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every time you take damage in minecraft you go smaller and smaller and smaller if you want to end up seeing how small you can get hit that subscribe button in three two one did you subscribe check this out that's how small you end up being also hit that like button down below and not only all of that but it's a hunters versus speed runner the speed runner has to mine this trophy with the diamond pickaxe to win while the hunters simply have to kill him if you want some cool merchandise and let's get right into the video guys hit me check this out okay do it again oh what's happening doing look what i am shorter than you now yeah nothing's changed i don't really see any different yeah wait no okay hit me again you know i don't think we want to keep hitting him oh i guess you guys stop don't do that to me i don't want to be shocked you know what's funny eventually i'll be short enough to fit underneath blocks and everything that's only if we damage you though uh yeah which we will watch myself i mean oh wait he's gonna have to fall down without taking damage how do i get down here no don't shrink jelly don't drink too much there we go i just drank oh no all right and i shank again oh he's gonna be so tiny look at him josh is so small okay bye jelly bye bye all right how do we get down from here i got an idea josh follow me you make it yeah it's safe toss it's safe uh um oh why are you out what are you doing i'm just making you smaller dude look at how small i am my nephew to school oh no except you you get you take your nephew to kill jelly yeah yeah you know what they gotta learn early you know yeah there's a crafting table here um i don't see any smithy though josh if you do let me know man i can't believe that jelly left behind all of this wheat i mean he probably didn't think he was that big i got 30 bread he's probably very easy to kill if he's tiny think about it we could just like step on him or something it's the same damage crainer okay that's jelly now if that's okay wait are you actually leaving me right now well you said it you're i can't you what saying we should go okay let's go you're right let's go you're tiny crazy you're like oh let's go and i'm like okay let's go you're like where are you leaving i get distracted easily josh oh there you are yeah wait you're tiny too yeah i don't know trunks so much no no don't know he's too small no i'm not small enough just go under the tree crainer oh oh true oh dude this is great we can follow him so easily now it's got to be done josh ooh tiny so they haven't even got close to him tiny boat time is the boat tiny no i'm tiny in the mall look at me hello okay oh we're so cute why is there water in the boat well uh it's just tiny people probably in the direction of him are you dumb yeah i am i am i you know we have to like go i know you're dumb no i'm not dumb i am going in the direction of him are you dumb i am i am why are you being so rude to me today did you see him is he trying to throw us off you think i'm behind jelly wait really yeah [Music] oh my god come here jelly how are you so quick if we are smaller wait did you just fall down here give a torch do you have a torch no i don't have any torches okay we need we need coal right now josh i can't see anything i can't literally can't see a thing okay i'm gonna go up maybe he's making his way up now i can't see him i i think i hit him quite a few times so i think he's gonna be quite small he should be low because i also hit him with my ex so he's probably like almost dead uh do you have torches or i'm gonna make it josh just give me i need a furnace where did you go i lost you i tried to follow you but it's too dark what do you mean you lost us we're chasing you jelly that's how this works you're not chasing oh did you go this way is that true i found this i found his pathway crainer you did yeah well i'm cooking stuff right now so we can actually make torches we lost him because we didn't have that jaws what are you cooking chris wait he left he left he's outside he's here he's a cooking crater is he literally great there he is he's tiny oh wait look how cool he is oh my god that is actually so tiny dude josh you want to fight me good news is josh i actually have uh 12 torches now so what be quiet like why are you wasting time with the torch and i was fighting him you're like i have torches why did why do you think we just lost him because we didn't have torches you told me to make torches by the way you were the one that told me to make him he was on the surface you told me to make these targets josh josh hi hi how you doing buddy get real tired of ukraine why i just don't like you what what are you look just get in my boat look at like two babies that have stolen a boat yeah this is excellent we're borrowing our parents boat i don't know how we're like actually oh my goodness it makes me yeah being so small makes me feel like i can't make jumps come press the screen he's here somewhere josh is it wait is he hiding in the grass green because he's green okay and then follow the compass back so he's here he's literally so close is he is he the wolf or like under it or where are you jelly i'm going to see how close i can get i genuinely can't see anything be quiet be quiet oh serious oh my god please how did you get that small jelly is he here is he gone again oh i do i see him oh i see his footsteps kill that i don't know i think i see his footsteps a little bit i'm not sure it's so small oh there he is help i've lost him oh no i got him it's like an ant it's literally like oh my god i am ant size this is what i've always wanted what do you got to do now i don't know uh oh josh shush what i make you small and you get him no no i don't want to be small go home go get him go home who's punching me go yes i can reset your height like this right oh man yeah i'm actually back to normal size now this is so annoying jelly stop being so small [Applause] okay so we've hit ourselves down right this is a torch a normal torch this is me and that's josh you look huge in comparison to me wait but i was looking outside no no no josh please i want to be big josh no please don't do this to me man oh my gosh look that's the minecraft torch look how smooth you are caressing to me i can literally live in here look i can you even see me dude this is crazy this is the smallest he's this way i guess he's probably gone into a cave to find diamonds can't even see what blocks i'm jumping up there's no way he's gotten diamonds already josh there's no way josh say so say so no stay still oh sorry oh there you are hello hey we're so fast i can barely keep up with you this is one block josh this is one block um okay i think so i think he was down oh you know what actually this is a good idea he's gonna see this and he's not gonna know that we're in the torch okay but all right so i think that he was going in that direction why'd you punch my talk just let me show you that direction okay you think he was heading do you think the trophy's that way so i think if we wait and see if the compass changes past us and we keep going it's still green though for you as well right no it's not green no oh i have no i have it on you sorry anything um well it's pointing that way now oh wait he's on the move i see his footstrikes i see i see where this way yeah i saw his little foot tracks on the ground oh my we're all this small though like he's gonna have a hard time finding us as well i'm on his tail i'm on his tail okay what's that you eating yeah he's somewhere right in front of me this way he's right here somewhere it's green i thought i saw everything but where is he huh where did i just oh why did i just grow ah what you grew yeah i took damage and grew wait you're big now um all right well i mean that's going to make it easier for you josh because you're going to what i used to do i'm not going to question it wait what where are you jelly what where are you is this jenny nowhere how are you here uh we've been following you for the last 30 seconds how did you find me well i'm small too we're following when i came out of that hole yeah diamonds yeah yeah we are following your footsteps i've grown jelly and i don't know why just say is this jelly yeah why did you no that's me i'm tiny you just kind of special potion did you drink i don't know i took damage and i just grew okay the the best way for us to find him is just the footsteps josh that's all we got i still can't see him even though i'm tiny oh i see it uh uh crainer what i see a pathway that usually means trophy wait what why is he this way he did he missed it he missed the pathway go for it oh my god yes let's go no no that's what i'm talking about we're here first again [Music] i see it see it okay get get there quick i can't see that much josh i'm trying to like block it up i guess wait crainer cradle are you near the cobblestone yeah i'm right here at your feet go in go in go in there cobblestone it's here i stopped the lava what he's right there he's behind you he's behind you where i can't get in there i'm too small i'm at the trophy boys i'm coming watch me whining i'm gonna die i stepped in the lava right in front and i died man are you kidding me all right jenny you win where is this oh where's the trophy oh i don't even see oh jelly's right there i'm gonna do it i didn't break it look at that he's so small guys i have the trophy and now it's a small trophy too you see this is the lava i stepped in guys this lava well you're just dumb i can't believe how small jelly was at the end that was absolutely insane check out these two videos if you want to see some more stuff for me
Channel: Crainer
Views: 1,210,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, MC, MineCraft
Id: BlulBT3dehY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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