1,000 Viruses vs Antivirus Software

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Necessary_Pudding896 📅︎︎ May 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
i think you got some butterflies going on man free minecraft fair share oh that looks sketchy access violation dude that seems very important get there [Music] since the last video i've had some pretty strange things happen to me somebody got my phone number somehow and texted me but they were nice it's like they hacked me and then they were like hey man i got your phone number uh you you've been messing up it was like a nice hacker they were they like knew me had sympathy and were like what a loser let me help this guy out i've had pop-ups on my phone for some reason it's unsafe network or something i got an email labeled free bitcoin they emailed me amen we heard you loud and clear get bitcoins free that's what i wanted if i can get them for free then i can sell them we got you free bitcoin man but it's fine everything's fine i went and took a bath and uh naturally we're gonna take it one step further uh we're gonna go for a thousand viruses thousand viruses and now you might be thinking what an ignorant weirdo this time it's gonna be a little different though because at the end according comment section was like hey do a boss battle anti-virus versus the viruses so i did a little bit of research and i was like you know which virus software is the best which one is going to do the best job of cleaning these viruses off did a bunch of research i'm looking all over reddit after kind of doing all this research i came to the conclusion this is what i did i got all of them i got all of them all the antiviruses versus my gaming laptop at the end we're gonna scan them all at the same time boom boom boom boom my virus my wires are gonna be going off on each other mega boss battle at the end let's get this bad boy turned on [Music] there we go oh yeah there we go if you're ever having trouble logging in and something slow just click it over and over and over again that's usually what i do so you might have noticed uh i've made a few changes we've got the butterflies they don't go away and then my cpu are just at idle running in performance turbo mode kind of hovers around 50 apparently connected to your local area network you know your wi-fi the viruses can access the other computers and so what i've done this time is i just um connected it to the hotspot from my phone that's probably safer i mean it's a phone right it's an iphone can't hack iphone right my mouse is much larger now very large which i think for ult for viewing sake that's kind of you know that's nice and i also end of last video installed um bonsai buddy but you have to run him as administrator which is probably safe he's a little monkey and he swings around hello i'm glad to see you again so let's just continue on our journey of seeing how many viruses this laptop can get before it really just takes a crap how simple i was at the beginning of this video thinking we'd just install another round of scam your grandma software from an iphone hotspot we're using almost all the ram but i scraped parts of the internet that make a denny's back alley dumpster look like a fun afternoon fishing trip it gets dark even darker we spiked up to a hundred percent cpu usage there doing nothing i think it's gonna be a little slower a little slow going this time but i did get some suggestions from the comment section on various things we can do yeah this is much slower than i expected this is uh this is gonna take a while bear share free download bear share oh that looks sketchy dude oh yeah i remember that my mom was ticked when this one gave us a virus oh removed that's right there's this link that says start and it probably does the same thing i searched bear share and i get simple browser tools instead which is good it's like the same thing oh yeah our baidu browser by d oh there's our free internet tools [Music] sure yeah oh old versions.com oh yeah give me that old bear share baby nice bear share version 10 install adware no yes typical accept and install bear share i think it's broken oh no fair share it's broken oh no double utility install frost wire i remember frostwire it was like less scary than limewire so that's why i definitely did not use frostwire to download music they still have an official page so they're probably safe yeah let's give that an install oh yeah ad-aware dude another adware dude i have all the adware some of y'all were like that's not a virus dude i've been using viruses or bad dot exe for like five years and i have no trouble with it might wanna get that checked out man all right downloading frostwire that's nice let it do it in the background we'll open up good old microsoft edge that'll do us right free minecraft 2022 latest version excellent i wouldn't want an old version click on the button to start the download i'll click this one too just in case and then i think there was one more yep i'll click that one and then i'll also click oh that one there we go excellent get it for free install professor and reach the rank you deserve that's exactly what i i've wanted oh look but minecraft installer is done i have read and accept dude this looks legit we got minecraft host process yeah sure yes just click yes pro poro foul yeah that looks nice 99 cpu dang our drivers are outdated update all oh cool we're up to date now that was so simple re-animated mouse pointers animated cursors here we go amogus bobby yes open amogus bobby yes can't be downloaded securely keep i really want my amogus bobby cursor download oh yeah brows here we go i'm bogus bobby now we're ready files converter online yes please add extension cool congrats well thanks i did do a little bit of research i found out that there's an actual website for malicious domains actual website for viruses we're entering the dark side of the internet as if we weren't already there this is it oh oh lightweight protection installation for edge yes please not secure imagine hacker just jumps onto my screen right now there's an among us cursor and bonsai buddy we've downloaded the malicious domain list oh no i didn't read that but i clicked okay i didn't read that but i clicked okay all domains on this website should be considered dangerous if you do not know what you're doing here it is recommended you leave right away this website is a resource for security professionals and enthusiasts i'm a virus enthusiast this is where things got a little weird occasionally it was like i was hijacked and had random searches that i didn't even type in restaurant point of sale system what best job ad post away past this point it's hard to count where and when the viruses were actually being picked up how many people actually want the gmail poop dog luckily my childlike attention span oh there we go we got free minecraft watch this the faster i click the more likely it is to download it quicker and total disregard for safety i don't know why bdutil.exe keeps popping up over and over but we'll just click okay kept us on track to get a thousand viruses a virus enthusiast that's dumb if you go to youtube and type in free antivirus and then filter by like upload date today then these are like the really bad crap fortnite hacks yeah i appreciate that i'll download some free fortnight hack direct link to oh dude these websites the mediafire ones hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime gal for mod cheat yes i'm downloading fortnite sheets you can never trust me now free antivirus download why is there a bunch of fortnight hacks best roblox hack okay a lot of cpu usage for browsing the internet rawblox.rar that doesn't look suss at all that's not even uh oh something's going on run express zip i feel like that's really bad i kind of like i'm gonna flinch a little bit or something it's like looking at me right now dude we're getting even higher on our memory usage steam games for free download oh yeah here we go how to download paid steam games for free most of them here we go good job oh yeah so it's probably legit because that guy said good job game's for you and then like let's just find a good game elden ring just came out i think so let's click that yeah ready to download file is ready to download dot iso yeah that looks legit mouse is lagging pretty good perfect eldon ring is now installed that's great oh toolbar disappeared that's okay everyone else probably had to wait like hours for their 137 terabyte elden ring to download or whatever but i got it in five minutes because i got bigger brain wow where where what was i doing dude i just went down the longest rabbit hole ever this is open some more tabs oh it's not opening them so you just gotta click a few times and then it'll get your tab probably a little bit of right click in there and then you just wait there it is and that's how you open a new tab okay so i was going to download so many tabs that's got an extra ram out right oh my goodness i didn't know it would open them all at once 14.5 out of the 15.9 we are really getting there on the memory cool so we're on the uh 700th tab and we'll type in steam unlocked heard about this in the comments section so pocket cards free download that's what i'm talking about there we go i think windows is somehow managing the memory and not letting us max it out let's just see which uh which apps and programs are using our memory dude my mouse is so laggy ah microsoft edge yes three gigabytes of tabs okay i'm just gonna close that so that frees up some memory so now we can download more viruses urban vpn trial version of chicken invaders three heck yeah nice program downloading chicken invaders three file it's just called file dude that's sketch no idea what it does i i'm pretty scared of that one not gonna lie chicken invaders five chicken invaders we got it freaking we did it boys just take a moment we did it we got chicken invaders agree i agree to whatever you want man just install the chicken invaders start game download manager this is supposed to be chicken invaders i'm picked screen hunter clean the windows registry well we probably need to do that let's be honest just for a moment let's be honest we need to clean oh no it's file again sonic suggests that looks gold let's see what else we can get aurora browser a safe downloads for windows 10 pc oh turtle odyssey adventures of green sea turtle sounds great download we definitely need the free yup download we got all these on the way scripts where i get scripts i don't know where that came from wait what is this program yeah sure run it yeah that looks legit oh sonic suggests is it done yes sonic suggests oh heck yeah sonic oh i [Music] this is a fever dream where am i did you know that during your lifetime you eat about 60 000 pounds of food that's the weight of about six elephants the heck dude what what timeline am i in [Music] i got him ladies knuckles [Music] i think that's enough of that i think um that's enough of that oh look update all drivers now everything is running like it's made of sand i i think that's got to be it just like that it was time to install all of the anti-virus software all right so there's one installed yeah install that one install that one yep i feel like these should be counting as viruses themself install hey got good reviews assist inspector gamer edition dude it's a gamer edition dude it was slow oh my goodness they all take so long what's going on it was painful uh-oh page four being free minecraft in a mogus bobbied my brain sells 85 free iphone 12 v bucks i can't resist allow i'm lying on the form i'm lying high cholesterol my name is poopdog and i'm 36. as they were installing i licked up the last few viruses i could find we'll just keep getting more viruses while they're installing free movies from just monster legends gems finalists to in 10 grand sign me up all right here we go a mogus bobby access violation dude that seems very important oh no come on buddy oh dude you're looking different what that's loud dude the butterflies there's so many of them it's kind of slowing down the computer there butterflies 10 minutes that was a startup program that was oh my gosh all right i have got uh about six or seven eight antiviruses and uh it's also accompanied with a couple of butterflies what we're gonna do is i'm gonna start the scan of all the anti-viruses at the same time and we're gonna see how many we get and so here we go i'm just gonna start through this run scan scan start scanning on that one yup they can do whatever you want start scan scan scanning final one i think i'm at risk scanning downloading something full system scan go with full usage here boys they're all scanning it's only scanned 21 item that has already found seven things that's like a 30 percent of the files on the computer are viruses it's probably fine 12 pounds who's gonna win though fly hunter is scanning i can't do anything butterflies are even getting a little sluggish man dude this one's like hey one detected i think you got some butterflies going on man that's all i found i came to a non-scientific conclusion 227 on malwarebytes dude this one only found the butterflies the laptop cannot be saved no malware found avast get it together well don't use a vast is there a joke but alas we did accomplish our goal 300 malware 800 total 911 [Music] oh dude it's still going it's still going 800 and counting bro norton says we're protected i don't think so norton two threats total of he says he got two yo one thousand two hundred thirty security issues oh dude i don't even i think i'm just gonna shut it i think i'm just gonna shut it out of sight out of mine all gone oh god it feels like someone has been watching me all of my computers are failing and normal tasks i'm currently in the process of rebuilding my entire setup to clean out the threats that is my next video i'd hate to leave you on a cliffhanger again but the laptop is currently gnawing my ankle
Channel: Basically Homeless
Views: 1,989,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: installing 1000 viruses, installing viruses on computer, installing viruses for fun, installing viruses on windows 10, windows virus install, installing viruses on gaming pc, installing malware on windows 10, destroying windows with viruses, funny tech videos, tech gaming comedy, gaming pc bad software, bad software, internet explorer, toolbar, tech, linus, jayz, 2cent, austen evans, micro center, windows 10, windows freeware, computer virus, basically homeless, mr hummus, pc, game
Id: xlIgNBWctjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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