I Built a Fully Automated Island in Rust as a Solo

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now what if you could have complete control of your base in rust without even having to be online well with the latest rust update this has very much become a possibility see it doesn't even matter where you are anymore with the click of a button you can be back at your base faster than it takes a clan to raider one by one hello can I help you what are you doing outside the base I'm gonna read you bro I thought you're offline I mean I guess I am technically offline but oh my God adios amigos see with the latest rust update you're now able to look through cccv cameras on your phone I'm gonna take this new feature along with the pipes to create my very own automated Island an island with full surveillance at every corner ground and Sky the plan is also to build a giant pipe from the mainland that will transport all of our loot to the island for us without us even having to step foot on the island at all today I'm gonna try and build my very own fully automated Island as a solo this is five days worth of rust content condensed out into one video sit back relax and enjoy now step one is pretty self-explanatory we've gotta find an island and make sure nobody's built on it the server we're playing on is restoria us medium but don't let the name fool you this place is filled with massive plans and it's definitely not solo friendly so having said that let's jump on and try and get an island secured as guy with the boat I'm gonna go and see if I can get a ride hello there can I have a ride what hey how you doing today sir hey man how you doing on a white day see you later at least who is friendly about it right there's quite a few Islands on this map but there's only one that really is worthwhile and that's this one okay we gotta get over there as quick as possible okay I'm almost at the island looks pretty cool actually it's got some rocks on there which we could maybe build on we could have a little Island Rock base okay let's go over there we don't actually have any resources and there doesn't really seem to be a tree or anything so actually let's not go over there let's quickly grab some wood and stuff and then Papa to talk about down [Music] [Applause] please they need a father thank you sir yeah [Music] boom building plans being crafted and lock as well which was the right there okay let's swim over the island I'm not seeing any bases yet I'm gonna try and build something around this rock because sometimes they're a bit hit and miss these rocks that are just in the middle of nowhere they're not the same as an actual rock cliff but this one looks really like uh straight here I feel like we could build something against the side of it and it would be really good all right let's do it right now let's just get the TC down best way to go about it but I feel like just doing that and then that would be good ah there's always there's always one that's just to be fair that's still good still like that can we do that yeah we can do that and we can do that right there for that so yeah it's quite strong and we can even have that armored so this will be our main loot room and that'll be quite strong uh I need to craft a hammer because as I said the main loot room can be right here we can have this honeycombed we can have this armored and this metal and so this side will be super strong okay boom all right let's bang this down [Music] all right that's horrible placement but we're doing it it's fine okay nice CC's down let's quickly go to Mainland grab some more resources upgrade this a bit this is our Island we're gonna take it over completely excuse me naked man [Music] nice Hatchet skin okay we've got ourselves a little paddle farmer carrying a torch out in the open but this is what you get for carrying a torch even if it's got nothing I can teach him a valuable lesson excuse me sir sir hey hey come here lad [Music] there we go was it worth it chasing this guy down hello sir i s i stalked you here resume yeah yeah you just shouldn't basically don't have your torch on while it's night bro hey take your stuff back [Music] in fact that's all I can give you good luck thank you have a good day all right there you go lads torch police don't have your torch out at night rule one out let's rule one actually of playing rust okay we're heading back to the island hello how are you man I just found you seriously want to I wasn't gonna kill you I wasn't gonna kill you but you seem kind of angry I don't know apologize yeah because I just died I just die with full inventory of farm that's why I'm angry you know okay okay fair enough go get it back man now I'd spent the entire night roaming around collecting little bits of wooden resources as a matter of fact I probably spent too much time away from the island at this stage enough time for well somebody else to potentially move in on the island which is definitely something we don't want oh there's somebody building a base over on the island literally right now okay it's on we've got competition seems to me like it's a small oh it looks like the place in a freaking tall cupboard just one guy I see just one guy okay I'm gonna try and kill him because he's got a tool and uh he's chasing a deer oh God turn around she got me on the ropes this guy [Music] freaking inventory [Music] ah it's got me on the freaking ropes this guy [Music] it's pretty good [Music] got him oh you didn't have much at all really and he's gonna spawn on the island straight away and I know exactly where it's gonna spawn he's sleeping bags over here we need to destroy it there it is bye bye sleeping back say hello to Nate the great our first bit of Island competition now the only concern here is that Nate is not Solo in fact the sky's the limit you can have as many teammates as you want on This Server so uh we just gotta hope and pray is not part of a big Zerg anyway it's a question of who wants the island more and I definitely want this island so bring it on Nate okay sleeping bag destroyed it's got a lock on his TC of course he does Let's uh get our base upgraded a little bit he's not destroyed my talker but has he no he has uh yeah he has [Music] ah the bloody absolutely sorry I've got enough for a new TC still annoying this guy wants this island for himself but it's not gonna happen just mine bro in fact he probably did me a favor to be fair because um the placement of my last TC was terrible yeah I had the bottom foundation made out of wood so he would have basically just um destroyed that with the spares okay that's a better placement let's just see if we can place the door down right now door down lock on wonderful okay back to Mainland I need to find some more resources I want to get my base upgraded a bit if anything it'd be nice if we could get to tier one then I can craft some um handmaids and maybe raid this guy he's gonna probably be coming back to the island to upgrade his base though so um we gotta kind of be quick crap [Music] all one hit oh good job good job there's one hit for me and one hit for him oh of course it's Nate the crate okay boys we are on my Notch I'm assist oh foreign [Music] of it to make it harder for him to expand and also just to be annoying he's expanded his base a little bit but not a lot I'm getting shot from the mainland probably by Nate the Great just doing smart he's coming over swimming over at the same time as me to where they can get on the mainland this weather can stand up quicker basically which hopefully it'll be me [Music] got him there you go you do realize I'm reading your base and you're all fine right oh he's a bit toxic this one boys it's an e we got ourselves a bit of a toxic boy on our hands now just for a quick explanation for those of you that don't know what TC bombing is well it kind of describes itself but if your neighbor has a small base then what you can do is you can place tool cupboards around their base which therefore will restrict them from upgrading and expanding their base because they'll eventually reach your tool cupboards and won't be able to go any further unless they destroyed the tool cupboards of course the cost to destroy multiple tool cupboards is definitely not worth the amount of time that it would take in other words if you get TC bombed on wipe day you're pretty screwed and that's exactly what I'm doing to Nate the Great right here placing tool cupboards all around his base to prevent him from expanding it's also not so useless for us because eventually we're going to want to have loads of talk cupboards on this island to prevent anybody for building on here at all I ain't gonna be offline Nate the great so uh don't worry about that mate honestly I think there might be an extra bow uh yeah there we go got it boom extra bow nice Nate the Great is pretty good with his bow I will say that he might be slightly stronger than me but we're not gonna be logging out mate all right let's go back to Mainland I've TC bombed his base so I've placed these two tool cupboards I couldn't upgrade the ceiling to that one though because I think it's too close which is annoying and it's weird because I was able to upgrade the side but not the ceiling which makes no sense to me so I don't know I might try and upgrade that in a sec but I've also placed another TC there as well so there's your two tool cupboards for you mate the only thing that worries me I've got none of the blueprints and I'm guessing he's probably got them all because it's like the fourth week into the month if he plays on This Server regularly which I'm guessing he does he might have all the BPS [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right we made it back let's get that furnace down right now which furnace screen shall we go for yeah a volcano furnace has got to be the one let's do it perfect timing night time and get that metal smelting while it's night maybe be a bit sneaky and go around Nate's base and see if he's come back to the island yet foreign yet I'm just waiting for him to swim over to the island I feel like he's he's got to be on his way back to the island Juiced up here he is [Music] oh no it's a different guy never mind oh he placed down a bag that's got to go came all the way to the island to place down a bag is that is this Nate's friend potentially I'm gonna make a cup of coffee boys while it's night time we've almost got enough metal to put the sheet metal door down now when I return back to my computer after going AFK for a few moments of course Nate was outside along with his friend it seemed like they were pretty set on door Camp pygmy at this moment in time I don't have an airlock it's just one door to my entire base now uh one of my new mottos in Rust at the moment is to just try and be a bit more aggressive being more aggressive on Rust definitely pays off sometimes but it can also come back to bite you case in point there's two of them brought his little bro so yeah I guess that other guy was is with him foreign [Music] right now [Music] ah I'm dead now although Nate's friend Wyatt has just managed to get inside of our base I did manage to close the door just before he downed me so there is still some glimmer of hope the only thing we can do is spawn on Mainland gather up the resources to craft a bow and head straight back to the island I was so close to dying okay I got a bit quick here I have a little idea [Music] Doors Down locks on create an airlock [Music] there's a body bag in here with and does it have the door does it have the sheet metal door I don't think it does I think they managed to get the sheet metal door but we have an airlock now um and I can put the furnace back on so we can get the sheet metal door as long as I get the sheet metal door down I know they're not gonna be able to take me out like anytime soon like that's the main thing we've got to do right now um I thought they'd be able to throw the loot out from this Gap but I know they should have been able to to be fair whether they just didn't try or whatever I don't know [Music] now after finally doing some much needed bass upgrading the sheet metal door is down all right success this time around now something surprised me I mean I suppose it's not that surprising when you take into account the TC bomb but considering how things left off between Nate and I when I went to scout out their base I was expecting my sheet metal door to be placed down and maybe for them to have done some bass upgrading I'm guessing they've added the sheet metal door that I crafted oh no they haven't all right that's unusual if they just decided to abandon the island as the TC bomb worked from the looks of it it would appear that Nate and his friend Wyatt have decided to leave the island with no base upgrading whatsoever one can only assume that they've decided they can't be bothered with the hassle and they've packed up and relocated looks like we've got our Island Boys where's that sleeping but I want to destroy all the sleeping bags they've placed on here even if they have left the island bye-bye [Music] right let's get the tier one workbenching let's just raid their base right now and just take over this tool coming in the middle of the island now that the opposition is no more it's time to get to work now there's a supermarket really close to our Island and this is where I'm gonna spend the first few hours of the wipe doing small trips gradually collecting up Lou and using the recycler after just one trip I already had enough to craft the tier one workbench and tier one workbench is being crafted Nate's little base which I know that he doesn't live there anymore but we're gonna destroy it anyway his base is pretty much right in the middle so might as well take that take the tool cupboard and uh get have it for ourselves there we go I would like to research this sword sword's always good so I'm gonna go get the scrap to research that and whilst we are doing that let's put some sulfur in one of these furnaces get that smelting okay let's make a little trip to the abandoned Supermarket hopefully there's people there this time we can might get some action we need 170 scrap which won't take long I see a player going to the recycler I don't think he knows on here it's quite a long loot in there [Music] we'll take it decent recyclable stuff in here this could give us a lot well this could give us the scrap we need I think we need 170. okay we got 125 scrap I'll have a look if there's anything that I else I can loot here oh player [Music] and headshot this guide 14 scrap plus a spring I think we should dip I'm gonna recycle the spring get that recycled hurry up okay 150 scrap let's get back to base with that not a bad Run Okay made it back oh 161 we're nine scraps short all right let me quickly go and get 10 scrap hey very good run though in fact you know what let's just go back to the supermarket and do another run we're gonna be doing many of these runs anyway a lot of rope very nice we're gonna need a large box so we're gonna need to like reorganize everything soon in fact uh sir our furnaces are doing quite well let's craft another double door and a single sheet metal as well hey [Music] [Applause] and while we're at it let's let's not make our base a massive Target with this industrial door we're adding a wooden door there I'm thinking that I'm thinking of doing this thing where like at this part of the base it goes up like this and then this takes us up to the next floor um and then eventually what we can do is we can actually build On Top of the Rock yeah good okay Barrel just spawned we only need 20 scrap [Music] I made a green oh yeah coming in clutch made it back sword is being researched all right sword in hand we're taking over the island officially [Music] boom Oh the rest of it inside it's not a lot but I was expecting nothing goes down locks on placing the new tool cupboard down now along with the door and the lock sorry you guys can't see anything um but yes this is going to be an external we might do something with this base at some point but now it's just kind of a tool cupboard but yeah you never know later on in the wipe we could use this for something you have to put some metal in the talk of it to make sure it doesn't Decay but adios Amigo now this island we've built on is not super close to any massive monuments and on wipe day a lot of the more Chad rust players and Duos and trios and especially Clans they tend to migrate towards the big monuments as quickly as possible this leaves people like me the lone solo player built on the edge of the map room to breathe you see although it's wipe day and there's 400 crazy naked people running around the map if you're living on the corner of the map you'll tend to find that wipe day is pretty chill you're not running into massive amounts of players it's kind of a strange phenomenon as soon as it gets to Saturday and Sunday these areas of the map are filled with bases and you can barely move anywhere but on wipe day these areas tend to be really relaxed so this gives us chance to farm and that's exactly what I did I farmed up loads of resource and reinforced our base as much as possible before this area gets more hectic foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] just an update on what I've just done the overall layout has been established so yes come inside my French the base kind of goes up the to the second floor and then wraps down underneath around the other side of the base and back down under now if you turn right that's going to take you into this section of course here I am gonna have this going up you guys know already the Top of the Rock as you can see so we will have something built up here at the Top of the Rock and I'll figure out how I'm going to do that very soon anyway so yeah that takes you up to the top of the Rock and then you come down through here this door we've got another wooden door here that's just gonna lead to a loot room and I might have my electrical stuff in here as well and then obviously if you go through here it just takes you into the core of the base but the idea that I'm going for is I kind of want the everything to be available to me from the bottom floor from in the core so that's why I've got my second loot room down here as well it's very open plan while still being secure and still being fully honeycombed and it's not going to cost us a hell of a lot to complete this base so yeah all right there's your base update back to the supermarket let's start grinding I see a player building a base [Music] foreign [Music] what are you trying to build here okay well listen the trick is no no stop small don't try and build a massive base to begin with you need a door you need to upgrade this to to wood or stone I I get that I get that but I have a whole oh really oh okay all right well uh if you see my name with your team of eight maybe I go easy on me all right bye man thank you bro I don't know what he's saying barley is it a team of eight I could hear it I could hear them all talking in the background all right I'm back at the market cycler [Music] oh got him he had a solid oh 100 scrap give me that boy this guy's been farming a little bit hey what's inside the recycler it's not bad not bad at all 123 scrap see little runs to the market boys you know if you just want to be you just want to chill out take your time gradually build up your scrap little small runs um that guy's got an interesting base what door but metal door frame meaning that that's the sort of thing you don't want to do when you play the game because that's just very bait that's just basically saying hey guys raid me please we are now sitting on 250 scrap 250 more and we can craft that tier two it's too early in the wipe for anybody to be selling at Sears too so I think we're gonna have to craft that rather than buy it everybody's selling diesel fuel what's with the diesel fuel man all right I've got some swords here quite easy all we need is a repair bench and basically just some metal repair bench and some metal fragments so we can repair the swords shout out to sebi K the Eco King so anyway let the Eco raid begin there might be nothing in this baseball we'll check it out anyway repair all of my swords in here it's really cheap to do this it's much share better than doing a yoker because you're not causing all the attention and making a load of noise [Music] here we go Moment of Truth whilst behind the door is it metal door oh it is although anytime I see a metal door frame with a wooden door I've gotta just I've gotta go and see what's behind the wooden door so anyway in this instance there was nothing but all right let's get back to it oh my God hey what's your name is it worth it killing you do you have a lot of loot hey don't get too close bye okay friendly good job adios I should be more brutal shouldn't I boys whatever we're back at the supermarket I hear a player hey don't follow me follow me mate okay there's a warning shot go go go go oh I can see your loot okay you have 20 scrap I'm gonna take that and I'm actually gonna leave some corn on your body so you can heal up they need to you know what they need to do they need to add an inspect option so you can you can Pat people down and inspect them uh I make a team I don't really want to start a team right now because I'm like on the solo grind but good luck man take uh take some some of those to heal up but don't follow me mate don't exploit my kindness adios oh I still haven't got a fuse man okay he is following me I told him not to follow me I've given him a warning I gave you a warning I'm sorry UA [Music] [Music] okay I'll say did that guy just get banned all right deposit it the little bit of farm there sorry do you see HR I see a player at the back of the supermarket but to see two and I see another one I shot him [Music] he's about to get in his face I think [Music] killed him oh I'm about to kill base mate oh it's always another man there's always another waffle with his eight-man clan I'm gonna go back over there and say hello actually I want to ask him if he's got an electric fuse I can buy off him hey a waffle hello hello there hello are you friends with waffle me on the front door waffles nice yeah yes he is my friend friend nice do you have an electric fuse boys that I could potentially Buy I think so so I can I can get sure oh no it's okay I just been trying to find one because you live next to supermarket I thought you'd have one you know it's all good hello hello I've been trying to get some resources I just gave you loot thank you there was a there was a guy camping outside that base before with a Hazmat or that one oh yes beef jerky you killed me wait no you're a good shot no oh my God what I'm sorry for swearing I'm sorry oh my God what's up beef jerky all right well I gotta go I'll see you later I appreciate you bye-bye they know I'm a YouTuber now I love you God I appreciate you guys I'm trying to try to stay on my little solo Journey here um so yeah it's uh if you're watching this waffle which I'm sure you are and your teammates appreciate you guys oh yes we got it an electric fuse thank you Game took your time now after finally obtaining the electric fuse we can now start doing some Monument runs and Venture further Inland where there's more action first thing I did when I got home was added boxes to our loot room we're definitely gonna need more storage and with that I headed over to the closest green key card Monument the harbor unfortunately we're kind of stuck with the harbor this wipe for blue key cards because both the sewer branch and the Satellite Dish are located in the snow so after an easy trip over to the harbor blue key card has been obtained home we have 605 scrap in total the tier 2 is being crafted let's go ahead and move the tier one we'll place the tier one at the bottom this is gonna be my electrical room but I'm sure I can fit my electrical stuff in here as well as the tier one um and then of course the tier two easy now one of the first things I want to obtain today is the computer station I'd like to try out the new drone system and I've got a really cool idea for it which involves our Island so I'll get to that as soon as we've managed to get our hands on the computer station so with the CCTV camera and the Drone and the computer station probably looking at about 400 scrap yeah shouldn't be too hard they've already got 100 so just 300 more to go all right let's get to it player farming some good old fashioned [Music] the nail gun man I'm extra bow will take it I'm gonna Place Another tool cupboard at the back of the Rock [Music] [Music] [Music] every good base needs a mailbox okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] don't mind if I do I'll take that mate [Music] I'm gonna add the little shooting floor up here in fact I'm gonna build a room up here as well that's going to be our computer station room I don't think we've got any room in the core for our computer station so we'll put a sleeping bag in here as well so we can access it uh really quickly and easily at any given moment we are going to use the top of this rock soon at some point and build on top of it but I do want to have a little shooting floor up here for now I just want to appreciate the view [Music] foreign just to make our base look a bit nubier from the outside and hopefully we won't get raided while we're offline Place another box inside our core here I'll do all right guys to the train yard let's go now we're finally venturing out from the safety of the coastline and we're heading over to the train yard which is located pretty much in the middle of the map oh and say hello to our closest neighbor River boy he's got himself a nice little boat base here looks like he's doing all right now the trip to the train yard was smooth sailing at first managed to take the loot room and loot everything but as I was exiting I heard somebody stepping towards me so I found the closest hiding spot right here and stayed hidden I didn't want to give this guy the full inventory of flute that I just managed to collect and I was pretty damn bad health-wise with only 32 health so my plan was to stay here for as long as possible until whoever this guy is decided to leave unfortunately for me I wasn't quite as patient as I should have been [Music] boom just like that the trip to the harbor and everything else is gone with three bullets to the back that's rust for you but it's not all that bad upon respawn I decided to head straight back to the harbor to grab that blue key card along the way I discovered a mishap on someone's base the classic mistake we've all done it foreign [Music] something good comes out of something bad we may have died at the train yard but we got a sar a fully repaired sir as well farmer I think so yeah sorry mate oh my God there's a base with a twig is that twig roof uh okay then [Music] oh sorry mate did we just jump in yeah let's jump in this guy has nothing hello there sorry for killing you [Music] bye oh my god oh whoa whoa okay my man's a bit of a all right bro chill out okay we're here boys switch is going on fuses going in has it already been looted feel like the switch Yeah it's already been looted recently kind of expected that because of the you know how early on in the wipe it is I think I got pretty lucky last time I came okay we're returning back to the island with um almost 400 cloth 160 scrap and a full inventory of resources and stuff so uh and two green key cards not bad I've just I decided to come back instead of waiting at the harbor for the blue key card to respawn because you never know how long that'll take it could take a while we got any mail yet no still a lonely Islander okay I want to see how much scrap we've got at the moment definitely want to research this semi-automatic rifle how are we doing on scrap we have 192. not bad not bad okay I'm going straight back to the harbor though I want to see if I think that blue key card's respawned leave the semi-art mic here for now so we've got it researched wait large furnace on uh what the hell probably the guy yeah he's upgraded his roof now but here's the large furnace it's got that metal smelting and that's it thanks I think he's running towards me [Music] there we go hello hello sorry I I you know what I was gonna be friendly to this guy when I was inside his base but then he started attacking me so thank you for the furnace loot Let's uh key cards in there I was a dead body back there with a nail gun whoever killed that guy didn't care about a nail gun so he probably had like a you know all right inside we'd go blue key card collected only one box again back to the boat 74 scrap and of course we've got the blue key card a little bit of a setback dying at train yard it was my fault I should have stayed hidden but it happened we're back on track now with the blue key card so let's get home and then let's make a trip to the water treatment plant straight back on the island home sweet home right let's see if we can get that sour research I'm gonna have my research table upstairs babe okay semi-automatic rifle nicely done I always like it's way better to find a semi-automic rifle and research it rather than go down the tech tree going down the tech Tree on the tier 2 to get to Rifle costs a lot I think it's like a thousand scraps so right learn blueprint and then the ammo of course jobs are good and Lads we've got semi-armac rifle see a player adios Amigo when you get the finish and blow on him [Music] hey it's quite friendly about it he had Mets I can research those DB I want to go back to base because I want to research the meds just imagining like once we've got the pipes down we won't have to make this swim Back to the Island every time we get us we can just Depot the loot in the Dropbox base on Mainland and it'll automatically be transported over to the island for us do I have any mail yet no it's a lonely life being an Islander right we'll just store away one Med because you know that's all we'll need to research uh we got DB and a revolver from that guy very nice and a salvage dice pick why are so many people um nice when they get killed now I've killed so many there's still a lot of toxic people okay Nate the Great case in point but I've killed a fair few people and when they've been downed they've just been like GG man all right rust players are just becoming more and more relaxed foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] can I get to the water treatment plant or am I just gonna keep getting kills we're doing all right Lads one two three four five thousand sulfur one two three four five six seven eight nine ten thousand metal or six High external stone walls they'll come in handy we've actually got a Stone Gate as well that we got earlier so um yes he was roaming with um a silencer I'm gonna run with the silencer as well because why not store away them six walls and once again my friends we are leaving the base let's go we're trying to get to the uh water treatment doing a nighttime uh trip I hear a play over nail gun about two of them I think they just kill the guy [Music] killed one I don't think they have double barrels or anything like that [Music] nail gunned me I was playing way too aggressive I should have just took my time and the nail gun takes you out quick from close range we're back blue keyguard once again medical syringes being researched research in the weapon flashlight as well let's go double barrel horse dude M39 great weapon I have crafted some gear sets well when you when I say gear sets it's burlap but it's organized and I've crafted some more rifles we're starting with the trusty jpeg again this is the one now clearly the train yard is not doing it for us so we're gonna switch it up a bit now that we've got a sar we can demolish the underground tunnels and get a lot of scrapping components that way this is probably a better strategy than doing keycard monuments it's quick and easy and if the entrance is located in a safe Zone like Ranch well it just makes the whole thing a lot less risky what is that noise somebody doing like in a yoga raid or something I know how much ammo left but let's go check this out you have to do in the yoka raid [Music] let's have a look how far they were oh they got it down to 24 Health man all right all right boom what we got a little bit I'll take that definitely not worth the amount of time they probably spent there okay I'm gonna do some Recycling and then we're gonna head Home Depot and then head straight back to the underground tunnels oh my God free Tech trash that's what I'm talking about and another weapon crate go and give us another free tech oh two Tech I know another weapon crate that I missed here rifle buddy nice [Music] thank you got him what was he doing makes no sense he wasn't even attacking me yet I saw okay what loot did he have just loads of ammo and loads of bandages could probably use those bandages he was proper sauce man okay we need to get home we got an extra SAR five tech trash plus a Tesla coil which gives an extra Tech trash [Music] foreign [Music] there now just as we were exiting the underground tunnels with an extremely good run I mean the tech trash look was Unreal here We've ran into a bunch of underground tunnel rats now the strategy here is not to be aggressive they've got control of one of the doors and they've got the advantage of being sneaky they could be hiding anywhere with the double barrel and then we'll lose all the loot that we've just gained patience is key I'm gonna take our time try and wear them out until they get bored all right bro what are you doing rat what are you doing [Music] I'm the rock huh interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] once ago there we go kill them both boys play the patience guy at game sometimes it's the way to go especially when you're dealing with these guys who are literally rats the Deep big yeah literally the definition of freaking rats they just had water pipes and it was pretty much it okay let's get home let's let's get home well we made it to the ocean now it's just a case of swimming over to the island decent run there we killed a guy that had a semi-automatic rifle and then of course also we killed the two grubs and we got a semi-automatic pistol which I'm not sure I'll ever use because over the semi-automatic rifle in that pistols rubbish it used to be good the pistol um back in the day years ago but they made they really nerfed it down this was before they released the python the python wasn't even in the game back then um and the python kind of the semi-automatic pistol used to be not as strong as the python but it was it was getting there you know it was pretty strong weapon um we need 230 yes we have enough all right then boys let's go foreign and computer station is being crafted we also have a drone which has literally been with us since basically the start of the white we found it really early on but I appear to have lost it actually where is my drone bear with me oh yes of course it's in this small box which was the first box we placed in the base so it makes sense there you go the Drone this is gonna be so good man I know it's only a drone but it's just the idea of being able to fly around without being killed obviously your drone can get shot down Okay so we're going upstairs to place this I have a room upstairs which is going to be dedicated to my computer station and also that's close to the roof so we can take we can put the drone on the roof easily computer station is going down place that right there very nice all right then let's place the Drone down on our rock on top of our Rock like that set ID to drone five five drone five five okay then we mount on here and we put drone five five in oh okay I've taken off oh my God crazy okay how do we go down Downs control up shift there you go [Music] really slow but it's very cool can I just fly this forever it doesn't even require low grade it basically if you just if you get shot down then you're dead oh you see the signals starting to go now so you have to be careful of that but it just about reaches the mainland just about can have a little less sneak peek in this guy's base see what's going on here this is really good for like spying on bases and um you know kind of scouting bases out I might have to make a separate base for the computer station now as you can see the problem with this drone is that it's very limited in terms of its range the max you can go with this is probably about three to four grids and since we live on an island for us that's pretty much basically as soon as we get to Mainland we start to lose signal so I've come up with a plan I'm gonna build a separate base on the mainland which is gonna have a computer station inside we'll have a sleeping bag inside the drones will remain on our Island but the computer station base which will be receiving the signal will be placed on the mainland this is also the base that I'm gonna use to have our pipe storage but one thing at a time we'll get to that soon but we're just gonna build us a little one by one literally made out of wood where we can have the computer station I'm thinking that event actually we can have two computer stations one on the mainland and one in our base like there's a big there's a tower over there that I want to fly inside of see what's in there I want to see that big wooden base if we can fly on top of that and see what's going on there hello what's up mate of course I've ran out of bloody it's always the last one in it looks like we're good bang that compute station down boom let's grab this take it now we're gonna get way more range out of this on the mainland now I want to check out this guy's base this is the base from Earth oh it's a player farming trees so let me quickly say hello to him [Music] get that spear away from me [Music] these are the owners of this base hey I'm gonna have to go and have a word with him man got me attacking my drone like this hey unacceptable behaviorists absolutely you've just tried to uh attack my drone you could have damaged the Drone my friends hi yes hello hello where are you from you tried to attack my drone GOP hello my I tried but I didn't oh you didn't okay okay yeah I didn't oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh my God I'm gonna die okay I'm gonna die oh my God okay no I know these guys look newbie but I'm not gonna let them kill me like that all right I was in the middle of role playing [Music] thank you still the guy but the guy on he's going to come on top of that roof with the star I just gave him guarantee that foreign [Music] that was just a random guy though it wasn't one of the guys from the wooden base I don't want to get too close to their base with my drone now because they shoot it down basically I see them both on top of the roof there it's very easy to shoot down a drone it's only three hits I need ladders ideally try and kill them with that I'm gonna go back home and I'm gonna see if we can uh grab a ladder let's see if we can like get in there [Music] what is this boys it's the stilts that gets me [Music] [Applause] got him [Music] later later and I'll take back my star mate adios Amigo it's such a weird base I'm going back with ladder with I'm going back with uh maybe like some Eco raid stuff or something [Music] okay we're in fully in the base now I feel bad for this sorry there's there's consequences to your actions of killing me TC's locked of course not sure how much damage a grenade will do but only one way to find out okay that bags are gonna get destroyed sorry okay last hit last few hits should I say here we go so you see ah I mean not bad all right we shall bit them farewell I'm not gonna grief them if they do want to take the base back then they can this had to be done I mean you know you can't kill me and expect to get away with it I don't care how new to the game you are decent little Eco raid I would say I think there's a player on the top of the base the only thing this needs is um night vision in the other back they've returned hello boys yeah don't attack my drone this time imagine if you could talk well at least they've come back I don't feel as bad now good stuff boys okay I'm gonna research some of the electrical stuff in the tier one I want to get the base electrified pretty much now um well very soon anyway it's about time man it's about time we've got some lights in this place [Music] okay we've researched a decent amount I'm just gonna go to the lighthouse with some loot to recycle I'm not gonna take a lot but I'll probably do two trips so that we can um just so we're not risking a lot on one trip [Music] don't do it don't kill me please okay stop attacking me don't kill me please please my kid he's my kid please he's in training he's in training we just started please okay I'll help you both up hang on we need this more than you do please oh you're awesome man I hope we don't get I hope we don't get a yogurt out of nowhere Ah that's so cool okay help your friend up Let Me Take 2 000 Stones that's all I want thank you boys okay okay they're building a base right there see I ca I am friendly you know I know there's been some moments today where I've been a little less friendly but it's all been provoked you know it's not come from me all right there's a nice little 140 scrap there I'm gonna take some more stuff this time no I didn't I didn't take her that much with me I was too scared to lose it we need 320 scrap to get to the electric furnace literally just need 40 more that big clan base is being rocket rated [Music] thank you okay well extra soft for me hey stay up there boy I mean I just found some binoculars I've been watching buddy hey I just found these binoculars I've been watching this go down it is quite uh it's quite the show boys am I are you the guy I helped before who I downed and helped up no oh no I've been up here the whole time Oh there's uh yeah I haven't talked to anybody yeah I killed one guy I think I like in the jump upstairs yeah I see [Music] okay well look uh are you complete are you completely naked yeah yeah I completely naked I got a bed okay this is uh there's just a wolf pet dress and a hunch and a poncho that down here for you okay Beauty thanks okay I'm gonna dip man good luck all right good luck okay 100 scrap it's this is it we'll be electrifying the base in just a moment back to base with an extra sir and if we got any mail no still a lonely Islander right now I actually have enough scrap to research the electric heater so without further Ado cue the base upgrade in montage [Music] okay the solar panels are down and the battery's down and all my root combiners and electrical branches are neatly organized right here first thing I'm going to check out is this new before I do the lights or anything like that it's cool because this is a new item in the game I'm gonna check this out right now this is the PTZ CCB camera boom set ID like we did with the Drone grab our trusty wire okay I've connected the cdb camera let's have a look at this okay I'm crafting a second computer station so we've got one at this base as well okay right I've put the camera in and we have liftoff this camera has a full 360 view oh and it's got a zoom I can't forget about that how do we zoom in oh there we go oh mate okay no the this is way way better than the regular camera so we can see exactly what's going on over there there's our computer station base now I want to show you guys something cool so give me a moment because this camera can also do something else which is pretty awesome all right guys so I'm in the living room right now sorry if the audio is terrible I'm using the camera microphone and so I've moved into a different room because I want to show you this new feature that they've added to the Ross Plus app you can now look at cccb cameras that you've set up in your base through the rust Plus app in other words you can be anywhere in the world and you'll be able to see the CCV cameras you've placed down in the game bear in mind this is the very early stages of this so it's uh not the best quality in the world I will say that all right so we've got the phone right here this is the rust Plus app as you can see we're a story a us medium this is the server we're on we can have a look at the map we can see our Island right there um if we've got any teammates it allows us to talk to them as while using this app but um anyway well let's have a look at this camera so we click cameras and then boom there you go there you go now we can move this around because we've got one of the new cameras as you can see it's moving around now I will say the quality is absolutely terrible um but this is the early stages of it man I'm looking at my base in real time through the camera on my phone and I can do this anywhere of course I can zoom in as well which makes the quality slightly better I will say um and if there's any players around here we'll be able to see them in fact let's test that out I want to see what my player looks like okay boys here we go there's my character there he is it's got my name above my character's head very much a blur but you can definitely see that there's that that's me and there you go now in due time this is going to be improved and it's gonna look way better and I'm really excited for that and but this is the very early stages and as you can see I can Pan the camera and we can see Mainland over there and we can even see people's bases over on Mainland and we can still zoom in as well so we can zoom in so I can zoom out Zoom all the way in and yeah let me know what you think of this in the comments I love this I love being able to just go on my phone I could be anywhere and I can have a look at how my bass is doing all right back to Russ boys alright space is taking shape I want to finish the electricity now and all the electric heaters the lights and all that good stuff and then I've actually got a plan that I want to show you guys I've got a cool plan for the drones so I'm gonna build that as well it's like a base extension but yes let's get this electricity completed thank you [Music] looks like we got a player on top of the base good job I've got a computer station let's see what he's doing with the camera with your crossbow mate yeah with your little crossbow lad okay let's get out and kill him he doesn't seem to have anything [Music] at him [Music] get off my Island Boy electric furnace is down no need for regular furnaces anymore that'll give us loads more space down here in the core now as I just mentioned we're gonna need laptops and CCV cameras to craft Auto turrets and the best place to find laptops and cease TV cameras you might ask is the underwater labs this place has these little crates that spawn they kind of look like laptops they fold up and it has a 17 chance of dropping one or two laptops RC's TV cameras the only thing with a higher drop chance of getting a laptop A CTV camera is the APC crate which is from Bradley or the locked crate which spawns randomly around the map and is always extremely competitive so a quick trip to the underwater Labs proved successful I was able to get my hands on several laptops and several CCTV cameras now then let's start the first process of automation Auto turrets foreign [Music] [Music] base is down right let's imagine that I can hear somebody outside my base right so first of all we go on the computer station and we take a look at our camera right here there's the audit turret base that I've built all I've got to do is press a button on my phone and Boom the door opens and then again if I close it the door closes so yep once again open and close that is literally it it's connected to my phone and we're gonna have probably as I said two or three of these bases around the island okay now I'm gonna build that drone extension I was talking about foreign [Music] [Music] foreign time is upon us let me show you guys the Drone Tower I've got three drones in total okay but check this out so we've got the Drone the Drone takes off like so I need to destroy all that twig which I will do in a moment but look at this let's imagine that we've just flown around a bit okay and we're coming home I can open all these doors with the click of a button you ready and go look at that and then all we have to do is just go inside and down we go close the doors and the Drone is stored away I'm gonna do that with all three drones right now [Music] okay now I need to show you guys another thing check this out I've lost F1 killed now we can spawn inside of the the computer station base that we've got on Mainland [Music] we can go in here and now we can obviously see in the island but of course let's take off map drone one Signal's not the best but it's all good it reaches that's the main thing and we're off close the doors behind us and there you go I'm gonna have to upgrade our computer station base to Stone at some point but let's Patrol the area a little bit see what's going on this guy's got a shop now this is the dude on the first day of the wipe where we Eco rated through his door he's even out of the shop I wonder what he's selling I can't check them out while I'm in the Drone see if we can have a look inside [Music] oh he's got a repair bench there oh my God this guy's base is all open and the fact that we could just fly up here with the Drone and check this out I need to investigate this further look it's all open oh I think he's online [Music] what's he doing [Music] wait he's just destroyed my drone with a bucket of water [Music] hello uh is anybody home hey what's up man hey I I it was there you draw yeah that was my drone you freaking destroyed my drone I'm sorry man I'm sorry man dude how would I have known that they were destroyed okay same I had no idea the water destroyed it like straight up I'm kind of hoping that didn't you know cost too much no I have I have a few more I have a few of my base I think it's cool man I'm sorry yeah man in fact wait there bro it's good to see him online he seems like a chill guy man and that was me on the first day of the white trying to raid the dude I'm gonna fly over there with my second drone [Music] [Music] [Music] good to see him I'm gonna give this guy some free loot he seems cool [Music] you know what I'm gonna give this guy I'm gonna give this guy can I craft metal window bars metal window bar hey mate hey what's up I brought you some stuff for your base [Music] oh I brought you some those are for your windows all right thank you thanks bud yeah I can't make those uh and take that it helps with farming I've also I've got a confession to make what's up dude on the first day of the wipe I raided your wooden door no way yeah that was you that's hilarious right I had to check because yeah no worries yeah I had to check because you had uh wooden door yeah yeah yeah all right well it's because I put the wall backwards and I had to upgrade it to rotate it I had to do a metal wall yeah all right well uh it's nice to meet you man yeah good to see you too thanks buddy I've paid my dues for what I did forgot to give him the furnace but I'm sure he's got a furnace hahaha hello mate he probably doesn't even my bro hello [Music] [Music] okay enough of the Drone trolling I could do this all day guys I could literally just annoy people with a drone all day long but we've got work to do the final Island project this is the big one though this is the one that's really gonna make this island automated the pipeline let's do it first plan of action convert our computer station base into the deposit base [Music] [Music] step one complete we've built the deposit base now we just need to build a giant pipe going from this base to our island sounds easy right I wish enjoy the pipe building montage [Music] this is [Music] [Music] realize [Music] for the moment sometimes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] okay [Music] we're gonna find out very soon if this work look at this Lads this is crazy oh my God a massive pipe there's some really cool stuff we can do with this by the way guys it's not just gonna this thing is not only gonna transport loot for us but it's gonna craft for us as well we can eventually maybe get it so that it actually transports crafted loot back to the deposit base so we put the raw resources in the deposit base it transports that to our Island base crafts whatever we want it to craft medical syringes anything at all then it transports it back to the deposit base so I don't know how we're gonna do all this but the pipes built the functionality is there now we've just got to figure out how everything else works it's working it's being transported look into my large into my electric furnaces all the way from Mainland I need to clear up this box because it's a mess this is crazy but it works okay it's a bit of a mess right but this is the Proto type bass it will get better I will get better at doing this pipe stuff we place the loot inside the boxes in the base that we've built on the coastline the computerization base that loot gets transported here the metal ore and the sulfur all gets put in these furnaces as you can see they're filled up and they get transported into these boxes once they're done as you can see the metal is going up and the surface going up as well any loot whatsoever that we store in the base um over on Mainland will get transported here could be a rocket launcher could be an AK I could kill a false geared guy and then just want to Depot his loot in the computerization base it will all get transported over here now this is the very very basic version of the pipe system but I'm about to make it a lot more complicated see I found a tutorial on YouTube I'll put the link in the description actually this guy explains how you can make the pipe system automatically craft rockets for you now all you need to make this work is three industrial crafters and my plan is to make it so that when the metal ore and sulfuror is deposited in our deposit base it gets transported over here and it gets automatically put in our electric furnaces and automatically smelt it for us oh and if you're wondering how I managed to get a rocket I got it from the crate at oil rig but this video is already way too long and I'm sure you guys just want me to get to the meat and potatoes it's 4 38 a.m on Sunday morning and I want this video to be out today love you guys but I gotta get this done so I'm not going to include the foreign oil rig trip I did I I did kill a player though I killed a player but it was a simple kill because he was brain dead but there you go I'm gonna make it so that once that metal and sulfur is smelted it will get transported automatically to our tier one workbench which will craft gunpowder that gunpowder will then be transported into a box and that box will have sulfur gunpowder low grade and metal fragments which will be transported into our tier 3 workbench and on the tier 3 workbench we're gonna have two industrial Crafters one that will craft explosives and one that will craft rockets this system is only possible if you put limitations on the industrial conveyors but I'm gonna show you what I mean rather than just tell you okay let's do it oh it's working it's working we're in business I finally got it working right I'll explain everything in a minute I know I know this looks horrible to look at um let me explain what's happening the tier ones um creating on my gunpowder that gunpowder is then being transferred into this box here the gunpowder is then going from this box over into these two right here so as you can see this is creating my explosives on the tier three okay it's I've limited the amount of resources that can go inside this to the exact amount it takes to make the explosive as you can see once the gunpowder in this reaches 50 which it will do in just a moment it will create an explosive now right here this is creating Rockets as you can see it's already created one rocket so that is basically how it works the main thing to keep in mind with this is that the industrial Crafters have to have limitations on them this industrial crafter is limited this is the one connected to the crafter which makes our explosives we've limited the amount so that it doesn't overflow or so that it doesn't steal all of the resources because obviously some of our other stuff needs resources as well and there you go we've just created another rocket there's two so all we need to do is go to Mainland Farm sulfur and metal put it in the box and the base will do the rest for us it is literally crafting rockets for us right now now that we've set up our base to automatically craft rockets for us I went out on a huge farming spray all we need to do is deposit metal or and sulfuror in our deposit base and our Island will do the rest for us okay I just farmed lots of loot I have uh decent amount of metal and sulfur there and all I have to do is pop it in this box and then everything will be taken care of there we go it's already transferring straight back out without enough to do anything else because we're just straight back out farm and sulfur again now after doing a few farming trips I headed back to our Island base and at this point the industrial crafter had already crafted four rockets for us we weren't even on the island at all this base was doing everything for us now Lads the plan was to farm loads of sulfur and end today's video with a bank using all the rockets that had managed to collect but fortunately this is not a scripted video and I can't really control my fate in Rust at the end of the day I'm just a lone solo player going off against the odds see things started to get more and more hectic a couple of geared players came on my Island I managed to take them out I started to create a couple enemies put it that way and well before I knew it I heard this very dreaded sound that we all hate to hear yes sound of rockets pummeling into my base see we've completed our project of automating this base and creating a self-sustaining rocket Factory well in the snap of the finger that's rust for you I hope you guys have enjoyed today's video I put a little bit more into this one especially with the intro did a bit of green screening this is uh some behind the scenes of kind of what I built in my living room some of you probably wondering how I managed to get a Tesco basket well I'll just say that I've um borrowed it it will be getting returned okay guys um if you've got this far in the video you're already a legend because you've watched the entire thing which is massive so uh yeah good luck in your Rush Journeys my friends adios amigos and I'll see you in the next one take it easy boys push out [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: JordanRants
Views: 1,865,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rust, Gaming, Facepunch, London, Official, Server, Servers, Gamer, Survival, Surviving, JordanRants, Jordan, Starter, Help, Guide, FPS, shooter, first, person, rustopia, vanilla, modded, funny, commentary, gaming, gameplay, loot, raid
Id: kaOK81VowaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 13sec (4993 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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