Gaming PC Powered Entirely by the Sun

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I am about to do the unthinkable literally never before seen by gamers anywhere this will make me a pioneer of the gaming industry what I'm about to do is go outside but only for a short moment cuz we ran the wires back inside to build our gaming PC powered entirely by the Sun to hold things powered off the Sun right now [Music] I don't know about you guys but I oftentimes find myself out in the middle of the desert with a monitor a mouse a keyboard a desk a gaming PC and a gaming chair all ready to go and then just know where to plug it in man obviously it's the middle of desert but I do have two solar panels a voltage regulator and a crippling fear of manual labor so if you find yourself in that sort of same boat this video is definitely for you otherwise get lost Normie because it's about to get real nerds last time we powered a gaming PC with Trevor but it got me thinking what else can we power a gaming PC with I'm not sure why I went with the Sun this time because I sweat if it's over 71 degrees Fahrenheit the goal this time is to have everything running directly off the Sun no batteries no funny business just sun solar panels wires gaming PC oh right inside the PC just with the latte Panda alpha and the GT 10:30 our gaming PC pulled 74 watts so with 2 100 watt solar panels that should give us enough Headroom to run directly off the Sun I actually don't know how solar panels work and I didn't need to know I just bought some on Amazon there's still a mystery panel to me there's still some sort of like how does it do what it do I do know about electricity though and how the panel's produce a direct current which is the same thing our treadmill produced last time we took that direct current and hooked it up to an inverter which turns it into an alternating current which basically means you can plug standard household items into it at that point so alternating current is Norma plug and stuff and direct current is nerdy power supply stuff and then we plugged in our PCs power supply which turns it back into direct current you lose efficiency this way and also your entire youtube comment section will turn into an electrician and crucify you so what if we got rid of the alternating current altogether and ran it directly into the gaming PC the real problem is that most people get solar panels and feed the solar panels into a battery to then save for later and to run their things with I don't know what off-grid people do dude I don't know they buy a bunch of a bunch of dry food and they're like I'm gonna eat this when everyone else is dead I don't know I had to figure out how I can get the electricity harvested from the Sun and then directly fed to my computer there's not like a how-to video on this the first thing we had to do was make some small modifications to our 74 watt gaming PC very precise technical modification lots a lots of glue we needed all of the components running off the same 12 volt the REC current power supply this way everything could run off the same power source the GPU is already connected but the CPU needed a USBC cable but that takes wiring and stuff and as you all know I'm just a bro and I do research with Google and so that's why these videos take a long time I just said I just with sheer force of will and determination I can do in two weeks what a trained professional does in about an hour that's a good way of putting it and I was like dude ish I don't know if this is gonna burn up my PC right now this could take me another three weeks to complete this video because I gotta order crap again and then it just worked dude it works that's working yo so right here everything is running off a single 12-volt DC plug DC current SiC DC current DC team put in comments now put in comments are you are you direct current or alternating current team direct current being the current each day I grow stronger who woulda thought dude you do this like college is a new time not making YouTube videos dude I'm in college right now and I'll just don't get a degree at the end of it with our gaming PC ready to receive 12 volts we had to make sure that our solar panels were gonna give out 12 volts at an amperage high enough to produce 74 watts or more voltage times amperage does you calculate your wattage the solar panels do produce a direct current but it's a fluctuating voltage and amperage so we got one of these also off Amazon this is a buck converter which takes the high fluctuating voltage from the panel's and reduces it down to a constant 12 volts twelve point two volts almost three amps let's do the math quick twelve point times two thirty-four watts that means if we have to if we wire in two panels in parallel sixty-eight watts which mean at midday with full direct sunlight we might have just enough power to run our gaming PC at full load this channels turning more and more to Mythbusters everyday can we run a gaming PC from the Sun gaming Mythbusters chandlery no all we had left to do is wire it all together we had to solder again gamer time plug it all together we were wires they go to our both of our solar panels broken down into twelve volts and however many amps it can produce from the Sun that then come out of this straight into our computer power supply go outside we got our solar panels outside which are held up by our almond butter and our beans wired up to our voltage regulators we have wired all together ourselves now outputting power here if my calculations are correct we should be getting it clean twelve volts out right here twelve there it is boys twelve point two seven volts it's clean coming out who's confident we'd get twelve volts but what really mattered is the amperage because that's gonna tell us how many watts we get and if we're gonna have enough watts to power our gaming PC holy crap the amperage is insane Oh boys are making a clean Oh boys eight amps of power off the Sun alone twelve volts eight amps dude are we gaming or are we games well volts and eight amps means we were creating a clean 96 watts it was time to grab our gaming PC and plug it in it should be a direct no problem power once we plug it into our power port right here we're getting power nothing exploited we're getting power let's try and turn on the computer there it is boys we're running off the Sun or gaming off the Sun oh my gosh yes every solar-powered gamers worst nightmare clouds if a cloud covers our panels and that's it I would just say that you should all believe me but I'm a youtuber and so I that that automatically makes me a liar take a quick visual inventory and as you can see there is no no weird wires coming out at the ground or anything like that no buried batteries out of no dude and the wire coming out of my phone is a lapel mic that is strapped to my armpit and our monitor is the only thing that this batteries power which we fix later the only cable that we are running to my PC is going to be this Ethernet cable you can do power over ethernet but as you can see it's working without the ethernet cable plugged in the only reason I couldn't use a wireless connection is because I have to send the video signal over a router to another PC in order to record the gaming footage [Music] so it's nice time to fire up a game dude or sound off the power of the Sun right now oh my goodness bugs oh dude we're cooking up a phat 30fps off the Sun right now we are solar-powered right now let's see if we can't get some actual good gaming in it's very bright out here we're powered off the Sun right now is this for you sometimes I think I'm faking my own video that's all right we got Google log dude it's really hard to see the screen okay [Music] we lingo log baby we when you log on solar power we won Gulag on solar power dude it's casual which attendance it just did very chill very chill just winning Gulag solar power there's bugs crawling on me dude work like cruising at 30fps in dude oh I got enough go off get freakin good luck kid you know on that thirst I'm on solar power you can make fun of me for thirsting dude I don't care you're not on solar power get him dude yeah oh dude he's prone my team it's time it is working but we did say at the beginning of the video no batteries and our monitor is powered by a battery and technically this battery could probably run the whole setup for like 5 to 10 minutes so we had to take care of this I'm gonna plug my monitor into the USB port on my computer and see if I can power everything from the Sun no way right no way we get the whole thing powered from the Sun now I can't quite pull enough power this monitor takes like three am playing USB wasn't able to pull enough power but I can splice this right now and plug it in right here so we did some live surgery oh my goodness papa papa everything's powered off the Sun the whole thing five surgery worked the whole thing's powered just not right now everything who knows the cloud when it's working everything is powered off the Sun right now [Music] no we're entirely powered by the Sun the cloud actually makes it easier for me to see though I'm sure we clog grilling us off [Music] the cloud cut us off clouds overhead cut us off that's crazy dude and that's it it works and that's how the solar-powered gaming ended the cloud went overhead and froze us in the gulag where the solar-powered gamer will be forever it's the man with the Wii Remote [Music] hello everyone welcome back to another episode of mister homeless vlogs and tricks you into thinking it's gaming dude who's gonna make fun of my forehead dude come on man that's rough I would play Rainbow six see they haven't written in the Terms of Service very specifically that you can't run on solar power I'm stabbing it on solar power I'm stabbing it on solar power
Channel: Basically Homeless
Views: 618,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar powered gaming pc, how to power a gaming pc entirely by the sun, gaming pc powered entirely by the sun, how to only power your pc with the sun, solar powered diy projects, gaming with the solar power, gaming outside, gaming setup outside, gaming with weird power, weird ways to game, cod warzone gameplay, cod funny, warzone, mw2, basically homeless, mr homeless, gaming, action game, funny, tech diy project, gaming tech, tech, science, gaming mythbusters
Id: ZFf29sIGaXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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