna keep building these walls I think I can yeah I can buy the owner dork once I buy the owner door he won't be able to come back in without my permission and he will not have my permission because he's murdering me so basically he's gone now I just need to get enough money and then buy the owner door and then no one else can come in so haha take that Baldy you're not invited to my cool place anymore all right oh I got to build the upgraded wall he might be able to jump over the wall no no no no no no don't you dare don't you don't you dare I gotta upgrade these walls I know he's gonna get over I gotta upgrade the walls please please okay there's no way he's getting in now no way we got this we're protected we're safe holy cow that was scary that was the most tenacious and angry Baldy I have ever seen whoo we survived the baldy onslaught so now we can just focus on building Baldy school the Baldy school factory or something I don't know okay Conrad got in so that's kind of terrifying I guess Baldy could have made it in if he tried hard enough but he gave up and for that we're very very thankful at least Conrad's not trying to kill me okay we got money now we can buy the Power Core penny dropper you're the breath what you're dropping little itty-bitty like orbs what are those hold up let's get a closer look at these pennies they look like apples what no they're like little diamonds they're little Chaos Emeralds from Sonic I have no idea I have no idea what's happening anymore but someone's got to do this we're doing the hard work by gear path I don't know I'm gonna buy the floor oh okay so that's technically a roof I guess I get it it's a floor for the second floor so this is a two-story production place I thought it was a school it doesn't seem like a school right now there's not a lot of learning going on here just a lot of production of notebooks is that baldies whole ruse is that what he's up to is is a note book factory maybe he's forcing the children into building notebooks for his own profit a dark and dastardly plan from the baldy villain I don't know maybe I'm reading too much into it that's probably part of it I got three point $1,000 so uh what should I do with them I guess I I guess I want to wait until I have 5,000 or do I want to buy the second floor I don't know let's buy the gear path that's cheap see what well what what did that do Oh oh okay we can buy it a ruler yes please yes this is the ruler the ruler of all rulers the ruler of all rulers he's like king ruler it's weird anyways we got it and then we could get the bisoder oh I like this this is almost like a Baldy Museum we have to preserve all the the deep lore of baldies basics it's a long and storied history of that bald man and his angry ways okay enough reminiscing about weird Baldy let's just keep making money I just need five thousand to get the cooler pedi dropper we're almost there almost there boom there's the money okay here we go core penny dropper give me more Chaos Emeralds a mega penny dropper I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this thing is probably gonna be the same as this thing all of these are gonna be the same so I can actually can i I can oh now I have the ruler okay that's what we were getting destroyed with that's what Baldy was destroying us with but now I have the ruler now I have the power I mean it's literally a rule it's not that exciting but now I have the power to measure stuff very exciting that's pretty cool so as we buy these props we can actually use them I like that I could buy the boo soda but I kind of want to get the money makers first cuz production here while it's moving at a very steady pace I would like to be making even more cash 5.1 K we need seven so let's just you know wait maybe we can do some some exploration hopefully I don't get murdered let's do a little exploring of the world while we make some more money what we got going on over here it looks like there's a school bus can we go to baldies camping trip you think that'd be kind of cool let's check it out you what what this there's the school the school is here that's interesting okay I wasn't expecting there to be a full-on school here it's not actually where I want to be can can I go back I need to go back to my Baldy Museum factory place I'm scared we also have this over here is this where we were just teleported to no let's go find out I got a ruler I'm not afraid to use it anybody want to come at me I will destroy you with the power of measuring yeah oh these are morphs oh okay baldies morph is in the tycoon only okay so to become Baldy you must complete Baldy school you must become one with your inner Baldy to become Baldy makes perfect sense let's be playtime because I want to play with somebody I'm sorry for that that was an outburst I need to control my inner playtime let's go back to our house or Museum our home the place where we love to be now I am playtime now I can do work more properly what was that a real sentence yes yes it was by the mega dropper see playtime makes everything better this mega dropper is gonna be even more mega than it would have been if it was just regular old kindly kid it's playtime kindly key and so it's a better mega dropper it's obviously not true but that's why I'm gonna tell myself I'm sorry sir you're you're not welcome here too many murderers the only reason Conrad Jin here is cuz he snuck in through the wall he was sneaky if you want to come in you got to be sneaky also you got to put away those spiky shoulder pads because those are horrifying goodness kill someone with those things okay what do we got what do we got on the moneymaker train we need to buy the Omega penny dropper for nine thousand we got the money we got the playtime cash that's what I'm talking about there you go oh my gosh another Omega penny dropper is 15,000 it's too much it's too much money also can I use a ruler I can play time with the power to levitate items it's amazing she's full of all kinds of secrets truly incredible creature not to mention she can count to five and even sometimes I know this is gonna blow your mind sometimes she can and count to ten I see you play time I see you okay how much money do we have we have about ten thousand yeah we still gotta still gotta save up for the Omega penny drop I mean I could buy stairs but what's that gonna do for you nothing it's not gonna make me money it's gonna make me stairs whoo hot stairs we're almost there just a little bit more cash come on come on notebook production-line keep going those glowing notebooks ignore the fact that they're radioactive they're great for study and quite possibly making you grow an extra arm but ignore that just ignore it we're gonna just keep on producing making that cash the Omega Chaos Emeralds keep them coming okay so I think oh look it's uh it's scary shoulder pad guy he found out how to get in he made it congratulations welcome to the party it's very much the same in here as it was out there but welcome okay so I think that we have all the money-making devices that we can have at this point so let's buy some stairs let's go upstairs let's see what we can do up here we can buy a math conveyor buy ability path what's just path what is that I don't know this is all confusing and and terrifying for this little playtime let's collect our money and let's decide what we're gonna buy we got a lot of options up here you know I actually this by the bisoder let's buy the boo soda let's pick up the bisoder and let's drink the bo soda because because we can I was thirsty yeah this is the most expensive soda I've ever had it's a $3,000 soda but it's delicious oh hello there's there's more people in my house that belongs to me that I thought was protected house party everybody come on up come on over okay maybe we should upgrade the walls before before everybody's here okay let's do the math conveyor aah we can make more money that's what I like to see also these blocks what's going on with this what's what's up with this situation I'm not getting all my cash here I got all these people here none of them helping me make money they're just taking my $3,000 sodas I just I need someone to like stand here and just be a wall protect this from falling out I need know this stuff should not be falling why is this stuff falling that is really annoying if it doesn't go into the teleporter I don't get the money it's very important all right let's buy another penny dropper up here penny drop her number two is 12,000 that's too much drop down all right do we have 12,000 we have 12,000 we have 14,000 that's right simple math I got this buy the penny drop or number two holy cow Premium penny dropper 50,000 that's just madness absolute madness does this look like the face of someone who is made out of money actually it kind of does like literally it's like if you made her face out of like paper bechet dollar bills that's probably what it would kind of look like but ignore that I don't have that kind of cash on hand I have like $18,000 this is not nearly enough I guess I'll just build the other stuff because we can't let's upgrade the walls oh no don't why did that happen I'm losing control of my body I just ran off the edge that was not very smart I'm stuck okay please let me out is there like an opening of these fences oh no oh no playtime is trapped wait wait there's hope there is hope oh I got out that was close one I must go back to my Baldy schoolhouse gosh 100,000 for the logo I don't know what the logo is but I'm excited to see what it is I want to find out and actually in that time that we were lost in the forest I made like 25 cows and money typically you say dollars but in this world we say money because it sounds funny let's buy a $10,000 pass it's literally a floor we buy Baldy let's buy Baldy because we can oh he's here and he's beautiful and I can't be him because I'm already playtime no I need to be Baldy reset my character become Baldy made some cash along the way too but I need to be Baldy let's go back to becoming Baldy yes I've done it I don't know what exactly it is that I've done but there you go I'm Baldy now but let's finish this beautiful home this museum of Baldy preservation its upgrade the walls let's buy the ability path okay so you can buy like jump power speed ability extra five hundred thousand uh no that's way too much and I don't even know what that means what is extra it's not great explanation let's save up for the fifty thousand oh make a premium super duper ultra dropper which is probably gonna be the same as all the other droppers but it's got a cool name can't deny that we're only eight thousand away from it so Scott wait patiently maybe do some counting one two fourteen K Baldy fourteen does not come after two that's thought you were a math teacher okay alright you do you Baldy there we go we got the money now grab the money and buy the last I assume it's the last dropper I mean maybe there's more we'll find out doesn't look like there's any more yeah I think we're good so now we just need to save up to finish off the walls and then I guess the only thing really left is these powers which are incredibly expensive and the logo logo is a hundred thousand that's gonna take some time but we'll get there so we got the twenty thousand for the wall upgrade oh my gosh twenty eight thousand for another wall upgrade whoo all right we saved up fifty thousand so let's see what's next after the twenty eight thousand thirty five thousand of course of course well I have enough for thirty five thousand but after that I'm pretty much broke so we'll just have to do some more waiting again by those walls oh my gosh 45,000 these walls are so expensive what are they made of they might actually be made of emeralds also what baldies schoolhouse in the sky that is blowing my mind oh my gosh is there anything else flying in the sky it's so weird I guess that's where you go when you teleport to Baldy schoolhouse it's literally flying that's incredible well we can make cash and we can go explore Baldy schoolhouse actually what I do want to see is if there is a field trip section cuz there's the school bus and also there's camping Baldy over there so let's see if we can find the field trip maybe or we'll just check out the school and see if anything's different around here there are no exits in this school that's kind of scary one way in one way out let's use my flashlight anybody in here hey anybody hiding in here no troublemakers alright let's move along whoa whoa the cafeteria is really dark that's kind of spooky oh my gosh turn off the flashlight the only thing you can see are the trees oh that's crazy okay it's kind of horrifying let's move along otherwise it looks like the school is pretty much normal as far as I can tell nothing too exciting just the very creepy dark cafeteria all right well there you go we did some exploring of Baldy schoolhouse in the sky now let's go back to our Baldy Museum and see how much money we made 85,000 yeah don't mind if I do I will take that so let's upgrade these walls the roof is the final step boom roof done so pretty much everything is done aside from the very expensive powers and the logo and I really want to get the logo done so let's wait until we get to 80,000 and then we'll buy the logo okay people we got the money let's cash it in hundred thousand let's go buy the logo what is it the grand reveal it's just a giant ball T of course it is of course it's a giant ball d look at the moon rising in the background over our glorious Baldy Museum truly truly a masterpiece so good oh man I actually really enjoy these tycoons I don't know if you guys like playing them cuz sometimes they can be a little boring cuz a lot of times you're just waiting around but for whatever reason that satisfaction of seeing something be built from nothing and just going from one piece to the next piece it's it's it's very satisfying I love it I really enjoy these tycoons but anyways guys I think that's gonna do it for this episode of roblox I hope that you enjoyed it we've built the most glorious baldie museum the world has ever seen may it live on for eternity if you guys did enjoy this be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 4,807,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Baldi, baldis basics, family friendly, no cursing, no swearing, baldis basics in education and learning, roblox roleplay, roblox video, roblox adventures, kindly keyin, weird games, education games, baldis basics ending, baldi roblox, baldi horror game, baldis basics all endings, play as playtime, play as playtime baldi, baldis basics roleplay, baldi's basics roleplay roblox, camping baldi, baldi camp, camping playtime
Id: 2_75inXiOG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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