I Built a SECRET Starbucks You'd Never Find!

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this is my room and this is the entrance to my secret Starbucks but first how do we get here you get Starbucks like literally every day my Starbucks obsession is not nearly as bad as your shopping addiction what are you doing are you sure about that so there was only one way to settle this let's make a bet you give up Starbucks I give up shopping and the first person who caves gets a tattoo that says I'm a loser well have fun with that tattoo cuz I am not losing the first day without Starbucks was hard all I could think about was a pink drink or a caramel macchiato I did not know how hard this was actually going to be all you do is complain Brent it's not drinking Starbucks but I have an idea what if we made a secret Starbucks that you can drink all the Starbucks you want while waiting for your sister to fail true you're a genius let's go that's not what my mom says though what we started searching the house for our secret Starbucks and Lexi was doing everything in her power to avoid shopping ashon why are you here I'm here to help you fix your online shopping addiction how this is your computer right yeah okay you just go like this a I'm trying to help you I promise ready don't Ash now you won't online shop anymore you can leave that is my attic that is the scariest place in this entire house but it could be perfect for our secret Starbucks no one's going to expect a Starbucks up there all right moment of truth oh my God this is haunted I don't know if we want to do this let's take a look this could be good for our Starbucks I think oh we're wasting our time time there's not that many spider webs up here all right either way though why do we want to put it in the Attic all right let's keep looking wait where are we going what about a trash can true that idea is literally trash that wasn't that good it's like roomy in here and everything like look it's not roomy in a trash can what is that is this from the photo I gave you on your birthday what you better not true are you freaking kidding me you I gifted this to you on your birthday and you took me out well I mean you were third wheel hanger was my screen saver oh my God all right let's stop getting distracted we got to find the secret room if you fix the photo I hope you find the secret room if not I'm out all right fine I'll fix the photo you're mean after checking multiple places around the house for a secret room we settled on the guest room which has a basement underneath it I mean we can't like put a hole like right here so I think the only other option under the couch okay that's actually so smart I know so basically we would drill a hole right there and the couch would be our entrance to the secret room all would have to do is lift up one of the couch cushions and then obviously this would be covered up so no one would ever see that there's a hole under it that's what we're going to do let's get to drill it all right let's wreck this room again yes the plan was set so we got to work but we had to be quick since Lexi could walk in at any time we're going to have a slide going down from here and it's not going to be just a slide it's going to be a twisty slide what oh my God it is massive down here what the hell is that why do you have that in your basement there is a lot to clean up before we can make our secret Starbucks at first we need to start by like moving boxes and stuff yeah oh what oh my God what is that where's the axe look in the corner I don't know that's muffin he's my turtle I lost 3 months ago and he's in the basement oh my God I'm so confused what been down here for so long are you okay ow what what he bit me let's get you back to your home come on muffin while Drew and I started cleaning out the basement Liv was making sure Lexi wasn't buying any clothes okay so Brent said I can't buy anything but he didn't say anything about me shopping around maybe trying something on and I'm holding her purse to make sure she doesn't buy anything but I don't have a problem and I didn't make a bet with Brent you're not buying anything on my card why because I have a problem I don't you stay there keep it under 200 do you like this buy it for me Drew and I were making pretty good progress and the tly slide was finally complete check this out are you ready to go down I'm lowy scared oh my God it works actually really good that is officially the coolest way you could ever enter a Starbucks only thing is it doesn't look like a Starbucks yet before working on the Starbucks we had to make sure there was no way Lexi would be able to find it so right now I'm cutting a hole through this half of the couch so that this could be our entrance voila the secret Starbucks next we had to decorate it to make it look as real as possible let's see if this thing works here we go oh it looks so good every Starbucks needs an espresso machine for why is there so many buttons this thing was $2,000 holy crap I know we got some of the syrups the second most important thing oh my God this looks exactly like a coffee shop look at how nice the sign looks I mean this is like legit since every Starbucks has a secret menu we wanted to have our own secret menu drinks so this is Chuck a real Starbucks employee who we met and is down to help us are you ready to see the secret Starbucks I'm so ready is it that hole over there yeah oh my God [Applause] W oh my God this looks amazing what the heck thank you welcome bro Drew and I want to come up with the best secret menu item for our secret Starbucks I mean it only makes sense right can you help us with that of course let's do it so Brent we know is struggling he has Starbucks like literally every single day do you know what we should do we should get Starbucks okay go to his house and tempt him with it I think that's a great idea he's definitely going to Cave oh for sure 100% you guys are going to be going head to-head to make the best new Starbucks secret drink I think I am going to win this then you even have experience at making coffees true I have been a Starbucks employee on my Instagram multiple times that doesn't count bro you're L of qualification all right Drew you're up first I have a pretty genius idea for this I'm going to be making the first ever spicy Frappuccino wait what wait hold on before you say this is weird we're going to add a base which is strawberry milk o okay in the blend he kind of knows what he's doing this is where the spice comes into play we have habaneras you're going to put a habanero pepper in there wait until you actually try it habanero into the blender I don't know if I'm going to like this next up we got some chamoy two tablespoons maybe vanilla boom it's going to be fruity with a little bit of spice I'll be so surprised if this is good all right let's blend that baby blender oh god what the heck it actually looks kind of good looks like a strawberry milkshake with a you know a little hint of spice I'm not going to lie I see bits of the habanero now we got to finish it off with some whipped cream oh my if this drink actually tastes good I might actually have to add it to the Starbucks menu that's what I like to hear finally we're going to finish it off with the Taki straw oh my God it doesn't look that bad all right well you know what this looks pretty good but mine's going to be a lot better this is going to be the first ever Starbucks drink that glows in the dark how are you going to make this drink you'll see some milk vanilla syrup seems pretty basic so far Brent it's definitely not going to Glow so we have a little bit of um banana now we're going to add a little bit of dragon fruit wait what yeah all right so the next ingredient is glow candy I bought from the store I blended it up and so now dude that is literally glowing I know oh my I think the dragon fruit made it uh don't smell it oh my God now it is time to add some whipped cream that was that was like perfect I'll give you that and then we're going to add some more glowi on top holy crap that actually looks so cool first ever Starbucks glow drink okay but the I I got to see it doesn't actually glow in the dark well let's go find out come over here all right let's see if this drink glows in the dark here we go close it oh my God it actually worked it looks like a lava lamp oh my God this is wa wait okay we need to know if it actually tastes as good as it looks all right time for the taste test to be honest they actually both look really cool like they look really good let's try the spicy Frapp Chino first you know what all right okay this one's pretty good actually really no there's no way it's good how is it it's actually pretty good actually weirdly good it's now time for the glowing Frappuccino oh my god dude it's terrible it's terrible what as a Starbucks employee you should be ashamed of yourself whatever Dre spicy Frappuccino win all right we have to get back to the secret starburs cuz Lexi can get here any second so let's go and after hanging the menus and doing the final touches someone was at the door someone just rang the doorbell it's probably Lexi why would it be Lexi all right we got to get out we got to get out of the secret room go go go go go go all right take it hurry I'm trying wait take off the apron apron shoot okay act natural act natural natural let's go go go go go pretend nothing's going on no so peace how's it going actually better than ever I feel great honestly without coffee I feel like a million bucks are you sure about that you came over to my house to try and tempt me with Starbucks no we're not trying to tempt you no we're just you know we're trying to be nice you know I know this is your favorite stay strong Brent you can't have Starbucks but I can so I'm going to take it but I'm here for you you guys can leave my house rude we bring you gifts and you kick us out yeah cuz you're trying to Temp me with Starbucks how's the no shopping treating you Lexi oh it's going really well she's doing great for your information just don't buy anything online whatever that was a close one but for the grand reveal Welcome to our secret Starbucks this place looks amazing we have everything normal Starbucks would have but underground pastry cak snacks and juices coffee beans real star B sign actual menus the most important thing a coffee machine and we still really don't know how it works yeah and it was $2,000 yeah so um anyways this way we have a slide a sign and a place that you can relax and drink your coffee while doing work so I think it's time that we make you your first drink it has been 23 hours since I've had Starbucks now without Lexi knowing I can have a cup of Starbucks technically one sip of this and you lose the bed but Lexi won't know that thank you very much BR before you go just oh wait what it's just okay I'm just going to I'll just do 20% Then sweet thank you so much oh my gosh I'm drinking coffee while we're at it let's enjoy as much coffee as we can give me everything Drew I want a pink Drink I want a frappuccino going thank you oh my god strawberry cake pop what I work here I'm going to take this myself here let take that here you want some popcorn while you're at it oh sure yeah treat okay all right that's enough and then this is so good one more time what what come on I'm not going to tip you again bro and to make sure our hidden room is safe from Lex we had some subscribers come over to see if they would be able to find it we made a secret Starbucks somewhere in the house the first one of you guys to find it will get a brand new iPhone oh my God in three 2 1 go all right oh they're off is it under there no oh they want that iPhone oh my gosh look they're looking in the laundry room they're looking everywhere Drew they might actually find it if they keep looking like this oh my gosh is it in that fridge Drew why are you third Wheeling Pearson and Brent in this photo you told her to say that it's supposed to be brierson it's it's a thropple Brent it's a thropple oh my God they're looking everywh oh my gosh guys oh my God raing your entire house close oh oh oh my God she oh no no Eva you get a brand new iPhone thank you and uh are you guys ready to check out the Starbucks yeah if you're a subscriber and you want to be in a video and possibly win a brand new iPhone all you have to do is like the video and subscribe oh my God welcome to Starbucks all right what can I get you benty half cap triple shot no foam nonfat vanilla latte all right a vanilla latte it is all right all right here's your vanilla latte how is it not good all right Drew step aside my turn I'm I'm going to I'm going to take over what can I get you can I have please more C grandal latte with a little bit matcha on top and a cinnam cinnamon powder and come on Brent it's taking so long I haven't even got my order all right okay I'm I'm working as hard as I can we're waiting one sec order for Eva no offense but it's kind of disgusting I can make a new one for you I'm good thank you okay and then what would you like one C all right there you go thank you guys for visiting my secret Starbucks please whatever you do just do not tell Lexi okay okay all right thanks guys have a good day I wanted to show the ashens the secret Starbucks but Lexi could not find out about it or I lose the bet so we had to be sneaky guys so this just looks like an ordinary room right yes it does yeah okay where is it in that couch wait what can I open it yeah open it up oh my God this is so wait the menus and everything so here at the secret Starbucks we can make you any drink that you can get at a real Starbucks wait even a pink drink even a pink Drink guys I'm going to be late to work I need my coffee right now right one cake pop thank you what one pink drink for you all right that be $100 wait what yeah we charge extra here at the secret Starbucks we have to pay for this yeah either pay up or we're going to take it from you I don't have any money get out take that cake pop back no hey hey hey we're kicking them out our Starbucks right now you guys are getting kicked out go screw your Starbucks all get out hey give me that no give me that give me that give me that right now Lexi just walked in the house what Lexi just walked in the house on the security footage dude that means he can probably coming up here right now all right all right hold my camera I'm going to go and distractor wait what I'm going to go and distract her what is that going to do do you have a better idea no just I guess go oh my gosh my eight right I hear her walking up the stairs I in the bedroom I hope she doesn't walk in here hey Lexi what are you doing what are you doing I asked you first what is that what is that it's not what are you doing here what's behind your back did you go shopping let me see that why do you smell like coffee you went shopping you your breath reeks of coffee BR your coffee is getting cold bro oh sh hi Alexi well true why would you come out what are you talking about what is going on you tell me why do you have a shopping bag cuz I went shopping but what's down there Drew is wearing a Starbucks apron listen I don't know what you're talking about Lexi I don't I don't even know where I am Drew I knew you had a problem but this is next level Welcome to our server can I get a ah you cannot get anything why you lost the bet you have an underground Starbucks who really lost bro you guys both lost what are you talking about Lost first no you lost first I just chai te latte I got you all right I SLE your differences I'm going to make coffee or chy latte thank you well since we both lost the bet you know what that means you get a tattoo no we both get a tattoo you get a tattoo I get a coffee well we're both losers well you're more of a loser than I am you still have a tattooed on your arm and you're still ugly all [Music] right
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 5,132,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fr395MYhSQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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