I Spent a Week Building a Solo Hemp Farm for Scrap Profit - Rust

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ah so it's saturday on rust it's been two days since the wipe and you decide that you want to play some rust so you jump on a server by this point in the game most people have a secure base down they're probably just reaching tier two workbench and having a good old time they might even be lucky enough to have a few early to mid-game guns such as the python but overall it's a peaceful time in rust nobody's rolling around with aks at this point in the game okay okay okay maybe that's not quite how rust goes it's saturday two days after the wipe clans have already finished building their gigantic fortresses they already have boxes of guns and rockets and they can pretty much destroy anything they see and it's up to the solo players to try and survive in this very harsh world and that is exactly what i'm gonna do today i'm joining rustified two days late into the wipe which puts me at a huge disadvantage but we're gonna see if we can make something happen all i know is that i don't have any of the blueprints on this server anymore and so i need to find a decent place to build a base in order to get all the scrap we're gonna need to research everything so i grabbed some wood made a few spears killed a few players and headed to the bandit town we made it i'm not going to spend too long here i might do a few bets and uh recycle some of these extra components i've got oh look it's packed in air this guy wants to play poker i might have a quick game of poker with you we've got a bunch of people out here chilling loser man shut up man let me get some let me recycle some stuff and then i might play some poker with this guy [Music] my okay i'm in i'm on the table guys yes i'm gonna try and win some scrap i don't even have a base my whole life savings and everything is on the table [Music] i've just gone all in with nine six which is such a terrible hand man nine oh what he always wins i lost all my scrap to this guy never playing poker on rust again after losing all my scrap at bandit town it was time to go and find a place to build a base so i headed along the road and searched for a good base location now i found a nice rock cliff that looked like a pretty okay place to build a base it was located very close to the sewer branch but after building the base i kept hearing minicopters turns out that i had built my little small wooden base right next to two pretty big bases these guys were not fun to live next to ah and that's when i decided to get the hell out of this area my little small wooden base didn't stand the chance against these guys and i needed to find somewhere else to live it was at this point that i thought of a pretty cool idea something that i've never done in rust before not solo anyway i decided that i was gonna be a farmer [Music] now in order to turn this dream into a reality we're gonna need a few things we're gonna need planters sprinklers water barrels water pumps and a lot of hoses but before we get any of that stuff we need access to fresh water lucky for us there's about 12 rivers on the north side of the map so we've got ourselves a goal it was time to pack up everything and move out of this area now right in front of where i built my little wooden shack was a decayed base in fact it was the exact place that the geared player killed me just a moment ago he probably looted most of the stuff that was in here but there was a few scraps left behind including some diving tanks and some sprinklers and a few other electrical components as well like splitters batteries all right we're gonna leave this area then uh there's loads of rivers up here on this island so i could build my farm base on any one of these rivers let's get the hell out of here lads right i'm swimming over now to the river island i've never built a farm base in my life i've got no idea what i'm doing i'm just gonna yolo it if i screw something up then i do apologize now we've got so many options look at this nine ten rivers oh there's a helicopter over there oh somebody's getting shot at ak shots as well that guy with the rifle just got wrecked i don't know why i decided in this moment to shoot a fully kitted out ak guy when all i have is a bow but i did we gave it a go we're gonna go ahead and put a cross mark on this island it's a bit hectic there's probably a few groups here next up i'm gonna check out these two rivers potentially these could be a bit better for us let's go have a look okay this actually looks like a pretty nice area i'm not gonna lie it's in the desert we've got close access to the satellite dish over there all we need to do is swim across to get to that and i quite like that that's very nice plus we've got an outpost we could use abandoned supermarket oh yeah this could be a literally a good spot there's a few bases around here but nothing crazy let's farm loads of stuff and let's get that base down okay cool as you can see i've built on the river here [Music] all right it's about to get to night time which is the perfect time to go and grab the rest of the loot that i've got stored in my other base so that is exactly what i'm gonna do deposit all this stuff here and kill ourselves sweet we'll spawn in this bag and make our way over to the base gonna be careful of spawn right next to a smg guy don't get me please back at the base good stuff let's grab all this loot all the rest of the stuff i have remaining in here i don't want to die ideally so i've quite a decent chunk of loot in this base the main stuff that i want is obviously the stuff i'm gonna need to make my farm um so things like the fluid pump and the water barrel things like that i'm gonna need let's make a dash to my base [Music] get inside yes we made it back nice [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my base so far everyone making a little bit of progress on it as you can see right here you enter through this door and i'm actually gonna have my farm through here my farm is gonna be right here and uh it's gonna be quite big i'm gonna have quite a lot of stuff in there i do have a lot of things to research though before we can build the farm so i'm gonna start today off by going to the satellite dish and grabbing a blue keycard fuse is going in swipe inside there i can't see anything i got the blue keycard that's the main thing okay grab the fuse we don't want to lose that okay now it's time to go to the powerplant let's go oh yes i've got a solar panel from a box as well player over there with a hazy i'm sure he had a gun or i couldn't really see i don't know if he's maybe this guy's just looted this place i think there's a chance he's only got a bow you know should i chase him down him once oh you lucky booger let's have a look and see if he's looted the power plant he might have just been looting the outside you know like the boxes and stuff or the switch is activated that means that it has been looted i hear a player over here running away let's see if i can snatch a kill he's running right in front of a massive clan base though oh mate does he live there maybe he's a farmer for these boys killed him he had a little bit of loot on him but he's just he's just led me to this massive clan base i feel like i just killed his farmer his little recruit oh he's coming out i'm probably gonna die from the roof camper here but screw it i'm going to try and get to these rocks i see the geared player behind me these massive rock boulders saving my life let's get back home i've got 70 scrap on me and i've got a solar panel it's not a lot of loot but we'll take everything we can get at this moment in time okay made it back all right so we're slowly making progress here just doing small trips and gradually picking up resources and scrap along the way just to get the ball rolling i'll usually play rust on more of the safe side when i start out especially if i'm playing on a high pop server just so that i can build up a couple of extra bows a couple of extra primitive weapons in case i die i'm not jumping back to square one and on that note i decided to do a little bit of a diving session get myself some extra resources and once again just help me get started a little bit here [Music] oh made it back from the first diving trip hmm workbench tier two for 1800 sulfur down there in that guy's shop whenever i join a server i always look for shops that are selling workbenches for instance this shop here is selling a workbench level 2 for 1 800 sulfur i'm living in an area of the map where sulfur is in abundance so it's not hard for me to just grab a couple of nodes and buy that tier 2 workbench it saves me farming a lot of scrap so that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm gonna buy this tier two workbench and i'm not gonna walk all the way down to his base to get it i'm gonna use the drone system at the outpost the plan is quite simple what we're gonna do is we're gonna dive from here to here this spot don't forget those guys with the massive face lift right there we're gonna pass those guys and we're gonna make our way here and then just run into the outpost as quick as we can and that's it [Music] i'm going for it i'm going for it player in the base to the left okay he's coming out he's gonna straight away attack me oh he's got a paddle he's a little paddle boy okay well let's buy the tier 2 workbench quickly so nobody takes it it's right over there there's only two left actually there's two left okay hello mate how you doing okay not reachable by drone what um so as you can see right here i'm unable to buy the tier 2 workbench using the drone system this shop is not reachable by drone now what that means is these guys have probably got the shop inside their base in order for the drones to be able to get access to the shop the shop has to be exposed out to the outside world basically it has to be placed on the edge of your base if it's inside your base if it's hidden away in the interior of the base the drone will not be able to get to it and therefore you won't be able to use the drone system and that is exactly what's happening with these guys so i guess we're going on a little bit of an adventure we're going to have to walk all the way down to this shop if we want to get the workbench and it's the only shop on the server selling workbenches so i think i'm gonna go for it amateur rookie shop own a mistake workbench tier three over there for about uh that's not what i won oh me right well let's just recycle [Music] not bad 180 scrap made it back now in total we have 538 scrap that will be enough to research the garage door once we've got the tier 2 workbench so as i've said the next plan we're going to head over to this guy's shop i'm really not sure if i'll even be able to buy the tier 2 from this guy like if it's not accessible with the drone then what look am i going to have i'm going to go check anyway let's go have a look now here's where things get a little bit interesting i decided to dive to this shop because i didn't want to risk dying with the sulfur in my inventory whilst diving over to the shop i noticed the oil rick was quite close to me so i decided to do a quick little detour and check it out i wonder if i can steal a boat from the oil rig okay all the scientists are here and i don't think there's any boats oh somebody's coming somebody's coming on a boat right now [Music] somebody's just arrived here [Music] we've got aks i want to steal that boat i really do i've got a double barrel to be fair but i don't know how many there is there might be more than one you know it's definitely two [Music] i've stolen it see you later lads good luck getting home without a boat did they have any loot stored in this no way no way okay we're taking it home maybe i was a little bit overly excited here it was half a box of stone and a boat for free i think the main reason i was so happy at this point is because i've been getting screwed by clans and groups all day and so finally right here we got a little tiny bit of payback give me that stone nice one all right so my original plan was to obviously go to the shop and buy that tier 2 workbench i'm going to stick to the plan but i'm just going to deposit this stone at my base first made it back with 11 000 stone not too bad at all that's going to be used to upgrade my base later now after depositing the stone that we just managed to get i headed straight back out on the boat towards the shop to buy the tier 2 workbench but then i realized these guys at the oil rig don't have a boat now maybe if i'm really lucky and a bit patient i might be able to wait underneath the ocean for them because they might decide to try and swim home and if they do that i'll be able to sneak up on them with my sword and take them out so i headed back to the oil rig i'm gonna go over there and have a look what they're doing yeah let me remember where the boat is sorry the boat is ae25 at the edge of it oh they got an extra boat there's a boat right there somebody brought them a boat fair fair play fair play my plan it was worth trying out my plan you might have left some stuff here i'm gonna check it's worth checking before the scientists respawn and stuff dead player right there hello mate not your lucky day is it might not be my lucky day yet there might still be somebody here although i highly doubt it we're just looking for scraps it's our body bag over there there's a body bag in the ocean over there we'll check that out in fact let's check that out now just a rock and a torch there's a player swimming over he's a diver like me same idea as me fellow diver come over with the same idea as me you had a nail gun and a compound bow well that's all you need at the oil rig isn't it it's time to loot the scraps lads all the all the barrels all right not bad let's get back to the boat we're out of here and we're off there's the island over there with the shop on it with our tier two workbench well it's not exactly ours yet but all right we're gonna park the boat right here let's remember exactly where that is it's right here let's park the boat up what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna store away some stuff in here such as that that that that that that we've just got to get over there buy it and get back here i've stored away a lot of the loot in there let's go [Music] oh wait a second that must be where the shop is over there i don't think we can get inside there i think that we've come all this way and it seems to me like it's a bit of a scam this shop i'm gonna go over anyway maybe i can talk to these guys are they gonna want to talk to me they have a massive base they might be russian they might not even freaking speak english hey hello hey uh please don't kill me uh do you speak english [Music] hey can i buy a tier 2 workbench please i would like to buy oh god hello hi hi i can hear you yes sir can i buy a tier 2 workbench okay please don't kill me please i have nothing except a bow okay okay where are you from i'm from korea oh nice where are you from i'm from england okay look look i dropped my weapons uh 2 000 sulfur um for for tier two workbench please okay okay okay thank you hello hello okay hey hello thank you thank you my friend okay have a nice day oh no thank you guys i i dived here i i used my i used my diving tank i've come from the other side of the map thank you guys all right take care see you have a nice day bye bye bye bye watch them kill me as i walk away right now hey i got my tier 2 workbench see you later guys oh my god i didn't know koreans played on this server the ping must be absolutely awful man and off i go back under the ocean [Music] and we are back to the boat all right let's get out of here then we made it tier 2 workbench let's get that garage door researched and let's whack them garage doors down [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right i just did loads of base upgrading and i have researched some of the electrical stuff we're gonna need to build our farm i'm gonna do a quick little trip to the power plant last time we went there it had been looted but let's go and have a look uh if it's been looted this time hopefully not player to the right give me that one shelly oh he had literally nothing so do you remember that massive clan base from earlier the one that i killed the farmer outside of well it turns out that clan base has been raided by a massive group i actually saw it happening while i was diving okay massive raid going on i'm that big clan over there oh my god wait that's the that's the base i was outside of yesterday with the naked no way anyway there was no loot left inside the base but i did get really lucky here because although there was no loot inside the base that got raided the raid base that the raiders built had just decayed and there was some guns in there oh three uh mp5 i'm absolutely shocking with this weapon oh three bolt as well explo ammo rifle that's more my type of weapon grenade launcher i quickly deposited all this loot back at my base and then i went back to the power plant this time holding a semi-rifle thank you raiders for leaving guns in that base turns out that the power plant had been looted so i decided to make a trip down to the train yard instead i see a player in the distance two of them pete one's peaking me totally spots me there's no doubt about that and now he's pushing me killed him killed his friend [Music] let's keep moving get a blue key card not bad not bad i just attracted a lot of attention to this area though there's a rocket raid going on to the right as well all the boxes are on the park all bit [Music] okay we're getting out of here i look at the three boxes activate nice first switch is active oh come on feel like this is more of a survival game now they've released these animals they are a pain in the second switch is activated i've got no more bandages to heal i'm stuck on 70 health now let's go over to the blue keycard room and loot it as quickly as we can fuse is going in i'm ignoring the green key card room just so i can get the blue keycard room loot as quickly as possible let's loot up [Music] we've got all the loot okay where are we gonna go now can either go straight home do you want to recycle so i was thinking about going to the outpost we're gonna get so much scrap once we recycle this stuff we're here let's recycle all this stuff and see how much scrap we get [Music] 420 scrapper has got you can actually use the tier 1 workbench in the uh outpost there we go made it back right that was a very good trip right there let me get the rest of my scrap and research the satchel bam bam bam and oh my god always on the last one in it satchel is being researched my favorite item in the game i don't actually have my satchel skin on this steam account i've got a few steam accounts and yeah i've got it i've got the skin on most of them but it's not this one anyway we're still gonna do a raid i've actually been smelting sulfur for a little bit now so we're probably gonna go and do a raid in a minute there's a few bases in the area that i've noticed um one of them's quite new actually i saw like a rock base pretty close by so we'll go check that out in a minute we're gonna do a quick raid i think let's take a closer look at it here it is oh whoa wait it's actually not too bad it's a solo player living on a rock yeah let's do it first raid of the day let's go let's do this i'll go through this one we're in and we've got a furnace player down there obviously i knew this guy was not going to be loaded or anything and then the rest of the base is wood there he's got 200 metal on him his name is illy more metal inside the furnace and some stuff in there is this a bunker base or am i just a noob all right let's keep going then [Music] ah there you go it was not a bunker base obviously let's get through tc oh tc's got some decent looting shotgun trap nice i've placed a door on a lockdown okay so not bad a thousand sulfur some decent metal 80 animal fat a shotgun trap which is pretty good they're in authorization on the tc doors down locks on i've still got more satchels so i think i'm gonna raid his boat base ah i'm just gonna go through here i think let's go well there's no boat in here that's not a good sign [Music] oh there's one more door and it's a sheet metal door i need two more satchels to get in there uh in there quickly go back to base and craft those a few moments with satchels later go oh shotgun trapping this one how you doing mate you have to get through that i'm not sure if it's got anything in it actually oh it's sulfur in this space not bad it's not bad chainsaw that's pretty good oh it's not it's better than i expected let's see what's in the tc all right what have you got in the tc oh 400 scrap i did not expect this base to do this well third dudes and uh maybe later we'll come back and like take it over and put our own boat in here and stuff like that but that's the raiding done now it's time to actually build my farm i've been ranting on about it all day but i haven't actually started it yet so let's get this loot back to base and let's build that freaking farm let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] this is where the magic's gonna happen we're gonna have all of the planters in here massive farm and yeah i'm pretty hyped to see how this is gonna go i've just got to craft loads of planters and we'll be good to go now one of the items that you need to craft planters is tap and i didn't have a lot of tarp at this point so i headed back under the ocean to do some diving actually farming the boxes underneath the ocean is a good source of tap you actually tend to find quite a lot of it down here so anyway whilst i was underneath the ocean i noticed there was a player on a boat that was farming a lot of the barrels on the ocean it's a guy on a boat here should i try and kill him i kept trying to get close to him but every time i got close he'd drive away on the boat and i couldn't catch up to him because the boat's way quicker than finn's but anyway i followed the guy a little bit i kind of stalked him out i really wanted to try and kill him because he might have had a lot of tap and a lot of resources he was farming the ocean on his boat for quite a while anyway after he'd finished farming i followed him to the coastline and he was building his very first base this guy didn't even have a base when i was following him so as you can see right here this is his little base please leave me alone i am thrifty please now i get it this guy's only got a wooden base i'm thinking about the potential tarp he could have inside this base he just spent god knows how long on his boat farming the ocean he's definitely gonna have some components in it that was my thought process so i made the decision i'm gonna raid this guy all right i'm gonna try and steal his boat and go back to base and craft satchels oh holy crap that was something okay let's go and raid him now no hesitation night time rage let's go before he upgrades his base and stuff i've got five satchels i've got explosive ammo i've got a door i've got a lock i've got everything i need let's go counter raiders will come over hopefully our satchels explode quickly there's this little base over there just a little base made out of wood four satchels and we're in i think it's four or three three satchels let's go about to get some more as well come on give me good explosions one two [Music] we're in it's got a blow free tc and then we're good boom gotta wait for the building block to go doors down locks on i've never been so scared raiding a wooden base okay and as i expected this guy actually had uh some as you can see here scrap basic bits and bobs that he'd got from farming the ocean all right well i didn't say this while playing the game but i'm gonna say it right here this was a terrible raid didn't have the loot that i was looking for tarp in particular and where's the base zoning you might be asking well you're about to find out the player outside man i'm freshy what's your problem dude oh no sorry man come on like get a life sorry kill yourself oh no i'm so sorry i spawned 10 minutes ago not nice even broke my freaking [Laughter] i'm sorry man no no you know why you know why i raided you because i saw you on a boat farming for ages and i thought you would have a lot of scrap in here ages well i mean a decent amount i was i was i was underneath you the whole time with my diving suit trying to catch up so i could kill you and then i saw you build this base and then i saw you build this base and i was like you know what you might have some good stuff i mean because i need tap because i'm trying to build a farm but hey it's all good i'm gonna give you your stuff back obviously i'm sorry bro i'm sorry my friend thanks man no problem i thought you would have the top i needed accept my apology all right well oh no hey take a salvaged ice pick that'll help you farm and a metal oh nice thanks man no worries man all good in the hood sweet uh i'm gonna unlock this door so you can you know do what you want hopefully it's not go outside and don't die right now but either way all right mate good luck do you want to be your next man do you want to be in a team and if you need any help you can write in the team tracks i'm solo like you are you sure sweet hell yeah uh there you go mate thanks i've just allied with somebody i tried to raid it's truly how we do it there is a geared guy outside that base crouching that guy needs to be careful living round there so in true jordan rants fashion i've allied with somebody that i tried to raid um uh this guy honestly is really nice i genuinely thought he might have what we were looking for inside his base it was a gamble and in the end i got something better than loot i made an alliance which is always a freaking great thing for me on this game i love making alliances and uh so yeah we have an alliance now i've also just told my neighbor that i'm gonna buy tarp from him if he has any so um yeah oh my god is he diving as well hello there what are you doing down here hello this is this mic i can't see man yeah oh thanks dude no way thanks man where's it gone i got it got it thanks dude hey yeah yeah come to my base i'll give you some goggles follow me i like this guy let's give this guy some goggles a wetsuit a furnace a rug all right mate i got some stuff for you dude take this [Music] take a furnace i've given you a flame turret to protect you from any potential door campers and a rug to keep you comfort there you go mate hell yeah dude thanks no worries we'll ha maybe later we'll do oil right yeah do you have any flippers oh i've only got one pair i'm afraid mate and that's the one i'm using okay thank you man no worries all right crafting some large planters now as you guys can see right here i've built this space and this is where the farm's gonna be we've obviously got access to fresh water right here which is where our pumps are gonna be and all that sort of stuff i'll explain how it all works once i've got it all set up first things first though is getting these planters down so let's do that right now [Music] [Music] all right here we go everybody so if i've done this correctly then these sprinklers once i connect them to this hose right here should start sprinkling water out let's place this water pump right here all right moment of truth i've done this correctly let's find out boom yes there we go that is pretty freaking cool having my own farm now there's a lot to learn this is only the beginning i need to figure out genetics tons of different types of things to like figure out but the main thing is it's working and it's operational once i've got more planters i will be able to place more planters down i'm gonna have loads of planters around here and all around this area these pumps are connected via electricity they require five electric each and they are pumping water from the river then i've got a hose that goes from the pump to this switch here and then it goes into a combiner so all three of these pumps here are combined into this combiner and that goes directly into this water tank i can see exactly how much water i've got in here as you can see it's already filled up with 20 000 milliliters and then that water then goes through this hose and into the sprinklers [Music] so [Music] oh crap i went away for a little bit to eat some food and i've just come back my freaking uh pumpkins already at this point i was just testing it out that's why i planted pumpkins we will eventually once we've got loads of hemp seeds start planting hemp because that's where the profit is and that's where you're getting all your scrap from if you're a farmer on rust let's have a look at our mate space he's upgraded a little bit of it and oh he's got a painting on the side of the vase look at that hello my friend how's he how's it going mate i guess away from his computer at the moment but he's actually took a photo of his base and then put it on his base it's just to remind him of humble beginnings when this base eventually becomes a beast there's a geared player over there ah now after dying here i decided that i wanted to do oil rig but not on my own i want to bring this neighbor with me teamwork makes the dream work especially on oil rig oh it's here sweet hello mate all right so um do you have a gun or do you need you need me to give you a gun oh whoa you're bawling holy crap you gotta where'd you get that from nah man i played there earlier swiping my with my zerg you know because i had some beats oh you're in a circ okay i i we got raided i'm basically here just to get some other blueprints right now so ah okay cool cool like some electrical stuff and oh yeah nice check this out it's a work in progress uh that's meant to be hemp but i don't have any hemp seeds but yeah this is my farm all right let me grab the greek wait there that's a lot of pumps yeah my first time i've built a farm so i don't know what i'm doing but there you go all right you want to drive i'll drive i'll drive sweep you're probably better than me when it comes to aiming [Music] there's a boat here i don't see so i think there's people here i don't see yeah i don't see the scientists i mean they're not shooting i don't know there's scientists on top yeah i think there's somebody there's the scientist uh-huh i think somebody's just arrived here they're probably on the first floor they probably died maybe yeah let's check it out then that's super weird oh there's a scientist here as well whoa that's so weird yeah it's her dead oh he died oh no way he had no meds like no meds not even a bandage i'm gonna need that rifle off you bro you okay [Music] let's do this mate we're going down the stairs oh where is he he's no one in there fair enough yeah i'm going down the stairs yeah i'm not sure if they fixed it now but when i was recording this series which was about two weeks ago and these scientists were bugged and they weren't moving so you could just kill them easily been like this for a while except for that guy yeah except for that dude there might be one more maybe or maybe not oh my all right that was easy you want any of this stuff for any top would be nice yeah i don't have any tarp i have in my base though i think oh nice i'll keep watch if you want to loot all right i'll go check out the uh oh voice crack i'll go check out the uh green geek card room that's the rib rib coming remember you've got your diving tank if things get bad we'll just we'll use the word bail okay use the word bail if we're gonna leave oh crap there's a freaking rib coming over here oh yeah i see it all right coming close they're leaving yeah yeah we should have we should have let him come on so we almost had some trouble then a rib was arriving but then decided last minute to turn away when he saw that we both had bolts it's not over yet though where are you from you're from uh scandinavia right i'm from norway norway always say hi are you from uk you're a football fan no not really man oh mate one of the best football players in the world at the moment is from norway harland his name is harlan portland yeah uh h-a-a-l-a-n-d he's like an absolute beast that dispronounced holland holland hollow pollen so after talking random crap to my teammate here we noticed the rip was making a return but this time with a few more players on board ruby's coming back i think really we want some more i think maybe it's waiting for us to leave i think so [Music] they're getting closer hit one once [Music] headshot headshot [Music] again once [Music] headshot i don't know how many's left he's backing up yeah i killed one of them yes i think you can i don't know unless there was three oh no there's still one more there's still one more then you killed one for sure i see his body okay focus on him i've only got a few bullets left [Music] he's in the water one of them looting his friend i think yeah i'm out of ammo now all right well at least we managed to fend them off mate i got more yeah i'll grab some the crate's unlocked by the way um and yeah it was not bad it was not bad there's an mp5 in here if you want it yeah i don't see them anymore yeah now they they've gone they have literally gone nice i i didn't realize there was three of them i thought it was just one at first no i thought there was two yeah let's just get in the same boat let me just grab this loot sweet right let's go check his body to the left check his body quickly to the left there 250. i don't see his back right here right here stop stop stop oh the reeve is coming two ribs two ribs dive let's dive mate oh we'll try and fight them but if we get we'll try and oh two ribs there dive dive dive dive yeah yeah ain't no chance for that fellas hey you guys suck luck next time oh you got a boat again oh my how's that fell in the depths of the ocean so i'm naked oh yeah yeah so that's not in the front oh thank you that was some clutch please huh yeah that was a grand escape mate i can't wait for the underwater monument man that's gonna be so s like so sick all right mate that was a really good run good luck with your scrap grind yeah i'll catch you uh later thanks all right bye-bye bye-bye hello my friend they had four well that's all good mate all right success we did the oil rig and he's just giving me some tap so i can craft a few more planters which i will do right now a couple of extra planters are down so after upgrading the farm a little bit and adding some extra planters it was time for me to find hemp seeds i need to go around the map and pick up loads of hemp so that we can get enough seeds to start growing hemp and then we can clone that hemp to make more hemp and then we can get loads of hemp trade it in for scrap at the bandit town and get loads of scrap that's the plan so i headed to the north of the map to very north island it's quite a quiet part of the map to be fair there's not many players roaming around there and it's green so there's gonna be lots of hemp in this area and i just went out there to look for hemp but whilst i was out there i got really lucky and found this there's an air drop but nobody's got here oh i'll take it nobody grabbed it hell yeah just in the middle of nowhere up here whenever there's any loot in this decayed base however it's been looted let's find out oh some lucky bugger got it all oh flame froze there's loot up here but yeah somebody looted all the rest of it clearly there must have been loads of loot in this base when it decayed i'll take the flamethrowers though oh loads of uh pistols and stuff in here lr300 let's see what else there is loads of charcoal in that box and oh okay at the top of the base here another another mp5 another lr300 as well not bad came out to get cloth ended up finding this loot onto rashford tries to take off gets into the penalty area pokes it back towards henderson didn't quite reach him said check away comes back made it back let's deposit all this and go and get the rest of the loot in that base after i grabbed the rest of the loot from that decayed base i headed back to my farm but on the way home i noticed a base that looked pretty interesting it sparked my interest as the potential next raid target for us this guy's got cctv camera outside his base look at that it's a little small base out up in the north that might be his boat base as well one solar panel on top probably might raid this actually look how much sulfur's in this area this guy could have a lot all right this is my next raid target hello my friend hello hello how are you doing holy crap thank you man do you mind if i come in and check your genetics uh sure thing oh look at you it's a work in progress mate i'll eventually i'll add planter boxes up here and down here it's going to look sick i don't know what the genetics which one is like the best out of these here yeah yeah you mix them together to make new genetics and when you got a good one you plant those alone in one box i sing i see i see right are in one box ah okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all my furnaces are on and all loaded with sulfur i've got 14 satchels already crafted ideally i want to go to this raid with at least maybe 30 satchels okay let's see how my hemp's doing anyway should be almost ready oh looking good these need to be harvested now i'm going to harvest them all except for the ones in here because these have got good genetics i think 35 cloth 35 let's go ahead and harvest all of these and see how much cloth we get [Music] all right i got 2000 cloth from that now i'm going to plant them all again let them grow and get another 2 000 clock [Music] after restocking my planters with more hemp it was time to go and do the raid on the base that we scouted out earlier now it actually been a couple of hours since i scouted out that base and i went back and checked on it and i noticed that they'd actually upgraded the base a little bit since i last saw it the base was fully made out of metal now whereas before there was a little bit of stone and stuff so with that being said i knew that i was going to need a decent amount of satchels to raid this guy not just 10 satchels probably more than 20. so i decided to build a raid base just to be on the safe side i took a bunch of resources over to the base that were raiding and i'm gonna build a base right next to the base we're raiding i'm gonna store away my satchels in that base and just take out a couple of satchels at a time so that we don't risk losing everything okay the raid base has been made right here this is where i'm gonna store the satchels and i'm gonna take a few satchels out at a time and raid this guy honestly it kind of looks like he's been upgrading his base i don't remember it all being metal like that i don't know if he's online but either way he's a definitely a raid target that full metal base maybe only has sheet metal doors like if he's got garage doors that might be an issue but then again it's only a two by two so what the most it's gonna have is not that many and if i need to i can uh i can ecorate up i can soft side up you know the jackhammer if it's metal so ah i'm optimistic about this base and what it could have inside back at base i'm full metal gear now i've got my lr300 and i have 10 20 30 31 31 satchels and with that being said let's freaking go and do this hopefully this guy does not have garage doors yes we made it to the raid base let's store away these satchels we're gonna start the raid with eight satchels they're probably gonna be two doors i reckon [Music] there's a shotgun trap in there is this a bunker base or what what's the deal here oh no no no i see what's going on in there [Music] i i might be able to bait it see that oh my god there's loads of traps in here this is pretty mental there's traps above i got rid of the shotgun trap and now i've just ran in here oh i didn't bring ladders with me to this raid i didn't think i'd need them [Music] oh i'm making quite a bit of noise out here okay a box up there any loot a little bit of stone i'm low health right now i'm gonna go back oh there's a boat to the right large oh boy boy boy what are they doing over here are they coming to the raid are they not are they chilling i don't know oh my that ripped mate is there cargo out or anything or are they just chilling on the rib around here anyway all right i need to go back to base to grab ladders and then come back so i'm gonna kill myself spawn back in base and come back i don't think this guy's online so it's chilling at the moment i've got a grenade launcher with shotgun rounds i could use that to blow up any foot more traps that we might find i'll take that with me okay free ladders there that's all good uh put on a hazmat suit um just for safety on the way there so we don't get insta killed okay let's head back okay i'm back at the base put on our metal gear let's grab four more satchels and let's continue this okay let's go oh there's another shotgun trap there as you can see it looks all open from that point of view see that player there let's get our grenade launcher then [Music] that's not quite as cool as i thought it was going to be that's not quite what i thought it was oh there's loot in here i'm gonna take this home well i'm not home but to my raid base a thousand sulfur and like 600 gunpowder i'm gonna make sure nobody sees me going this base because that's gonna be not good the grenade launcher is crap i i i thought it was gonna shoot out those like like rounds that he does you know it's like boop boop boop you know what i'm talking about like not what it just did there that was rubbish okay i'll just shoot through it with my mp5 [Music] good i'm in two all right two work bench computer station it's all kicking off in air there's the bunker it almost looks open to me but there's gonna be traps down there right shotgun traps and stuff [Music] or not it's all open in here supply signal computer station yes c4 nice okay um let me get through the uh the tc these furnaces are loaded [Music] traps on a metal crafting a door doors down locks on okay we gotta kill these guys they're both naked they've got they've got a computer station if you click on the computer station right you can see outside their base they have their oil rig on here these guys must do oil rig a lot that's dome there's the top of dome you can see all the loots there i absolutely love computer stations there's nobody at the bandit town right now all right we're gonna kill both of these guys and um we're gonna start transporting loot soon adios amigos so all the bases open or they left all right or they left all the doors open which just made this raid a whole lot easier let's have a look at the loot then we've got some components in there not a whole lot but a decent amount uh an extra computer station and then they have a supply signal in here which will drop um later on free air drop and they've also got some more electricity stuff there is a note in here let's have a look what the note says the note says oh it's russian oh mate let me translate looks like these guys were rushing don't touch i'm effing sleeping okay somebody left a note for his teammate and it's basically says don't touch because i'm sleeping or something like that well there's those two loops now we look at the tc loot there's a lot of metal in here there was 92 high qual very decent indeed i destroyed their sleeping bags and i've killed them both there's no chance of them getting in the base we're good after a successful raid i did several trips back to base and transported all the loot back to our farm base the whole point of this video has been to get scrap from our farm so we will go and trade in all the cloth that i've made from my farm in just a moment but i wanted to do a little bit of base upgrading first and i had a really cool idea for something i could add to my base it's something i've been doing a lot lately in my videos i can't help myself i just think they're really cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i've just installed an elevator this is gonna take us up to a tower that i'm gonna have at the top of the base now hopefully if i've hooked this up right if i press this it should bring the elevator down boom there you go it's becoming a bit of a trend this [Music] [Music] check this out everyone this in my opinion this is freaking sick okay so i've built this um it's like a sky tower at the top we've got these doors that open up and you can see all around you know it literally takes two seconds to get to the top like i'll show you how fast it is to get down literally close these doors bam take the elevator to the bottom floor and there you go before i head to bed i might actually quickly go to the bandit town and trade in all of my cloth okay then this is the base from the outside there's the sky tower in all its glory so we've got a sky tower now i harvested the rest of the hemp in my base all right i've got 3500 cloth in my inventory then i grabbed the hot air balloon and made my way over to bandit town [Music] perfect london this dude right here will buy 80 cloth for 10 scraps so he'll give me 10 scrap for 80 cloth now there is a slight catch with buying dev from this guy he does go out of stock so if you look here he's out of stock now farming used to be very overpowered on rust like extremely overpowered people could make so much scrap so rust had to find a way to nerf this so what they did is they put a cool down on how much cloth you can sell to this vendor so what i did is i just chilled around the bandit town for an hour watched some netflix shows and just kept repeatedly and repeatedly going back to the vendor as soon as he went back in stock i bought more scrap i was getting harassed by these metal gear players for quite a while i think they were waiting for me to leave because they could see how much crap i probably was getting here yes you know eleven but uh in the end it was all good managed to sell all the scrap a few moments later okay guys we're good to go in total we have over a thousand scrap and that's just from one trip here i jumped on the hot air balloon and i made my way back to base actually on the way home i founded a cave base that had a tier three workbench in so that was pretty lucky anyway i made it back and i decided to do some researching as soon as i got back to base with the scrap that i just got and then i refilled the planters with hemp seeds ah before logging out for the night the following morning i had agreed to play some rust with my friends ramsay and blizzard both ramsey and blizzard do stream on twitch so check them out i'll put the links down below but i wanted to show them both my base and get their first impressions so here we go here's your tour welcome come through right so firstly this is obviously the main part of the base you got my loot room there all right don't look around too much please hands off looking not touching okay all right sorry and then in here we have a ram right that's fine you can have a gun just don't this is my farm hey look at geez some of these are around you at the moment but yes i have my own boys what what's what's going down here uh that that's just you just put more hemp down there mate you know you sure you sure don't need some like fertilizer i mean i don't know how to run this mate i i just whack it off come come oh elevator go away i forgot about these things wait let me can i press the button all the way to the top we have to have tc and then up here we have this could be a helicopter landing pad but it's not but we have the view mate a helicopter 360. sky tower like a shooting floor it's just a bunch of open doors oh my god you both fell down after joking around with my friends and showing them around my base i wanted to show blizzard the base that i raided before because i was interested in how the bunker worked in that base because it was a little bit weird i've never personally seen a bunker like this before using stairs but blizzard shows me how it works and it's really cool actually i want to show you this bass design really quick blizz um and maybe ramsay might know as well maybe not i really like it have a look so from the outside yeah it's just like a little small base but then you come inside that's no way that's wait what and then come up here right now you see down here it's like it's bunkered right how does the bunker work that's what i want to know have you tried to seal it yet no you have access to this right ah there's no tc oh what how do you have this back you have some building mounts i rated it oh yeah quickly bring some building mounts and i can figure out how it works i would assume that these uh thingies act as like a foundation but i don't know why there's a white is that did you place the ladder hatch frame oh oh one of those pokers what happened i should have thought of that how does that work why do the stairs connect jordan interesting let me see this i think it's i might be in the way oh that's cool that bunker is so cool okay so if i break this it seals oh yeah because it's trying to connect the two stairs together oh yeah there's a gap yeah yeah so this type of bunker base is really cool because you don't have to upgrade the bunker every time you seal it it doesn't cost you any high qual all that you need to do is destroy the twig and that connects the two stairs together hence that blocks off the entrance and creates the bunker really cool design i've never seen this that's how you do it anyway guys pretty awesome sure there's loads of bass designs on youtube about how to do this but it's pretty cool in my opinion if you come back in here you place this yeah and this and now it's open again oh yeah so blizzard and ramsay and i went and did some raiding together i took them around the map a little bit we roamed around the raids weren't that great though so spay the details it was just like low-level loot basically but that's gonna conclude today's video everybody i'm sorry it's took me so long to get this out i'm becoming a little bit of a perfectionist with this sort of stuff i i want to do my best to just release good videos for you guys i'm really enjoying making these longer videos putting more effort and time into the editing and spending more time playing rust as well the next video will be out in the next two weeks and i'll try my best to make it an absolute banger for you guys so without further ado have an amazing weekend rest of your week it's coming home by the way for all of you watching football england's gonna win the euros all right guys thank you so much for all the support lately last month was my best month ever on youtube can't believe that you know so many new people come to the channel so welcome and uh i'll see you all very soon have a good everybody peace out [Music] you
Channel: JordanRants
Views: 2,687,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rust, Gaming, Facepunch, London, Official, Server, Servers, Gamer, Survival, Surviving, JordanRants, Jordan, Starter, Help, Guide, FPS, shooter, first, person, rustopia, vanilla, modded, funny, commentary, gaming, gameplay, loot, raid
Id: JFK_Sv5EQ8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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