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[Applause] alright you don't to say yay the least you could do is hit the like button I'll tell you what we get 50,000 likes on this video we will do another bill challenge sound fair let's shake on it okay yeah that's a bit weird in today's microphone challenge we're gonna be going head-to-head to build the best house or do you guys need to do is let us know in the comment section who you think house is the best anyway let's give into it alright boys it's time to start building wait wait I'm Sabrina stop building already that's cheating that is cheating sorry credit in you go alright very good the time is starting so here is the platform that we have got to begin our bill today we have to build the coolest looking house that we can now I don't actually know what I'm gonna do we've got a bunch of different blocks here that we could build with but I'm gonna try and go for something a little bit different now it's gonna be a modern house but it's gonna be made out of sandstone you'll see what I mean so to start off we're gonna build the side of it now the best way that I can explain this house is a zigzag yeah that still doesn't help does it I'm gonna use I guess as my building helping block so I need to remember to delete all the dirt but pretty much first of all I'm just building a big staircase up it doesn't make a lot of sense now but it will alright that's the first side of the house done and now we have to bring along the top so I'm pretty sure we are going flat here I think maybe maybe that's too high I'm not sure all right and then we sort of bring down the roof and now I'm gonna begin by building the same sort of thing but up in this direction let me just do that quick and you'll probably see what I'm trying to do this is probably gonna be one of the weirder house designs you've seen so yeah I hope that that's a good thing maybe we'll see okay sort of their sort of their think I need to go one more up alright there we good now I think last thing I'm gonna do is switch these bits these connecting bits to slabs I think that's gonna look much nicer there we go but other than that I think we'll be ready for the next step alright this is where I've got so far built the floor on this bit this is gonna be like a little balcony I've mainly the blocks are just placement there and I've kind of done the entrance a little bit right now just to give you an idea of what it would all be I think I know I think it looks kind of cool I like it sort of I don't know do you like it I hope you like it alright it's a bit of a jump but here is our latest update it should have changed quite a little bit since you last saw it I think it looks pretty cool we've got some windows in this is the balcony I switch this to nether brick I like it I do like it just making some small little adjustments over here this I guess will be the main room or we need to add windows over here as well okay let's do that I'm just kind of randomly placing the windows wherever I feel looks cool and then just kind of going with it not really sure what to do about the flooring it's a little bit different or stuck on the balcony and obviously the roof looks a little bit odd with that red going through it so that's the progress so far finish up the outside and then we'll do some interior alright so update we've got the flooring done I believe so this is how it's looking if you walk inside the soil inside area is kind of done I'm kind of feeling it it looks kind of good this would be sort of just a transitional one I guess this level into the top level which I think would be the bedroom probably but yeah I think that looks pretty awesome I just rather use the wrong nether brick yeah it was this one whoopsie-daisy my bad so obviously if this is gonna be the bedroom we're gonna want our beds over here and we don't have a lot of time left so we can't go crazy with this I guess this floor here could be like our crafting floor just put all of the important stuff I guess in here and I guess a chest over here pretty cool maybe an item frame what should we put in the item frame creepers head okay it's protecting the chest it'll blow up if anyone does anything what else I think we could put maybe an armor stand in the bedroom like that I guess looking good I guess the you can say that they're protecting my bed or something I don't know all right let's add another level on these corners so we could put a couple lanterns down oh look at that putting some banners on the sides that's cool could put them on the edges as well hmm now we'll just keep them at the top I think that looks good we obviously can't forget to put a doorbell there we go accidentally broke that okay oh and we need Thor's obviously hmm dark oak yes so yeah I guess that looks good okay I think I am done with the interior I'm not gonna show you you have to wait and see for the tour but I think it's about time we check out Chile and craters place time is up everyone okay you guys okay all right crane oh you want to count us down are you guys ready yeah obviously way to ruin it oh don't don't come on all right anyways so this is the entrance with clicking guys oh the doors who'd have thought that's the Bell it's a I can hear it wait did you put sounded you must have a terrible editor oh no I do hear it now [Applause] all that is weird okay no I broke the bun don't worry relax I do it just break the doll to get in there okay don't break things in my house that's a bit rude right now hurry to the entrance no way this is the entrance this looks nice Josh okay well the entrance is actually basically just a show-off place this right here on my van gogh's yeah those are worth 20 million dollars each it's that's a lot okay this Armour from King Julia can you just stop making stuff up as you go along yeah okay okay let's go to see the rest of the deli all right well that's the bottom floor let's move up with these stairs boys wait outside of the aquarium push them back in okay this is Mike and this is where we cool it's true it's true can I ask you something chilly what why do we have so many pictures of the same man oh yeah nice really really creepy deli it's my art collection okay you have an escape thought Danny you have an escape door yeah I was gonna say that this right here is my escape door can I cry in trouble guys you know any other checkout Kranitz house next I think don't want to show you guys my house though we have to come on hi guys welcome to my home okay okay whatever tell me something about this if you we have a nice little entrance right here with hay bales and then I got my parent [Music] be free be free I don't act the engagement of animals sorry that was a really rare favorite from Jamaica's his parrot though okay look I've got I've gone I did but just attach it to hey there you go now fly off yeah it's a little bit better I guess anyway alright welcome to my house if you step in here you'll notice that I have copied you've got gaps to your door it's like air conditioned thanks oh and you go grass on the door it's like really dirty nice okay kind of forgot to replace that block no I also have some Van Gogh s jelly head expensive don't touch it sell his house now for that I hope you get assurance don't have any insurance okay just built this house anyway tell me more Craner if any of my guests needs to go poopoo there is a toilet in here as you can see all right get on jelly Wow no no talking to you Josh I like ya yeah Josh didn't floss last time he was sorry a waste of water and leaves it there now this is my dining area with a view to the people pool base oh yeah you could lit wait wait Ellie you get behind the table okay okay I'll blush oh wait check this out jelly come over here what is this one right equals one diamond jealous you owe me a diamond now she stopped freeware hey let's go see you later guys she came back okay she eats the poop looked seeds to poop right here it says watch out for flying poop oh my god okay there's a leak by the way Kearney might want to fix that Josh come up here don't even get out till he saw it before look oh very smart like a life people you know ah yeah alright well is that everything I mean there's some outside stuff hey Carina it's the thought that counts alright moving on welcome to my house holy crap it's like yeah I kind of went for a very like weed design on it I didn't want to make it square like everyone else's yeah this is never seen a house like this I know I mean I guess I'll show you around make sure to read that sign over there okay pretty annoying guys maybe just come in this is the TV as you can see creeper is on TV see you're watching jelly yes TV oh yeah I've also got with some cool windows they're very abstract you can see yes there's no secrets up there don't worry all right this better be sandstone yeah it's answer don't worry coming up so this is kind of my like utility room I guess okay I was well I was gonna make this a trapped chest it's guys I was literally gonna make this a trap dress and you neither of you saw that so good thing I didn't I was gonna put Teja right so that he wouldn't steal my stuff I know but you didn't even know it was a trap chest jelly take this out the master bedroom standing next they protect me and cuddle me in bed all right and then over here you've got my fish tank which I think's pretty cool inside the aquarium on this one yeah and then come out here there's a bit of a leak problem don't worry about that okay it might be worth having a look around the house you can see the window designs are all different yeah and there you go something I just can't figure out why oh good input ready all right I guess everyone needs to last know in the comments which is best but the comment section has to decide this is it's like a poop sandwich guys you've got one piece of bread on that side one piece of bread on that side and then the poop in the middle you're the poop that's probably for the best alright guys
Channel: Slogo
Views: 9,617,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, build challenge, dream house, jelly, crainer
Id: DGBX-3uOF94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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