I Built an Actual Underwater Prison!

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today we are filling my entire pool with a real underwater prison i'm in an awkward position we did it this is just one piece of the prison but luckily i don't have to do this by myself i brought in a ton of backup so we can get this done in a reasonable amount of time i forgot to mention how handsome they are here we go come on yeah smack with the mallet literally one pull down 50 more to go all right it's lined up keep it going i i i i i i it's my work today baby you got to work for them views okay you can't just expect them to come 100 000 likes we start the preston diy channel i don't like how dangerous you're doing that it doesn't even look like you're wearing pants they're very short okay yes two things one we're trying to finish building this prison before my wife brianna gets back home so we can trap her inside of it we're on a little bit of a time crunch i'm also going to see if we can fully cook an egg before we finish building the prison in the texas heat i need a better egg nick give me an egg and now we wait listen i can pick up this prison hide i play video games for a living whoa see the thing is if i pick it up like this way bad things are gonna happen well yeah it's gonna go right up your booty i know so i'm trying to find a a way you know you never look for the back in an awkward position there's a way okay you got it okay can you do it i'm just i get under it i'm trying to get out of it there you go it's a little push action forward walk it over oh why not yeah oh yeah i'm a man oh sweaty man you know we're about a fourth of the way done with the prison doesn't look like we've had any progress on the egg yet still going it has leaked a little bit though doesn't look very tasty are you gonna eat it i will make a gamble if everybody watching this video right now hits the subscribe button enables notifications and the egg cooks by the end of this video i will eat it just pull it up and drop it oh i might switch to the construction career i already drank i'm already hydrated hydrate yourself okay ah why'd you what did you do i don't know i hydrated you spit it out listen it's all that gaming dexterity you always say you know what you leaned over and said what is this my brother has no faith in me dude i'm so proud i'm so proud i am i'm demoralized nice drill me i've worked a tool once or twice in my life oh 100 degrees never felt better halfway in prison we're getting so close guys thanks for following along with our journey our journey hopefully soon will be complete once we get all of these gates into the pool what if it floats imagine a floating prison in your pool i think we have chains for that oh you guys ever wonder what it's like to be married just in case you're wondering we are now adding the stilts to the bottom of each gate so it will fit perfectly and seamless inside of the pool or at least we hope that flips we're good we're good no fumbles on this i'm gonna take this man we gotta put this in the pool but i need to get training first so scott and you can handle it sure you got it oh okay when you are dating my sister come on be strong be strong there you go bud looking great all right let's go by the way this is uh our handsome man joe who is going to be giving me a crash course of using is it a breathing apparatus underwater what is this yeah your bcd your tank your regulator is going to be your primary breathing the tom cruise mouthpiece oh what this is going to be secondary in case this one stops working do you have just in case yeah and technically you always dive with the buddy so then if your buddy's like oxygen yeah oh that's so sick here is going to be your pressure gauge so right now we got close to 3000 psi yes that's a full tank i should know this i play paintball enough guys get this bad boy on suiting up we've got one of the gates in for the prison only three more to go i'm gonna try my best to guide them in as they bring them in these probably weigh like 150 pounds they are not light thanks to the scuba gear hopefully i can go underwater and guide the gate down but we'll see was it necessary to make these so tall you know what we're getting out of there she can't even swim look at those thighs we're getting it done it's proving to be a little difficult this is probably one of our biggest underwater videos we've ever tried to attempt look at how big this present is it doesn't help wearing 40 pounds of scuba gear on my back and holding this is this why they don't build prisons underwater i think this is why there is no current to date there has yet to be a prison underwater but eventually we're going to run out of land and they're going to start getting creative and building some prisons underwater and who are they going to hit up pressed in place save oh this is good secondary breathing apparatus you just like saying apparatus the word apparatus is just kind of sick like low key when you think about it oh that's my dog hello don't waste air i'm not wasting it maddie i am professionally trained let me get suited up like scooby doo you're my dad watching you from afar i hope you've been doing your squats i'm gonna get the rear i've been doing the squats baby ready for this we need your help guys get in oh yeah yeah you need the big daddy's help out okay all right i'll get inside my water i bring her in that's a good one i can get it flush with it all right guys i gotta dive does it go like this yeah defy the wall dude that looks so big for my point of view i would go i have been unintentionally trapped while capturing gopro footage underwater did you not realize we were closing the prison i just it's having so much fun i didn't think about it one like down below to free preston from this place i don't think we need to do that i like you in there this is my great escape they call me houdini who calls you that you want to worm your way out a little bit i know joe doesn't need to leave i barely fit through that hole like with this you had to get it i was like shimmy i had to go in like sideways i was like oh don't tear my oxygen how do you feel that you're in prison right now be honest i didn't wake up today thinking end up in christ we just finished building the prison and the egg look at how solid it is oh i did say i would eat it you can't no oh he ate it oh no it's like chewy egg i wouldn't recommend it you gotta do what you gotta do for the sub though well didn't take much convincing to get brianna and the present she heard there was going to be a youtube video and she hopped in which means you need to go check out bree's channel if you want to see what her video is like being trapped inside of the underwater prison it is going to be sick thank you so much for watching god bless america and we'll see you next time
Channel: Preston
Views: 10,337,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: W7a2KwFc1tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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