I Built a Secret Base in a Secret Base

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do you ever get the feeling someone's watching you well the whole time I was building this island this guy named chief actually was you can see him in my recording watching me this is him invisible on my Island asking me what I'm doing and this is the secret base he used to do it complete with a window so to get revenge I just made a secret base right under his nose like literally his nose this is the statue of his face okay but let's be honest as funny as this base is it's not really enough Revenge from him stalking me for a month but I have a plan I'm going to find his secret bases the places where he feels the most safe from the rest of the server and then build my own secret base inside without him knowing but I don't know where any of his secret bases are so I think I'm just going to start by looking through his face it definitely seems like some weird stuff is's going around here I mean he's got a door that uh leads to nothing a random bookshelf in the middle of the floor he's got a disco room um which is cool I guess he also has an attic and apparently a sniffer named Sniffles up here hey but when I was looking around here I noticed something a little weird with these trap doors let's see oh we did it what is this is that an M what what is this this looks like an Avengers meeting room or something I I feel like Nick Fury is going to come out of the walls and over here I guess is probably the exit oh this is just a cave well I don't know what this base is for but it's Chiefs and it's secret so let's make a secret base in here I'm thinking I'm going to use these composters as a way to open it which shouldn't be too hard to make okay I think this door should be done uh but to use it I need to grab some bread this will make sense in a second so let's take our copious amounts of bread and test out this door so what you need to do is put a bunch of bread in both composters at the same time oh okay try number two okay there we go let's go I'm thinking we decorate this room uh basically like the outside I think I need to replace that with a wooden button but anyway I like the design of this so i f we should just steal [Music] it okay so I need some frog light from the farm and I think I have some leftover glass in my Island going to take a bit of this and I realized my diamond miners actually have a secret Second Use uh getting a ton of deep slave and now we should be able to get decorated guys I just logged in I left this door open because I was going to build this room and I come back to a sign that says you want to play a gate what is going on so I guess I probably don't need to decorate this room it looks like Chief placed the sign and then finally finished the exit I'm be honest I thought I was just going to be able to completely deal with Chief and have him not notice anything and just be able to get away with this but I think I may have underestimated my opponent okay there's no way he found my secret base over here right with the okay it's probably fine I mean I wasn't online so there's a good chance he doesn't even know who built the room all this means is I need to find his other secret bases which shouldn't be too hard because luckily whenever he does something on the server um he posted it on the internet so let's just go to his first video on the server and see if we can find anything that will help us now in this video chief has one carrot farm and luckily he has the coordinates in the top left of his screen so I can tell where it is so uh we're going to take a little field trip all right check this out I bet you've never seen someone do this before ow yeah I mean that that was probably impressive okay um so this is not Secret at all it's a few hundred blocks out from Spawn and uh right next to the massive raid farm that everyone uses but it's probably still worth it to investigate so let's see unless there's a secret compartment uh inside of this Meep statue there is nothing interesting going on at this Farm I mean there's not even any carrots anymore but don't worry because uh that's not the only farm that Chief has in this video near the end he's farming on this massive farm and if we look at the coordinates it is way F farther out you know I will say the nice thing about having uh insane people on the server is that if you need to get to the nether roof you just have to fly through this massive Hole uh it's definitely convenient okay this looks very promising so if we fly up and turn around woo that is that's a lot of carrots yeah these these videos are not faked this is a lot of carrots so I looked around and I didn't find any secret bases here so I think this Farm is the secret base I mean I don't think Chief would ever expect anyone to find it uh and he definitely wouldn't expect anyone to find it and then build their own secret base in it but as I was about to start building I got a DM from Chief I thought that he might be on to me uh but he was actually inviting me to be part of an operation tomorrow and obviously this is pretty suspicious so I immediately went to spawn to investigate see if we can find out where he is he seems to be down there somewhere I want to go down there I want to see what's going on let's see this is down here what the heck I had found a door yeah I snuck around for a few minutes and only saw Chief Building a piston door and then my invisibility potion ran out and I had to leave now running out of invis potions is not good if you're trying to stalk someone Chief knows this because when he was stalking me he brewed shulkers of them and I'd go and Brew more at my base um but this this is my base right now it's covered in up obsidian now I'm pretty sure who did this um because if I go over here there's another base covered in obsidian but this one is covered in obsidian on purpose you see this player named whimsicle decided to build an obsidian box around their house uh to protect it but I thought it looked really ugly I thought it looked really ugly so I put a sign that said it looked ugly and then I went inside and I named the rabbit obsidian won't keep their base safe so thinking about it now like I kind of do deserve having my base covered in obsidian but it's ugly all right this does look ugly anyway I'm going to come over here and using just my mind p Powers I'm going to dissolve this base all right watch this all right um glad I was able to use my mind powers on that and you know what I wasn't that mad about the obsidian box um before I had to remove it but the fact that it might have taken me somewhere around 2 hours makes me a little annoyed and I want to get revenge on Whimsical because no one is going to put that much obsidian on my base and get away with it but at this point I realized I had too many things in my to-do list so I decided to save the revenge on whimsicle for later and focus on my venge on chief for now I brewed up some invis potions and went to check if Chief made progress on a secret base which he had but it continued to not be very interesting cool door though so I decided I would finish the carrot farm base before his event tomorrow considering it's completely carrot themed I think the base has got to be carrot themed as well I mean that's that's just got to be fair so this is kind of going to be a mix between really stupid uh and really cool I do actually need to steal a carrot for this don't worry I replanted so I'm just going to build this door and then show you um and then you'll see okay you guys can't laugh at this uh this Redstone because I don't think anyone has ever made this door ever all right what you have to do is you got to place down water and now we wait [Music] okay oh it opened there we go boom so this door is completely wireless because water can make Farmland wet through blocks and so when I put down water the Farmland gets wet and the door opens but as you saw it takes a sec for that to happen another thing that makes this door kind of suck is that after you activate it and then leave the room it just randomly opens a couple times oh yeah like that anyway it's not much of a secret base if it's just a dirt room so I'm going to decorate it so I've done some decorating it is going to take a second for you to be able to see it uh because of the way the door works oh there we go and look at that boom look at this beautiful de look at this beautiful inside all right I can't really mess with the uh the top because this is the ceiling but look at this it's it's simple but it's funny because she spent his entire video trying to farm carrots over potatoes and I just put a little potato farm right in the secret carrot base I don't know I think it's fine I'm going to actually what just happened is that a Minecraft mechanic maybe chief of some anti-p potato measures that he took at this at this Farm uh I don't know and now it was time for Chief's operation I figured that if I wanted to stalk Chief this would be a pretty good place to do it and if I helped him out he'd probably trust me more in the future so it was time for operation portal Heist his whole idea was to remove the giant portal at spawn and put all the materials in his secret base which was a hole with a bunch of chests no I thought this operation would be a little more interesting but it was just mining a massive portal and I had Revenge to carry out so I left specifically I wanted to get my revenge on Whimsical and before I built any secret bases I enlisted a couple people to help me remove her obsidian Cube and replace it with glass which was much less ugly I also added a sign that said those who live in Glass Houses should not cast stones which I thought was kind of hard unfortunately Whimsical was not too happy with my Renovations which I learned after running into her at spawn what's up is's it going going terrible because of what you did to my house what who did to your house the LIE apparently didn't work because she told me she left a present for me at my base letter to the court Dear Mr bacon waffles you spelled my name wrong you've been summoned by the court you are getting sued by whimsicle for multiple claims such as breaking and entering trespassing vandalism hate speech public defamation intrusion that's not spelled right Lying by Omission emotional trauma you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford an attorney too bad well I'm really rich so it shouldn't really make a difference if you spell my name wrong does that make it not legally binding you know what I'll just make another one should I make another one no no yeah I'll I'll let the whimsicle logged off and I knew I couldn't let this whole Court thing slot and so the only option that's really at my disposal right now is really the only thing I know how to do and that's building secret bases now in Whimsical base there's a trapo and if I go down there is a very nice hidden base underneath but it is missing something and that's a secret base made by me I'm thinking I'm going to build a key card door basically if you throw the right item onto a block it opens the door I'm going to keep this invisibility potion in case Whimsical decides to log back on cuz if they found me building a secret base in their secret base that might be something else for them to sue me for and honestly I think I'm good with the charges I already have but you know they probably won't log on and we'll just be careful oh shoot don't come down to your base don't come down to your base please don't come down to your base everything looks normal everything looks normal bam they are right up there okay they're not going into their base I don't know what they're doing should I Spy on them hold up you think I can get away with spying on them now I'm just curious oh they are right here I cannot move oh I cannot take damage I cannot okay if I if I didn't log off there I would have started taking damage if I started taking damage that I definitely would have been heard okay I'm Not Dead I don't see her I think I might be safe okay so I I can probably just keep working on this and hopefully uh she doesn't show up okay so whimsicle is still on but uh she hasn't showed up in her base in a while so if I just replace everything right here and I throw in a carrot okay not working what's going on here awesome so we're going to oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God [Music] oh that's bad oh my God oh my God she doesn't see me why do I oh my inant just ran out why does this always happen why do my secret bases always get found oh my God they didn't see me oh my God they didn't see me oh my God what oh my god do they have another secret base I think they have another secret base okay I am going to grab that oh they're coming back up they see they're Stu on to know here no shot no shot hey hi I was then trapped in a very awkward conversation about what I was doing what is all this I don't know you see I was coming into your base and I found somebody had built this I was just digging around and somebody built this uhhuh My Lying skills not very good but it doesn't even matter because I saw whimsicle going down into an extra secret secret base which would be a perfect place for my extra extra secret secret base that she isn't even going to know about but I think I'm going to wait a bit to do that uh cuz I don't think I should get caught again so while I wait I want to find some more of Chief's secret bases because I'm not going to stop at just a couple I want to find them all I could build something in his little operation base but considering he showed it to me I don't think he'd care too much but after watching another one of his videos I think I have an idea on where a base might be okay the detective shop is right here and honestly if I were Chief and trying to hide something this is kind of exactly where I would do it Chief used this detective shop to find this vill named Gary who is now his pet I guess okay we got two paths I'm going to go down this path first but all I found down this path were random tunnels I don't know why these exist I've been seeing them around these like tunnels and I think they might have something to do with a capture the flag game that everyone played a little bit ago so I decided to try the second path let's hop on down what is this no peeking my only lead for this base was the possible Capt of the flag tunnel so I watched Chief's video on that but I didn't see it in there and looking at the colors it looked more like something that a player named Tazo would make um here's another one of his builds for reference but even though the base I found belonged to the wrong person the chief video did have something useful I think I found Chief space okay so check this out bam so if I just go like okay you know what it might be this one okay final yeah okay never mind this isn't even secret anymore who Okay um okay this is actually a chief base Ian that that's his head I'm going to take this actually anyway there are these little doors around that lead to Rooms which I could maybe use for a base I don't know uh but I'll figure something out and while I was figuring out the door I decided to go back to Whimsical base she wasn't online so I felt pretty safe looking for the secret base I had seen her going into earlier nothing going on the crafting tables nothing behind here either okay oh oh that was easy this is just a water cave I think oh wait that's what she wants you to think it's like under here be weird though cuz then feel like oh it's probably inside of the tree oh my god oh what the what was that bro bro she was right up there she's right up there what the hell what the hell what the hell what the hell bro what is this time what is this timing oh my god dudeo dude that was actually the scariest experience of my life after like 5 minutes she finally got out of sight of my Hiding Place you want to do it just do it now I need to stay shiing the whole time now you got that slowly but surely but if I unshift then bro oh how you going to get down oh God break the ladder break the ladder and repl [ __ ] noise oh my God oh my God don't go down your Secret Base do not go down your oh leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave and then replace them on the way back [Music] nice oh my goodness oh my goodness nice going nice going I'm doing great I'm doing great I'm really stressed out right now guys you got it you got it got it okay once I got into the secret base I didn't want to push my luck so I burrowed into a wall until she logged off and after all this I wanted to get this secret base finished quickly so I logged on the next day to build it so I'm back on hopefully whim is not going to log on uh but if she does I have some invis whim left another letter for the court in her base unfortunately I've never been in her base in my life so there's really no way that that I could even find it so whim is logged out right here which means that if she decid to log on for any reason she'll probably see me immediately so I should probably hide so the idea I have for this would be a very very simple design which is good because the less Redstone it uses the better boom we have a secret room the secret room doesn't have to be super fancy but I'm going to decorate it a little so um waa okay so you might look at me and say this is ugly but I think it's funny looking so that's okay anyway I can't make an actual ceiling um because this is the floor of whims base so if I make a ceiling and she might one block down this is going to be found we can go through this uh secret entrance right here into our secret room I guess I should probably pick up my stuff here and then we can leave the secret room by pressing here and boom now we have the perfect place to do whatever we want um inside of whimsical actual secret B that she thinks I have no idea about this is perfect this is awesome I'll only really know if it's successful um if she doesn't say anything to me about it for the next couple days also it's really funny that she left a letter to the court inside of her own base knowing that I'd come back here but whatever it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because I'm not a to grabb it because I've never been inside of her base ever in my life okay for legal reasons so now that that's done I can get back to Chief secret bases which will hopefully be a little less stressful though it is a little worrying that since I was last in this room they built a flying machine with a netherite block I don't know where they're planning on sending it though because I think there's just ground above there anyway I have an idea for this base so now I just have to make it so I've made some changes to these levers now you won't notice them if you just use the levers normally but if you go like this [Music] okay it worked if there's enough spamming it will eventually open probably no honestly maybe not now for these secret doors I don't think anyone has ever made this secret door before um so I completely designed it myself and I'm not going to lie I'm really proud of this I'm sure that people who are way better at Redstone than me could have done it way more Compact and way more beautifully but this works and I completely made it myself using only one tutorial that told me how to turn a lever into a button and this room does actually have a use this is where I'm just going to put all my stuff that I don't care about cuz I have a lot of junk and I had nowhere to put it but now I have here inside of someone else's secret base I do now need to decorate this little room and make an exit because I always forget to make an exit okay we're finished with the secret base inside of the secret base now I don't know if you guys understand how cool the Secret Door is look all right you hit this three times which is what it's supposed to do if you push it up it it doesn't work this has to be up then you have to hit this two three and then hit this only way to open it I'm very proud of this okay can you guys tell I'm proud of this I'm proud of this but we come in here and as you can see I've decorated this um interesting L it's kind of supposed to look like a Tazo room um and I put these here because these are like the flags that were used in the capture the flag War which is what this main secret base was built because of so if they find this they'll probably just think that it's like a capture the flag base that was never discovered but in reality I'm using it to store all my junk so now that that base is done I need to find more of Chief's bases because I know he has a few more but I actually have a more pressing problem remember how Whimsical said she was going to sue me well today I will be getting sued and this is the courthouse where it should happen is this like preparation obsidian and glass cuz this is like the two things that were covering the bases interesting so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be ruled guilty because I am guilty mostly So to avoid going to prison I think that the best thing to to do will be to create an escape R I also have to do this fast because if anyone logs on and sees me doing this I mean that's not going to bode well for me in the trial so let's see where's the best place to make them using these chairs could be a good idea okay so if I go like this oh that's that's too slow if I go down here I need this to be a really good Escape place so we're going to go deep and then I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to place obsidian over me all right this is like a life steal trick it'll work on the outcast members 99% and now we're in a cave what I can do is I can come down immediately fly here okay maybe not into the wall then there's another portal a convenient nether portal right here and we're free we're free let's run through it one time so they call me in I'm sitting in the witness stand or whatever I don't know and then oh things are not looking good all right so I stand up here and I go like all right listen all right ah Bam Bam Bam place all the obsidian land in here okay whoo whoa whoa whoo whoo slash some invis go over here smack the wall uh come back up they they can't get to me cuz there's obsidian I go through the portal and we're home free oh it's over it's so over for them there's no way they're going to catch me there's a lot of ways they could catch me I had some time before the trial and I needed to find more of Chief baces so I scheduled a meeting with a player who I thought could help me find some no I've just got my uh my game face on you know this as as you do this is Tazo he knows a ton about the server and is also the person whose style I just copied for a room bacon I'm scared what is this for what are you going to it's not bad no it's not bad okay Taz I know you love secret entrances right yes come over here all right check this out all right yes it's a secret entrance that's a crisp that's that's a crisp one I got this all right all all right honestly this is not okay this room is kind of sucks but I thought it was really funny to build this inside of Chief's head uhhuh so do you remember like a few months ago when chief spied on my entire video without me knowing yeah I do let me take you some places all right this is exciting oh yeah it's it's a little hard to get out did not make it out you got to run you got to run okay so the goal is to build a secret base in all of his secret bases I showed him a couple of the bases I built and then asked him about the mysterious base in Chief's detective shop you built something in there right wait were like a little secret base that has like it's your colors I've no I don't think I built like that yeah I mean I know about the one like in the back here that's one but there's like a weird stuff in and it looks like your build it looks like a build by you yeah no I didn't build this I don't know like I thought Chief made this maybe he did I mean let's see no peaking this is a chap thing to write I mean that's the thing I mean it is in Chief's like own detective shop so like it would make sense what is I don't know I don't know how long this thing has been around for I don't even know if it's I got you I got got you oh oh wait hold on I can just fall back down okay I still wasn't entirely sure if the room was built by Chief but I at least knew it wasn't tazos but luckily Tazo actually had an idea on where an old Chief base might be do you know about like the room that's like kind of under the ground there that like links up to the effective shop is there one wait hold on follow me follow me when Chief first built the detective shop he built like this I thought this was to capture the flag thing I thought everything around here was a capture the flag thing actually it passes under yeah under my base like I don't know how many people know about this room I kind of like this room it's it's nice this actually seemed like a cool secret base and unlike the other one I knew it actually belonged to Chief but before I started building that secret base in there I needed to make sure I wasn't late for my court date as I arrived I realized something are you the judge yeah Chief's the judge I was pretty sure Chief had no idea what I was doing but it was still kind of funny for him to decide whether I was guilty of building secret bases in someone's base we both said our statements and after hearing everything yeah I was definitely guilty but instead of judging himself Chief had his sister make the decision don't ask me why he chose to do this I I think he was visiting his family or something I've witnessed a lot today I hereby determine you both bacon waffles and who's on trial whims Whimsical a bacon waffles and Whimsical I sentence both of you to craft some mindes oh honestly Chief's sister did her best but but she doesn't play Minecraft all right you know what all right I'm going to I'm going to repair this a little bit bacon waffles and whim zel you two are going to have to work together and put aside your differences and I want you to do it by building a m shaft together oh my God I want you to build the most beautiful M shaft this world has ever seen I'm going to be honest if I was Whimsical here I would be pissed too well that was a very successful court case all right guys you've got your assignments um don't wait up on me oh he just I was actually a little disappointed I wasn't able to use my Escape Route and I still wanted to show it off let me show you what I would have done right look look look at this I had a whole Escape Route I was going to escape this was going to be awesome all right uh can I can I borrow the Escape Route oh whenever you want now Chief told whims and I to work together and I thought that might actually be a good idea though not in the way he was thinking I think the Real Enemy here is Chief okay ooh I think so too actually he's a bad judge he spied on when I was building an expensive Island for a long time and it was a little traumatizing um that's how I feel when you spy on me okay I get that so I I will show you something okay Al so you agree you admit that you've been spying on me well now that we're out of court yes I knew if I wanted whim to actually work with me I'd need her to trust me so don't be mad at me I know this is like your secret secret base um I might have built a base underneath it but I think okay do you like the decorations first of all no she didn't love the secret base but luckily she was still down to work together all right well thank you for not putting me in prison it was honestly good to not have multiple enemies anymore and I knew I need whims help at some point if I wanted to keep these bases secret from Chief but now that my legal troubles are hopefully over I get to work on the secret base Tazo showed me and apparently there's an entrance inside of Enzo's base too which is faster oh dude but a little hard to get into okay so I have a crazy idea for this door check this out this might seem stupid but hear me out I've already made like two different doors that you open by putting water in stairs so what if instead of opening a door it opens a control panel that you can use to open a door that's cool now I was trying to figure out blocks that you could use to control stuff I was really thinking like a lect turn or a chiseled bookshelf the problem is that they don't get moved by Pistons does a chiseled bookshelf just break when you that's really unfortunate but there is a block that actually does work with it um and it's cauldrons I didn't think of these first either but cauldrons can actually be used as a control panel is you can put water in and out of them but you can also take it in and out with bottles and then put it in other cauldron and using bottles this is three different modes that a cauldron can be in and comparators can see that probably it can actually do nine different things but that sounds like an insane amount of redstone so I think we're going to stick to three and as you can see it looks like a normal base right there I mean this is crazy this is just the most secret thing ever it's awesome okay so I've basically made Redstone that can tell how much water is in this cauldron so one bottle boom if I come down here the one light is on bam if I put in two then this light is going to turn off and then this light over here is going to be on and then for three this Line's going to be on and then the other two are going to be off and so now that I can see how many bottles of water are in this cauldron I can make this into something that can control three different things with this one block [Music] okay I think I'll finish this Redstone machine so I showed you guys this boom but let me show you how this works so I'm going to put one bottle of water in here and then I'm going to hit this water bucket and that opens up this secret Barrel over here look at this I can put whatever I want in here um I don't know exactly what I want how about two sticks seems like a good thing for now I don't know dude this is only the first bucket now I was a little bit jealous because there was a pathway to wo's base his detective headquarters and miles's base and no pathway that led anywhere I wanted it to lead all right I don't care about any of these places so I go and I put another bottle in here activate that you can hear a little activation I decided to make my own pathway that can lead into wherever I want then I realized there was no way to get back up and so I started making a water elevator yeah honestly uh kind of wherever I mine is redstone I think you can guess that this is not going to end well oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no are you serious are you serious are you serious are you serious well I know something broke because the door closed on my head this is not good that's a lot of redstone on the ground okay the damage wasn't actually that bad and I was able to fix it also I came up with a different use for the pathway this will be my Redstone entrance this gets me into my Redstone this is on purpose and I want this to be here just don't put any water down it cuz then that would break things whatever uh that's not the cool part the cool part um and I haven't tested this yet so this definitely could not work is the third mode so if I put this here and then activate it honestly this probably was working and now it's not because I broke stuff but whatever whatever we're going to [Music] trust this is the secret base entrance now it doesn't uh lead to a secret base yet but is this this is kind of cool right let me let me show you this again all right we're going to do an instant replay all right bam is it closed hold up I see the problem here guys all right let's try this again it opens we knew it could do that but can it [Music] close yes it can oh I do still have to actually build the secret base I have spent a long time on the entrance and also two other useless things that I decided to add on because I thought it would be cool and you know what it is cool I'm thinking for this room we do a library which might seem a little bit random but I do actually have a plan for why I'm going to build it okay guys so this is the library I built look at this I mean this this looks like a pretty good Library this looks like somewhere where there would be books and I actually have a plan for these books because me and Chief's beef doesn't just stay on Outcast right it goes all the way out into the YouTube landscape because of the things that people have been commenting like people must have thought this Chief thing was so crazy because I got comments in my videos where people seem to think that they were talking to Chief like it's my comment section chief can't see you so I'm going to take that comment and I'm going to put that common in this book and I'm going to put these books in these bookshelves and so these bookshelves will be entirely full of people talking about Chief spying on me now this was actually a comment on Chief's video and there's nothing wrong with it except for the fact that they called me Jason all right into the bookshelf okay all of these bookshelves are now filled with random comments uh that are talking about me bad like this one haha crying laughing bacon didn't even realize crying laughing honestly this might be weird um and like a little obsessive to make a room just full of books with comments about me in them hey Chef Guy I actually I I kind of like that one whatever um I think I'm the normal one here and I am the good guy so I'm going to leave this this room now because uh we're very much not done yet but this room this room is done we finished this room you know what I haven't finished getting to 500,000 Subs so if you're enjoying the video I'd super appreciate it if you subscribe cuz getting you guys to subscribe is the only way I'll get to 500k trust me I've tried everything else anyway I really wanted to know for sure who owned the Myster ious detective shop base and there was only one person other than Chief who I thought would know Chief's good friend miles take a seat take a seat so I've got a few questions to ask you but with Miles being friends with Chief I wanted to take precautions I just want to make sure that you're honest with me so as a precaution um if you say anything that's a lie um he is going to get it okay so no you don't want to happen to Tiny miles right so I'm going to need you to answer everything honestly if if that's all right with you do you know who's this is it's built like Tazo made it why what do you mean why this is a this is taz's hat oh it is yeah it's also Chiefs colors you know like blue white for the eyes bit black here for the suit and eyes now miles didn't flat out tell me it was Chiefs but and also Chief's suit there's no way this is Chief's suit I've never seen him wear this ever so now that I got that cleared up I think I'm going to do what I do best and uh build a secret base in here the problem with this room room though um is there's not much you can do with it there are these Brewing stands over here and there's this lever which I think used to say no peeking now I have an idea but I need a block that can activate a door but looks completely normal the block is kind of new uh you might have heard of it suspicious gravel that's the idea here and if you're wondering how I'm going to use that to open the door um I'll show you o I've been looking for a while uh and this looks promising oh there we go we found some you might be thinking how are you going to get suspicious gravel because this pickaxe is silk touch you break it yeah it's it's just gone immediate like completely gone and if you use the brush on them to get the item out uh it just turns into normal gravel I don't have a brush but you're going to have to trust me on that but there is actually one way to get suspicious gravel oh no okay so it's not that all right let's try this again so what you got to do you have to place down okay you got to block off the water and then you got to place down some cobwebs then you just break this block and oh not again bro this is really hard okay there better be more suspicious gravel here bro okay this time no no no crazy stupid things just going to be normal just going to be good it's going to work okay all right look at that so now they're dropping through cobwebs oh there we go and if you let it fall for long enough it drops now we got suspicious gravel now this suspicious gravel if you brush it won't give you anything but it'll work well enough for what I'm trying to do so that's all that matters as I was about to start working on the door I got a message from Whimsical she wanted to do something to get revenge on chief of course I've been doing that this entire time but she doesn't know that anyway I figured a little extra Revenge couldn't hurt so I joined her call and she explained the idea I found out that CH has a pet named Sniffles it's a sniffer by the way I wanted to put him in a little torture room yeah um okay I drew a little okay so you you want to hang sniffles over fire mhm this is the perfect place for a secret sniffer torture Center whim started building the room and it was my job to transport the sniffer there can sniffers swim um you know what I'm touching that up sniffers aren't like real animals right no all right I'm going to Splash both me and the sniffer with invis so that this is top secret I don't trust that other people aren't spying okay I actually don't like the fact it's invisible anymore oh all right it's hanging now um oh oh that's that's all down oh okay okay I'm stying to feel bad it's still on a leash it's still on a leash wa you're to feel bad now well we're kind of too you know deep into this whole mission so I've got to sniffer on a leash now there's no turning back yeah okay good news if you look above you you won't be able to see anything cuz it's invisible but there is a sniffer right at the jiren base what the heck is that noise what is that what are those particles oh it's sniffing it just sniffed a root a torch flower seeds thank you sniffer and after a bit of building we finished the room we ready yeah all right sers follow in yay oh w Wait that was easier than I thought yeah oh it's dead now now are you ready to what if it falls into the lava that'll be really embarrassing fell oh uhoh oh are you going to die sniffer you got to stay oh oh did you give me fire resistance I must have accidentally given you fire resistance all right so the sniffer is currently just like not again oh my god oh okay that was my 100 death oh my goodness that's awesome all right so I think we can finish this off now oh look at that ooh okay it looks that cool wow it is really bouncing it's having fun you see I told you all right look at that so we can work together and make a to torture chamber I guess we can so with the sniffer set up in his new home I could go back to working on the room where I was going to build the secret entrance this shouldn't be the most complicated Redstone in the world uh so guess we'll start with this brewing stand okay brewing stand was the easy part the hard part though is I need to get suspicious gravel in here without it being obvious that it wasn't here originally so we get gravel there and then we just drop some suspicious gravel right here place the sign back oh I got to make sure I place the sign back right and now it just sort of looks like there's gravel yeah this does not look suspicious I don't think that you would uh that you would know something was going on here unless you know you actually knew okay I think I got all the Stone working but I do want to test it so this is the Hightech uh tester basically if this dropper spits out the head then it works so first what you need to do is you got to put the right amount of stuff in this brewing stand so if you put in like 18 Redstone it won't be enough Redstone still on or if you put in too much like 18 Redstone and a splash potion of invisibility then it'll be too much and the Redstone will still be on but if you put in just the right amount which is just one splash potion this Redstone turns off and then all we should have to do is come over here and just give this a little brush I think that should have activated it let's see uh down here oh it worked it worked oh let's go and just to make sure we're going to put the head back in there if we take this out then we hit it with a little brush boom head's still in there okay works perfectly so out part of the Redstone Stone but I still need a place to put the door and I was thinking you could enter through one of these rooms maybe this room right here that seems like it'd be pretty hard uh because there is blocks everywhere there's like nowhere you could actually put Redstone for it to work but I found something that I think could make this work I think it's going to be pretty cool uh but I have to make sure that it actually works okay I think I'm honestly just going to try this uh to see if it works because sometimes things just work first try usually they don't so we pop an invis potion in here oh try number two put that in all right it didn't activate already off to a better start than last time now we just come over here open that up nothing suspicious looking here well there actually is VAR a suspicious gravel right here hit that with the brush there we go boom and then you can go through here and hop down I hope that was cool but this room of course needs some sort of use and I actually have an idea because this is going to be my second to last room so I think all these secret bases are really cool all right I think Chief is going to be impressed and a little bit scared uh that I did all this but a little bit impressed and scared isn't enough all right I want him to be like oh my God how did you do this and if I want him to react like that I'm going to need to do something crazy crazy something like stealing his favorite pet of all time and putting it in a secret base that's that's what I think I should do you guys remember Gary the Villager I was talking about well Gary the Villager is now a zombie and CH spent an entire video trying to give this zombie the best day ever so obviously you know he really cares about and because of that I want to welcome you oh I kind of didn't finish that whatever it doesn't matter to the Gary locator room I'm going to use this room to find Gary Chief's zombie and then I'm going to steal him I didn't finish the ceiling I KN I knew I was forgetting something I didn't finish the ceiling of this thing before I did the okay I'm not going to lie guys that's kind of embarrassing it's it's done now though just pretend it was done when I landed here whatever look at this zombie head anyway uh we don't have a huge amount to go off of on finding Gary all the info we really have is from his video trying Gary lead number one is right here this is where Gary uh seems to be being transported from if I can find this tunnel it might just lead right to where Gary is hell and you might say bacon why do you need a room for that so I can write down signs this sign is really important and if you're wondering what the exit is because the door does close from above you what I do is I just go out here place the blocks run this way and I end up in the mass of abanded Cobblestone Farm that's here uh that nobody ever goes in anymore and then I can leave so I think the tunnel should be around here because we were able to see the farlands in the background there they are see if we can like line up the perspectives just to figure out where this tunnel is I think we found it I think this is the exact staircase Landing it up yeah okay this staircase is where Gary came out of this is where he transported him from so if we follow the tunnel um what is this is this scary no that's it's just a normal zombie the staircase didn't actually lead anywhere but I kept searching there's one more place the chief leads him out of um let's give you the best this Tunnel right here which appears to be right behind the hot tub there's a tunnel there should be right around here oh okay oh I hear a zombie there's no shot I hear a zombie is this just a normal okay you guys are holding eggs why are you holding eggs um this searching is not going well I saw a player named wzo who was also with Gary in the video with Chief so I thought he'd be a good player to ask wzo let me take you to my meeting room is this just don't be taz's head No not taso's head come on who do you think I am dude ah Chief's head much more civilized you're right here it's a very short door okay run and you okay so you fail I try that again try that one more time there we go you're friends with Chief right unfortunately I just noticed uh I was watching his video you were one of the last people to see Gary um do you have any idea where he's keeping it well I don't believe this was in the video but he did throw a dance party for Gary I remember this day like it was yesterday bacon we were we were all dancing on here having a great time and then what happened to Gary after that I found I don't bacon is you don't think that's that's scary right okay no that is it is a zombie villager though that is that's freaky wait is this a zombie villager or a vill or a zombie with a zombie villager head boom boom okay let's cover that up and never speak of this again so it seems like you don't know exactly where Gary is no not exactly when's tried his best but not very helpful so I think I'm just going to do some searching myself what the hell this is like an this like an evil version of my tree house who is building an evil version of my tree house what is going on here is this a hot dog so I mean places that he would put it I feel like hiding it in his base would be a pretty normal thing to do I mean we checked the attic with wzo it wasn't there but maybe he's like hidden it somewhere around um around here okay if I check this Zombie's name tag and its name is definitely not Gary I think is what it's called at the moment that's going to be pretty funny oh that's yeah that's I think what is named yeah that is that's Gary that's Mary oh there's two why did he give Gary a sword I feel like that's going to make my life harder but he did leave it in his base which I guess makes my life life easier why did he leave a zombie there I made a whole room to plan this out you know what I'm documenting this in the room all right we're going to get a sign out never mind none of this even matters Chief just had him sitting in his house and this whatever dude so basically I was thinking that Gary would be kept in a secret room and so I'd build a secret base in a secret room and then keep Gary there this uh is not a secret room this is Chief's public house and it's on the is on the first floor now looking around this room there aren't a ton of places that I could use to activate secret bases but these barrels uh I think could work but the problem with most doors that use like a barrel or something is if somebody's just like messing around and just decides to put some stuff in the barrel the Secret Door could just open and we don't want that this doesn't actually lead anywhere uh I just built this to show this as an example so what if instead of making it so that if you accidentally put the right amount of things in the barrel the door will open you have to put the right amount of things in the barrel and then put the right amount of things in the barrel again and then put a different right amount of things in the barrel for a third time in that order then you've just kind of made a combination lock uh which I think are pretty good cuz everyone in real life uses that the problem with that is uh that's sort of complicated to do in Minecraft and to do it I'm going to need a lot of comparators Y I'm not going to lie I thought I had enough comparators uh I was like oh there's no way I need more comparators than this I need more I need more comparator okay uh this if you're wondering is what a combination lock looks like in Minecraft or at least that's what it should look like if I built it right this design was made by crafty masterman and all I did was make it so it worked with Chief's weird house if I did this right it should it should be completely fully working now so if you throw just a bunch of stuff in this Barrel nothing happens obviously all right we we already went through this there's only one way to open this door uh and I'll show you how so what I have to do is put in a specific amount of items and then go to this Barrel put an item in and then that should lock it in then I put a different amount of items in item in here locks it in and then I go here and I put a third amount of items in lock it in here oh my god it worked oh my god it worked oh my god dude I I'd like to say that that was the first try but that was actually like the 10th try and I've been trying to get the stupid machine to work I was in a call with the creator of the entire combination lock and it it finally worked so yeah anyway I thought it would be funny to put it here where there's already a door whatever that's not really the point the point is that it works okay so now that it works we can actually build the room under here which is going to be nice uh cuz I'm really tired of working with that stupid machine I've been doing it for too long all right let's grab my stuff and get in oh all right this is the room and I'm not going to keep Garing here because a uh this isn't far down enough and you'd still be able to hear him uh which you can tell because you could hear him uh from up there but also you know for this final room that has Chief's most prized possession in it I'm not just going to have one layer of defense and as you can see this room is very empty except for this one button but if you press this button it doesn't do anything and that's because there's no Redstone attached to it but even if there was it still wouldn't do anything my plan is when Chief tries to go find Gary I'm going to take him through every single secret base I mean I built them and he didn't notice them so I think I should show them off and this is going to be the final room and so for the final room I want to do something kind of fun so my plan is this button does nothing if you press it normally and the person who's going to be pressing it normally is Chief I'm just going to tell him to press the button and it's not going to work once I do something very specific like eating food on a specific block the button will suddenly work and then when I press it the door will open so this door itself is not going to be that complicated but when I'm showing it off to Chief I can make him really confused but right now uh this is just an iron box so let's go make some Redstone there are definitely some disadvantages to being on a server you know people stalking you and things like that but the nice thing is uh if you need something sometimes you can just go into someone's base uh and take it some people call that stealing that's yeah that's what it is that's what I'm doing look at this house great materials boom that that's all I needed okay so let's see how this works we got a button here uh normally it does nothing you can press it a million times and not nothing is ever going to happen but if you go to this very specific block which I feel like I can do kind of without anyone noticing I'll just go like you know like here watching him eat that suddenly the button does something boom that okay that piston should last a little bit longer but it works this actually might be the most simple room I've done but it might confuse Chief the most okay so now we I still forgot to fix that door we need a place where we can put there and right down here is where I'm going to do it I'm going to decorate it a little bit first watch this boom all right um wow look at that I really tried to decorate it uh like Chief's house because I don't want to hurt Gary and all this all right I want him to feel at home so I decorated it with some random trap doors um an interesting wall and ceiling design a random pillar because Chief seems to like these and I really hope that all these make Gary feel all right while he's in here because again I just want to torture Chief Gary did nothing wrong so with all that done all the rooms completed there's really only one question how am I going to steal Gary now this shouldn't actually seem that hard he is just sitting here but I don't want to steal Gary when Chief's offline that's just kind of mean and not only is it mean it's not cool at all will Chief actually be impressed if I do do that I don't think so I want to steal Gary right under Chief's nose while he's online but I have a plan that'll get him online but also distracted so that he won't notice when I'm stealing him and that plan involves someone who I think now is on my side and doesn't like chief that person of course is Whimsical yes I have a plan okay I don't remember if I told you about this but I've been building secret bases in Chief secret bases um oh what yeah a while ago he stalked me while I was building an island and I I figured I had to get revenge so um you want that's valid I I get that basically I've built all the bases but I want to do something that will really get his attention you know something that'll like really like show him that I I'm better than him you know like he can stalk me when I'm building my Island but I can do things that are better and what I want to do is I want to steal this pet zombie Gary no not Gary it wouldn't be that hard to steal Gary um because he's right here but I feel like it kind of be a bad move to steal it while he's just off so I was thinking a while ago we built the sniffer uh thing I don't think he ever noticed that yeah I don't think he did either so I was thinking if you could get him online and like show him the sniffer thing and maybe be like I stole your like your most prized pet or something like that then he would be distracted as you're showing that and I could steal Gary and put him in his in a secret base do you want to see the secret base though that I cuz I I think this is pretty cool I'd love to you know I didn't want to move Gary very far I wanted to put him in a secret base that is complet accessible from Chief's house so if you come over here this Barrel seems normal you can put stuff in the barrel and nothing will happen but if I put an exact amount of items in this barrel and then I put something in this Barrel like an Enderman head take it out then I put another amount of things in this Barrel put an Ender head in this one and then I put a third amount of things in this Barrel put an Enderman head in this one and take it out what should happen is this door opens who oh and then close oh okay how long did it take you to make this there was a full tutorial on how to do it and it did still take me like 2 days all right boom okay now we're down here ow okay oh okay you okay I'm fine I'm fine okay room is very special okay all you have to do to open the door is press that button did I could could I rese is it did not work no not really try it again you it really it should be working try okay try it one more time okay that's weird that's that's weird it really should work I don't know lowkey when I've been testing it sometimes it's only been working when I'm doing it so let me try oh there we go oh I forgot to make it long I forgot to make it long okay whatever okay was that kind of cool was that kind of cool why are you doing it wait here I'll show you the secret there's a reason I'm doing this by the way I'm not crazy for flying around hold on okay basically the button doesn't do anything when you just press it but if I eat standing on this exact block there's a scul sensor that picks it up and then when I press the button the door opens wait what and then press the button oh it's okay yeah it's really short I need to make it long I should make it longer and I'm glad I tested it I'm glad I tested it but we'll just break this again because whatever if you come down here you die this is just where I'm going to keep Garrett ooh it's a fancy spot it just sort of looks like Chief's house was the goal here it's like random blocks and trap doors and stuff just to make feel I was always wondering about that so the plan was set we would organize a meeting with Chief to show him the room and I would fix the door all right the day the heist came and whim called me right before with some news um so you know our plan right yeah um my internet is it's not really going great for my internet right now Whimsical internet wasn't letting her join the server so she was just going to have to lead Chief to the sniffer room with him sharing his Minecraft screen which hopefully wouldn't be a big deal good luck good luck to you as well byebye all right Chief guys on so what we're going to do drink her in his pot take off all of her armor remember Gary has a sword I'm putting out a to for this do you see the little XA Bush right there that one yeah yeah yeah can you break that yeah and break the block below that yeah what I want to do is dig out a hole underneath them and we're just going to start digging down all right let's get Gary under ground just jump in we decorated it so well don't you think I hope you like it I need to not get hit I'm going to hit this boat no not like that if I break the boat that'll be really bad no I'm just hitting it I'm just hitting it oh that's not really working okay uh water strategy no it looks great hi [Music] sniffles what how you doing buddy are you not like a little bit distressed I I would be if I didn't accidentally find this like 4 months ago oh no no no no no no oh no oh no that was like the worst possible scenario there I'm not even kidding I was like oh that's I don't know what it's relating to but I'll leave it alone I was like oh stles is fine yeah of course that happens that was entirely on me all right what I got to do of course is not go that way oh man here I am thinking oh yeah this is going to be free and easy no it's not of course it's not nothing ever goes right oh he's breaking the door oh okay hey Gary okay you're the important one so come here into the boat anyways how was your Memorial Day weekend what Memorial Day oh yeah sorry I'm American um Freedom Baby Boom look at that oh how did you get out of the boat what okay this is the good amount of punching the boat oh no oh no what is wrong with you Gary why must you do this to me that's so unfortunate oh my goodness yeah baby get pranked get pranked sucker woo oh I'm not even invisible [Music] anymore okay down he's down he's down he's Down Bam Bam Bam Bam where's my final whatever uh we don't need a final block I'll just uh strip this myself bam okay let's just dig down a lot here oh no and that's where it start oh no do you want me to act surprised oh my God could you do it again and like act super surpris I got you I got you I got you oh my sniffles is that you okay we do not have time to worry about that that is a minor amount of redstone okay well I guess what that means is that there's no Redstone here anymore so I can make this uh into a hole oh that's a cave where is bacon anyways that's the only thing that still worries me no idea I think he's like doing his own project or something oh yeah I think he's like pretty far away I have no idea he said he'd be on um yeah cuz that that's the only thing that's still worried me is the fact that I just didn't see him that had been like raising my anxiety a little yeah no no you're good you're fine and that voice just definitely made me a little more worried okay you do not Escape your boat and if you do I got a little boat surprise for you all right oh perfect perfect and then Gary you just slowly go down do not oh man oh that's a creeper okay oh perfect Gary's going all the way down exactly what I like to see and know the creeper will not be led down down here and no I will not die to Gary boom Gary's right here perfect perfect perfect and then all I have to do let push him here Falls right into the room why would I do anything to you Chief come on you're hanging my pet against his will in under lava um um I mean do you love that pet no exactly I love Gary if you could have taken anyone you should have taken Gary that was kind of your mistake and then all I have to do cover up the ceiling and it's done burn the evidence perfect now we leave we leave okay and chief gu's gone okay uh literally perfect timing so now that I had Gary my plan was almost done so I sent a message to Chief informing him of my new hostage and before I showed them all the bases I went back to all of them to make sure they still worked because I was not trying to be embarrassed by one of them malfunctioning on and I also had to fix the Redstone that I accidentally broke during the Gary Heist and also do you remember the first base that I built something in but then I found a sign and I got scared well that ended up not even belonging to Chief it was made by another player who decided to build their base in his base for some reason I can't imagine why someone would do that but finally it was time for the reveal okay so Chief is about to get on this is actually what um I've been waiting for the entire video this is basically what this entire video is led up to um and if this doesn't go well I will be incredibly sad bacon M waffle zero you just like pretend you didn't know how to say my name no you know what I have a place where we can talk a little bit all right uh follow me it's right here oh wait on my head yeah well not on your head it's more like kind of in your head what did the door just not open the head was the one base I didn't check because I've been using it and it is never broken until now apparently wa oh look how that opened up oh my God that was crazy yeah um oh my God this will not happen again do you remember 10 months ago when you stalked me I never stopped you never stopped I don't really believe that yeah it was a complete Bluff yeah I remember that when I when you were building the secret Island and I was spying on you from the secret Island I don't know if you ever thought like you know maybe Bing wasn't too happy about this and wanted some sort of Revenge uh I'm going to be honest I I didn't think that far ahead well that's probably good for me because um it's happening now oh God Follow Me Chief we have some destinations to go to all right come on through this portal not that one this one actually works does this uh does this area look familiar to you is this my uh carrot Farm if I come up the hill I should yeah I should be able to see some carrots yeah oh my God my carrot farm this is your this is your secret carrot farm right the one that you you had in the war let me show you something this is okay what if I told you that there was actually a secret base within this carrot Farm yeah that actually be kind of sick I I feel like I believe I feel like it's linked to this dirt block h no that's not a crazy well that's that's a good idea but that's not actually here it's a little bit cooler than just hoing it all right check this out okay yeah screw the hes you check him woo yeah I don't know what to make of this you got to wait a sec you got to wait a sec you know it's like all right all yeah I can keep I can keep waiting just give a sec yeah I I'm at the edge of my seat right now mhm oh there we go what how oh wait here wait here uh what how did that wait but how did that just work how did you do that what the world's first completely wireless uh water door carrot that's door I first off I have to say I'm genuinely kind of proud that was it actually linked to this dirt block I mean kind of I could have put it like anywhere here basically oh it it uses Farmland when like water hydrates farmland and it gets moisturized yeah oh that's genius but you know why stop it ter you know cuz I feel like that'd be a little anticlimactic so follow me back through the portal and we are going to head back to spawn let's go over here in this general direction oh don't tell me don't tell oh let me let me just take a wild guess oh down here is the team hkt secret HQ operation and uh there might happen to be a secret base inside the secret base maybe maybe you know what I'll let you try and find it you don't have to break any blocks for none of these you know for any I I didn't make you have to break any blocks so just look around for a bit see if you can figure out you know make some guess okay is it underneath the Pistons there a lever there is not maybe it's got something to do with the furnace and you have to cook something I have nothing to cook I'll tell you it's not that maybe it has something to do with the trapo or this one or this one or this one okay do trap it has to do with the levers the levers got to be coordinated in a certain orientation now that would be really obvious like I feel like that would just activate like by accident like five times you're you're absolutely right I don't know how I could have been so da here you know what do you want me to show you I feel like this might be difficult what you have to do you have to go like this and then like that and the secret base will open you see if you can do yourself wait what all right so you flick this one up and then I go one two three there we go look at oh my God and it's Tazo colors yeah I um and flags I just I decided this was my I decided to make this my junk room as you can see I st my I can't blame you honestly I I do have Stow way junk Tendencies so this this makes perfect sense you know I figured so that in case you did accidentally find it you would just think that Taz that honestly that the Mind Games brilliant Mr Waffles so so that was everything and Gary's mine now no I think you'll you'll know when Gary's yours oh okay anyway follow me all right so come down here yeah this is pretty easy we've all been down here we've all stolen from here you know it's this is this is not but yep I happen to know that if you come over here o you got to really there we go yeah you'll find you'll enter my secret operation yeah what a great room that's a fantastic room and by no way there would be a secret base in here correct you got me you got there's the secret base in your Chief I had a feeling this one this one's a little complicated okay so you got to start off by opening up uh the control panel okay what uh okay those weren't there before were they no it's here it's they they disappear reappear you know they what this Secret Door is a little bit different all right because sometimes I don't just want to open a door sometimes I want to do other things that's what this has allowed me to do so let me show you let's say I put one water bottle into this cauldron uh-huh now what that has done is this is the first mode and so when I activate it by putting water inside of this cauldron we have our first activation which opens up my secret Barrel over here oh I use it of course uh to store Chief heads you know I've collected yeah no of course of course yeah yeah you know just as you do that's my little secret fa but you know that can't just be I have a whole control panel here so I unactivate that I grab a second bottle that's on its second mode now so if I put in the water you'll hear something else and if you come up here um I'm going to be honest this one isn't as cool don't jump down there this is just my Redstone um access place in the janitorial yeah this the janitorial thing I was kind of jealous that you guys had paths and I didn't so I wanted to have my I I completely understand but we un acate that the real interesting part I'm going to be honest the other two they're all right but the real interesting part is the third mode okay you might be able to guess what the third mode does but if I put another bucket or another bottle of water in there and then I activate it it presents me with Gary I was not going to be able to guess that no what this is my library oh my go dude this is so sick and there's buttons wait hold on the buttons I a man who understands what I'm sorry the buttons don't actually they're just here for decoration they're just sometimes oh but the Chisel bookshelves the chel ins there actually you want to grab a book a random book and just read from it yeah uh it says the book in quill and it says bacon is the one member life steel member that it would be the least likely person to trap you can't think of name name 4138 wait a minute wait wait a minute wait a minute this island is cool confetti confetti but cheap is sus hushed Eric thezman 6768 wait a minute wait a minute I watched that Chief guy spy on you while you made that Lucas these are the comments in my video were your video isn't it mhm oh my God what the attention to detail I got a lot of comments Chief some of them were even me look at this this isn't very nice bro thought bacon was clown Pierce crying laughing I I will say it's a bit insulting to your integ really a little bit insulting all right that's not clown Pierce could not build this well actually he might be able to but he didn't no no no no no Double Down double down yeah clown Pierce could not build this yeah exactly right that's what I've been saying and so now you've got a library you've got a carrot base you've got an hkt base man and you have Gary but I'm sure you're ready to give him back now right um I mean you know we're getting there our next destination is some place that I think you will know pretty well o it must be miles's Mom's house um no it's actually your detective sha uh home sweet home Mysteries uh it's okay it's seen better days a lot of people it really has you do have a little secret base inside here I do it's my secret little detective operation where I'm doing you know big Recon Ops okay I have a question why what is this why are these okay that those that was that was cion that was cion uh no peeing I don't somebody changed it to that I think I think it used to say no peeking that wasn't me though that's what I recalled yeah anyway I think you can guess there's a secret base here oh my God I would have had no idea I bet it has something to do with a brewing stand you know what you're actually right actually I'll even tell you which brewing stand it has to do with this brewing stand I don't have any brewing ingredi I'll put a potion in there for you all right all right all right all right this doesn't do anything on its own because I feel like I was like you might just use the Breo stand all right so I think it also makes sense if it has to do with this no no trap doors yeah no maybe I have to hit it a bunch of times no this is probably not what you were expecting all right what you got to do is you got to take a brush [Music] wait what I I'll show you how to get into it you got to do all right so you brush [ __ ] you got to come under here and then you got to come under here and then you drop [Music] down all right I'm oh Chief oh hi yeah uh genuinely stuck what are you doing down there I I don't even have a pickaxe I don't know how I got myself in this situation oh I don't know either okay and then underneath the diamond block there we go got it welcome this was my Gary uh search roomel in some random hle people with info W up never mind wait hold on so you were trying to find him and then you just realized he was just in my house the entire time yes yes I that's exactly what happened you know I am just realizing I didn't even bother checking if he was even in the house still when we started this thing so if you didn't even move him I could have gotone on this whole goose chase that would have been really fun this one I just tried to make it look like a I'm actually quite proud of how this one's designed I think this one's nice it's got It's got a cute little look to it unfortunately what it makes what it hasn't looked it loses in the fact it doesn't have a normal exit you have to run down this tunnel uh and then come over here and then go through this nether portal and jaren's Cobblestone Farm you had to go through the nether portal all right so I remember you were saying let's go check your house to see if Gary's there let's just do that right now all righty oh that's that's Mary his wife she spent a lot of time breaking down doors she broke a lot of doors before I got her contained a that's my Mary that's my Mary I decided I didn't you know I didn't want to move Gary too far from home so actually I made Gary completely accessible from your base wait actually wait so Gary's somewhere here sort of oh my god oh that's that's not mine I'm sorry that's that's wook wait what it's w secret base why is everyone building secret bases in my house I don't know this one kind of sucks compared to mine you know like Locker combinations at like school yes yes yes yes I decided to do that with barrels because you know with a normal Secret Door a lot of people just make it like oh you just put some items in a barrel and then boom the door opens but that's very easy to accidentally activate so I'll show you how to open this door you cannot do it accidentally it's honestly kind of hard to do it on purpose oh God the final step is you put six items in okay and then you go in here and as you do place an item in and you take it out take it out and then the door opens go in quick quick quick quick quick go go go oh oh oh no okay it does you saw wao it just opened up oh that's so crazy oh and then ooh a button should I just press the button this one the only way to open it is to uh press the button [Music] oh did you did you press it I am pretty sure I pressed it are you sure is there another button I feel like you're not pressing it right how is this not working okay you know what you know whatever whatever you want me to press it yes please okay sure fine what how how I feel like you just didn't I kind of told you you just had to press it man I you're you're right you know what this was a me problem you're absolutely right um now you actually might like this because you can just hop right [Music] down dang it okay oh here we go Gary I love you oh my god oh that was immediate and and and very hurt hurtful wow I'm sorry man he and I have some things to work out well that was it you know that now you can be reunited with Gary woohoo oh Gary I love you buddy you got to stop getting so close to a man it is not safe uh I have 12 questions though okay uh one how do we get out of here there's an exit okay two when can we leave we can leave now I hope you enjoyed and were uh intimidated by all my secret bases oh no I'm thorough no don't get me wrong I'm I am thoroughly intimidated by your ability to stalk people now well that's that's exactly what I was trying to hear you know I'm going to go edit something and probably cry a little because I'm not sure if you're going to be looking at me in real life too now [Music]
Channel: Baconnwaffles0
Views: 1,379,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XynSQ6s6t6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 48sec (4368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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