We Visited Our OLD ALPHA Minecraft WORLDS! (downgraded)

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today we are gonna be visiting our old alpha minecraft houses now back in alpha a lot of things were different blocks may look very weird in this video and items that you thought a bit in Minecraft for ages didn't even exist in this version of Minecraft so each of us have done our best to recreate our original alpha bases I'm gonna be showing each other around but I don't know how many of you guys watching are oh gee minecraft players took the light button if you are and then we can see anyway let's get into the video welcome to my alpha house Barley's at least what I can remember look like wait what did you just break my tree I was just all break trees we're here to look at my house okay yes what do you mean why it looks like it's part of the environment I mean okay yep I did have a swimming pool enjoy it how do you get out just jump here I don't think I had ladders I can't remember it's hard to remember what I did and didn't have so I'm pretty sure I didn't have ladders so that's what this is for well you know what I did know how to build right now oh wait no that's the bit mean jelly only rubbish goes in there you know what though guys this is actually a secret entrance no it is yeah so if you fall all the way through it it goes into water jelly you go in I'll show you [Music] just kidding it's not I was I wasn't that smart don't worry oh how could I forget I had a farm so this is before I okay break it this is before I even knew that I didn't need this much water okay no don't worry you don't ever listen to me so that's exactly all right I'll meet you at the house when you guys already well yeah we're past that jelly haha spencey right actually mate hey yes I'm pretty sure I love the glass floors so can you stop breaking the floor guys yes sorry actually I did okay guys can we keep on track with the tour so why is your treating why not jelly it's a decoration what do you mean is it right and now I have to break more of my house for you to get out it's not even natural jelly you're just dumb I have my little chest storage area I never really had like a dedicated storage but though some old stuff I had smell okay guys come oh oh oh yeah boat remember boats just break so I was selling a bolt down here but it didn't work really ah okay by the way guys look at this did you know that that furnace is used to have like a blank texture at the top what it's so weird I don't know idea come on up coming up yep I have a second floor it's pretty advanced to the time team there's a secret is a dream secret room guys there's no secret in the tree it's my it's my bunker it's my secret guys am i giving the tool here or are you just gonna go around looking at stuff like code talk cuz you guys are just being a buff okay anyway yes there's a secret crane to come over here look a little suspicious okay you to school through it okay all right here is where I have my armory it's my secret armory my gears okay someone stole my gear I didn't get anything jelly a bowl I get a he stole it do you guys by the way prefer this cobblestone texture or the new one I think the new one I mean looks better than better interesting all right well this is a kind of my lookout tower error up here nice yeah in there just for finding your way back in the dock no no it's the tower you have - yeah you look out for ya do you know how I got his name jelly I was just playing and then I went look out tower well I never said it was an interesting name but all right and then I mean I'm just telling you a story jelly that's just it was pretty awkward playing Minecraft back in those days I've I've put a little mine down there okay no it's pretty boring I think that's everything with my alpha house I never said it was gonna be interesting sounds good hold up hold up what did you say about my house well Josh I thought you gave me a bunch of crap for being in a mountain I thought that I was the only child back in those days creating a mountain house okay well don't get me wrong it's still a child but this one looks even more in a mountain than mine do you guys see the leaks they're coming out what do you mean they're not look Kelly look at the floor they're just leaking everywhere I can't even get to the entrance because it's leaked so much Oh security whoa this is impossible for me to get right here huh well I just did could you just do the torch Ellie wait wait wait wait you knew you knew how to make ladders I don't know how to make ladders genius maybe we play different versions of Minecraft the other know about that hey can you get out of my face by the way no no oh okay thank you all right I'm off my house I need to do this for we're waiting for you jelly you're breaking the ladders Oh a standing order this week was my and he's got more leaks as well it's supposed to look pretty it doesn't look very pleasing look so we've got the water source directly from the mountain which might wait where's the where's the defense's on here defenses defenses defenses let me try let me try it it's a giant rock ready with me enough it's easy to Sally just jumped over a jelly okay can you do the tour ready this is taking forever guys we're not even in my house yet my house starts right I thought you guys are blocking the door my bad Jackie there is no way that you could breathe these things in alpha that's not no I'm pretty sure that wasn't a thing jelly I think I have a suspicion the jellies trying to make him look a lot better and cooler than oh here's a red bed though represent hello no that's what they all say are you telling me that all the trees are representing me because they're green no that would be silly anyway move on jelly come on so we got my chest over here a lot of very pretty chests guys oh wait that was the entire house I'm just kidding we have a whole lot more secrets wait you have diamond this is not true there's no way I actually have a secret bunker you guys should try to find it what is this okay come over here come over here this is where my secret in case I go down the ladder nobody knows about okay yeah what is this it away rebuild it yeah I'm pretty sure like I told you has memory problems this wasn't last year anyway welcome to my porch or whatever this is called I have a couch a couch this was what if you could see this was three year old craner's idea of a couch I could just imagine Creina just like it's playing Minecraft it's like why quickly quickly anywhere you just have to have any revenger more couches you got more couches creighton cream is like chess greatest the laziest minecraft play ever it needs to sit down every three seconds okay no this is my hot top dilly die well where the bubble I don't believe you don't get to decide what a hot tub is in my world okay okay well you just flirted with it double chests in there what oh here I don't know if there were double chests at this point and out here I have up top wait so what was the one on the inside oh is that lava below supposed to be well I guess yeah we just helped three euros for you three three-year-old credits but there's a pig right here I still tell you guys I'm pretty sure they weren't baby mobs but I'll roll this okay but you realize how did to your Korean not realize it could just go down this hole I make the rules of you'll notice that I'm quite the intellectual books I got books for days guys right so how do we grab a book cherry wait whoa this is a couch with Sleepy Hollow you can jump crap now you couldn't in alpha yeah you could I'm pretty sure you could in I'm pretty sure you weren't even born when alpha was out oh there we go I got a hole and what is this one for [Music] he didn't have a lot you didn't have a lot of friends in you yo did you cry I read left to right it said walk on me what was on what like what is one-and-a-half-year-old Craner thinking when he makes this so it didn't even blow up the whole house what was that entrance the reason why I had that is because obviously there's no televisions in Minecraft so if you need entertainment you just sit on the couch and step on the plate wait what are the other crane is to sit on the couch will step on the pay that's why it never is more get better this is actually huge it's a very big house well like maybe you're compensating more pigs you've got a weird pig thing huh helping so now why oh wait there's more how are you kidding me why are these entertaining this is where I broke Loza block so make it feel like I have friends the blocks I'm a I pretend the blocks of my friends and then down here down here is where I die Oh once upon a time I was gonna make a mob spawner but then I realized I didn't know how to make a mob spawner so out of the mob spawner and then for you guy and then when I was playing and mining here mum told me I need to stop playing to get dinner so I stopped half a year old we said they already know well that's it guys well put a pressure plate of the mops for you spawn mobs yeah I don't even know if pressure place we're in alpha there's no redstone but look you know what guys I I think we can all know that we had pretty terrible alpha houses well I guess we'll let their comments section decide don't worry about me hope you enjoy the video if you don't watch another one there's gonna be some videos on the screen right here click them click them right now it will take you straight on to the next one and it's easy as that you can watch another video
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,751,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, alpha, old minecraft, minecraft tour, jelly, crainer, slogo
Id: 3ANbsQTuX2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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