I Built A Secret Under Lava Base In Minecraft Hardcore! (#93)

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that's right guys in today's spicy hardcore video we are going to be building a lava base in a 1.18 lava cave now these new caves are really big really scary and filled with lava so this is gonna be a very challenging yet amazing bass if i manage to pull this off if you guys do go on to enjoy this video make sure you guys smash that like button hit subscribe join the paul gg army if you haven't already because i don't know why you wouldn't and let's get into the video that's right we're building a lava base this is going to be terrifying also if you guys missed it in the last video you should go check it out because uh we managed to find something incredibly rare incredibly rare that being a giant lop no i'm just kidding no it's not the lava cave those are common but we managed to find a fossil and this thing i dug it all up we made a little exhibit display for it um but we also did find this giant lava field uh as well i thought i just jumped in dude i thought i was taking a swim bro i thought i was just taking a little skinny dip you know i'm saying i thought i was going to just go in here but since we found that lava cave though i want to build a base in it and i have done a lava base in the past in the nether now it's kind of underwhelming i never use it however this one i kind of will have a purpose for it in the overworld since it's not that far from the base i actually completely forgot that i had done this in the nether a long time ago until i thought about doing it now so if we jump on down into the nether and i fly right over here okay sir what do you want from me you wanna you want you want the clap all right and then we go down this ladder we have an under lava base i do love the circle i'm actually 100 gonna keep up to the circle the circle is taller but you could say i do got a little bit of experience with building an under lava base however this one's gonna be much cooler much more attractive and uh better in every possible way it's literally just gonna be built different i don't know what i'll say but for building this though i am gonna need a lot of resources some from the nether actually stuff like magma creams for magma slimes there we go a stack in 25 should be plenty because i want to be able to whip up a lot of fire reses because i don't want to even deal with getting burned the entire time oh hey a bastion that i haven't found before this sounds like a lot of free gold huh give me that give me that a little bit of this a little bit of that honestly i don't really need the gold that much it's more so just flex on them and just kind of run run them all over you know it's been a little while since i've just tried to go like toe to toe with like a piglet bird or something like that you know uh we got some dookie in the chest a little bit more gold yeah banner pattern i'm gonna start collecting these i always skip them but people always comment about them got some more iron oh you know what here you know i'm i'm gonna put the iron back i haven't even looked at the iron farm in a while i just know that it's gonna be very full and very scary and just because i can i'ma hop down here and move excuse me sir excuse me thank you i'm gonna take all the gold loot the chest take the diamonds oh we got ourselves a no that's what i'm talking about i want to say bastions are the best way to get notch apples excuse you sir choose you excuse you too jeez dude relax everybody calm down the next thing i want to do is collect a lot of crimson wood because i think crimson wood will look pretty good for this build so i'm going to try to get a whole bunch of it and also i want to kind of venture out from just doing my normal spruce and uh stone brick look i'm gonna change up like the woods maybe change up the stones you know one or the other we'll see how it goes the last resource i'm gonna need for this is going to be a lot of stone but before we get into that it's time to name some sheep i have you guys comment down below on the videos recently uh asking if you want to join the the sheep army because for some reason everyone wants to be a sheep in this world everyone's been watching this series for a really long time i want to participate so comment down below if you want your name to be one of the sheepers in here this time around though we got a bell that wants to be a pink sheep then we got marcos that wants to be blue and then we got ender that wants to be red i'm going to continue to just grow the sheep army and we're going to expand this and then one day we'll just let everyone loose in the world forever surviving and thriving so comment down below like i said if you guys want to join the army and one other thing that i want to do before i go mining for some stone is that you guys are all commenting to make a beacon wow there's a lot of iron in this thing since i've built it i haven't even been spending that much time at the base this thing's just pumping a lot of you have been saying that i need to make a beacon inside the the mines so that i can be able to use case two which yes it makes sense so i shall okay so let's make our way down into the underwater mines never fly down a staircase that's always so scary but each episode that i need stone we pretty much just mine it out from under here leaving all the oars and it's just looking more and more cursed so this is just it's just getting ridiculous so here let's build up a beacon real quick and then let's just pop a beacon on top of it like that and then i have to mine all the way up to the surface so i can see sunlight all right and there we go haste two baby that's what i'm talking about so now oh my gosh i can just insta mine it's gonna be hard to avoid all the ores now when i insta mine regardless it's obviously gonna be way faster so we're gonna continue to get tons and tons of stone and clear out tons and tons of area [Music] jeez dudes creepery oh my god [Music] all right after a much faster mining session that's for sure we dropped this whole entire room down another level and we ended up with and we ended up with a lot of stone if you guys want to see how big this thing gets because it's just continuing to expand and we're just going to continue to leave all the wars sitting up so you guys uh smash that subscribe button join apology on me okay okay okay all right now it's officially time to begin building this beast i'm a little nervous i'm not gonna lie so let's take a sip of this fire resistance and begin building my only big thing is i don't know if i'm gonna build it out of black stained glass or red stained glass or the entryway i might start it off with black just to see how it looks i've already whipped it show me so i figured that we'll probably do something like this as the pathway to get into it i want to make sure i go out far enough to where i can be able to have all the room to build out wide let me plug up this lava and start making a staircase down and then this should be low enough oh i'm actually at bedrock i might go up one more block for now last thing i want to do is not be able to replace my floors and i forgot how building in lava is just the worst why am i doing this to myself okay here we go now i'm gonna make it so that there's a hallway that'll go all the way down into the base i'll put lava back on top of this and probably mine out some of this so then all the lava will still pour over on top of the entryway hard to map something out when you can't really see inside the lava actually i guess my vision's not really that bad i could be able to live with this not the best though there we go this is a little something like what i'm working with so all the lava is all over the tunnel and the tunnel's not really noticeable it's just this entryway very subtle very sleek if i do say so myself regardless now i need to continue mining on though however what i might start working on though is the actual base itself and then maybe i'll connect the hallway afterwards okay so now let's take a dive down in here and then we'll begin building up the entire structure and then i'll kind of customize it more later luckily over there is a lava cave and then further back there is also more lava so that i could be able to bring more lava in to kind of cover it up and what i wanted to do with these top blocks is replace them all with stairs oh yeah that's looking good i'm liking that that's a nice color i gotta just gotta build all the way up and around this thing because like i said i wanna make it a giant circle as per usual you gotta go with a circle in minecraft trust me there we go now that we got our outline for kind of the central part of the base this actually might look really sick i'm not gonna lie now i want to try to connect the main entryway over here basically just digging all the way straight to it building out this glass wall that's so hard to see don't build under lava it's not worth it i think my biggest thing is i wish i could swim in lava i know it sounds ridiculous but just let me get into swim position i swear i can do it i just gotta plug up this hallway and get rid of all the lava we should be chilling now i should be able to just mine all the way to it although i will say i don't like the way that looks so now i gotta go jump outside and figure out where that is here we go just plug all that up and that looks much better now if i mine into here this is our base welcome to my humble abode over here is the living room i'm just kidding no i need it i need to plug all this up which i'm realizing the easiest way to plug up this base and get rid of all the lava is to get some sand so now all i gotta do is place down a bunch of sand feel like i'm emptying out an ocean monument all over again which i actually might be doing again pretty soon i'm not gonna lie to you guys i i say it every time that i'm not gonna do it again but this time it's for a legitimate reason other than just doing it don't comment down below saying you want to see me doing it because i'm trying to put off that project as long as i can [Music] all right there we go now it's officially empty and then now all i need to do is add some glass to the roof so i figured for the roof i wanted to try to do red we'll see how it turns out though because it'll obviously look good with the lava but i don't know if it's going to look good with the crimson stairs and what's the worst case scenario i put these all in and then i think i took it all out okay i decided to split it in half just in case i want to see what it looks like officially and honestly i'm just such a sucker for black stained glass i mean like i black's like the best looking thing ever i mean i wear a black shirt literally like every day of my life but that red doobie looking fire though i'm not gonna lie i just thought of an even bigger brain idea what if i moved up the entire thing by just a smidgel and then have the glass down one block how does that look [Music] i'd be liking that oh i like that obviously i need to change out these blocks though all right after adding this like extra little lip up here i'm kind of vibing with the red glass i'm not gonna lie i'm sure most people are probably team black glass right now but i'm vibing with this red glass i think i'm gonna commit to it it's a little bit different a little off-brand of me and it's a nice contrast from the hallway i feel like this just looks clear you know whereas the red adds that like i don't know maybe i'm on fire type of feel oh yeah now the red glass is the play no way around it it's just the play it looks infinitely better but now i'm gonna swap out the floors real quick and then i'm definitely gonna keep the floors to the crimson theme here because it's just you know that kind of pink that kind of like pink and red it just kind of blends makes sense why crimson is the netherwood i'm definitely vibing with that i might experiment a little bit with like the walls and stuff like that what i'll probably do is replace this there we go with these ooh that's looking kind of snazzy i'm not gonna lie hmm now i'm getting some ideas i'll definitely do that to each of these corners just to have a little bit more contrast and texture i'm also gonna add some hallways on each side here first of all i gotta plug it up and then each of these will have their own purpose i just gotta map out the hallways on each side again but i gotta try to see through the llama all right now i've completely mapped out another room real quick here let's just drop down here and then when i break this oh yeah and i forgot there uh yep nope safety first of course i didn't completely drain this there we go all the way across and then of course i got to keep the floors going all the way through i can just shovel all this away and we have another room completely submerged in lava i'm really torn between continuing the red glass or use the black stained glass because it's just it's so hard to tell which one's going to look better because this looks really good for the roof but this looks really good for the walls honestly it looks kind of good just like this with the combo just like this i don't really notice it that much anyways what the difference because the background is a blackstone so it kind of works actually let me shovel all this away and replace the floor video relax that's illegal i've somehow managed to make this room even bigger than the original room not sure how i did that however this is going to be kind of a really cool room anyways once i start doing some like decoration and stuff like that also actually comment down below what do you guys think i should use for the lava base i already have an idea of what i plan on using i'm curious to see some suggestions in the comments of some stuff that you guys would want to see me turn the lava base into now what i plan on doing is continuing to build up a couple more rows on the sides of each one so we'll see how this turns out in fact just because you guys have already seen me do this here how about we do a little bit of magic there we go okay now we're looking good it looks pretty much the same however there's a little bit in the back that you can't see oh my god i have no more fire resistant i have no more fire rez's on me is what it is um moving on let me give you the tour main area you've seen it this epic room you've seen it however now we have another epic room but this one's fully submerged i honestly couldn't decide if i wanted to make this one above or not and i kind of like the lava roof i got to be honest and then this one we have exposed lava spicy now that we have a bunch of different rooms and everything now it's time to begin decorating this what i wanted to do is kind of make this one kind of like a library and chairman room style thing i'm gonna lay down a bunch of like bookshelves and stuff like that of course i had a lectern and this is purely decoration let's be real here nothing else too fancy going on here of course you gotta do the leaves from a cookie god my boy a little bit of a tribute to emma that's a little bit interesting we'll see if this all burns down um i figure we can make like a little bit of a an enchantment corner type thing something like this just add the aesthetic then we add like a like a chest or two in here also something like that and then for this room i actually wanted it to just be a chest room keep it kind of simple something like this this one's not gonna have too much decorating i'll be honest like i said i just kind of wanted it to be like a simple chest room now for decorating the main room what i want to do is possibly set up some furnaces and i want to add a little bit of fanciness to it by doing this to each of the doorways i want to add some lanterns on top of them like that i mean i don't i mean i guess this is like the only room that really needs light because all the other rooms are surrounded in lava so it kind of works and then next i want to try if possible to lower the floor in the middle of this room and then that room this room i think i can because the bedrock is a couple blocks down whereas this one i want to say yeah we got some bedrock all the way up here what i can easily do though is at least just pop down some slabs like that just to add some texture you know a little bit of depth in the floor then i'll add a couple more leaves all over the place like this even though they're probably just gonna catch on fire let's be real and so far this room's surviving ish actually just had a pretty big brain idea for this room since i'm able to actually lower the floor over here and there isn't bedrock super high up what i want to do is add this enchantment table right there that's gonna be a little off center actually so here i'm gonna take it over a block and then here what i'm gonna do is i want to add the enchantment table down in a corner kind of like that i want to lower the floor for almost this entire room oh my gosh dude this is chaos i can't have any of these up against the window apparently they should be fine like right here there we go a little something like this so the floor kind of drops down you got your enchantment table and stuff like that i will continue to add leaves even though they will just burn and disappear the downsides of having a lava base i guess unless you have solid blocks because apparently if you have solid blocks i i think they're a-okay then for this last room the plans are to just make it a bedroom yes risky i know if i go to sleep right here i should wake up totally fine off to the side like that there we go but there we have it we now officially have a lava base completely under lava i decorated this entire thing and i have other plans for this i just wanted to show you guys a lava base what it's like the perks of having a lava base like everything catching on fire every two minutes all my hard work is burning before my eyes well i guess it'll save me time later anyways because i'm going to transform this into something else i am curious like i said comment down below guys what do you guys want to see this turned into because if someone else has a better idea then i might roll with it i got to be honest if you guys enjoyed the lava base and this video make sure you guys smash a like on this video hit subscribe join the paul gg army if you have not already and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 179,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft hardcore series, hardcore minecraft, minecraft 1.18, minecraft update, minecraft secret, minecraft secret base, minecraft lava base, minecraft secret lava base, minecraft 1.18 base, minecraft cave base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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