100 Days On FAKE Life Steal SMP...Here's What Happened!

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I survived 100 days on LIF steal s SMP the only problem is that this is a scam version of Life steal will I be able to survive and Conquer these massive teams of tryhards or will I be Prim locked with wooden tools for the entire time our journey begins on day one so on day one I spawned in and I was already down a heart I'm not sure why maybe it was a glitch I then collected my first kit go default kit yo with my first kit collected I then started to look around the server and see what was going on yo buddy hey yo oh no I'm dead so day one wasn't going too well somehow this kid was able to punch me out of a spawn I'm already down two hearts bro nah I'm going to sneak out of here here we go the coast is clear and I made a run for it oh no there's two kids right here oh I got to go I got to go I then found my first resource all we got some wood right here crafting a table all right time to get some Stone I gathered some Stone and made my first stone pickaxe still got Got 5 minutes on my kit it's not ideal what is this bro I then discovered the server's TPS this was definitely going to be a lot easier what's up sheep I then began to search and see if I could find a good spot for my base all right I need to get some food going so right away I crafted a furnace and began cooking my first bits of food steak is cooking I'm also going to grab some wood while I wait I think my Kit's ready there it is the default kit and we already have iron tools now thanks to the kits I was able to skip straight to the Iron Age making my progress a lot faster we did get a gapple and two iner pearls I then began to build some wacky base and I have no idea what I was cooking and now have our own little house it's very ugly I know but hey it's better than nothing right I see a village there's still villagers here what all right we need to save these villagers y get to your home buddy go go go oh blast furnace so as I was looting The Village I noticed something really cool okay everybody's doing SL vot let me do that I got to lap his great on day two my money was now close to1 18,000 and I began to browse the shop to buy stuff netherite is 5,000 a piece and we can buy a villager egg too wow okay all right let's actually go and open these crates I set my spawn here so we should be good yo wait we also got a heart too so getting my first heart was pretty exciting and of course I ate it nice all right let's see what we get the first crate only gave me money and then I got a spawner cow spawner it's kind of mid a book sharpness one oh that's so bad wait let's see if we can get a free kill here oh that was a bad idea no I'm combat tagged I'm combat tagged no no no no I got to go I got to go after realizing my mistake I quickly made a run for it okay I don't think they can see me all right I'm teleporting home I finally was able to retreat home and thankfully everything was good oh lapis Crate Key we'll go open that in a bit okay I need to find a good spot to start building this base thinking like right here after making my decision I quickly began to start and build my base now for this base I wasn't going for anything crazy but here's a picture of the [Music] design all right I'm hiding a little chest over here it quickly turned night time and I needed to get a water bucket there we go water the goal is to make it look like a PVP fight happened above all right the key is just make this look really really bad and nobody will expect it I then tried to tame a horse and it was not going good there we go nice I then began to got the inside of my base and with my pickaxe it was going to take a while all right this is the start of our base on day three I got straight to mining as I needed to make this a lot [Music] bigger all right then we can just swim up here I would say this looks pretty believable I didn't begin to move all my stuff in all right just set my home here let's put the cow spawner down wait cows actually spawn in here oh no whoops oh four cows so cows spawning in the base is going to be an issue so I had to move them so I don't think I can break it after realizing I could break it I then began building the room this base is going to be cool when it's done I just got to hope that it doesn't get raided while I'm gone to finish the day I went and opened up a crate we got eight diamonds and we just got 50,000 yes sir all right nice nice on day four I began to expand the inside of the base as I needed more room I think I want to make this like a farm and put the cowch Spawner in here so with the idea I continue to make it into a small little farm but we do need more dirt there we go all right let's go back under I forgot we also have a diamond pickaxe we need to be using this so with my new diamond pickaxe things are going a lot faster after miny for a bit I then went to go collect obsidian to make nether portal all right here's where my old base was let's take this water I made sure to get enough obsidian for both nether portal and an enchantment table all right that should be enough I'm going to head back to the base now when I return to my base I worked on both the cow farm and the sugar can Farm hey there we go on day five I started the day by looking for sugar cane I quickly pulled up the shop and realized that I could just buy it I then killed some sheep then placed my sugar cane I then began to expand the farm to make more profit Bas is coming together I then finished day five by working on my base a bit all right this is where the enchantment table will go with the enchant table I can now start making basic enchants while buying I made a grave mistake oh wait that was 38,000 oh no whoops I then began to kill cows from my bookshelves all right we'll leave one 29 leather I placed the bookshelves and quickly got my first sword enchantment I then sold some copper for $450 day six was just a big mining trip and I ended up getting my first diamonds one Diamond one whole diamonds so great on day seven I started working on decorations around the base and then I began to sell stuff how much does redstone go for I wonder 3,000 okay Redstone might be our ticket to make money what about iron what about 10 iron that wasn't even worth it on day seven I spent a lot of time working on the base and testing money strategies all right we need to figure out where our nether portal is going to go I was thinking maybe like right here I built a separate room and began constructing the nether portal yo look at that hopefully we don't die no way right next to a Bastion oh it's already raided though yeah I'm going to go and teleport home I teleported back home did some work on the base and that ended day seven on day eight we were off to an explosive start as three creepers randomly spawn next to me I then began to collect a lot of dirt for my base as I was going to need it I then stumbled upon a villager and and I tried to trap him so I could bring him back to my base no don't run away don't run away little bro there you go all right let's go after I had the water me and little bro headed back to the base here we go the grand Voyage however the journey was not easy oh wait let me grab this water real quick buddy I finally made it back and it was time to deploy the [Music] Villager all right now I need to get you a Le turn day eight was a huge success as I now had a little villager to help me trade stuff at the start of Day N I began collecting my sugar cane okay so we need to set up our sugar cane Farm there two buckets oh we have a Lapis crate too what yeah so these lapis crates just kept appearing out of nowhere but honestly it was a blessing change profession buddy please and then began Gathering more dirt to supply my sugar cane Farm I then returned back to the base and begin planting the sugar cane as well as placing down the water 48 oh my goodness that's a lot of cows I'm going to go open these crates I teleported back to spawn and open my crate wow cobwebs not ideal oh I just got 10,000 as a reward lapis crate no way this is where my luck dramatically increased three hearts and another lapis crate oh what is my luck bro that puts me at 15 hearts and we have three more keys if you guys could please drop a like as well as subscribe these videos take hours upon hours to make so it would mean a lot thanks minion book nice I then made a quick run to the Nether and hopes that I could get some more levels to enchant my gear and that concluded Day N on day 10 I began at organizing my chest because my loot was getting out of hand I then expanded my storage and then I began to kill cows to increase my level I then bought three levels so that I could make a diamond axe I quickly put it to the test and began hacking down a tree and let's just say I don't think team Tre is would be happy with me I then collected a bunch of sugar cane and sold it I then went out at night and began to kill mobs for extra levels please don't blow up everything was going good until this happened no way I died I hope my loots there bro if my loot despawn already I'm going to cry bro come on loot please oh thank goodness thankfully I was able to recover a lot of my items but unfortunately I lost all of my levels on day 11 I went into The Nether Again to hopefully mine a bunch more quarts to get more levels here we go here's some quartz I just need the levels that's all I need hey yo what is that yo you seeing this bro after mining courts the entire day I neared the level of 18 after I ended my recording something bad happened so uh yeah I logged on and I actually just f fell in the Nether and lost everything this man I had a lot of cashing up to do but thankfully I had a bunch of gear stored up I then bought some more diamonds and used them to make a pickaxe guess I'm going to go mine I rtpd and arrived in a spruce biome my only hope was a good cave bro why are you eating wood I then travel into this cave to see if I could get some good loot I actually will grab these railroads maybe this hasn't been looted there's still a lot of iron and stuff at this point I was mining everything because I was dead broke there we go o Redstone nice this sells for a lot I then stumbled upon some diamonds and of course I grabbed them one two hey two diamonds we'll take it on day 13 I realized my inventory is getting pretty full and I needed to make a return to my base but thankfully I had enough inventory space to collect a few more materials and make sure you guys watch to the end because this video only gets crazier oh another chest yo diamonds Apple some more iron oh no almost just oh yo there's lava wait there's a pinata at spawn so at the start of day 14 I immediately went to the piñata oh no it's just the sweats bro so there were a ton of people here at this Pata but I knew I had to take the risk to get some loot oh that was a bad idea no I'm dead bro and just like that everything I had was gone but then a miracle happened I just got 42 diamonds no way bro I got to go home I just got so many D bro that was actually worth it no way I just oh my gosh yo we got netherite too nice and I got most of my stuff back and then sold a lot of redstone and Lapis and I made a ton of money yes sir we got some Loot on day 15 I went back to spawn because I saw a great opportunity to get some loot oh no oh no I didn't do nothing wrong broy no I'm about to steal all this kid loot I began chasing them down in hopes that I could grub up the last [Music] kill yo we just dipped what I just got all that kid loot yo yo wait wa wait no this is so close I need to go back to my base now so my plan worked the guy was already super rich and I guess he just didn't want the stuff cuz he didn't need it now we got full diamond bro this is so epic how much are diamonds worth even sell 700 a piece no it's not even worth to sell bro what on day 16 I began to build a Zombie Farm in hopes that I could Farm some more levels wait it doesn't even move it's going to make this a lot better I continue mining out the space for the Zombie Farm but I realized the zombies didn't move at all Al bro floating [Music] what I then had to go the Nether to get Soul Sand oh chill while I was looking for Soul Sand I grabbed quartz as well to get my levels and I fought some zombie pigman why is there seven Pigman on that guy oh man there's 15 now that was a lot of levels after getting jumped by a million Zombie Pigmen I then continue to look for Soul Sand oh no one bad move bro and I'm dead I just need some Soul Sand brother all right I guess I'm going to try to build out on this I got e Pearls at the ready I was Finding plenty of quartz but I had yet to find any Soul Sand I then contined my exploration and ended up in some forest and collected the wood while I was there my search for Soul Sand continued in the day 177 n that's a whole stack of vend bro oh no so yeah when I was fighting those Endermen I barely escaped but I continue exploring oh no not a giant Magma Cube all right bro come on give me a banger enchant please oh I need lapis whoops here we go yo oh my goodness bro that's literally the best roll we could get okay now we just need an anvil bro this is so hype all right Anvil acquired I decided it was smart to go back and use my levels which is what I did but I still didn't have any Soul Sand for the farm oh six levels though oh Noah we're doing it we have a Max pickaxe now let's go oh my gosh it's like creative mode bro look at this thing it's a beast with my new super pickaxe I was making progress like a madman everything was going great all right let's sell all this 8,000 not terrible on day 18 I started off my day by selling some stuff for 100k I then collected my gold and began to work on netherite stuff 25 air drops no we're going for that we are going for those aird drops when the aird drops came in I quickly ran to see if I could grab a couple I'm breaking three yo I quickly realized this may have been a mistake as this player began to try to kill me I punched him right in the face and I made a run for it oh no he's trying to kill me he's still there he's still following me he is still following me bro this kid kept chasing me for a solid 10 minutes and he would not let up I spam blocks and tried to block his path but it wasn't enough he got me bro he got the Unbreaking three book no after I died I returned back to my base we're back on day 19 I began to work on the Villager trades to see if I could get Ming oh there we go I then begin to do some remodeling on the base and we're expanding the opening entryway for day 20 and 21 I spent a lot of my time in the nether to try to make a lot more progress as well as gain some more levels got another nether portal going to break it there we go all right continue the hunt this was also my attempt to get another piece of Soul Sand as I had still not found any wait is that Soul Sand no way I'll believe it when I see it all right we got to throw this there we go finally this took way too long to find I'm getting as much of this as possible I never want to see this block again why all right let me go home please there we go we're back yes sir and we got the Soul Sand never thought I'd be so hyped to see a block but with this final block I can now finish my farm however due to certain server plugins my farm was not going to work as well as I had hoped on day 22 I started the day off by collecting my crops then I started to make progress on making my base oh yeah these are definitely better all right I guess we'll sell the sugar cane then I had some cows escape and I had to put them back in their place I then began to dig out more of the base and expand on day 23 I began collecting coal so that I could have some for my furnaces I also grabbed some wood because I just needed for Base projects I then went and collected sand for my base I then crafted more furnaces so I could smell more ore and make more money and then upgraded my nether portal and then I upgraded my enchantment room to make it look [Music] better on day 24 I began my grinding more levels because I needed level 30 all right we're out of zombies all right let's go crack open uh these crates real [Music] [Applause] quick Y what is this community chest I'll put in some loot for him hey what is this sacrifice hearts for loot all right let's do it I did one heart six diamonds bro for one heart that's horrible gave me a netherite sword thank you bro yo what shout out that guy for real we're going to use this to farm things now why is that actually worth a lot what for rotten flesh it's pretty good on day 25 I started the day by enchanting and creating some new gear so that I would have a backup set Rock three fire protection three so while the enchants weren't the best I definitely knew they would be better than nothing oh I'm breaking three yo wait I can combine the two how many zombies we got 13 they don't spawn as fast as I think oh okay this thing like insta kills him it's kind of neat after enchanting my gear I then began to work on the base a bit on Day 26 I began to assemble a team and honestly it was going really good I then asked for a potion and a totem I then started beuing some kid and decided to fight him no way I'm dead after getting clapped in the fight I jumped straight back to it dang bro I just lost another heart all right well I'm down bad right now that's right though I still have my pickaxe so I'm just going to go mine for a bit thankfully my team sent me some spare gear so I wasn't completely lost okay nice we got diamond armor I ended day 25 opening a crate good some more crates something three hearts yo wait I just got five Hearts what on Day 26 and 27 my goal is to make a lot more progress and explore and then bumped into some monsters and decided to go mine coal oh no what do we got here I then stumbled into a cave and found Redstone yes sir there's another one y we're at eight diamonds now nice how many creepers are there oh my gosh I then found a real spawner a name tag on day 28 29 all I did was collect diamonds as well as other resources on my mining trip nice collecting these diamonds is going to be very useful oh that's a lot all right that's enough mining for one day on day 30 I started off by making some more progress on our base only two zombies oh no all right we just need an AFK here I didn't spent the day afking for levels all right we currently have 65 zombies so I'm going to go ahead and kill these guys so yeah to start day 31 all I did was Kill Some Zombies there we go 21 levels now I then sold some sugar cane and then I added barrels to my storage after doing this I began to expand the inside of my base then I set up an entire Farm room to plant some fresh veggies there we go now we have a little farm on day 32 I was now in the jungle preparing to find a good spot to mine I mined down to deep slate level and found Redstone as well as some lapis and then I stumbled upon a ton of [Music] diamonds on day 33 I spent the beginning of my day collecting jungle samples as well as other materials from the jungle then I went back to my base and started farming my cows wait I actually do want to sell this Redstone so yeah after selling this Redstone I knew it was going to be a very good moneymaker I finished up day 33 by just cleaning up the base and making more progress on day 34 it wasn't very exciting all I did was Farm a ton of levels because I needed level 30 on day 35 I made my very first attack on spawn but first I needed to open my crates no bro not these we always got to check these chest bro okay nothing good is that that Grinch hey yo somebody's down there after exploring the community a bit it was time to fight and thankfully one of my biggest enemies was here this fake techno guy from day one I would jump down there but like bro I don't want to lose this stuff after my valid point I then went back and switched out my armor kit come here bu oh know he's trying to get away I don't know where bro's going he really think he can escape me then out of nowhere I fell oh Noah what is this bro I didn't even notice this I completely missed and then I got jumped I'm dead bro oh no bro wait n that spawn is actually crazy thankfully I just had a bozo kit so I wasn't really too worried I then tried to steal some loot off these kids and they were very angry where did this kid go and before I knew it I'm dead bro oh my gosh on Day 36 I started my day as a humble farmer planting his crops I then set up some organization inside of my base I want to try to surround spawn question is what block should I do it should I I'm just going to use Cobble honestly after my devious plan spawn in my head I immediately took action upon it oh man I can already see the outside of Spawn what a disaster it's not as bad as the other side though and just like that I had started the greatest project on the server the plan was to cover the entire outside of Spawn with Cobble creating an entire wall that no one could pass all right we're just going to start building the wall anyway we're going to need a lot more Cobblestone to do this I thought I saw somebody yo chill before Day 36 ended I realized I was going to need some help so I recruited none other than my teammates I just TPA my teammate and just like that we had another helper after spending a great deal of time working on the wall and communicating with signs we were making [Music] progress as Day 36 came to a close I then teleported to my teammate's base to collect more Cobble and hopefully help him out on some projects he also gave me another set of diamond as I had lost my last one on day 37 he requested that I help him build a storage room in exchange for some Loot and help on my project so as the great teammate I am I immediately got to work on building this epic storage room the goal was to use the rest of day 37 to finish this build and things were going smoothly I finished up the outside of the wall and began to replace the ceiling and then before we knew it we had chests I then named all the chest accordingly and the deal was done he quickly thanked me via sign and I had got some good loot from the deal deal nothing crazy just some diamonds as well as some extra gear day 38 through 45 was really just a grind period so let me sum it up for you I went to spawn and collected airdrop loot bro I'm an actual rat oh never mind it's all m i then made some great progress on the base as well as expanded the bottom layer the next couple days we're spent replacing all the blocks and making it look fairly nice then I went to open a heart crate come on please give me some loot 6 Diamonds oh no wait we got to kill somebody the next day I spent building my wall to cover the entirety of Spawn then I went to go upgrade my armor there we go we're Fresh then I went to go raid a pinata to get some loot oh no this kid's after me bro chill and before I knew it something bad happened no bro I for lost everything that's crazy also I think we got our daily reward claim that another two hearts as well as a Lapis Crate Key so we're going to go open this please give me something good I then suffered from depression after getting terrible loot but thankfully some kid traded me some [Music] stuff I then jumped into the PVP area to take my anger out oh we got a kill there we go no way he got me bro after losing all my stuff I then started to grind and try to get it all back wow one whole [Music] level I then made a trip to the nether to get some better loot yo ancient debris right here oh I thought it fell I collected a ton of quartz because I knew I was going to get a lot of levels I then went and killed a ton of zombie pigman go level 30 on day 45 I didn't really do too much except organize my chest because let me tell you my base was a complete mess I then went and started crafting some brand new netherite armor so finally after all that Grind Time it started to pay off all right so we're back on and uh I just logged on this morning and wait bro what is this somebody found my base never G your base is like a bit too open make a deep site level so it's harder to find your villager now has prop for trade I don't know if you want it though message King Crow One online for details I guess yes I won't leak the base quarts King Crow also great design I didn't take anything other than the wood used for these also use bubble elevators get up and down besid of water art bro what n this gu's so chill so we didn't raid my base but I had to check if he was online however it turned out that he was not online I then made repairs to my base I really only had one strategy and that was to place blocks and essentially surround it and make it look like a PVP fight because clearly last time it didn't look like one after doing some work above and making my base less noticeable I then began replacing all the wall inside my cow Farm because it was very ugly and that was the end of day 46 day 47 was basically a base cleanup day I didn't really do too much but I didn't make a lot of progress on organizing as well as getting more levels I then also decided to to make a trip to the nether after killing a lot of zombies I collected a lot of quartz as well as a lot of XP and then something tragic happened all right we're going to grab this quartz and yo what the oh no no no no no no no bro I can't die here I quickly popped the gapple and Tred to e-l my way out but it was not working all right let's just mine in here hurry hurry go go go go go okay okay oh no there's more lava yeah I'm dead I'm dead there's no way I get out of this there's no way yeah it's over it's over yeah above me okay yeah it's over yeah GG's GG's there goes all of my stuff wow I ate a steak and made my final attempt to survive but it was not enough wait wait wait come on I got to clutch up no and just like that we were back to square one on day 48 I started the day by making a brand new diamond pickaxe and it was a grind day I had to make a lot of progress to get back to where I was I started by grinding XP levels to get my level up because I was currently level two I did everything I could to ensure that my progress was not held up day 49 was very productive as I was about to encounter a raid oh what do these guys want bro oh no wait it started no no no no no no no this is bad this is bad I got to trap the villagers come on I got to get to the bell I got to make sure everybody's trapped oh wow wait wait come here Budd [Music] all right round two wait wait wait let me grab some armor please I then grab my armor and continue to fight the raid here they are let's go two more guys oh no no no no no no wait this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad let me see if I can use this creeper to my advantage got to take this dude out oh no finally The Raid was coming to an end and I only had a few more guys to kill he's just terrorizing the village now we can't let that slide I'm running finally even with Diamond Armor we barely survived on day 50 to 53 I Ed the time to explore and upgrade my gear hopefully they're pretty cheap channeling wait what so yeah somehow the trade had reset I then began to enchant some gear legs we can get Unbreaking 3 and Boots Unbreaking 3 so either way it probably be pretty good I did a bit of organizing and then I decided to go and make myself a brand new helmet I then also threw netherite on my chest plate to give it an upgrade for the rest of day 51 I rtpd in hopes to find a good mining spot to collect more diamonds oh what is this after killing the Pillager I then went into the Pillager Outpost and discovered that it was looted I then noticed I was surrounded by cherry blossoms and I went to collect some saplings so I rtpd again and found myself in a pretty cool cave so I collected all the resources I could and that was it for day 51 on day 52 I stumbled further into the cave and was about to encounter something crazy I just want diamonds bro not the warden oh no it's a city this is so dumb why am I doing this yeah bro I don't I don't know if I want to do this honestly y I could shoot [Music] him I missed just barely oh wait I have one more loaded crossbow here we go oh I hit him n get me out of here no I'm tping home I'm tping home nah oh my gosh holy moly that was scary on day 53 to 55 I spent a lot of time negotiating with my villagers to try to get some beefy trades and I may or may not have lost audio because I was watching Netflix but that didn't matter because I got Mindy I then spend some time in the caves collecting a lot of resources to sell and hopefully make a profit of around 20,000 on day 56 I spent some more time mining but unfortunately did not find any diamonds at all but on day 57 and 58 things would change because I switched spots I found a nice deserty biome and began to mine and before I knew it I had tons of diamonds on day 59 I teleported to to spawn and attempted to kill some kids and get some [Music] loot we just merked that kid for 32 gold no way they got all these already what here you can have your go back so this guy ended up dropping me some insane books I have no idea where he got he just gave me some insane books what I then upgraded my netherite leggings and that ended day 59 on day 60 to 63 I SP spent a lot of time leveling up my armor as well as my boots because I needed some new ones I also spent a lot of time grinding money to try to reach one mil let's go and sell all that I kind of want to start a new area I have this place way at the bottom but I just need more Moss blocks I was thinking maybe if this went into like a giant room or something that so my idea was to make another giant farm that way it could have double the XP in money I need a mining book so bad after searching the market for a bit I finally found one yeah we'll buy one I then upgraded my pickaxe let's go see what's going on up top all right not too much honestly I think we're chill knock back two that's so mid and then began to kill zombies so I can get a lot more XP day 63 I spent repairing my pickaxe and making progress on the base all right let's see how much this heals our pickaxe okay a little bit there we go that was pretty cheap I then arranged my items so I could have a more organized chest on day 64 I began collecting a ton of dirt for my giant sugar cane Farm all right that should be enough dirt that's quite a bit I then went down to the sugarcan farm and started placing the dirt I then dug The Trenches for the water so I could plant the crops I then added the water I then collected sugar cane so that I could go down and plant it all right there we go now we just got to wait for this sugar can to grow on day 65 it was very exciting because I was about to get something very good there's about to be a pinata so I want to get a good sword by then all right I'm not sure how long it's going to take on that Piata but I still need a lot more levels all right two hearts down the drain wow I lost two hearts for that bro that was actually so bad that was horrible let's see what's going on oh no I was now waiting for the pinata to spawn what is that armor trim bro n how did bro get that piñata here we go it's in it's in where's it at where's it at where's it at just follow the players oh I see it oh no oh we're going in yo I'm picking this kid off I just got the whole Pata all right we're going home we're going home 12 diamonds three nether I crafts and a crate key that was actually a pretty successful run that was definitely worth it day 66 to 70 I made a lot of progress on the base the wall and PVP it's looking good let's sell the rest of this stuff ah $6,000 pretty good I think we to expand on another room down in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] bunker all right I'm not sure what I want to put in this room yet we have two rooms I don't know what to do with I guess we'll start on this one [Music] too also all this stone is going to be good for our mission at spawn which we need to actually go check that I think tomorrow we'll go check and see how our wall is doing the next day I made my journey to see how our wall was holding up I don't think anybody saw me all right question is our wall still here is okay good I then started attacking the [Music] project this is where things get a bit chaotic over here all right we made it all the way around you love to see that the next day I began to work on my sugarcan farm we need some more dirt so let's go get those oh the Piata is spawning there's 85 people on oh Noah oh no look how many people there is I then jump straight in to try to get the loot [Music] no way he got me oh wow there was three of them I tried not to take the L to heart so I stole my gear and ran I ran with everything I had but unfortunately it wasn't enough [Music] dude what is his sword bro I lost everything bro I quickly realized it wasn't just my armor I had lost I lost my super pickaxe the next day I plan to get my get back get all my gear and build a bunker now since we were on Day 70 I had no time to waste so I got to work the goal of the bunker was to isolate myself from the other world and get straight to work after Gathering all my materials I then began to dig out the space from my bunker underneath my bunker then on day 71 I journeyed back to spawn all right so I keep seeing this thing called a coin flip so basically the coin flip was just gambling to another level all right I created a coin flip for 100k here we go come on please I just lost please again oh no all right that's all my money we either win or lose here we go oh no oh no oh no no no please if I lose again it's a scam I won nice I won let's go do we go all in I'll do another 100,000 not this kid again we won yes I'm going 160 no Slim Shady oh no oh we win this yes sir oh nice all right we're at 434k I'm I'm going to stop there so after somehow making a profit through gambling I now had close to half a million dollar but unfortunately the gambling curse got me created a coin flip we got to win on this oh he already bought oh no oh I have a bad feeling about this one oh wait I won no way I just won all right we got to send him money back so somebody recognized me in the server and I borrowed money from him we're so positive but I I can't I can't do it we already at 600k I made so much profit from bcoin flips all right so we finally got uh some zombies ready we're going to go and kill these guys 75k from what that's so worth coin flip for 160k oh no please oh I'm winning this I win no 200k in the pot I win I win what yeah we're putting all our money all right there's all my money 170k oh no somebody spun it oh no I'm cooked no I just lost all my money see kids this is why you don't gamble on day 74 I was in the base attempting to make another pickaxe here we go level 30 finally on day 75 I spent the entire day trying to max out my gear and we should have plenty of levels ooh there we go oh Noah 22k there we go I'm breaking three there we go I finally got good armor and a Max pickaxe on day 76 I set out to go mine a ton of materials I already have like a decent bit but we need to get more so without any hesitation I teleported and went to go mine the goal was to get as many resources as I could so that I could sell it and make a lot of profit what up buddy I then stumbled into a m shaft and actually found pretty good [Music] loot oh no what was that that there we go diamonds thanks to fortune 3 I got four diamonds I then teleported out to go find a new cave to find more resources and then I found the cave underwater Oh my gosh it keeps going here we go no way I just found this cave what I then grabbed some lapis that was pretty much it then on day 77 I made my return back to my base I then started crafting and organizing my blocks all right there we go our ores are looking pretty good now the next thing on our list is to build a giant farm and so like I said I went out and started my [Music] farm oh okay that's not good thanks for the help I then continue digging cuz I was going to need a lot of dirt I then went down to the farm and began to place the dirt I then started to work on the farm and planted my potatoes and then to wrap the day up I collected my sugar cane and sold it for a nice profit of 22k on day 78 I began to make more progress on the base and expand my Farms as well as my basement I then went up top and had another Quest all right the goal is going to be to get the other villager in here so let's go do that so I crafted myself a boat and got to it what's up buddy all right let's get you back I then started to make the journey back to my base however it was not easy at all it was so difficult in fact that I literally dug an entire path all the way back all right here we [Music] go there we go we did it I then search the market to find a pig spawner oh we'll get this one too I also grabbed a cave spider one for a different room using my cave spider I then decided to build a farm around it after I completed it that ended day s 78 on day 79 I set out to enchant a lot of my gear as well as level up my items I think my first step is going to be to get levels so let's go do that all right there we go level 30 so on this poopy stuff there we go okay all this stuff is still growing so we'll wait on that only two bro what and then begin to enchant a brand new chest plate and a good shovel we have plenty of Enchanted pickaxes I guess I will make make a helmet and Boots un breaking three un breaking three okay go and put this stuff away and while we gather more levels we can be working on the next task which is some exploration now we haven't really explored too much so we need to go do this so immediately I teleported out there's not really too much here what do we got down here a base maybe question is is it looted yep it is oh yo what's up buddy yo he's so fast want to name me George George the rabbit I he pearled across because I saw a cherry blossom biome all right we'll build it right on this Cliff face so in case you're wondering what I was building I decided to build little houses everywhere I traveled so you guys could find them all right there we go but if one of you guys finds this let me know in the comments All right we got a pretty cool biome over here let's go look at these cherry blossoms up here no I'm freezing to death help no get me out of here no way it's turning dark again bro oh my gosh it was now day 80 and I set out to continue my journey of exploration all right Cal I'm going to have you test this drop for me all right oh he survived the be bro I then jumped into the Ravine to build my base here we go please don't die there we go nice all right let's see what it looks like going to grab an ender pearl come on oh I made it this guy's trying to punch me off let's go on to the next location okay we got a basic Birch Forest got a little bit of Antarctica over here wait we got a little structure down here anything inside fishing rod I could take to make my journey across the Arctic hoping to find something cool oh wait yo chill chill I'm was just trying to give you some food don't attack me bro okay oh wa oh no now he changed his mind he doesn't want to be friends all right let's go to the next area and we're in the same spot wait we can build a little fishing Hut over here wait all righty now we got a little fishing Hut let's try this baby out yeah so let's just say I didn't have the best look fishing on to the next spot I teleported again and got a normal Oak biome this time for this structure I'm going to build a little boat as I walked a bit I stumbled upon a village I know what we have to do on day 81 I headed back from the raided Village and when I got back my base had been raided there we go crops are planted now we need to get bookshelves although they didn't break anything rip our villager super sad he died but it's whatever on day 82 I spent most of the day trying to get the base back in order because everything was messed up once it cleaned up I then went to spawn to open up some of my crates mid with more M we have two hearts we can use so let's use them here zombie spawner okay that works Works another zombie spawner okay after I opened my crates I then headed out to go mine hey yo what the bro I almost died this cave is crazy here we go we got another geode here oh this one's cool it's like floating I've never seen that before Oh no way there's a m shaft too oh no somebody was already here I then sold some of my ore and that concluded day 882 on day 83 I went back to spawn and opened some more crates okay we got $77,000 something good please no all right we got one more mid with more mid all right we do have a life though which means we can use this all right last one here we go please give me something good lap his crate maybe $2,000 all right wow after not making much profit on the crates I then crafted some Sher boxes I think gave a new players some loot I don't think bro is going to accept on day 84 I was back at my base and everything was still there so that was a win after selling some rotten flesh I then started to make progress on building my base and then I sold some of my crops after selling my crops I started to build a giant sky base because why [Music] not I finished up the first starter layer and then I broke the blocks down and then I began to expand the expansion took most of the day but I made very good progress day one on day 85 I continue to work on the sky base to finish it off and I'm going to begin expanding I think I'm going to use dirt on the top so yeah we're going to need a lot of dirt so wasting no time I immediately started to collect a lot of [Music] dirt after I had the dirt I then went back to my base and began to place it all right we're making progress it's definitely going to need a lot of lot of [Music] work all right let's see how this looks hey yo oh no wait yeah so the design was really ugly so I had to fix it all I did was use a block that contrasted better with the dirt okay we need more deep slay wait let's see what this looks like okay it's looking a lot cooler on 86 I started to collect deep slate for my base all right we just need to keep getting deep slate and we should be able to get quite a bit with this good pickaxe considering we have efficiency five this shouldn't take very [Music] long hey there we go we got diamonds holy man bro we got a lot oh man Fortune did not clutch up there's more no way no way was that two veins of diamonds hey there we go we got more no way I grabbed all my diamonds and deep slate and then I crafted the blocks necessary for the base there we go all I also decided I don't really like these pillars I then checked on one of my villagers to see if he had any good trades no way they ruined my trades did they steal one wait no way what is this I did not make this so whoever tried to raid my base also tried to kidnap a villager there is actually no way okay and then what they took him down here oh we got a chest nothing good steal that I returned to my base and then I sold some of my loot then I started to build a little house on top of my Island and I'm going to use this to store like crafting table wherever my furnace went wait did it fall off oh no wait where's my furnace so yeah I found my furnace finished the house and then I logged off for the day it's our first build on the island it's kind of nice nice I guess day 87 I logged back on and began to work on my base we definitely need some more dirt up here I'm definitely going to place torches so mobs don't spawn because the least thing we need is a bunch of creepers and before I got to work I sold some crops wait what's worth more a potato or a carrot let's find out oh they're worth the same okay all right there we go it should be good now now we just need to make an enchantment table here we go Enchantment Table after completing some base work I dug out a part of the base and then I went fishing and then for some odd reason I created a diving board yo we got a diving board now look how luxurious this is on day 88 I set out to expand my giant sugar cane Farm all right our sugar can's ready so we're going to grab this I harvested both the big farm and the little farm and sold it all all right let's sell all this stuff holy man almost $30,000 I think we can make this better so knowing I can make more profit I decided to double the farm the hardest part was going to be to mine all this out which took me the whole day thankfully I had a few minutes left before the day ended so I was able to get some more dirt as well as place all the blocks needed for the farm I also claim my daily reward and got some good stuff all right we have four crates now that's good but now we just need to fill this with water we've essentially doubled our money so this should make us 60,000 every time we collect it I planted all the crops and that ended day 88 to start day' 89 I went to go open some crates on give me some crates no I was so close my main goal for the day was to start some Redstone oh finally Redstone let's go all right let's go build our Contraption make sure you watch cuz this contraption is wild all right there we go Target block acquired now I just need a dropper so I put that there I put this inside and put this here and then I okay wait wrong item I quickly realized I needed a dispenser and not a dropper so if I do this take this all right let's test this okay it works day 90 was going to be my second testing day for my invention let's make that one more time two TNT once I had all my materials I then began to build one of my very first redstone contraptions and then this should go like right here now if I do this it works yes we did it our Redstone Contraption worked after my great success on day 90 I began to work on my sky base my main goal at the moment was to collect a ton of dirt for the sky base outline no oh my gosh oh we're so lucky to be considered the richest I was going to need a lot of Brewing stations because we were going to need a lot of potions I would also need a well to collect water bottles for the actual Brewing process and yes I decided to make it a little fancy I then filled up some of my water bottles and then I looked for components that I would need to brew yeah there we go awkward potion nice all right I want to go build a house and be able to sell it to the community so I'm going to go RTP and uh I guess build it yo wait this is perfect spot right here once I had the spot I began to clear it out all right I want to build it like right here cuz we need to have some real estate bro we got to be able to sell some houses so oh I actually have a chest too I'll use this to store all the blocks and I just need to begin chopping trees so yeah the first task was to chop a ton of trees cuz I was going to need a a ton of blocks after I had some resources I began to lay out the foundation for the base now that I had the foundation finished it was time to lay out the rest of the base there we go all right now we just need sand and some stairs and we should be good and then obviously add the roof and then make a bunch of lanterns there we go no I literally need four more since I need a deep slay anyway I figured it was a good opportunity to build a whole mine to add value to the property I finished up the base and now it was time to sell it looks very symmetric all right now we just need to find somebody to sell this to all right so I messaged one of my friends and he said he would buy the house so let's uh let's go ahead and TP him what do you think bro W house all bet all right is he going to pay me oh he just sent me watch out just sent me $100 bro I then told him he needed to add a few more zeros to that price 100K oh there we go he paid me 100k property of storm Westfield gave Minecraft homes enjoy the base bro yes sir we sold our first home all right I invited storm to my team I decided since it was close to day 100 I should add a teammate once he arrived that gave him a quick tour of the base this and then in here after I showed him the main base I then showed him the sky base I was working on and told him to jump and to say the least I don't think he trusted me for a bit come on jump down one more thing all right it was now time to show storm my most prized possession the diving board yo for the next couple days I hired storm to help me build the wall around spawn having two people is going to make this a lot easier together we first collected Cobblestone and then we harvested all the Cobble we had and placed it on the wall and while we were busy mining we discovered something weird who is this yeah so it didn't really do anything so we decided to move on all right the wall is complete so we had officially completed the wall and to celebrate I had a coin flip with storm I won I then used my last day to open some crates and celebrate no let's see what I get come on something not mid please I got some diamonds let's sell these please I'm done bro on day 97 and 98 we prepared for the fight of a lifetime we were about to fight the Ender Dragon we crafted ourselves some netherite armor as well as some bows I made 16k from trigar cane all right I need 90k more and then that's it then we'll officially have a million dollars once the bows are made I then Enchanted them because we need all the damage we could get I threw our first ender pearl and the journey again after not even 10 minutes we threw a pearl and it went the opposite way meaning we had passed it no way we found it bro already yes sir we then barreled our way through the gates and then headed to the Ender Portal however we did get a bit lost throughout the journey then I was attacked by a little creature now where is this thing bro I then stumbled upon a library yo wait we're going to get so many books no way three diamonds efficiency wait why was that actually a good chest what after a good 15 minutes we finally found it and then storm jumped all right he went first and then I quickly join them all right we're here and uh well obviously this place it's been through a lot honestly well um I then quickly realized I didn't bring this stuff to respawn it storm that made fun of me in Discord and I went back home and collected all the stuff I went ahead and downgraded my gear because uh once this spawns we're going to be in trouble because I realized all the players are going to show up as well all right here we go we're spawning this thing the dragon spawned in and we prepared to fight oh no all right time to climb this one I quickly climbed up but then I realized he got them all I'm heading back down I think he got all the crystals cuz he's not rehealing oh here he is oh no ah where'd he go it's very oh I hit it where'd he go get him go go go go go oh no yes sir the dragon had been killed so many times so I only got six levels however we got the achievement done uh wait why did I just jump through there oh this is a bad idea oh no wait wait wait wait wait I might actually be dead oh never mind okay d99 was my last chance to hit a million dollar I sold 42 diamonds for 30k so I only have a stack left um yeah honestly it was pretty mid I began to sell everything I could to make money one netherite I should have some left yeah there we go two netherite all right the furnaces are running and while that's running I'm going to list some of my armor all right I just listed that for 30k I then collected all my crops to sell there's another 5K and there's another [Music] seven all right let's sell all that all right let's sell all this we should get quite a bit from this we only need less than 20K oh wow okay wait we might actually be able to hit it with this I might have it wait nine gold 50 copper let's sell this almost 5K dang we're getting so close wait 47 in here there's another 2K I sell eight diamonds we did it we're millionaires we officially hit the 1 mil Mark oh my gosh on day 100 I decided it was time to harness all of my money and power that I have collected over the server and use it to conquer it I started my stream and allowed everybody that joined to join the server and join my team fly boys on the team there we go using my resources I supplied my team with here wait we need this kid to join hey come back I invited him wait let me give him a chest piece we're got to get all of our players geared let me get you one too chicken hold on there we go our army is growing boys hey yo Felix Felix didn't join our team however our army was still growing make sure you stand inside all right you guys ready there's one kid out there all right let's go let's go I'm going we then rushed this kid to try to kill him however things didn't go as plannned yes sir yes sir get him jump him oh no wait wait wait wait why is he actually critting me no way no way I'm already dead bro this game is so bad oh no I'm about to lose all my stuff I had died again however something clutch was about to happen dead again bro no shot wait wait what yeah so this funny little Grinch guy was actually really rich wait I'm actually so confused how did bro have so much money I went back to my base and began to TP my entire Army but things are about to go really bad how is bro so rich bro what how is this guy so rich I placed down some of the gear boxes he had given us to gear up my team however things are about to turn for the worst wait yo this guy thinks he's him what guys get him oh no they they just betrayed us wait no no no no no no no no no oh this is a bad idea I tried to escape into my other base however they were falling following me and things were going bad somehow I was able to climb up the tube and tried to run I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no bro I'm done I'm actually done oh no wait we actually got rolled but I wasn't going to give up look at him bro oh no they're tping their whole team we actually got trolled wait wait they're chasing me I'm hiding the sugarcan F oh no he's looking around he's looking around no he fell me no I'm dead just like that I was dead again but I couldn't quit I got to give it one last go bro I feel so bad for this kid man he just gave me all this stuff I'm going to fight this fight like a man here we go I'm going in wait I know an Escape Route I know an escape oh no I'm dead I then tried to gather my Army and make an attack all right wait we got to utilize our materials here all right I sent you a TPA grab your stuff grab stuff all right here we got some resources bro can you equip a little faster I still see name tags down there follow me here we go for Freedom everybody type your goodbyes goodbye chat all right here we go boys going down no way they left and to No Surprise they hadn't left dude they're still there all right you know what we're breaking out my final kit everything I have is relying on this wind right here for freedom for justice let's go no he found me he found me oh no he's peing I just need to get in the base what is on his sword yeah that's right skeleton distract him distract him oh no I'm dead things were looking horrible but there was still one person who hadn't given up hope and he teleported me to his base whoa yo wait come on brother for Glory get some gear on yes anything you have it doesn't matter the water bucket this is all we need this is all we need bro everybody who wants TP TP to me now we gathered our for forces made one final attack we will Salvage this battle they're still down there so we still have time to prepare let's use some of my money here let's buy some diamonds now we just need to make a little bit of little bit of gear you know there you go bro equip that we had our gear and it was time to fight we're charging [Music] in yo W Northstar what no oh no and just like that the battle was over also if you guys did enjoy be sure to drop a like as well subscribe this video took me at least 80 hours so thanks click the video click the video click the video click the video click the video
Channel: GabeTheMC
Views: 472,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifesteal smp, lifesteal, minecraft smp, parrot lifesteal smp, 100 days, 100 days donut smp, 100 days life steal smp, 100 days FAKE life steal smp, lifesteal smp copy, minecraft lifesteal smp, public smp, smp copy, minecraft movie, minecraft 100 days smp, minecraft smp war, minecraft public smp 100 days, 100 days on public minecraft server, gabethemc, GabeTheMC
Id: owjHIJJ8aMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 44sec (4244 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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