I Built a Keyboard from Wish.com

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- This looks like a high quality keyboard, right? Wrong. It's from Wish.com and I was scammed. This was my attempt to win a challenge, to build keyboard with only $100. - Lets start the keyboard showdown. In three two one. (dramatic music) - Even with my experience building keyboards, I started in a losing position. My adversaries are YouTubers, located all over the world. They had access to one of the most powerful markets in the world. Taobao and if you don't know what Taobao is, consider yourself lucky. It's an underground Chinese market that gives you access to the cheapest stuff that you can find online. They have certain things that would make Amazon hide in shame, but in the US, I don't have access to it. So in my state of urgency, I made a desperate yet calculated move. I ordered my keyboard stuff from Wish.com and yep I was scammed. Oh God, here we are, Wish.com let's see what we got here. Lets just type in keyboard parts. Okay, I already see something I don't want to. I only have a hundred dollars, So have to be careful of how I spend my budget. This competition is based on sounds and looks. So I have to find the perfect parts for both. Whoa, are these fake holy pandas? If you don't know what holy pandas are, they're the best sounding switches on the market. Just listen to this legendary typing desk. (mechanical keyboard typing) This could Sound amazing. But they're also $49. That's half the budget. Let's buy them. This doesn't leave much left in the budget for the keyboard or key caps though. I can't seem to find many custom keyboard options, but there's this and it's really cheap. Only $28. It looks like a budge pre-built mechanical keyboard, but in theory, I could take this keyboard and upgrade it. Wait this is perfect. Since the tools don't factor into the budget. Upgrading this keyboard is super OP, and for the key caps I'm left with really jank options. So I'm just going to go for this really cheap key cap set. It's only $8. Black and red. Buy. Now the final touch an artisan key cap. I'm going to go for this cute little squirtle. This will fit into my setup perfectly. Buy. Time to wait patiently for all this stuff to arrive, And I hope I wasn't scammed, and it's only $90 for a total, shipping not included in the budget. We just got the package from wish.com, And I did peek inside, not knowing what it was, and I saw something tragic. let's opened it up anyways. This is a scam. The squirtle tail, It's not attached. (Screaming) I think I can just glue this back together though, Like this. Next, Its called A Super Standard key caps. (packaging crumples) (plastic sounds) This is exactly how I store key caps. In plastic baggies. They're not exactly red and black, more like red and gray. And it's really cheap looking. I have low hopes for these key caps. (plastic sounds) It says storage holder, but these are supposed to be switches. I hope there switches in here. Switches. (packaging crumpling) ta da, some of knock off Holy Pandas and they look pretty good. I hope we got enough. (mechanical switch ) Now they sound just like Holy Pandas. We'll just have to lube it. I think we're going to win, just cuz of these. Everyone has Toabao, and the final piece. The keyboard. (cardboard box cutting ) (plastic rustling) (dramatic music) All brother in game. (laughing) Could be really good. Sounds like winning greatness. (mechanical keyboard typing ) It bends a lot and it's really loud and listen to this. (mechanical keyboard typing ) A person in the competition recently changed their discord name to the winner. To taunt us. And can you guess where he bought his parts? That's right. Taoboa. The confidence sickens me, but I only have one day left to finish this entire build. Before I have to meet up with the keeb boys. Nay the keeb men. There's so much to get done. It's overwhelming. (dramatic music) Time to solder. (electric tool ) (dramatic music) The keyboard is blindingly white. And with these red and black key caps, there's no way these colors are going match enough for me to win. The looks will be a big part of how the winner will be decided. So naturally I had to spray paint this thing, Yeah spray paint. (suspenseful music) (sanding ) We're done sanding the keyboard and it's ready to be spray painted, since we have red and black key caps. This white case doesn't really fit with it. So we're going to do this in a really cool way and make it red and black as well. Like Pewdiepie. No, not like Pewdiepie, but first it's gotta be primered. Primer time. (suspenseful music) (Spray painting ) (suspenseful music) (spray painting ) (tape pealing off ) This thing actually turned out amazing. Look at how the red and black pops on the back of this case. (Plastic rusting) (plastic crashing ) (Suspenseful music) (slime crunching ) (clicking ) (mechanical Switch clicking) (upbeat classical music) (upbeat music) This Squirtle is next and I don't need this broken tail. It honestly looks nothing like Squirtle, Anyways. I don't know why I thought this would match the red and black key gaps, but now it's time to cover this blue in shame. What was I thinking? There's still a little blue poking through, but you know, just ignore that. (suspenseful music) (plastic rustling) (suspenseful music) With everything complete. I think I have a real shot of winning now. Toaboa's going down. All that's left to do is meet with everyone, show each other our keyboards and let everyone vote on their favorite. - Welcome guys to keyboard showdown. we're here now. We have six people. We have Andy V Nguyen, Switch and Click, Glarses, Hipyo Tech, Lewis Toh, and me, John Lee. Anyone have any last words before we start the keyboard showdown? - Is there a prize? - Is there a prize? - I don't know - So no reason to win. - So who wants to go first? - Here's my revolutionary keyboard build. - Ooh - Ohh - Wow it looks good. - Yeah, so this is the E-Yooso. - Dammit - but you know this is the TKL - Wait it has RGB? - Yeah yeah ya. So this is for epic gamers only. - Ooh - Wow - I did not know that there was RGB on this thing - Wow that looks good. - Looks kinda nice - This has a 23 dollar key caps. I've got Akko CS lavender. I saran wrapped it. The whole board - What? - Why? - I also did a silicone for that leaked everywhere because I didn't realize there were drainage holes. (mechanical keyboard typing ) - Damn, yo that sounds nice. - Holy Shit. - Yeah that's not bad. I'm a little worried now. - Next I guess we'll have Andy to go. - A E-Yooso - Ooh - Wow - [John Lee] Double contenders let's go. - It was the cheapest thing on Amazon and I wanted to do the least effort possible. - Okay, okay. Glarses is just dying in the corner. Just you know. - Yeah, we haven't heard him say anything. - So the TKL was $6 discount. I use TTC gold pinks because I didn't want to lose. And they were really good stock. That was $44. And I went ahead and upgrade the key caps to Razor PBT and that was $18 used. I got some used gamer key caps. I'm a little scared. Here is the sound test. This is tape mod. (mechanical keyboard typing) - Okay, Not bad, - Next we have Switch and Click. - It's my turn. I had the risk it for the biscuit, I ordered it on a wish.com. - Ooh my. - hundred dollars of stuff from wish.com, hoping that I wouldn't get scammed. I'm surprised it came. So this is the keyboard. It has no name. I got it in white, but I made it black and red. - Wait that's nice - This was $28 and the switches I've got fake Holy Pandas, $49 for switches. I know expensive and we've got really, really gamer red and black key caps, $8 and then I've got this supposed to be a squirtle and it came with a tale, but the tail broke up and then it doesn't match. So I made it red. - That looks kinda neat. That is the build. (mechanical keyboard typing) Wait there's RGB. - Oh wait is that the per row RGB. - Yes it is the per row RGB. That is the winners keyboard. - Don't listen to her lies. Lewis Toh show us what you got? - Alright. This is what I have. - What? - What? - Wow what? - That's shiny, - This called MW 65 it's on Taoboa for $52. It's a gasket mounted with. - Come on Taoboa. - My switches are banana splits for alphas and then I have Akko reds for the modifiers. - How can you afford that. My total is ninety nine. I have JWK stabilizers for seven bucks. - That'a a secret of Taoboa. - He might win. . - Oh but I did have issues with my PCB though. Major issues. - All right. So Lewis just send us a sound test. So we're going to play it right now. (mechanical keyboard typing) - Wow. Okay. I've heard enough. - Yeah we've heard enough. - I got a question for you guys, have you heard the term, form over functionality? - That's a phrase, yes. - Have you guys, do you guys know that there's also people who believe in functionality over form. - Yeah. - There I got it for youm a keyboard which is none of those, alright. Introducing the Recycled 65. So firstly keyboard case, homemade, key caps $8. These are red. my friend, you might be wondering like okay so, so what's so cool about this. This is mag-lev mounted Do you know what is mag-lev mounted? - Levitating train. - It's a keyboard that floats. Mounted with magnets, so it's kinda just floating on the base, you know when I type it's not actually hitting the bottom. just to finish everything off those people who can read Chinese. - Oh trash. - Alright we're going to listen to Squash Boy sound. - Wait that's actually not bad. - Yeah - Yeah. It's pretty good. (mechanical keyboard typing) - There's eight magnets in the case. - There have keyboard. You know we all talk about case this, case that, and I say, you don't need a case. PCB from the MW 65 and we have some enjoy PBT key caps. And then I have some Gateron housings with some Invyr UHMWPE and some Gateron clip-ins. Here, Here's a sound test. Let me send it. (mechanical keyboard typing) (laughing) - That's it. - So with all the keyboards are away, right now we are going to compile them into a Twitter post and we're going to post it and get you guys to vote. The voter results. first place with 29% of the votes, Lewis Toh. - What? Are you kidding me? - Okay for second place. We have two people, Hipyo Tech and Glarses. - What. - Wow. - for 28% of the votes each and yeah. - Wow. - That's impressive. - We don't care about the rest because you know the rest are not winners. There's only one winner. If, if you guys think that everybody's a winner, then life's a lie. Alright So yeah, congratulations to Lewis the winner. Do you have anything to say as the crowning victor of this keyboard showdown? - Speech. - Ahhh, Okay so thank you for all those who voted for me, but I genuinely thought if Glarses could have made his keyboard a thing that he would've done a much better job than me. Also find Squashy Boy idea like much more creative than me, but thank you for those who vote. Thank you. - Unfortunately, I lost this one to Taoboa again. Check out the other channels down below. And for another video like this one click here.
Channel: Switch and Click
Views: 2,255,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wish keyboard, 100 dollar keyboard, wish unboxing
Id: wUeNqhTWlRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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