We Got RAIDED In A MINECRAFT Hardcore World! (One Life)

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today I am back in slow the man and ice hardcore minecraft server called one life that's right you got one life only if you die you're never coming back if you want to join make sure you use the IP in the description below and at a hundred thousand likes I will upload episode 3 also if you're not subscribed to my channel you're not allowed to join ok make sure you subscribe look at that tower behind us oh I'm doing great Josh you know I've been spending about a week building this tower together with you it's been fantastic I don't know it's like we've got a lot of jelly I don't need any more it's a gift well I threw it away welcome welcome back to one life yes we're still alive believe it or not this awesome tower over here we come in peace peace offering to the god a full lion Armour over there oh my goodness we need to be really careful he just took off our all because we just built some like that amazing stuff yeah we're gonna show everybody about that right now but yeah we do with that Josh how about we show them how to enter this tower lava yeah we should probably really quickly say don't come and raid us alright don't yeah don't be like I don't know who this guy is be seems to be friendly yeah you can join the server leagues of description but don't raid us I mean we've got an offering so nice oh my god Josh alright Josh now that problem is solved the secret enters yes yeah no one's looking at I actually kind of forgot it's a hidden secret entrance what do we do okay so this flower here who do is throw one item where are you I say throw what I okay miss okay no one item for an item on there where you toxin coming down that's amazing what does that even work very good Josh actually we had some of the other people and the server helped us build out yeah yeah a lot of them you know how do you think we'd be able to get this good in the service yeah exactly people are just donating stuff at this point this is the bottom level of tower we had a ton of obsidian out so we could defend them yeah which is pretty good it took a whole week all right come on chilly did we now have a like an elevator in the middle oh my goodness yes the zombies are protecting us beneath this platform Josh oh my goodness all right this yeah let's go to the first floor ah there we go I'm here this is a farm I I built this because we were we were starving so yeah we from Animal Farm a bit further away now so we've got all this meat and stuff but this is a little wheat farm we have in here I don't think an animal form would be good in the tower Josh no I would practice is fine next floor next floor this is our enchantment yeah look at this thing oh yeah why is there a stone block up it I haven't got my pickaxe on me right now wait that's not ours we might have gotten raided without realizing it Josh I think we're good right now I just think people are sneaking in okay so yeah charming floor and then we got one more level all right that's the nice one ah okay this is our work-in-progress storage room and bed look at all this paper why is our creeper in him I don't know it's pretty dim sprint him I can't spin for summer there we go Hey right he gone he gone look at all this sauce we've got empty empty empty empty chests and cobblestone this is basically our secret room that we have no no this is our decoy and we have a secret room we're all gonna show people hmm yeah I was thinking like this is not our secret room but we'll just tell them this is a secret room so yeah yeah sure this is all secret room it's our seat man it's time for a big reveal jelly Josh we've been working so hard it took one week of playing Minecraft every single day to get the following are we gonna click it together Josh three two 1:08 one of the stay here do you know how long it took me to get there you ain't one of the steaks jelly was hungry so this is the best gear that we've basically been able to build with all the people basically is the best gear in Minecraft and I'm gonna take everything so we've got like a bunch of protection oh yeah look at all these enchants feather falling Josh yeah we're gonna be we're gonna be sweet yeah we're pretty much sorted with this oh look at this by the way fire aspect to knock back to mending shop is five dude oh yeah anybody tries and gets this to get us now it's not happening alright and then we've got one more floor - where did you go up to the top I just said we have one more floor oh yeah I was busy oh yeah look at this the top of our tower with a beautiful view everything anyone's around us yeah we can't we can like bow them from the top haha yeah you are gonna die there is no way we can get attacked from here Josh we are the best in one life I don't think anybody can defeat us wait jelly hold up do you see that down there hey hey hey don't get this close this is our castle I stay away with full diamond jelly it's imposed don't worry you've got you've got everything you've got feather feet Josh you're fine okay I literally survived that fine but no you did Josh are they raiding us yes they're attacking us alright I'm coming down oh come on okay oh my god oh my god I'm just gonna bow and arrow I'm wait which one's you I'm the one in the back okay I think they're the ones in fire oh I'm low on health I'm low on health ah just look at the shield Josh just look at the shield nice slice Oh God one more one more yeah 32 diamonds Josh here's why it's so easy to get good in this you keep 16 there you go my friend there ya go working together but yeah okay cool that was easy we just got a lot of more time in Slough okay alright let's go put this in our wait well you need to fix the moat a little bit hang on oh yeah that was bad oh by the way I love these feather falling feats I could say lies that I was gonna take slow down I don't want to flex or anything but I'll do it with diamond all right with diamond did you bring it down I lost six are you kidding me sorry let's just put this stuff in the chest there you go Oh all the way to the top already that was pretty yeah yeah all right all right wait where's this water coming from Oh someone Josh lava Josh go up go up use the elevator you use the elevator entry someone's blocking us out we can't go up wait block this out from the bomb yeah no they blocked this out they used cobble stone to like walk us out no I don't know they're down there down there what else what is happening they're escaping they're escaping oh this is ridiculous it's so hard to protect a castle you send some bow and arrows Josh we're gonna hit been doing so well and there's suddenly everyone's turning against us really really annoying and now we have obsidian oh god I just fell in the lava I just fell in the lava Josh I just fell in the lava oh I'm fine okay eat eat eat where are you Jenny where are you I fell in the lava from the tower Josh but don't worry about it it's fine so much gear Oh Josh it's not going well today literally getting surrounded with people with water yeah and now we have obsidian okay clean up most of it okay well any kidding me will can't get in no we have to break all this to get the lava back or do you have any idea where those people went Josh I think they went to the red beam that you can see in the sky over there one that's the spawn area now a lot of people go there because well it's easy to get some kills let's just build a ladder up the side of the base oh my god that's so smart why did I not think about that jelly the spawn is over oh yeah I see the red laser beam Josh whoa [Music] last episode oh yeah wait look people it's like created a wall around it blocking news go analysis that's kind of mean to be honest I mean it's small it's kind of brutal do you want to go and ever visit to our old house or seeing guys full-line are Miceli wait where oh yeah yeah you're not gotten out of here boy I'm on the chase I'm on the chase we're on me too oh yeah that's it that's it oh what a that knock back is a bit much let's go Josh hey the problem is is this a lot I just dropped this there's so much rather I have a full inventory already Josh most of it is rubbish though let's keep moving let's keep moving that probably is one of the people that raided wait Jenny Oh gang squad should we donate the stuff that we just got hey guys hey guys the problem is if we kill them they're never allowed back I have some diamond add some diamond treat yourself man have two furnaces you know what to piece of steak I'm so thankful that's so rude Josh once you kill people they are banned they can never come back you just ban that guy that was so rude I'm sad I'm sorry it's just so fun please give me the diamond back I don't have any diamonds where was it wait a sec good choice instead our old house and we got a little buddy over here be careful let's get out of here get out of here it's literally gone I'm pretty sure we we kind of built up like a ruin but this is um you know but this is next-level completely didn't we have a basement down here sometime yeah I'm down here I'm in the basement right we act like a little farm over here yeah it just happens got me worried for our tower oh come on but there's no one gotta ask the viewers be sweet to our tower okay we spent a week building that probably head over there right now today are people robbing us you think well I think we killed the person that was killing us that person the iron armor but there might be new people who's a little bit scared I want her to our to live forever it's so cute here I'll donate you an arrow to the head okay I was just firing him or like yeah it's like target practice yeah target practice you're really good [Laughter] is actually really useful we have like a ton of each other secret storage area a little more jars and bring it okay okay just just assess the touch be careful be careful he's got diamond armor he's gonna sort out it's gonna sort out oh hey hey hey hey hey put that sword away put that sword away right now why is he running I don't know I think he's really scared oh that was easy that quickly look at his chest ten diamonds just kidding I just put that in there natural jelly yeah I know I'm flexing this porn is just so I remember when we started and it looks like we've got a little newbie some stuff look diamond lake diamond helmet - and a diamond sword come on buddy come on down I I think he's proper sphere he might I think he might have read the rules wait what if we do this can you kill him like this Josh no you can buy the oceans you know are you sure you can not kill him like that I actually don't know he's left left but he left the diamond this guy's just leave him I would leave no we'll leave him he's like we're in the world we'll kill him later when he tries to attack our tower tower we need to get there soon what is that on top of the tower there's a guy there with a sword there's like someone's built some blocks on top of the tower hold on that's not allowed you know dad Josh don't just kill people randomly okay they're literally bad obviously here to destroy stuff all right well I'm gonna check out the tower Joshi come in well I'm just gonna get rid of this face I think he was the one that grief that oh he's dead okay hey Josh there's no griefing we have so much hidden hidden rooms like nobody can steal our stuff I mean little do people know that the tower is just a distraction but this is where we need to defend anyway I'm using one of the one of the Raiders entrances to just get in the tower now Josh this is really nice do you know how long how much time we put into building that secret entrance yeah this is kind of fun I want to go to the top like this one time you know Josh there's so much stuff here look over here no oh oh wait careful careful oh all of us stop is everywhere gently and happy they didn't set everything on fire but why did he do this oh my we gotta we gotta get some bodyguards man we gotta get some bodyguards no the toughest blocks as well we've been fully rated oh my look how much doses up there this is bad this is really bad are you serious we leave for five minutes I love my armored protection though but we leave for five minutes and we come back oh my goodness more people going army kill them where are these people coming from I don't know Josh what is going on oh my goodness taemin taemin taemin Josh are you sure you want to follow them hey iron guy how's it going nice nice nice oh my goodness so many people are dying Josh so many people okay this is like a full-on raid now oh and I fell in our own contraption Josh Hale go to the front where we just lost were yeah wait what someone has been making a full-on home wait what that's crazy you know we've got 32 pieces of iron that's pretty awesome Josh's we're all there because all this stuff there you go so he's got maybe like a secret room that we don't know about we need to go out and protect the rest of the base of kaaa oh this guy there's a guy here full diamond chase chase chase yes Oh oh what a crazy hey toss another one another one half diamond it's like full diamond home and just sitting on the go I got him oh my goodness what a long shot that was ridiculous okay this is insane this is crazy oh it more of if more hi Dharma guys Oh and chanted too and enchanted Josh Jenny come over here I'm coming I'm coming I'm on my way dude it is so easy to get stuff once you start killing okay we're coming back to woodsy jelly okay good yeah go one come on second oh wait what oh he's gonna die with that he's so dead one of them dropped the book of enchantment what do we need to take that let's go oh I love this okay wait let me quickly have a look what is this book dude this guy's piercing - that's so good Josh I've got 64 pieces of diamond no I just got some stuff as well but I can't pick up everything this yeah there's there's literally too much stuff wait we need to go back to our Tower Josh we're gonna be raided again we've been defending it pretty well yeah it's worked out once you've got like the best enchantment gear there's just nothing other people can do okay the tower seems to be some work another iron guy wait what another guy attacking us over there yeah you're quick Josh oh sorry I thought and apply divine mind and opposed were the best thing I picked up they were fine any of those any diamonds or Simon sword oh there's too much stuff for me to pick ah oh alright Jay I think we've done a pretty decent job oh my goodness Josh we need to go back to our secret stash Gilly wait well this might be the loss this the one I saw oh my goodness be careful Josh be careful shoot diamond people over here oh yeah hey I'm on one you got one jelly i I I lost him I lost the other one yes I got one nice make sure you get the diamonds like themselves the armor isn't as big of a deal jelly did you get the rest words great I don't know where the other people are how did you not give I think they logged out Josh I think they logged out all right what I got that one that I was chasing is very least alright Josh oh I don't know what to do a face it's like somebody's put lava down great yeah I think we should end it here Josh we're we can do this for hours and hours but Jenny we're gonna have to keep defending this off video now but uh I guess we'll see if anyone else tries to raid us yeah um join us link is in the description guys yeah all right all right yeah see ya bye wasn't me was it me you might be wondering where can I get my craft so I could play with my friends I found this great website called MC pro hosting comm and if you use my code jelly you'll actually get 25% off your order start your own server and as little as five minutes get started now who I think the villager plan is just what I need a broom there you go I am now in my minecraft server oh yeah like I said guys used coat jelly for 25% off on MC pro hosting.com
Channel: Jelly
Views: 7,990,687
Rating: 4.9184189 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, one life, server, new, game, games, gaming, mine craft, funny, We Got RAIDED In A MINECRAFT Hardcore World
Id: 2rXZxg7AmVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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