This Trap Breaks Minecraft...

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the problem with nether portal traps is that if you break any of the outside blocks the entire portal break so that means when i break this block right here the portal is just gonna wait what see this giant machine breaks the laws of minecraft by letting you make a portal with no bottom meaning anyone who teleports will fall right through and if i combine that with the hole to the void i can make an inescapable trap that my enemies will never see coming because it shouldn't even be possible so this rune portal right here looks like a perfect place to nailed it dig down so we can build the trap to make the void part of the trap i'm gonna need to break a bunch of bedrock and so to do that i need to so now that we have this pickaxe all we have to do is just and that is one bedrock broken i'm just kidding guys that was a texture pack you can't actually break bedrock with another right pickaxe what you really have to do is you have to build one of these i think i'm pretty sure this is gonna work oh come on wait why is there lava coming down okay i think it did break the bedrock we got the bedrock there we go i think that should mean that we did it we did it okay we finally broke our first bedrock [Music] normally dying wouldn't be a big deal but this is on the lifestyle symphony where if you kill someone you steal their heart but if you die to natural causes your heart is just gone forever and if you lose all your hearts you get banned so this death brings me a step closer to that but i can't worry about that because i have to figure out how do i get down okay you know what we're doing it oh my goodness it's such a bad idea okay i think that might have been it oh my goodness i'm gonna be honest guys this probably isn't that cool i'm sure this is not the first time you've seen someone break bedrock but this has taken me so long to do we did it this took so much longer than i thought it would so that means that we're done with the first part of our trap all right editor me can you play that sound effect again and like just spam it now just spam it up keep playing with this done we can move on to building the actual machine i just want you guys to see this clip uh because it's it's really crazy so i log in it's a little bit laggy all right i'm a little bit worried that you know the items aren't appearing my inventory but let's go i'm in fire i throw the pearl and then i disconnect the pearl's about to land about to take me to safety but i threw i sold the bag because look what happens the next time i log in yeah i'm dead well i guess it's not a bacon waffle zero video if i don't die and lose all of my stuff oh shoot oh come on i need to mine out a giant area for the portal slicing machine and i think the best strategy is just to blow up a bunch of tnt honestly i don't know if it's the best strategy but it's definitely the most fun one so i think we're just gonna go with that you probably saw the chat being spammed and that's because there's about to be a giant server wide war and i am not in any gear to fight but i do need to find someone to trap with this machine and this war might be a great place to make some anime quick war explanation this guy named prince sam built a wall around capital city and called it the prince sam empire people got mad want him dead and now there's a war so what if i start my own empire in capital city if i build a much smaller wall around a random area and call it bacon land it would not only attract some enemies but would also be extremely funny [Music] all right bacon land construction has begun this is actually looking pretty good but i need to find some more polished beeps i guess baconland does need some beds and probably a book would be good there's got to be some polished deflate somewhere no mapic mapic maping apparently building bacon land was more dangerous than i thought you know what no more mr nice guy and if no more mr nice guy means i'm gonna die twice trying to get through the nether to spawn then i was right because that is exactly what happened eventually i got my friend spoke to escort me back to spawn where maypick said he would give me the heart but when we arrived i got a very ominous message from spoke except for the stack of uh iron blocks now killing me in the middle of a chaotic war zone that's an honest mistake but killing me when i had no armor with a sword called bacon sucks yeah i think that was on purpose so that didn't go how i thought it would but it was a success in that now i have a target for this portal track now you may have noticed that there's a fundraiser on this video and that's because in honor of technoblade for every donation to the sarcoma foundation through this video i will match it up to a thousand dollars if you can i just want you to donate literally one dollar that might not seem like a lot but if everyone who watched my last video donated a dollar it would be enough money to buy 450 000 big macs or donate 1.8 million dollars to check basically every donation counts so if you can donate please do back to the trap i still need to clear out a massive area for the portal slicer which means i need to so i've got the schematica for this it's basically just like a massive hologram that shows me where i'm supposed to place the block and it looks like i need to go way farther that way and farther off and to make mining this a lot faster i need a beacon but i'm in no shape to fight a weather luckily my friend daunter gave me the nether star i needed to make one and actually a little bit ago when i was breaking the bedrock i was complaining to him in vc about how much of a pain it was to break out the area of bedrock for the void trap and at the time he agreed and was like yeah breaking bad rocks of pain but then i found out that he had carved out a multiple trunk wide void trap all by hand in the middle of spawn which makes me feel a little bit silly for complaining about mining out a 6x4 area one of the great underappreciated joys in minecraft is just blowing up stuff so we don't have all the materials yet and most of this stuff isn't mined out but i do just want to start building it just so i can like sort of get a sense of how easy this is gonna be okay we are done with one layer it might be red but i'm not using cobblestone for all this because i just don't have that much cobblestone lying around it looks like the second layer isn't super expensive either we just need some powered rails but luckily i have some extra gold so we can just take that and how do you craft a powered rail okay that should be enough of those we also need some pistons so i need to get some second layer is done and this is moving really fast right now but there's one layer that just has like 2 000 powered rails on it so i'm not too excited for that one for now we'll keep making progress though wait so this jump i'm assuming i have to jump to the ladder in the back here yep oh no no remember if i lose all my hearts i'll get banned off the server which means being at one heart is not a good situation dying so much is embarrassing because now everyone thinks i'm bad and i mean it's true but i'd at least like to you know have everyone have the wrong impression of me than them think i'm just awful at minecraft you guys ever wonder why i don't start a hardcore series i don't think i need to explain it but on the bright side the third layer is completely done it is on to the fourth layer and luckily someone gave me a pity heart so that if i die i will not get immediately banned for this next layer we're going to need over 200 repeaters as you can see there are just rows and rows of repeaters so oh i guess i should probably grab this redstone i feel like it'll be useful getting materials for the repeater started off pretty easily i just find out a massive chunk of a cave to get stone but the problem is trying to go through caves to find redstone when you're on two hearts is a hard process like i knew that it was risky to go into the mines but this witch literally one shot me and there was like nothing i could do like my shield doesn't even block that and that put me back to one heart and the problem with that is that if i make one mistake i will literally get banned off the server which would be terrible content so not only did i have to get my friend planet lord to help me get my stuff back i had to make a business deal with red ones just so i can keep making this video it wasn't even that interesting but i needed to do it so i could have more than one heart the mistakes that i made at the beginning that i thought were just gonna be funny little deaths are turning into a massive problem for this video i think i'm gonna stick to strip mining for a while and once i got all the repeaters i just have to place them all right i think we are done with everything from this layer uh except for these slime blocks but it's okay we can just worry about those later for the next layer we have to place 1 hundred blocks we just gotta cover this entire thing and blocked oh it's gonna take a lot of money and while i was doing this my friend spoke came by to um help out oh my dude let me show you the spoke area you're down here if you just want to jump down here oh yeah that's the spoke area ain't going there i have power too on my boat yeah i'm going to die in one hit if you shoot me with that oh wait i forgot it's not one hard are you so hard to climb up why'd you make this water so good with scaffolding god oh my god get out of there that was insane all right i've finished placing all the blocks for this layer so we can move on to the next one but do you remember when i said that there'd be a layer that was just like 2 000 powered rails well basically i have to put powered rails on all the blocks i just placed so we do have some leftover gold from just like mining around and we can definitely craft into some powered rails now we're out of gold and i don't think this is going to be enough powered rails to finish the project i'll try though okay we are out of powered rails and we're not even close to done to get that many powered rails i think i need more gold than i could like possibly mine for so my only option is to build a gold farm the only big thing i'll need to build the farm is 45 stacks of magma block which might be kind of a pain i realized that trying to mine for magma blocks was dangerous like five minutes into mining if you have three hearts you just have to avoid every single piece of lava or else you will just die but luckily i was able to get out of this one okay we're fine honestly i have no idea how i got out of this one alive i mean i'm pretty proud of this play you could just see this i mean i was i was freaking out a little bit but i survived now you'd think after two close calls i would maybe say okay it's time to go get some fire resistance pods but i just kept going mine it away and finally i just fell into a massive pit of lava i was kind of freaking out but i actually got out of the lava oh my god am i crazy imagine me when i'm being gasloaded am i crazy so now i had to get my stuff back so i decided to just run into the nether with a stack of blocks that is absolutely wild oh no okay wow you know what it's as wild as my incredible journey is on the livestream trying to avoid death nah the world is competing but somehow i got my stuff back after that death i realized i needed to change my ways i needed to take more precautions i needed to be more sick this is getting annoying at this point i know i can save my stuff but the question is can i survive okay we're live i'm really good at the game i think that's what we can establish here also we're almost done we got four more stacks oh my god i'm probably gonna die before i get these stupid stacks i just don't really know what to do right now i'm on one heart which means that if i die i will just get banned off the server and revive me as a massive pain and being on one heart means that it's really easy for me to die i can't grind for hearts because you can't do raids on one heart so i don't even know what i can do i don't even know if this whole project's gonna be possible if i'm being honest i think i'm just gonna log off for the day i was at my lowest point yet but i had put so much time into this video already that i literally couldn't give up like that was not an option so i woke up the next morning and asked the lifestyle smp for help and luckily a player named woogie agreed to lend me five hearts which would let me grind raids to craft hearts of my own woogie agreed to meet me on my base so i sent him the chords and waited for him to arrive at that guy that's fair do you have a place to read oh my you're bad i was about i was really i just got banned in probably the dumbest way possible i couldn't log on and work on my project i couldn't make any progress on this video until someone revived me and that didn't happen until all right do we just do it now one let's revive bacon waffles yes yes i don't know what's going on there's a lot of fighting going on spawn i'm just happy to be back we have some work to do oh man i missed this place i mean for you guys that was maybe like 10 seconds of me complaining about being banned but for me this is three whole weeks i mean i started working on a whole different video over here first things first i needed to gear up so i went to an old base that had some villagers in order to get some enchantments once i got some gear i decided to get back to work mining magma blocks but before i did that i wanted to get some fire resistance potions because i learned from my mistakes eventually the problem was i didn't have any nether war but planet lord said he had exactly one that he could give me now i thought that this would be a pretty normal transaction like he's just giving me another war there's nothing that weird about that but as i went to meet up with him i saw that he was being chased by a wither dude i legitimately don't know i can't fight the wither on three hearts and then planet lord died to the wither but luckily he left me pretty clear instructions he said get the wart can't get the wart oh did my lawyers get banned planet lord just got banned off of the server for trying to give me nether war and after that heroic sacrifice i knew that i needed to complete this portal trap if not for anything else to make planet lord's death worth it okay okay we're running now in my last video i built a secret base for my pet zombie leroy and he's doing great he's on a different server anyway but i'm trying to get more subscribers than the number of leroys in america and i have some bad news i did the math and there are around four leroys being born every day which means that since my last upload there have been over 400 lyrics born that means that we have to catch up fast and that you need to subscribe honestly i forgot why i was even doing this but it's been going for so long that i can't just give up now we're going until we win so subscribe so this bit can just be over so we still need to build this gold farm which means we still need to get more magma blocks but this time we're coming prepared and we're not going to die like 10 times [Music] we're not it's kind of crazy that no one's built a gold form on this server i mean they're illegal dude are you sam we did oh yeah that's true we did literally build one but also still around apparently spoke had already built a gold farm and there was a chance that it was still around which is something that i would have liked to know before i mind all these magma blocks before anything else though i wanted to do some raids to craft some extra hearts because walking around with three is kind of a pain and actually maybe we should just power through with the hearts we have folks that meet the coordinates of where the gold farm used to be and when i got there there was actually a gold farm why is it covered with tnt it's so good then it's still good didn't light it okay so there is just a massive gold farm that already exists on this server because of course there is because why wouldn't you're going to be very careful while breaking blocks so the gold farm was actually real but it was covered in tnt and somewhat broken it's time for operation fix this stupid gold farm that is actually not stupid because it means that i don't have to build one so the piglens come over here and then they fall into this hole where there should be minecarts completely on my own and with no tutorials whatsoever i fixed up the farm that just happens to be the same design as the rayworks gold farm so here it should be safe okay i'm so scared okay and we're just gonna do this we're just gonna go for it okay and they're angry now okay oh well those guys aren't weirdly enough oh but okay now they are all right and the moment of truth oh they're dying wait they're dying [Music] okay this is good actually i don't know if there's like a way to turn this off but i think i just have to purl down and i hope i don't die all right i'm curling down i think that they all die if i curl down oh there are pigs in here oh that's so much cold swords though wait those are filter emeralds why are the filter emeralds in there okay 31 gold blocks is a pretty good haul for having afk for like 10 minutes now i knew how i was gonna get the gold but i still wasn't sure how to get the slime until i came up with a genius strategy i was expecting it would be like a pain to get all the slime blocks and stuff uh but no no i i all i have to do is steal a little bit and stealing is easy oh my goodness if you guys are angry at me just know that it's going to a good cause and i think clown peers already got all of the use out of his casino he got like 20 hearts from it all right anyway i don't feel bad i don't feel bad for this i'm doing the correct thing here i think this is honestly all the slime blocks i need now we just have to keep afk for gold and i'm just gonna let you guys watch this replay shot i mean look at this look at these piglets isn't this satisfying all right let's go check how much gold we've got so let's just go down there okay uh now this is when the pig men start falling from the sky but it's okay oh my god oh my god it's just a rain just oh my god this is so many nugs over two stacks of gold blocks we just need like a bit more honestly we've been afking for a little while longer and i mean you can see how many levels i have i think this will be enough gold stop picking up the gold he's just eating the gold bro hey okay come give me back my gold oh my god this guy was hoarding bro oh no oh no that was a bad idea oh oh they're all angry at me okay um oh no pearl please land i think i just broke the farm but i'm pretty sure it doesn't matter because we have enough gold to craft all the powered rails we need let's just crack open one of these and bam oh my god look at all those powered rails we're so rich in one thing in particular unless you want to build a very long powered railway i can't imagine why it would be useful but for us for us it's very useful obviously i didn't come up with this portal slicing idea i learned about it in an sb737 video and knew that it would make a sick trap when i saw it but i had no idea to do this sort of stuff so i did some research and the main thing that i learned is that there are a lot of very smart people who spend their time playing minecraft the design i used for this was made by a guy named kazarks who was the absolute ghost and this guy named xcom made a 45 minute video just explaining how update suppression works and i watched all of them these guys made a pethernodel in survival minecraft which is definitely the best use of update suppression that i've seen so basically i'm glad other people are smart so i can leech off of them to make this sick trap but i do feel like the amount of brain power that these guys have could be better used to like make them a lot of money or something instead of just making these sick minecraft designs so i can't say i'm complaining okay we're almost there are you serious i think that's most of the powered rails all right now oh that's embarrassing oh yeah i mean i guess i did it here and then just forgot to do it in all the other places i fixed that mistake made a few finishing touches and then all right i actually think we're done now we've built a lot this is a massive massive project and it might be done if this actually works now before i do any portals licensing i think you might notice a problem if i don't go through the portal there's no way my enemy will think it's safe to go through and it won't work that means that i need a way to go through this portal and end up in a different place than my enemy ends up and that might not sound possible but it actually is very possible and is quite easy if i go through the portal normally and i just go through i end up right here however portals don't just care about the portal they care about where you teleport which means that if i go around here and teleport from the back left of the portal i end up at this port that means that i can go through the portal come out completely safe but then when my enemy tries to go through they uh fall to their death all right i think it's time to actually split the portal so we turn on the machine the portal slicer didn't work and here's what lifesteal runs on something called spigot which is a server optimizer and one way it optimizes the server is it takes redstone and it goes like it makes massive redstone builds like this completely not work and i needed a way to make it not do that i did research i messaged server devs i even tried to do it myself but nothing i tried work finally i was just able to convince the server owner to change the server from spigot to vanilla alright so the server has been changed so if i didn't build it wrong it should work i just gotta make sure everything over here is completely powered off basically this machine powers and unpowers these rails super fast which glitches them to stay powered when they're not supposed and all these rails being glitched lets you do some weird stuff now we just need to break this and replace it okay it's working all right let's relog and see if it's still working it is wait and this turned off okay all right so this actually this is pretty cool on its own honestly but portal's still not sliced you go through this portal you will still land on these obsidian blocks so we got to go through another few steps but before we actually go through any steps we have to just update all of this redstone it is very satisfying updating just a large amount of redstone at once i will say that it's still a pain though but the real real test if this works is gonna be this step so we need to take our powered rail come over here and place it down and now we re-log okay this was happening in my testing for some reason the rail just disappears but i think if we just keep placing it re-log in eventually it'll stick okay it's not sticking i'm gonna see if unloading the chunk with the rail place does anything i don't think it will but i might as well try let's see what ended up happening to the powered rail okay it's still there but i'm guessing if i re-log it won't be so let's just check oh it was did i find the secret did i win i don't know we're about to find out so here is the moment of truth all of this work has led up to this moment and i really couldn't have done this without so many lifestyle members that helped me but basically what we have to do is break this redstone block which then puts this block right here in a state of like oh i'm not actually supposed to be powered this redstone block doesn't reach over here but for some reason it's still powered mostly because this guy is you know not telling him that it updates i don't know man minecraft's weird and you're about to see it get a lot weirder if this actually works so uh oh my god we did it let's go so nervous that this wasn't gonna work oh my god all right let's relog seal it in i'm just kidding guys i think i added an explosion there and edits i think that would actually be kind of funny right is that funny so we don't really want this bottom part we only really want this top part uh so bam this portal works like a normal nether board um as you can see bam teleports me right into the nether so if we come back let's just see it worked did you see like how fast that was how fast i just fell there's no way i could have gotten out of that and if that was a hold of the void i would basically i would be dead by now i heard that this update suppressor can also do some other things so i want to try out those other things real quick all right so if i just do this place that and then i just come over here if i place this on there yeah guys okay so um yeah this uh this does have some other uses but obviously we're not here for those okay that would that would have been a lot cooler if it actually went in we're not here for those uses we're only here for one thing and it's just the best trap in all of minecraft this is so sick well it's not actually the trap yet it's the trap i'm gonna practice going through the portal the right way because i do not want to mess it up when there's actual void there all right moment of truth so this is just i got to do it in a way that looks natural this looks pretty natural i think we go through okay we end up in the safe place okay it's worked really well like five times in a row so what happens if i don't really try super hard to go to the front and i stay up here oh okay yeah that worked all right i think it's finally time to finish this trap once and for all and break the obsidian oh my god we're just going to come around and put buttons all on here okay this is not nerve-wracking at all all right there's a lot of buttons now [Music] all right this uh the trap is a trap now i'm not going through this portal until i completely have to which will be when i have a mapic with me but how was i gonna get mapek to go into a portal hundreds of blocks away from spawn well i was being very secretive about my video and whenever people asked about it i would say i was building baconland and because basically everyone knew about my bacon land antics during the war it was a pretty believable story so i told mapic that i had built baconland and i wanted to show it to him because he had attacked me when i was building it during the war but this still completely sounds like a trap however he thinks the trap is going to be baconland which means he won't be as suspicious about a nether portal that's supposed to take him there and even if he does expect a trap i'm confident that once he goes through the portal there's no way he can escape it so i got him on and it was time for all of this work to finally pay off i will take you it's like a few hundred blocks through the nether it's not the worst travel in the world so what's the deal with bacon land it's just a massive redstone contraption yeah you'll see i don't think i could even explain it too well um okay oh i didn't almost die yeah do not do not die is this it um yeah okay yeah so it's just like a little bit past this portal here oh okay yeah this portal is just like yeah uh gotcha okay big potato oh they're gone holy mobs [Music] i oh my god oh my god i just fell through the bedrock it was a success and i finally got revenge on mapic but afterwards he asked me why wouldn't you just get hearts and kill me and he had a point this has been the most difficult project i've ever done in minecraft and there are a thousand much easier ways that could have killed him just as well as this but none of those ways are as cool none of them would have been as much of a struggle as this project was and at the end of the day what's the point of minecraft if not to spend hours and hours of your life on the dumbest project that you can think of [Music] if you enjoyed check out this video where i built a super complicated secret base for my pet zombie and if you can please make a donation i promise every dollar counts way more than you'd think
Channel: Baconnwaffles0
Views: 1,983,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bacon waffles 0, bacon waffle, baconwaffle, baconwaffle0, baconwaffles0, baconwaffles
Id: zFfCtrFAX_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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