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rules are meant to be broken and today we're going to be breaking 100 of them sorry I'm gonna have to ask you tomorrow all right so today we are breaking 100 rules in 24 hours I'll start how like this no true oh my what yo you know my mom's biggest rule is to never touch your stuff one down 99 to go you're welcome oh my gosh what did you guys do Drew did it drew did it all right so right now we are at my old middle school and this is Mrs Hart we need to break a bunch of rules and we need your help okay I remember all the rules you broke when you were younger but okay I did break a couple of rules so this should be pretty quick so are you guys ready to break some rules let's go in one of my classes hi guys hi I am here to break a bunch of rules today it may help break some rules today how many people want to break the rules today I'm overruled rule number one no pantsing huh come on oh my God bullying too all right so the next rule is that there's no skateboarding at school so uh Drew did I say yes too all right so the next rule that we're breaking is that there's no food in class so we hired a chef for some chicken fried rice huh teach her first okay oh there you go oh my God [Music] he needs to go all right so the next rule is that there's no passing notes in class oh what's this you know why don't you just read the whole thing to the class press that like button guys press that like button let's go let's go all right so the next rule is that you can't do science experiments without the teacher's permission so can we do a science experiment no absolutely not um guys tell your parents and get me fired I will never forgive you okay friends it's time to go now I guess we're getting kicked out but uh thanks guys so Lexi's biggest rule is that no one can use her bathroom well uh luckily I just ate this can of beans so uh yeah I gotta go she's gonna freaking kill me yeah she is we're doing anyways let's go get out another one so Ben's biggest rule is that there's no dogs allowed in this room so right now he's sleeping and we have doggy Charlie she's gonna wake him up go go time not even anywhere near my bed all right see you later Ben bye Charlie he's gonna kill us so my friend Andrew's biggest rule is to always knock before coming into his apartment so We're Not Gonna Knock and we're just gonna go straight in ready I don't know oh my God you have to let me know before you come over I didn't expect who are you girls we know the rules let me know before you come over all right so right now we are at a public gym and right here are the gym rules rule number one no food what are you doing ordering a bunch of pizzas oh sick our pizza's here it is yeah I got the notification all right rule number three use the equipment properly I don't know what any of this stuff is this is gonna be fun [Music] come on I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave you've been messing around the whole time you've been doing like a lot of things that we're doing allow here at the gym like you're eating pizza at the gym oh if you want to slice you can have one no I don't want a slice yeah so there's a rule that you cannot jump off this bridge screw it doesn't matter all right ready oh my God oh at any public library the biggest rule is that you have to be quiet and today we're going to be breaking that rule well we're not breaking it oh yeah so we're too scared to actually break this rule these are our two friends yeah they're crazy enough to do this they're gonna be obnoxious you'll be in the car telling you what to do I guess all right so they're in position right now they just sat down it looks like they found a seat next to a bunch of people I'm just sitting there so normally guys if you can hear me bring out the blender you know I'm hungry yeah you should get it should we make a snack blender now strawberries or blueberries both honestly I'm like secondhand embarrassment from this car did the girl moved away it's so loud a little bit longer really is it all chunky yeah I was just so casual okay oh yeah that's a smoothie all right yeah now that's good all right so we're at the mall right now and it's against the rules to solicit so that's what means giving away or selling things without permission exactly so today we're going to be giving away iPads to subscribers let's do it let's go you're a subscriber right so today we're breaking a bunch of rules we're breaking the rule that you can't solicit I want to give you this iPad yeah it's all yours are you serious a brand new iPad thank you is that red yeah it's all yours so today we want to give you an iPad oh my gosh thank you so much hey it pays to break rules right yeah thank you you're welcome I love you so much oh thank you I love you too bye all right so right now we're at a water park and we're gonna be breaking rules here oh man we're gonna get kicked out we might get kicked out dude there's a lifeguard literally right there bro there's so many lifeguards around I don't know how we're not gonna get kicked out the first rule is no horse class go go go go let's go [Applause] all right the next rule is no okay the next rule is you have to wait at least 15 minutes after eating to go in the pool yep so we had a burger and fries for Jeremy here oh my god oh lifeguards I'm in here right now yeah no seriously all right so this is one of the more crazier rules you cannot go down head first on the water slide hey I'm not doing that either it sounds like I'm doing it what is he doing this is literally says no diet do it just do it you're acting like what and we need to get out of here you should probably go all right so there's a rule that you can't flirt with the lifeguards this one's up to Jeremy what you can spit game all right look at right there right there right there oh that's the one no she's cute I'm gonna go upstairs hey um uh what are you doing right now uh just working this working wait wait a second yeah he does this a lot yeah we're sorry about him okay that's why I didn't want to do this bro I'll give you mouth him out all right all right so the next rule we're breaking is the rule of gravity with the help of my friend Drew he thinks we're going on a helicopter tour but little does he know is that it's a stunt helicopter and it's gonna be doing flips and backflips in the sky this should be fun all right guys so we're going on a helicopter tour you excited uh yeah I've only been on the helicopter once so this should be really fun cool yeah so it should be fun all right so right now I am here with Aaron Drew has no idea what's about to happen he thinks that he's going on a helicopter tour over Los Angeles that's partly true we're going up and doing some sightseeing but some of that time will be upside down oh my God I've done pranks but I've never done prank this good before literally I'm so excited to see what his reaction is [Music] oh my God for a helicopter oh [Applause] [ __ ] what am I in right now why are you fret not doing flips no doubt about it [Music] best friend ever done before there's one thing that I too have to say Ben would never do this Drew okay I'm looking at the view next you know we're flying and falling out of the sky doing backwards we just broke another rule what's that rule the rule of gravity I think we broke two rules I didn't know helicopters could do flip we're going to the most dangerous city oh my God that's putrid I'm actually gonna throw up yeah it's not really safe around here have you seen any like bad things happen here all the time murdered is it true that there's there's no laws here I don't like being out here and I carry a gun I got a shotgun an AR-15 in the car oh it's gone oh my God I'm literally thinking this is Slab City it's ranked the most dangerous city in America and it's rumored to be the only city left with no laws today my friends and I are going to try and stay 24 hours in this Lawless City but I realize most of my friends wouldn't want to go here so I had to lie to them okay so I'm going on this tropical vacation and I wanted to see if you wanted to come hell no no I'm good your dad no what's the ads there's no catch there's no cats nope I don't trust you why would I trust you after a lot of convincing there were three of us we packed our bags and headed toward the city Brent I don't think the airport is in the middle of the desert all right you caught me where are we going going on a tropical vacation no yeah we're going to the most dangerous city in America we signed up for a tropical vacation why did I bring a bikini and flip-flops if we're gonna just be sitting in the scorching hot sun oh there's a lake there oh it's considered to be the only city left with no laws that's a real life perk did we bring weapons for protection oh yeah actually I did good see Drew brought a weapon right here oh my gosh okay Slab City we are here this was excited so excited nobody's excited and they shouldn't be with no electricity no running water and no law enforcement they're gonna wish they were Anywhere But Here all right so we're driving to Bombay Beach so apparently this is an abandoned Beach that no one goes to this doesn't look like a beach we are here this place seems really really abandoned there's like no one around I haven't seen one single human yet me either all those windows are boarded up why what the hell egg that's a pirate ship that's so cool okay just park right here and we'll walk down to the beach you guys ready to get out of the car if we have to if we have to guys do you smell that smells like rotten fish yeah no for real absolutely awful it was like a little bar here wait what is this um hi can I have a uh mojito uh here we go oh ew okay I don't even want to touch that so guys there's a bus stop here no one's here that says the ETA for the bus is never which means I think we'll be here for a while what the heck is this there's a telephone booth hello yeah yeah can you get us the [ __ ] out of here Drew I I don't want to be here Brent oh come on this is fun I don't want to be here anymore what the hell is this missing persons on a milk carton you know what oh my God it smells so bad I'ma throw up let's go guys literally the closer we get to the lake the worse it smells oh my God that's putrid that's like worse than the fart spray that is really bad it smells like Jeremy okay look at that there's literally a swing inside the water I don't think that's ever been used so people used to come to this Lake all the time but the lake turns so toxic that everything living inside the lake died and so that's why there's literally all these fish bones on the beach literally we're just stepping on fishes shooting pool then wait what I thought we were gonna go fishing why oh my God this is like all dead fish yeah yo this is disgusting look you can see like bones and teeth and all that like all the white little blood I cannot believe that there's no one here like literally no I don't believe that it smells there's nothing out here it makes perfect sense actually Drew what are you doing fishing we literally just told you there's literally no fish how did this whole place or at least one fish oh he's hopeful okay so it says that this lake was formed from a flood 110 years ago what I got something kayak drill look at what I caught and y'all said I wouldn't catch anything what a bone yeah well there's signs of fish out there dead fish Bombay beach has a ton of abandoned buildings like this one this one looks like it's a casino yo this is so sketchy there's like so much graffiti oh my God oh my God damn head out next we went to an art museum nearby people that live in Slab City create art that lives here oh my gosh there's a plane here just crash here and see just left him oh my gosh what holy crap a bunch of babies mobile let me just tear apart some Barbies and just glue them all over a color this is the car of a murderer you know I know Pearson what are you doing just get my cardio away this teeter-totter looks like it's gonna break in half yeah go slower dang I don't have any control it looks like you're having fun all right I'm about to get a strike watch this brand okay three pins come on oh so Pearson got three pins too so it's a tie good job hey hey Cheetos cheater Drew what are you doing I'm a pirate in the middle of the desert all right they got swords up here and now we fight hey Pearson uh do you uh need a man dear God no you're gone Pearson you uh turn me on say it says like the video oh that means they gotta like the video like it guys like the video there's no laws here we haven't broken a single box all right what are some rules we can break um public nudity okay we also got to meet a local named Tomahawk she's been living in Slab City for eight years and explained what it's like to live in a city with no loss and what makes this place so special I think it's the freedom people say it has no laws is that kind of scary they say there's no law but God has Law have you seen any like bad things happen here all the time friends have been murdered or so you didn't like it when you first came I was kind of like I'm really scared when you left me here she was also generous enough to show us around and even give us gifts she gave it to me yes it's my little souvenir I actually got something for all of you if you want it actually oh cool thank you you gave us gifts so we want to give you gifts we're looking for people that Inspire us you know do good for the community and it seems like you do here and so we want to give you a thousand dollars oh my are you sure yep oh you guys are awesome let's go to dinner let's go to dinner all right so we just got to a place called Salvation Mountain basically a guy painted this mountain for over 10 years I wish I had that kind of patience I really do yeah oh my God I have never seen anything like that there's a water coaster is that the intro oh my God I guess there really is a lot here there is did you put this here I did this is just like in the middle of the desert like why choose this location that looks like a house it's a lot of paint cans I wonder what it was used for what the heck yo it's like a little house it's like random notes you will live forever okay that's good to know okay so right now we found an open spot to set up our tent so Pierce and I are gonna take the red tent and then Drew and leave you guys can take the blue tan yes that's kind of weird what what an interesting warm are you trying to cuddle with me so guys this is actually my first time camping with Pearson wow and it happens to be in the most dangerous city in America that's the first yeah you picked a good spot yeah why are we doing this we're doing this because you guys want to see this so make sure you hit that like button for our safety we're sacrificing our lives here while we were settling in we had an unexpected guest come by the campsite I mean they said that they didn't have wait there's a coyote over there by dangerous city it might be because there's coyotes animals so guys we still are in a city with no laws I feel like we should take advantage kill someone whoa okay Pearson maybe we should break another law I mean Drew like do you have any ideas other than public immunity stop with that all right yes seriously it's illegal to drift a car yeah [Music] you can understand why that's illegal guys it's like 110 degrees out here and we have a fire yeah but you can't Camp Without fire you're right we had to do it guys what oh shoot oh [ __ ] wait what wait do you think you saw the drifting good it's good it's good you guys familiar with this area at all no we were exploring it just today this isn't really like the safest of of areas to be camping you guys sure you want to be here that's part of like the video like we're doing like surviving like the most dangerous place I feel that it's getting danger and you need me I'm like the only Gap out here for like 15 square miles how are you gonna get in touch with me he's got a point wait so is it true that there's there's no laws here we talk about it about like Purge Night I think we should think we should appreciate that thank you all right be safe guys thank you I think that's our time to go home I don't think so I think we should stay at least I mean we have to stay the night how bad could it be like seriously I mean we do have Drew's arms can we stop with that I say we stay you're not braver than Ben if you don't stay well I was planning on staying anyways so what do you say Pearson think about our safety though Our Lives you like your life right I do but I also really like camping and I think that we're gonna be fine if we make it through the night and later that night we had another visitor this time a slap City local who was stopping by to say hello in here all right we're just camping we're just visiting gotta handsome face man so I think we were just um yeah we're just packing up yeah it sounds like a good idea it's a dangerous city I think we should I think we should do that yeah this is exactly what I'm saying like it's just so what did we learn here today don't trust Brent when he says he's taking us on a nice vacation ever okay all right this was great um we can turn off the camera now okay all right so today we're gonna play a little game oh I can't wait I love this game of course you do who is the most spoiled who complains the most yeah definitely we would get married first yeah wait what yeah exactly and I'm younger than him who's the flirtiest yeah that's so not true yes you are the flirtiest who is smarter oh up in your face who has the weirder laugh wait wait no that's her oh my God she's a weird laugh that concludes uh who's most likely to thanks Mom for literally dunking our heads you are welcome my pleasure anytime this game sucks why do we do this so this week we are pulling the best prank that we have ever pulled on any of our friends we told our friend Jeremy to pack his bags because we are taking him on a trip of a lifetime are you being serious yeah where are we going I can't tell you where we're going come on this is happening so we're flying somewhere tomorrow tomorrow wow that's kind of excited though you're excited so what he doesn't know is that we're literally flying somewhere and then flying right back and surprising him with his apartment it's gonna take all day and then we're gonna get his reaction at the very end oh I'm sorry Jeremy I would hate to be him hey all right you all ready I don't know I don't know where I'm going yet come on give me a hit there's like so many different things it could be so we're at the airport right now Jeremy any guesses on uh where we're going Jeremy hurry up I can't hear you can you hear me Jeremy all right he's in the bathroom right now but we just got to our first destination we're about to board the plane back home right now he has no idea are we going to Disneyland uh no I don't know about that all right so we just got off our flight you still can't hear a single word we're saying because uh the music's blaring in his ears so we're finally here at the destination I literally have no idea where I am right now dude really no okay are you ready to see your surprise yes let's do it are you sure I don't know all right take off your blindfold right now yep take it off [Laughter] what what the heck I was expecting to see like Kylie Jenner or something no wow no way I actually thought we're going somewhere so we went on two flights just to go here yep bro oh no way I actually thought I was gonna see something crazy I'm trusting you again all of that blindfolding for no reason unbelievable Andrew what do you have there cheese balls you want some no no not the cheese puffs what's that oh this is a homie rolling wait what yeah it's my new pet armadillo all right ready guys it's about to transform wait what Autobots robots whoa so Lexi what do you think of the armadillo I don't know what's pet him Lexi what is this what is this now I have no idea I don't know what I don't talk please oh my gosh is it normal oh my God I can't tell if he's cute or ugly just like that yep what is that three two one oh what is that why did you get an armadillo try the armadillo out on the table how do you just try an armadillo oh my God they're so cute you're under arrest for breaking and entering what so today I'm gonna be pranking YouTubers into thinking that I'm breaking into their houses you guys ready I'm nervous what is this what do you mean nervous dude I've barely have talked to Brown he messages me on Instagram he says I have a surprise I've had a few conversations with you all right guys what's what sorry police officers listening to the property owner uh we found this man out by the gate messing around you know it huh you know what you did what y'all the owners here um we all live here you're gonna call it in nah it's just a prank I was about to say dude I was about to whisper you I'm like you know I do pranks honestly ain't gonna lie I was still I was still a little confused I was I was tripping I was like dang the cops are here let's just say we got you all right you gotta prank God sir he's the property owner yes you know this General uh yes his name is Brian yes he apparently is doing a lot of break-ins around here lately we just trying to make sure everything's all right yeah yeah can we see some idea anything I know what I mean I know my number by heart what kind of person knows their idea did you think it was real at all yeah your acting was great was it really honestly I believed it for like two minutes and then I saw it says Los Angeles please we're in Venture accounting foreign I do unfortunately literally I know her I know her not what it looked like to us huh go ahead and say that you know me I know him he knows she knows me are you kidding me right now Boris it's a prank it's a prank were you scared yeah because I just got a speeding ticket like a few weeks ago that's what they're coming after you for right now LAPD good afternoon do you know this gentleman uh yeah well we caught him outside taking some pictures this is Zach I was literally coming over to his house I know yeah you guys are very good actors all right so today we're gonna buy a ton of flowers and then give them all away for Valentine's Day let's get it baby Love Is in the Air baby yes all right so we have a lot of flowers now this is like 800 worth of flowers oh my God you're lying yeah here happy Valentine's Day bye guys Happy Valentine's Day Happy Valentine's Day Happy Valentine's Day how many have we gave away so far 100 almost at least 100 flowers to 100 different people so guys today we're gonna be playing the try not to laugh challenge I'm really bad at this so you're out of luck great great okay why do you sing so much [Music] don't they say that dogs look like their owners because you you look like your dog oh my God my whole face is pierced and spit right now okay the chicken crossed the road and then oh I'm [Applause] foreign
Channel: Brent Rivera Top Videos
Views: 6,239,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brent rivera, competitions, vlog, myths, challenges
Id: kDq96k60RJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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