I Played with the Most Skilled Oil Rig Expert in Rust

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now the Holy Grail of monuments in Rust as we all know is the oil rig clams farm this Monument day and night whenever it spawns they'll be straight over there on a scrap Helly catered to the teeth ready to destroy anything in their path but it's not all smooth sailing for Clans see there is a type of Ross player that Clans absolutely fear at the oil rig and he's not part of a massive group or anything like that in fact most of the time he rolls solo he patiently stalks his prey waiting for them to be at their most vulnerable and always finds the perfect moment to attack he's known simply as an oil rat now nobody likes to be on the receiving end of a rat in Rust but there's no denying that the strategy of being a rat in this game pays off today I'm gonna be teaming up with one of rust's most renowned oil rats he knows the oil rig inside out every knot and cranny of this place every single strategy in the book this guy's done it all he's known simply as oil rats yes that's his name his entire brand is based around destroying people at the oil rig it looks like a huge filter okay okay [Music] let's come along [Music] it's four people I finished actually nice I'm driving away [Music] all that huge man huge yes this guy is a God now today oil rats is going to be showing my friend blizzard and I how it's done we're going to be jumping on a high pop server the moment it wipes and we're gonna see how quickly we can progress using the oil rat strap now this video is going to be cut into two parts the first 30 minutes of this video will be Trio I'm gonna be playing with oil rats and blizzard and as I said we're going to be learning the tricks of the trade the second half of this video though is going to be solo I'm gonna be taking all that I learned from the Oil King himself and I'm gonna jump on a freshly wiped high pop server I'll be attempting to pull off the oil rat Strat on my own this is two wipes worth of rust footage condensed down into one video this is the story of how I tried to become an oil rig chat hello hello are you on your phone yeah I just woke up are you ready oh hello I'm gonna play for like five hours easy so the goal is simple already see you in Discord in a few minutes yes he didn't give me a chance to say the goal he was just like I don't care what the goal is we're just gonna destroy everyone now the first achievement every oil rat aims towards when they join a freshly wiped server is of course oil rig essentially the first people on the server to loot oil rig are the ones that are gonna dominate on wipe day so it's fiercely competitive but that's the goal we're gonna try and be the first on the entire server to take oil Rick all three of us spammed the connect button eagerly waiting for the server to start up and the wipe to begin I think it just came up just trying to zero players we are literally the first to connect boys oh yeah all right I'm in and I've spawned right next to the large oil rig now in order to activate the oil rig and take all the loot we're gonna need a few key cards all we gotta do is Farm a few barrels and get a hundred scrap buy a blue key card from The Outpost find an electric fuse take the blue key card and the electric fuse to a blue key card monument and if we're successful in looting the blue keycap Monument we'll have our hands on a red keycap not that's all we'll need to activate oil rig so let's get moving all right well which one of you two spawn closest to Outpost because I reckon whoever spawned closest should probably be the one that heads over there to try and get the blue you can I can head to Outpost already yeah we buy a blue and then go for it in water treatment Journey or Arctic yes sir all right let's get it boys oh [Music] I got one dude we just had a salt duel like the English king bro I slept them okay I can buy blue cut I'll make my way to what how are you doing this all so quickly I'm still hitting a tree with a rock I just skip that part so you guys want to lift like next to large oil as well yeah sounds good now because each of us have spawned at different parts of the map we're each going to do our own thing until one of us manages to get a decent start now oil was close to getting a good start in fact only five minutes into the wipe this guy had two nail guns and the crossbow and a sword but unfortunately oil was facing some problems of his own another ball on the road okay I'm getting sandwiched with two boss I'm not no it wasn't gonna be that easy for us meanwhile I was making a couple of plays myself [Music] or sandwiched but I killed them both levels to this game boys yep they had Spears though in Idaho which is slightly different but yeah I can meet up with you oil where you at um D6 I kind of spawn in the location we might want to build uh so I might just try to work on that all right yeah you focused on getting us a bass downplays and oil and I'll get the keycards I'm not sure if I want to say this out loud but you want to live where I think you want to live in J1 now since blizzard has been designated the role of Base Builder it's his job to find a place for us to live now we've already decided that it needs to be close to oil rig but we still need to find an exact location and it would just so happen that on this wipe the perfect base location was right in front of our eyes a small little island on the north of the map directly below the oil rig oh yeah I mean it's not it's not that bad to be honest yes it looks like there's like a build path there like a walking yeah there is beautiful beautiful yeah that would be actually big base location confirmed lizard made his way over to the island to begin building the base in the meantime we've still got a red key card to obtain all right oil where are you let's meet up all right I'm on my way is that you jump jump check yeah yeah there you go Hello nice to meet you oh my God I'll meet the team Your Leader take this table spare 1000 words yep bucket for water hell yeah yeah let's go you got a little bit of cloth yeah 22 I'll take it then you craft a bow hopefully thank you I have 37 scrapping enough enough to recycle that would give me a hundred easy yeah let's try doing the cards one more time I got some birds on the street right here there's a guy with a tick to farming them [Music] now after I perished to The Outpost oil rats grabbed my Loot and he headed straight into the Outpost to buy the blue key card now objective number one has finally been completed but on the other side of the map blizzard was approaching the island that we planned on building on now there's one thing about Islands on Rust if you want to live on an island you need to get to it as fast as possible when the server wipes because Clans have a tendency to want to take them over for themselves and if you don't get there quick enough the whole island will be filled with tool cupboards and you'll be too late to build anywhere on the island at all so the question is has this island been occupied yet are you running over that now then yeah okay no it's a solo player yeah yeah now unfortunately we got beaten to the chase there's a guy living on the island already now he does only have key locks on his base at this moment in time but don't be fooled there's more than meets the eye to this guy living in this little base here now Blizzard's got a full inventory of loot so he's gonna get cracking with the base building meanwhile I spawned rather close to the island so I'm gonna run over and assist blizzard and make sure this neighbor of ours doesn't cause us any grief I don't know it because it it might not be solo you know oh he has a key lock right now but yeah I know but that's that's this early on doesn't mean anything I might have a word with him Siri attacks me he's wearing a vest hello sir hello how you doing mate you hey hey do not you listen to right there's two ways you can go about this there's two ways you can go about you can be friendly or you cannot wait are you fine it's a spirit right yeah only as a spare come here come here if you're one of them he's attacking you or what yeah oh big mistake foreign killed make sure I accept this oh he does have multiple team members now in The Mists of one of the most intense PVP battles this guy probably ever had the keyboard spam was real he accidentally invited blizzard to his team so we were able to get a little sneak peek into this guy's group now I can't tell you the exact names of absolute teammates because Blizzard's got these characters hiding his team menu in the bottom left here by the way these characters represent the people he's playing with the big penguin is Blizzard the guy in the middle is oil rats and then the I don't even know what you want to call that but yes that's me we do know though that there's three of these guys living inside this little base here there's three of us and there's three of them and there's only enough room on this island for one of our teams and we intend for that to be us so I accepted his demon right how many is there how many is there two there's two others right now oh my God that's not good but okay all right please I'm gonna love you and leave you continue building the base so after leaving blizzard I went and met back up with oil rats who has the blue key card now all we've got to do is go and loot a blue keycard Monument to get our hands on the red key card we've got to be quick though time is moving fast and if we're not quick somebody else will loot the blue keycap monuments and there'll be no red key cards left for at least an hour if we want to be the first on the server to take coil Rick it's important we get this red key card right now all right let's get this place looted [Music] python go on mate I got 40 bullets as well already for tunnels is there one more up there on now no no no no okay I have to go down I've got rats that's actually so huge yeah it's massive I put the flashlight on it when I give you a crossbow if you want yeah go on sweet oh oh I think it's it's respawn nice yeah it is it is huge down there yeah [Music] big hell yeah that's what I'm talking about now with the red key card in hand all we've got to do now is get back to Blizzard alive now we did a little bit of recycling before heading out on our way as a matter of fact from that little blue key card run we'd managed to accumulate a decent amount of Loot on top of the red keycard but without a doubt the best item out of all this stuff is this little boy right here the python revolver oh bit we can go balloon to our lunch if we want you know how to fly this yeah do an art up bro foreign [Music] don't worry I got it I got it okay okay I hate it when people mess around with the equipment while I'm trying to fly this thing can you like really float or you just throw up yeah no don't worry okay okay you can find it okay he's exaggerating be fair I probably have the most amount of hours yeah true yeah true everyone else has like two but yeah now things are starting to come together we found a python revolver and a hot air balloon sometimes everything just fits in place for you on wipe other times it's a disaster thankfully right now at least we seem to be on the good side of the rust Gods now it's important to note that the neighbors that live on this island with us have started to place external tool Cupboards in other words their goal is the same as ours to take over the island and at this point in time they've definitely got more control of it than we do so that's just something we need to keep in mind well they've started to place external TC hey we need to TC bomb them bro 100 well we don't have wood right now true uh let me in Bliss thank you sir we have how many bullets have you got in that thing uh 60. what yeah yeah I liked it I killed so many sponges there's somebody outside we're gonna kill him actually yeah let's do it trying to sell the boat I go to court naked I got the code locks ready uh yeah all right we're just gonna go oil right now then let's do it yeah I like this game plan uh okay I was going 40 fuel actually yeah we don't need that much I'll take 20 fuel okay I literally just have a bow and some flame arrows that's cool the faster we go the less chance of getting you yeah 10 minutes and grab some cloth two I grabs oh we're not taking the hot air balloon no no it's like a little risky so there you go just like that 50 minutes into the wipe we were heading over to the large oil rig just two rust chats and a role player Bring It On I got hit I got a freaking hit with a bow yeah you see that blizzard that was your first hit [Music] I'll leave scientists wait you gotta follow me bro what yeah you know I don't mess around just playing that casually you know how lucky that is can I get some ammo uh Mr oil and then we don't know you probably have to give him your ammo if anything we need the damage yeah you're muted by the way oil I'm muted what the [ __ ] I'm actually monkey I dropped you some memo yeah yeah what you founded Toms up here yeah that's actually the RNG of that is ridiculous holy [ __ ] that's actually so lucky it's the oil rat look mate oh I got an air drum okay I'm good oh what the what was that okay I gotta stop the troll I came so close to my legs breaking on this earth when I jumped in okay now right I have uh there's somebody to take this whoever desperately needs it take that [Music] okay let's go open the Red Room yes 556 weapon that'd be so close yeah uh we're not we're not obviously we're not doing Heavies are we obviously no no oh look in that box and look in that box blizzard look at this box what is it oh my God even a hollow is it an AK oh that's that's that literally so stupid do you have blueberry fight yeah we can actually we can actually like do it now like 100 here 60 ammo yeah yeah for sure I mean I would have done it yeah so what I would do right now maybe Melissa you go down like hold doc like they will people maybe be grabbing I wouldn't listen I could do that Jordan and I will deal with the Heavies come down here John don't go crazy oh really yeah I would I would we just take like a few Heavies and then we just run over here and then shooting shoot them from here okay it's actually so big AK Hollow what the fear that's like stupid okay I triggered a few okay follow me follow me John follow me so our Retreat plan is we go in here okay when we are down bed we just run in here okay maybe let me jiggle pick them first a little [Music] oh that's nice oh nice I think there's one more empty on top maybe oh it's also a special yeah it's just best it doesn't do any damage you can just airdrop is Thompson custom bro what yeah I got Tommy from this guy as well okay I can go down if you want there's anything come up and take a look at the use now after taking control of the oil rig without any problems really it's time for us to see what's inside the large crate right it's open to the great room John take a look let's have a look let's have a look and oh C4 nice and especially no be serious so there you go Lads not only are we the first people on the server to take large oil rig we've also got an insanely lucky the C4 is just the icing on the top now then things are about to get a little spicy see while sweeping loots in the oil rig our neighbors have been at work on their own little mission and what our neighbors have been up to since we've been gone boys we should raid them with all this stuff we've just got let's go I think we should we should read it first right and then go recycle I think yeah yeah sure what just straight from the boat wait oh they redid it they raided it well look at this whilst we were occupied taking the oil Rick our rival Island neighbors decided that it was the perfect opportunity to raid our base we are officially homeless we are three guys kitted out with gear probably some of the most geared people on the server at this stage and we don't even have a base but even though we don't have a base though we do have a crap ton of explosives and you better be damn sure we're gonna use them let's freaking raid them it doesn't matter yeah yeah let's go do we have enough that's the question if it's not metal we do yeah otherwise I have once before and like oh yeah you have a C4 right right should I just start yeah yeah thank you [Music] foreign [Music] absolutely to be fair I never do these kind of strats early this is like I didn't I always thought that oils were just always taken by zerg's early game no I didn't think that I even had a chance this is like right guys we've had a great wipe we just did oil rig um yeah we did like your rain we've cleared it no we did the one rage don't forget that yeah yeah and just like that the oil rig boys have come out on top the island is ours now we wrestled with the idea of living inside this base ourselves and taking it over but meh in the end we decided we wanted our own base and we'd rather not be reminded of these guys any longer so we rightfully took back what's us [Music] oh and one more thing before we completely forget about the neighbors that we've just raided remember they don't even know they've been raided yet in a similar fashion to how we arrived back at the island a few moments ago and discovered that our base had been raided well our rival Island enemies are about to experience some good old-fashioned Karma dick oh he's coming over now hello welcome back to the island how you doing sir hello oh there we go welcome home why do you see can I see bled my base please [Music] see what we did here we just kind of we went through the door can I have that hatchet back please listen why did you raid us bro why did you raid us okay listen let this be a lesson to you Karma it's our base oh no it's a rock adios now I just want to say although we've had a very successful start I've not let this get to my head I still remember my roots as an unskilled Noob trying to survive in a world of Clans and oil rats hello there sir I am uh I have a gun all right I am chicken very nice how are you I'm fine what about you oh thank you no problem no problem good luck [ __ ] how blessed you've already done some basic braiding huh very nice and good in here very organized we've even got a computer station getting now after a very productive start to the wipe it was time for me to head off for the night now when I logged in for day number two things had progressed very quickly a solo Rush chat is deadly but when there's two of them things progress extremely fast blizzard had completely upgraded the base and built this amalgamation of stuff whatever you want to call this I don't know what design this is but it looks like a junkyard also the boys had managed to get their hands on a helicopter they pretty much spent the entire night just looting oil and doing cargo they had accumulated several AKs and many guns to go along with that now although complete domination is fun for players like oil rats and blizzard the novelty wears off after day number two once they've blown up a few bases killed a few Clans and looted the oil rig a dozen times it's time for them to jump ship players like this only stick on a server for two or three days at maximum before they find another place to go where they can repeat the whole process of domination so today is the final day that I'll be playing with blizzard and oil rats after that we're going to be jumping on a fresh wipe server as a solo and we're going to try and replicate the old Strat but before we do that let's make this final day count the goal is simple we're gonna do some online raids first though we're going to Cargo I'm working on Sunshine I was about to do the singing Papa I know I've got a voice crack so on that's what I thought this is a voice crack like shame-free Zone we always crack over here yeah we do we do although my voice is quite deep um so I don't I don't really voice quite that much like I I just have a naturally deep voice so yeah yeah oh that's it okay jump yeah now we're gonna [ __ ] them up come on oil oh man let's go I killed the guy that worked in Little Rock a boat on the right uh John four people yeah yeah I'm gonna kill him yeah oh yeah killed one nice oh I think two fell in the water okay I hear a bunch of people swimming I think they're all okay I killed two moths so then okay the last one just died to the ship's turban or what now there's one thing I will say cargo is fun on the second day of wipe everybody's coming to counter currently that's the third lot of counters that have come over that we've destroyed it's not over yet though coming in front Jordan go go to the back John I'm at the back are you sure it was completely full of Leonard already get on the boat I'm on the boat come on let's go now in this very moment this perfectly demonstrates the difference between me and oil rats see oil rats has just informed me that a scrap helicopter has just flown onto the cargo as scrap Helly is capable of holding up to 10 passengers so uh my first instinct is to get the freaking L off this cargo and make a dip with the loot that we've got so far but of course that's not what oil's got in mind I think we can win we can win take all the juice and bring it to the top we fight them John I'll take a look like they bumped the scrumpy maybe some of them even died yeah come on now as much as you can I don't have inventory oh my God okay bro we're in it we're in it I was gonna dip but let's just do this oh they're already coming I'm okay we've got some extra mess for me yes okay okay um right here at the window I'm going to take that as well oh thank you I would say we just hold here you know like check from here and uh there's a large base look at the base of the water oh yeah I see it dude why are they shooting me man okay all right I'll cover this yeah they're definitely coming up they're slowly all approaching this loads bro one folded says there must be one more inside I saw like a coffee can police helmet take this bro take this oh yeah thank you oh yes HV launcher nice do you want to protect it like it's even the Christmas one it has extra power did it was it just the rocket launcher and no ammo just one bullet yeah and another one if you want to send it towards them with the launcher in the hand I will okay I'll do it you're gonna cover me yeah I got you I'm going with you front front trailer [Music] kill them and there might be one more I'm key yeah [Music] kill him kill him let's [ __ ] go baby hey let's go loads of meds on the bodies as well loads holy [ __ ] oh oil oil no I'm just saying oil let's go it's just a let's just say hello to him actually he's just the naked let me give him let me give him a gun with no ammo or rocket launcher Summit okay hey mate We're not gonna kill you we're gonna give you some free loot mate I'm gonna put it inside your boat I'm gonna okay uh inside the storage there's a rocket launcher Salvage tools Hazmat oh my God and I'll give you bro a revolver for good measure and two meds enjoy thank you bro no problem thank you take it easy you are so thankful he was so vocal yeah well I I mean I'm just giving him such a good little thing there revolver housemate tools there's also a robo and is that up that's not our base is it there is a guy on there there is a guy on there building like external it's on the water yeah oh sh oh he's like actually full kidded yeah it's hlmg he's not chasing us no no he's not yeah that is an insane base in the middle of the ocean all right blizzard uh a little housekeeper the Warriors have returned ready for your mouth foreign this base design is really cool and it's the way that you have to enter the base why like going through the cracks it's really interesting so there we go boys we've been personally trained one-on-one by the oil Rat King himself now there's probably hundreds of strategies and techniques that you can do to be an oil rat but I feel like we've gained enough experience from this endeavor to try and take on what we've learned as a solo and see if we're capable of replicating the oil rat Strat now before we bid the server oil rats and blizzard A Farewell we've got some explosives that need using no point wasting them we're gonna start with this base right on the coastline the closest base to our Island these guys built this base overnight and it's actually blocking our Pathway to the mainland it's a bit of an obstruction I'm sorry Lads but you're in the way thank you okay it's very open compete with me he's right here I'm dead six HP yeah just respawn just respawn yeah yeah wait you're both dead okay dude I was 6 hp that was so close man but he's time anyway yeah yeah I'm just gonna hold solo player absolute play of his life right there what a guy it's a four man that lives here now we were expecting this online raid to be a bit more challenging we knew that there was multiple people living in this base but turns out there was only one online at the time of this raid and hey he almost made the play of his life with that grenade but anyway we weren't very happy with this raid at all so we did try and go and do a bigger online raid there was a base close by near the river and these guys were the real deal they built a massive base and we knew for a fact that they were all online what are you doing on my base unfortunately for us this raid was not as smooth sailing as the last one we got countered by a six-man Clan either way there's a million times more honor in attempting an online raid than doing an offline raid I don't care how much loot you might get now anyway this concludes our 24 hours with oil rats and blizzard it's time for us to go solo remember to check out oil rats and blizzard they both live stream on Twitch links in the description alright let the solo Carnage begin now without hesitation we're jumping on rustoria EU main today one of the most infamous and high pop Rush servers out there the goal for day one is simple take oil rig right boom we're in and as you can see fresh bonds oh my God there's a lot there's a lot bro the service one point apparently this 1 300 players on This Server I don't think that's true but yeah okay so we spawned quite close to both oil rigs so we could live near the small oil rig or the large oil rig because they're both pretty close together oh and look at that there's a massive Island so then about Islands man nine times out of ten Lads we're always going to end up on an island when I play Rust right first thing we build a base then after that we're gonna get key cards then after that we're gonna do oil rig that's the plan anyway thank you [Music] okay the barely had anything but you know what it's all good okay boys furnace has just been placed down got that smell in the old metal and as I said once that's done and we've got a sheet metal door and stuff we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna start making some trips to some of the monuments look at that boys 793 people on the server 328 people in the queue I don't know how these servers handle these sort of numbers it's mental okay that guy lives in two bases he's got that base and that base that's my closest neighbor spider we're just ignore him oh somebody's okay wait he's freaking rated my wooden door foreign I just I literally I made a cup of tea respawned with my rock and then I come to my base and he's that freaking neighbors yoked my base boom boom there you go doors down he lives right there with the saw him go inside all right then anyway we've got a sheet metal door down I'm gonna quickly upgrade the base to Stone just for extra security maybe add another sheet metal door and then we'll get cracking this is deja vu this is exactly what happened when I was playing with blizzard and oil if I would have had two wooden doors there I would have been uh raided I see him on top of his little base over there we just got a gun already probably he's probably already got the BPS that guy to be fair oh [Music] God he's running over to my base how many is there there's at least five in house bats there uh the island that you don't want to be on the wrong side of wait forget that one two three four five six seven okay okay your time seven of them living up on that hill over there anyway it looks like they've left the base I think they've done the raid they've placed a new tool cupboard which pretty much means GG I'm gonna see if they've left any scraps for me I'm gonna be that guy oh my God oh my God you don't think on the wrong side of that this guy's got the same idea as me grab the freaking scraps extra pose bunch of extra stuff here throw away all the crap at the moment keep anything that I want I'm just gonna take all the loot here a thousand bone fragments I don't know what I'm gonna do with that but I'll take it extra that water pipe without a bulletin but whatever loads of metal tools uh bullets for my nail gun I see a player over there coming over my scraps mate okay that's it I think I've pretty much grabbed everything I don't think this guy had a lot of loot I reckon that he's moved all of his main loot into this base here now I've got a bit of a conspiracy here it takes a lot to anger an eight-man Clan especially if you're only a duo or Trio group so my theory is that this guy poked the bear and really annoyed this eight-man clan and I think that he knew he was going to be raided so he moved all of his loot into this base here it's just a theory but it's worth investigating anyway we just got the scraps and those are some pretty good scraps uh loads of crossbows and stuff gotta do what you gotta do I do not condone freaking eight-man Clans but um they exist and I will happily profit from them if at all possible so we're kind of getting sidetracked a bit here boys I know the plan is to take oil rig over there but I just think that I'd be stupid not to see what's inside this base I literally saw him run from that base to that base and then five minutes later boom the raids continue you can hear the rockets in the background honestly I think this clan just might want to destroy everything on This Island right tier one's being crafted it's worth seeing what he's got [Music] we're in oh my God there's nothing in here what is that well what the freaking hell was he building well let's get back on track with the main goal of today all right first things first we need a blue key card so quick trip to the Outpost it's a bit of a trek but let's go we've got a long journey ahead of us to The Outpost here it's pretty far gotta use my evasive maneuvering thank you [Music] foreign down he ran out of arrows unlucky he was a good shot now his friends probably could have come running out because yeah he is his friend lives in that he has fire arrows I wouldn't mind some fire arrows to be fair oh my God give me them fire Rose it was only one now I gotta keep running because that other guy Guild probably running out from the base now as well but we need to uh hello hot air balloon how you doing I'm heading straight to the Outpost actually I'm gonna make a quick pit stop to the large barn as this guy got a quest that I can take while I'm here all I gotta do is kill a ball and he'll give me a hundred scrap okay I'll do it okay we made it to the Outpost nice all right boys I've got the scrap to buy blue key card step one boom blue key cart in hand after acquiring the blue key card all you got to do now is get the red key card now before we do that I want to make sure we don't get raided by this massive Clan so we're gonna do a little bit of bass upgrading now I went around the island and did a bit of farming and also ran into this guy who wasn't very happy about dying [Music] of your family okay now the base design we're going for today is the standard 1x1 honeycombed however there's a few slight important things to note about the Baseline building right here because we're sharing this island with a massive Clan and we know how much they like to block bases we've got to make sure our base is as inconspicuous as possible you've got to make your base on the outside look a little bit newbie but on the inside strong and that's exactly what I've done right here I've also made the front door wood as well and of course we have a key lock add everything together anybody walks past this base they're probably not going to think much of it probably just a little newbie new rust player that's built a nice little home by the river no need to raid me looking good I'm kick it out Prim style let's go get that red key card oh it's a hot air balloon there okay we're going hot air balloon quick trip to the train yard let's go [Music] oh oh oh oh oh screw it I'm not killing any scientists I'm activating the switch the only sign is that the only scientist I want to kill is the guy in the other building foreign activate switch all the scientists seem to be bugged on this server is very strange now just a quick heads up everyone because rustoria EU main is such a highly populated server in order to make this server work without lag all of the scientists NPCs and even animals have to be completely halted they can't move it definitely makes the game slightly easier but when you're playing on a server with 800 players when you put that into consideration it's not that much easier but it's just so you guys should know you're probably wondering why is nothing Moving On This Server well there you go right fuses going in okay we're good red key cards grab it got it quickly loot everything put on the housemart suit perfect that was freaking clutch get it finding a hazmat suit right there flamethrower it's pretty much broken though I could do auto turret I will take that double barrel with one bullet everything has been looted now I need to get the hell out of here I do want to fly home definitely wary of the guy in that tower that shot at me just before now Redkey card has been acquired and thanks to the hot air balloon the quest to obtain it was pretty smooth sailing aside from the odd roof camper here and there screw you anyway it's time to get to that oil rig we've got the blue key card we've got the red key card it's still technically day one of the wipe although it's been about 12 hours admittedly we've not been quite as quick as when we played with blizzard oil but give me a break let's I'm solo we made it back a decent run we've got an auto turret which is nice we've got the key cards we need to do large oil now one more thing I'm gonna research the revolver revolver researched crafted loads of revolvers um I've got one on me right now somebody just stormed boats so I'm trying to go out and find another boat and I've just noticed somebody has just taken the large oil rig but I'm expecting the small oil rig to spawn in just a minute so I'm gonna uh I'm gonna probably start off by doing the small oil rig we need to find a boat first though hello mate oh a little bit of Loot on this guy not much this could be the guy that's got the boat cause he was looting this raided base oh player up there Liars dude this is the guy with the boat adios amigo I'll take my boat back thank you very much right as you can see there's people on the large aisle right now they've spawned air drops and stuff probably quite a few of them I'm not even gonna go over there because I'm only at revolver level but we are gonna wait for the uh small oil to spawn and we're gonna head straight over there gonna grab my key cards and as much food as I can along the river let's go boys to oil rig here we go Marcus down I know this is gonna spawn very soon because uh I remember it was taken at about the same time as large oil few minutes after so I know that's literally ready to spawn okay we're gonna wait here for it to spawn I might go home and get I've just been sat here for a while waiting for it to respawn boys but I might actually freaking go home and get a diving tank I live close so I don't see why not okay good stuff let's go now I spend a lot of time just waiting in the ocean here for the small oil rig to spawn and uh well I waited and I waited and I waited but no crate spawned now I couldn't quite understand why it wasn't respawning boys the freaking respawn timer for this It's gotta be random the large oil rig had already spawned and been looted in the time that I'd been sat here in the ocean waiting for small oil even the cargo came out but for some reason no small oil rig spawned then it occurred to me something the oil rat said to me himself see if there's any players on the oil rigor at the oil rig the crate won't respawn so there's only one explanation for this I think we've got some oil rats that need taken care of somebody's being a little sneaky boy hanging around the oil rig waiting for people to show up and also delaying the crate from respawning so let's go investigate mate there's not even any scientists here boys it's been 40 minutes it's 500 people on the server the respawn rate of this should be way quicker okay I just heard someone got him whoa little booger man this guy's probably the reason the freaking place is not spawning and I've had to sit there on my boat waiting okay well we're getting out of here Lads because if this site is haven't spawned then nothing else is spawning anytime soon so so there we go boys we killed our first loyal rat this is our territory Ain't Got No Room for other Royal rats around here now you won't believe it but the moment I got back to base the minute I walked through the front or this happened oh it's all it's freaking up put away the Brew right let's go we're ready uh low grade low grade low grade low grade 25 that'll get us there all right boys this time it's for real ammo bandages diving tank gone got everything there's already players here screw it foreign [Music] there's a slight problem here here's me with My Revolver and my double barrel and my crossbow and the 13 pumpkins now there's another guy at the top of the oil rig and that's the guy we hopefully want to kill but there is a problem and unfortunately it's got to do with the NPCs the scientists remember earlier when I said that they don't move on This Server due to the extreme high pop well uh yes that's a problem you see because this guy is smart instead of killing the scientist he's just ran straight past them he's let them shoot him but because they don't chase you he's been able to just bypass all the scientists anybody tries to get up to the top of the oil rig to kill this guy they're gonna have to go through all these scientists that he's not killed and it's basically going to attract a lot of attention and he's gonna know exactly where you are so the oil rat Strat of being sneaky it's not going to work here and of course we're not the only oil wraps at the oil rig right now there's a little diver I might just kill the diver screwed up [Music] that the same grub that I killed before he's not activated the crate so I don't even know if he has key cards what would oil rats do here I have no idea one guy with a silenced gun oh player [Music] killed him good boy talk about uh talk about grubs man this place is freaking filled with them Lads it's got a speckled now which could potentially be useful I'm gonna put on my diving kit I think see if I can spare the guy out that's down there I can't see this guy anywhere the fellow diver I heard him oh I see a player there hit him once [Music] oh got him he almost killed me he almost killed me boys oh my God this guy is like a freaking professional I need to get back a bit so I can uh heal up with my food thankfully I've got craps on a bit but I am getting close to dying so that's a bit quick how many times okay we're leaving I've made up my mind we'll we'll come back soon right now it's too tricky there's there's a guy I don't think I can kill that guy on the top of the oil rig I'm sorry I'm no I'm no oil rat in this moment all right I'm bleeding too I have to wait for that to leave Canal man tell you what though the oil rats are annoying because I'm dealing with it first stand right now with these divers that keep coming in all right I'm getting back to full health now definitely need to bring food with you and you could come and do these things but I'm not giving that guy my key cards large oil rich is gonna spawn soon maybe we'll give that a shot but he's just sat on top of the oil rig 10 hell for summer at least I've at least I've come on at least I've Got Away unscathed all right Ladson back extra diving tanks and uh extra double barrel didn't get a hell of a lot but we're grabbing it out I've got to try and find a new boat to get me back over to the oil rig I've got an idea now as I got back to base I saw the large Cargo Helicopter flying towards the small oil rig which means that it's been activated now we don't have a boat to get back over to the oil rig I did try and run along the coastline and find one but when you want something in Rust you won't get it so I swam all the way over there which actually can have its pros it takes a while but at least it's more discreet now something went down whilst I was gone because yeah this the lodge boat's still there oh he's flying off with a mini this guy came on a mini I think it's a body bag over there still play us here though rubbing it out [Applause] oh what the hell hello now one of the great things about being an oil rat or just being out on the seas in general you will find a lot of body bags when counters ride over to Cargo on a boat for instance and get shot down the people on cargo will just leave the bodies out in the ocean I reckon that's exactly what happened here with this guy in particular the person on oil rig must have spotted this guy swimming over or maybe he was on a boat killed the guy and then didn't bother going down to the bottom to loot him so yeah free loot free loot unfortunately I couldn't find this gun on the ocean bed but it's all good without looking for a needle in a haystack yeah no it's gone all right let's get back to base because there was not gonna be anything for us here all these are gonna have been looted oh wait wait should I say that freaking up and happened I was gone so it went down it's all about ratting isn't it I'm gonna leave with what I've got because I have like a full inventory of meds and everything if you ask me that's a successful wrap that's what it's all about boys let's get back to base loads of meds oh and there's a big boat heading right over to the oil rig you're too late we left just in time there I did a little bit of a wrap at the oil rig I hope you're proud oil rats is that a body bag or am I tripping oh what the hell boys what is going on I I just I ain't got places to store that I've got a lot I've actually found loads of diving tanks so we'll throw that away because we've already got loads just saying but in this moment in time I should have stored Lou in the boat storage use your boat storage man it's there for a reason that's more a note to myself more than anything all right we'll take that we'll take that I was about to leave I couldn't I thought I was tripping I thought I didn't see anything at all but yeah I did I don't know how he died adios Amigo and he had 110 straps so hell yeah and that reminds me actually I've still got that quest in the top left-hand side of the screen you guys can see it right there still got a quest that I've not completed which rewards you 100 scrap and I'm not sure if I will bother completing it but we'll see the perks of living on the coastline right next to a river you can swim right up to your base and on that note we made it back hell you hell success one oil rack complete we'll be doing many more in fact the larger's about to spawn I don't even know for what I even take the key cards over there at this point and maybe the Strat is just to kind of go over there with double barrel I mean that is the strap at the same time I don't know at the same time I do want to take the oil rig you know and then do it properly now I do plan on going back to the oil rig very soon but whilst I was depoting all the loot we just got I heard one of my favorite sounds holy somebody's doing a satchel rage what right next to me just deposit everything right here killed one [Music] still two kill three [Music] killed four [Music] I'm gonna get out of here the flute extra extra green key card worth it but other than that this piece is pretty poor I'm gonna met up and we're dipping now whilst we're waiting for the oil rigs to respawn we've got a little bit of housekeeping that needs to be done I always feel like my base is just extremely vulnerable when there's no garage doors so first thing we need to do is get a tier 2 workbench after that I really want to check out the new industrial items that they've added into the game yes if you don't know already they've added pipes and Industrial items these allow you to actually move loot around your base automatically but more on that in just a moment first of all let's get the tier two now one of my neighbors is actually selling the tier 2 workbench for 3000 sulfur which is a pretty good deal considering how early on in the wipe this is let's see a geared player at the base with the tier two so I can't go there yet two of them three of them I don't think they uh well have they bought one of the tattoos no they haven't okay we're gonna have to wait before we go there boys one of them's running away I see that oh my God geez Louise it was he was naked and he had like a silenced automatic the body back here again the amount of body bags on the on the ocean I'll take that he's shooting me again like bro I'm trying to buy something from your freaking don't sell for shop if people can't even freaking come to it okay looks like he's leaving on the boat [Music] got it now we've run made it yes all right got a tier two now start making my way towards the garage door we should be pretty close to getting garage door researched as well tier two is down very good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] boys I've just been organizing my Loot and I've added this extra loot room up here oh and I've also added loads of garage doors um and so yeah I've got four boxes up here I've got all my diving tanks in this box here so I've basically just got like basic stuff in these boxes like weapons and things like that I've managed to get a lot of diving tanks I found a few of these in a rated base we do have a lot of components because I did some farming in the ocean it's great for components so I've got all these components and I want to recycle them I actually want to Electrify the base as quickly as possible because I really want to try out the new industrial items like this furnace here electric furnace as you can see you can place them on a half wall which makes them pretty insane a furnace that doesn't require wood an art requires electricity so what you can just have this powered all the time so we're gonna check out what that's all about soon and Electrify the base make it look cool add loads of Lights roll player out a bit foreign [Music] boys we're getting home I've got over 2 000 cloths 644 scrap over a hundred High qual ity we have a problem Houston okay well London boys I know my neighbors are online they're dangerous oh yes 640 bus crap let's get to that tier two workbench see if we can research the rest of the electrical stuff let's go electric furnace is researched and Industrial crafter is researched okay we've got everything we need to create our in little industry [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] we have liftoff and that's it you don't get charcoal from this but you don't have to farm wood it's bloody brilliant if you ask me I will take it no I'm gonna have all of the smelted metal fragments go directly into my tool cupboard let's see if we can set that up right now boom like so with this we're going to use the out because we're going to be transferring Lou out so we're going to go ahead and use that you can't place it through walls so you have to go around like that boom there you go we've got a pipe there then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna use this out into the industrial input now you can't place the pipes through walls as you've just saw but you can place them through doors so whatever you do it just has to make sure you're going through doors like this boom and then all right in there Boom turn it on and there you go Bob's your uncle it's transferring metal straight to my tool cupboard okay check this out I'm gonna go into my TC now you should see the metal moving yep it's already added 128 160. I'm gonna switch here instead of it transporting loot into my tool cupboard uh I'm gonna have it transported into this box then I can start smelting sulfur and have sulfur transporting in there as well right it was a bit of trial and error but all three of my furnaces are now smelting and transporting loot into a large box all being transported in there there you go so yep my Metal's going up so now just leave it now so just to explain how this works this box has got metal oreing that metal ore is being transported upstairs and placed inside these electric furnaces the electric furnaces are smelting that metal ore and turning it into metal fragments then the metal fragments are being transported from the furnaces down into this box here very automated and I don't have to do anything at all so anyway now we need to do oil rig so whichever oil rig spawns first I'm going over there with a revolver no hesitation we'll see which one spawns first so then we're going for it small oil rigs up boy small oil rigs up we've got to get over there taking loads of cloth with me that's for sure come on boys okay I've got everything if I forgot anything I don't know I'm rushing a little bit but who cares there's usually a boat outside my neighbor's base but whether there's one there now is another story I see a boat we're off boys to the oil rig it's probably already been taken but let's find out unless somebody flew on top which is possible either way we're going for it [Music] thank you I'm gonna ignore a lot of the NPCs because they can't move so I might just run to the top and kill the ones that have to [Music] yeah I'll just play you there hiding little rats absolute rap I'm gonna wait for my bleeding to go and then heal up he's right above me he knows I see him ah now this little bugger right here I don't know how long he's been sat in that little crack waiting for somebody to appear but he's a little sneaky bugger now I tried to go back to the origin see if I could Revenge my death but yes that didn't work out quite as I planned now I was kind of thinking to myself with all the little cracks and hiding places that you can go inside of in the oil rig add on top of that the fact that the scientists are booked this is very tricky indeed especially considering I'm new to this whole oil rat and thing so the question is how am I gonna defeat all these oil rats hiding up the oil rig stopping it from spawning and just being a menace we need somebody to help us out with this little predicament we're facing here and uh just so happens we've got just the man if you want to defeat an oil rat you've got to be an oil rat we're friends with the biggest oil rat of them all it's time to welcome back oil rats you the boy oh spoken man let's go dude I've been I've been trying to I've been trying to use your rat tactic man mm-hmm how's it going I'm basically I'm having a bit of a problem at the moment I've had some good moments right I've made some plays yeah yeah but right now I'm basically coming against players that are hiding in certain little spots and I'm not seeing them and then they're jumping out of nowhere and killing me so yeah I think I need your help I need to see how exactly we go about killing these freaking rats I'll give you a bass tour oh yeah it's pretty pretty op you know it's it's coming yeah see with the lights yeah with the lights also I have uh all these pipes oh yeah and then this stuff is so cool man now here we go I feel like the first time we played with oil rats we didn't really get a full scope of some of the tactics that he uses at the oil rig we kind of just went over there and did oil rig and didn't have any problems at all there was no counters because we were the first on the server to get to oil Rick and so there wasn't much of a challenge and I didn't learn a whole lot so this time around we're going in at the deep end server is Max pop we're on day two of the white Clans are established groups are kitted up and geared out this is not going to be a walk in the park like the first time we did oil rig with oil rats is there somebody on we can just pretend to drive away then dive I guess yeah yeah already we have to just drive out of vendor vendor and then dive tigers how gay did he look I hit like a blue as you probably like Thomas like before okay I think this should be fine okay let's go all right we'll just send it man if we die we die I'm sending the letter oh you're going Lada okay it's definitely two people okay [Music] oh this one got back right behind you kill this like one issue I'm coming back though there's the guy coming from Below in the water yeah yeah I just need to find this guy's weapon maybe you can loot it and jump to the water and just re-kit me I'm like on the way already so then we go together again okay I'm gonna have to give you this this tank then you have to get ready to pick it up I guess yeah okay then you picked all that and take this one yeah and then take [Music] some food maybe yeah hasn't it okay uh and I've given you everything right pretty much yeah yeah do you want a medkit a large Med kit oh sure okay let's do this bro me and you good yeah yeah yeah yeah they're all speaking Russian it's all the Russians right now oh I don't have enough time to keep chasing him bro I have 40 seconds on my tank dude they're getting slammed by there is yeah I just think they killed the last one now okay one just spotted me but I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna come up he can't I'm right above you look yeah such a good spot bro oh I got the MP5 oh do we just push or what do we can do he's knocked on grid wait was he knocked up here yeah yeah he's like behind the thing behind the fingers oh yeah I see him oh okay nice sorry he stood up I didn't realize him and he stole it it's definitely one more you know he's probably like camping in the red room or whatever now we searched around the oil rig to find this guy's friend but fortunately it looks like his friend dipped with the crate loot one thing we did learn from this is oil rats is just a god although I will say I did get the final blow I'm just saying credit where credit's due now this little session with oil rats is not going to come to an end just yet because we noticed the cargo had spawned oh God yeah uh oh go for a cat just YOLO it go for cargo okay I'm letting you you get in the driver's seat are you alive yeah I need to jump in the water we just go again we just make a big loop and come again yeah we got loads of fuel the boat stopped okay nice oh crap dude let's go it's not over yet mate yep I'm up not speaking to each other with their in-game mics are you up yep from the top kill two that's farming music nice although I hear the music for The Fat Mike uh rip that your dad is soaked up I could give you like full kid though now after I died of course I mean do I even need to say it all your rats killed every single person on the cargo and even managed to get a mini copter we went from having revolvers and hazmats to suddenly having full kits and a mini copter now unfortunately our look would not continue admittedly we got a bit greedy and a bit too confident perfect all the car is still peeping yeah going up oh there's two people around it two acres oh sorry I'm dead unlucky that's what the game's about if you don't take risks then you won't make plays so it was good to see oil again and I definitely learned a thing or two from this that will be taken with us on our next Oil trip so for now we're bidding oil farewell once again and it's time to get back to our solo Grind All right I'll catch you later mate thanks for jumping on I got you man I got you have a great weekend yeah you too I'll catch a bit peace like what I'm gonna do now is we're gonna find a base to raid and we're gonna raid somebody I I'm gonna Farm up loads of sulfurt with my trusty ice pick and then all we need to do then is just throw all the sulfur in this box and then all of our industrial stuff and all our pipes will do the rest for us throw all the loot I just farmed in this box here like so turn on that and boom it's automatically transferring all the stuff I just farmed into the furnaces and then when it's done it'll appear in this box here easy as that my battery is full to the brim so like this will just go on forever Bean can grenades are being crafted a lot of bean Kang grenades I've got 24 satchels let's find a base to raid there's a guy that lives right next to me he's quite new he's got a large furnace as well very interesting base he's built right next to a rock and he's literally my closest neighbor one of his doors is open there so he's left one of his doors open and raid him a closest neighbor this guy he's got a furnace base he's just built really close to me I literally live over there and he lives here he's probably online so I'm gonna build an auto turret base as defense let's do this all right don't judge me but I have to put a revolver in this hollow sorry it's the only weapon I've got I'm only gonna take a few satchels out at a time just to be safe but let's do it together [Music] [Music] round and round okay research table uh of furnaces and the mixing table they're charcoal boys oh I'm sulfur though all right let's keep going [Music] oh tier three that's a good sign [Music] I'm sorry it's true that's on one crap he's not gonna be able to loot me though because the turrets covering my body don't see him anywhere is he inside might be camping inside the base okay I know the coast is clear let's just continue the raid foreign [Music] now this guy's the real deal he went all the way back to his base just so he could grab a rocket launcher to destroy my auto turret but unfortunately for him I was already inside the raid base and I simply closed the garage door I don't think this guy's gonna waste Rockets to get through a garage door so at this moment in time it's a question of patience because I'm not leaving this base until this guy is gone and I've got all the patience in the world all I need is a cup of tea and I can sit here for hours a few moments later thank you [Music] we're invoice full deep cc is okay not bad I need a metal idea listen crafter metal door okay I'm gonna craft a wood door for now okay we need metal is there any metal in this space there's some guns and stuff blue key card nice [Music] all right let's grab the tier three this is the best item I'm happy with this raid not the best resources but tier three definitely worth it now it does suck that the owner of this base wasn't online I probably would have lost the raid if he was let's be real but still we'll take the tier three workbench now it's not quite over yet seems like this counter Raider is not finished trying to take my head off [Music] thank you my friend you hear my friend hello hello now at this point it became apparent that this guy kind of knew that I was in this base he just raided my RAID base and uh well he's probably got enough to get inside this base and take the raid from me remember we've only been able to place wooden doors down because this base had no metal inside this is a big problem so I decided to take all the loot and place it inside this one by one here and lock myself inside there's more than enough Tools in this base to break out once this guy finally leaves [Music] a few moments later now remember what I said earlier wrong guys Russ chats only spend about two days on the server they do all your rig a few times kill a few Clans and raid a few bases now we've ticked off one of those from the list but we still gotta do oil rig and we've still gotta kill some clan members whether we can actually complete those two things is another story but we're gonna give it a shot large oil rig is up let's finally freaking do this okay boys I really hope there's no rats here I just want a nice clean oil so I just saw somebody go away on a boat the large holes up small oils up as well but screwed up we're doing large there must be a rat here that has to be oh no I am hearing scientists it's also a body back here if there's any rats here please come out with your hands in the air [Music] was that shooting at me I'm gonna check the vents man I don't trust this place okay vents are clear okay that vents clear players swimming oh freaking out there's always a wrap I hear him hello hello please don't kill me I kill you no okay how the hell do we do this boys yeah don't know the boat coming over [Music] we're getting out there boys screwed up now in a moment of desperation my health was low I was being shot at by this guy who clearly had a much better gun than me with my little revolver I jumped off the edge of the oil rig and back into the ocean something that I'd done many times before was this purely out of fear or was this a calculated risk knowing that I would probably die either way in this very moment we're still alive and we're about to meet somebody that's gonna change this whole situation oh player player player player player player please don't shoot me I help you I help you um kill kill kill the guy please yes yes please okay okay okay okay yes thank you I help you okay wait we have to kill him yes now right here we found the perfect combination not only is this guy an oil rat but he's also the type of player that makes alliances now whether this guy's just gonna kill me as soon as we get on oil rig is yet to be seen we we're about to find out if a rat can be trusted but I'm gonna go for it okay I feel like I'm gonna get shot straight away by this guy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I lost my Hazmat so I'm literally naked as soon as this guy's killed the other guy is probably going to kill me as well but I'm uh I'm here for the ride you're always hiding he's hiding in the red key card room he's just gonna so what we're just gonna wait here now I see what his plan is I'm naked with a Revo so what chance do I have other than just to sit here please don't come in here please don't come in here there's nothing in here kill him oh my God I killed him and there we go we tried and we tried and we tried to battle these oil rats today and finally we made a play now I'd like to say a big thank you to this guy I can't pronounce your name sir but if you're watching this video thank you for honoring the alliance I am very sorry that I shot you in the back here everything was happening so quickly I honestly didn't know what was going on would my alliance have died if I hadn't have got that one shot on him I think he still would have died if I'm honest but either way we did it that's the main thing we went to the oil rig with a revolver and we're coming home with three AKs one bolt action rifle one Thompson a full metal gear set and loads of ammo well on that note that's going to conclude today's video guys I just want to say a massive thank you if you've got this far into the video there's been a lot that's got into this video as I said two wipes of footage a lot of editing has gone into it so hopefully this is uh entertained you and maybe motivated you actually to uh try the oil wrap ways if you ever get chance on Rust to uh just go over to the oil rig with the diving tank maybe just a diving tank and a mace that's all you need you never know what might happen boys now I'd just like to end this video on a slight note it turns out the oil rats was actually playing rustoria EU main at the same time that I was playing on the server turns out he wasn't actually living that far away from me he had a base on the island but he left the server after about three or four hours because he said it was just absolutely filled with Clans but turns out oil rats and I actually crossed paths at one point in the wipe and didn't even know it 30 minutes into the wipe this is oil rats he's on a boat carrying a pump shotgun and he's got a full inventory of loot 10 gears 200 scrap you know the drill we saw how he played the first time round it's based basically just a repeat the guy is loaded meanwhile this is me I'm rocking a machete I think I should stick to building hotels and car dealerships but anyway enjoy the rest of your week guys here's a sneak peek into a mouse pad that I'm going to be releasing soon more details on that very shortly it's Hotel themed and it looks freaking awesome I'll be giving away a few of these and we'll be selling them very soon so if you're interested in getting yourself a mouse pad then uh more info on that very shortly drop the video a like if you've enjoyed subscribe if you haven't already follow me on Twitter if you want to just have random updates and stuff Instagram if you want to just follow me on there and uh that note I'll see you in the next one hopefully very soon peace [Music]
Channel: JordanRants
Views: 969,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rust, Gaming, Facepunch, London, Official, Server, Servers, Gamer, Survival, Surviving, JordanRants, Jordan, Starter, Help, Guide, FPS, shooter, first, person, rustopia, vanilla, modded, funny, commentary, gaming, gameplay, loot, raid
Id: 5I8I-r8MtWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 12sec (5292 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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