I Recreated Every Removed Minecraft Structure

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there are 32 structures in Minecraft but none of them compared to the removed ones so I'm going to be recreating every single one starting with the herob Brun Shrine which obviously doesn't work at least I hope it doesn't anyways as the video goes on the structures are going to be getting crazier and crazier even building structures that literally break the game so let's get to work on the next structure which almost nobody knows about since it was removed all the way back in 2015 so let's quickly get all the materials for it and now that I got the materials I just need to build it and while I build it let me tell you more about this structure so was originally added in Minecraft Pocket Edition in place of the nether since mobile devices couldn't handle the Nether and it was known as the nether reactor core and now that I'm done I just need to add some finishing touches to the interior and last but not least I need the nether reactor core but it kind of doesn't exist anymore however using some super secret hacker mechanics I could get one okay that may or may not be retextured diamond blocks but let's not worry about that the only thing we should worry about is the next removed structure which is the ginormous brick pyramid from infdev but there's two problems like I got to solve before I start building it the first one being that I don't know the dimensions of it so I'm going to have to go all the way back to INF def to find out wo look at these Graphics they look so old anyways now that I'm here I need to start searching for the brick pyramid but the only problem is it's extremely rare however I'm just going to hope I get lucky and go exploring yeah so it turns out my luck is terrible and not being able to run didn't help but I did some research and it turns out all I have to do is load into a brand new world and turn 45° to the left and now I just have to run for a couple hundred blocks and if I did everything right there should be yes a brick pyramid so now I just need to Mark out the dimensions using some of the blocks Mojang generously gave me and it turns out the pyramid is exactly 127 by 127 blocks so now that leads me to the second problem which is actually getting the 16,000 bricks needed to build it and since getting it all manually will take over 6 hours I'm going to use this contraption known as a void Trader which lets me infinitely trade with villagers without them locking their trades and now that I got the bricks I'm going to start by making the outline and this is a lot bigger than I thought it would be so let's stop wasting time and get to work there's Row one row two row seven and with that row I'm halfway done and the cool thing about building pyramids is that the higher up you get the easier it is to build so having said that let me finish the [Music] pyramid and with that the brick pyramid is complete kind of you see there's parts of the pyramid that don't touch the ground so I'm going to go around connecting all of it to the ground and now I'm actually done with the brick pyramid now before I move on to the medium difficulty structures there's actually two more extremely easy structures I'm going to rebuild the first one is the glass pillars that were added all the way back in the beta version of the game and these pillars used to be the main way to locate the stronghold but they were later removed and replaced with the Eye of Ender system that we all know today so with that being said let's get some sand and smelt it for glass and now I just need to go to the stronghold and build the glass pillars there's the first one done so now I just need to quickly build the second one and now that I got those out of the way it's time to move on to the last easy structure which is the inev house and all it was was a small 7x7 house that she used to spawn in and there was actually two variations of it the original one was made out of mossy cobblestone while the second one was made out of Oak planks also these houses had two torches and three chests one chest contained basic starter gear the second one was full of TNT which I could just make using gunpowder for my RAID Farm the final chest contained a stack of every block in the game but that sounds like way too much work so I'm just going to put a piece of meat in there and call it a day and now that I'm done with the easy structures it's time to move on to the medium ones so on that note let's start working on the first medium structure which is the Xbox 360 tutorial world and there's actually 11 unique worlds but for the sake of Simplicity I'm just going to be recreating the most popular one also to make this structure feel a bit more nostalgic I've add a texture pack that makes Minecraft look a bit older so with that being said let's find a place to build it and I think right here should work so let's start by flattening out the area and now using grass stone and dirt I could start building the custom terrain the only problem is I don't have grass stone or [Music] dirt and now they got those materials that can start building the terrain and if you were wondering how I know where everything goes it's a mod called litico which pretty much lets you make blueprints of pretty much anything in the game so with that being said let's finish up building the terrain and as you can see the terrain is looking a bit plane get it since it's a plan's biome as I was saying I'm going to be adding trees and Bone meing the ground to add more life now the next thing I need to do is add fishing ponds and since the sand just Falls straight down I need to add a layer of blocks under the sand then place the sand and now last but not least I need to add Pathways that go all around the structure and that's the terrain done meaning I can start working on the buildings and there's actually eight different ones scattered throughout the tutorial world and since most of them are pretty small I already have the materials for them so I'm going to speedrun them starting with the most exciting one the broken down wooden house woohoo yeah I hyped that up way too much the next building is a watchtower which is pretty self-explanatory now this next one is a desert temple and in the tutorial world it's located in the desert biome but in my world it's kind of not a desert so with a quick jump C boom a desert has magically appeared meaning I can now build a desert temple also this Temple had a Redstone contraption that dispense paper every single time you went in why paper I have no idea anyways the next part I'm going to work on is a farm area which contains a mini garden and a pen for animals and I don't even know if you could call these buildings but I'm just going to roll with it also these pens are normally supposed to be filled with dogs chickens cows pigs and sheep but as you can see my pen has none of those so enjoy this super crazy Montage of me collecting them [Music] all [Music] now I just need to build two more structures that don't have any notable features and with that the small buildings are complete meaning I can start building the main one and while I build the exterior let me tell you a bit more about these worlds so the main purpose of these worlds were to introduce new players to the basic mechanics of Minecraft which explains the fishing ponds and basic redstone contraptions scattered throughout the world and now that I'm done with the exterior I'm going to start working on the six different rooms two of them are basic necess City rooms like an enchanting room and a potion room there's also two bedrooms and finally there's two secret rooms one of which uses a lever located in the master bedroom to open it this room also contains a nether portal and the last secret room has a lava Bridge thingy finally to finish the structures off I need to have the basic redstone contraptions I talked about earlier and I don't know how moing thought two Pistons were going to teach people how to use Redstone you see what I mean anyways last but not least I just need to make the iconic Minecraft logo hovering above the castle and for the Finishing Touch I'm going to add light blocks that I got from last episode to make the sign glow without using torches and that's the tutorial world complete now before we move on to the next structure I want to let you know that if you're watching this video within the first few months of me uploading it you still have a chance to subscribe before we hit 100K we're closer than ever to hitting it and it's been a dream of mine ever since the first video I ever uploaded so if you want to do me a huge favor and make my dreams come true make sure to subscribe thanks again and I think it's time to get back to the video okay so this next structure is one that most people don't know about and it actually requires me to get over 10,000 obsidian so let's get to mining just kidding if I were to mine it all manually it would take over 10 hours so I'm going to make a simple obsidian farm so let's start with getting all the materials for it and now I need three wither schools since the farm uses a Wither to destroy the naturally spawn obsidian in the end and wao would you look at that a weather skeleton Farm has magically appeared that totally didn't take me 4 hours to build I don't know what you're talking about anyways now that I got the skulls I just need to make the obsidian Farm finally I just have to AFK it until I have enough obsidian and that should be more than enough meaning I could start building the structure which is the obsidian wall from INF Dev and what it was was a two tall obsidian wall that started at spawn and went out infinitely in each four directions of the world also since I don't want the structure to take me years I've only made it go 1,000 blocks in each side Direction and with this block I'm finished with the first row this is going to take for it there's the second one there's the third one and for this last one I'm just going to stop yapping and finish it off with this I'm officially done with the whole structure and now there's only two more structures I'm going to build before I move on to the hard ones that was a bit over dramatic anyways the first one was the monolith and what it was was a piece of terrain that sprouted out of the ground and went all the way to build limit they also had massive underbellies which was pretty cool but besides that the structures were pretty underwhelming it was practically just a mountain so that's why I'm going to be combining the last medium structure with it which is the Temple of Notch and before you say anything I know it isn't technically a removed structure but it's way too iconic to leave out so with that being said let's start by finding the plane by I'm big enough to hold the structure and after a bit of searching I found this spot and would you look at that it's perfectly flat how convenient anyways now it's time to start building and I'm actually going to start with the monolith part which requires me to get almost 100,000 Stone luckily I already have the stone generator that makes 72,000 Stone an hour and the full Shuler box of silk touch pickaxes that I got for an episode that I never ended up releasing and 2 hours later I have all the stone I need but before I start building I'm going to get some beacons to speed the building process up and while I could fight the Wither the normal way this method is a lot easier and now that we got that settled it's time to start placing down all the stone and after about 2 hours I got all the stone placed meaning I can start moving on to the custom terrain for the Temple part of the build and to make it look as realistic as possible I download the temple of notch map then I got a schematic of the whole map meaning it will look almost exactly like the og11 M finished so with that being said let's start working on the terrain and I should already have all the dirt I need from earlier when I flattened out the area so let's start by placing down all the [Music] dirt now I'm going to go around adding these patches of grass blocks so the dirt will turn into grass and you cannot tell me this time lapse isn't satisfying and now before I move on to the actual structure I'm going to polish up the terrain starting with going around and planting loads of trees and if you're wondering how I got all the saplings let's just say it took lots and lots and lots of running around and the terrain is still looking a bit plain so I'm going to go around spamming bone meal finally I'm going to make the river that's passing through the center of the entire structure and and I'm also going to add water to the waterfall and placing all this water down is going to take forever that took way too long and now that the terrain is looking good I'm going to move on to the actual structur part of the build so I'm going to start off by making the path that leads to the temple and it's really simple all it is the smooth stone slabs then it has these pillars with dispensers on top of them there's also a gold ring on top of the entrance finally there's a well and this well is actually the way you enter the temple now the next thing I'm going to work on is a huge Notch head it's pretty much just Stone dirt and it also has a bit of Glowstone also if you didn't know Notch was actually the original creator of Minecraft and if it wasn't obvious already the face of the temple is based off of Notch and with this block I'm done with the easy part of the build meaning I can move on to the Redstone part of the build but that also means I have to collect lots and lots of materials and while I could collect them manually I already have farms for practically everything you know it would be a shame if I just now that I got the materials I just need to do some super simple Redstone now I'm also going to add the rewards to the dispensers which are gold and diamonds and that should be all the Redstone done meaning I just have to clean up the area and I'm finished with the build and if you're wondering how the temple works you need to First go up to this wall and drop a piece of gold into it doing this will open the gates and if you're lucky Notch will wink at you and shower you with riches but if you're unlucky Notch will cry and you'll get dropped into a pit of lava and now that I'm done with the medium structures it's time to move on to the hard ones and there's actually two of them also the reason these are classified as hard is because they literally break the game or they're just extremely hard to build so with that being said let's get to work on the first hard structure which is the far lands and I don't just want to build the fir lands I want to build them at the world border which is where the far lands were before they removed over 10 years ago and to make this structure more manageable I split it up into four phases so with that being said let's get to work on okay so before I do anything I need a schematic of the fire land so I've hopped into creative world so I could start designing and after 30 minutes I've cooked up this masterpiece yeah who am I kidding I don't know how to build luckily I have a better idea which involves me going all the way back to Beta 1.7 and in this version the fire land still existed so now I just got to walk 13 million blocks in One Direction did you really think I was going to walk that far you see since you walk an average of four blocks a second it will take 38 straight days in real life life to run that far and that's without any breaks and since I don't got that type of time I've used some super secret methods to get to the far lands within 5 minutes so now that I'm here I just need to update my game to 1.20 then I need to get a schematic next I'm going to transfer the build to a creative world and now that I'm in Creative I'm going to clean up the build a bit then I'm going to hollow the whole structure up and finally I just need get one last schematic of it and now for the materials that's kind of a lot of materials so I'm going to do what I do best and let future me worry about that meaning it's time for all right now that I got that settled I need to find the fastest way to get to the world border and since it's about 30 million blocks away it's going to take forever right well kind of you see if I walked my fi it would take 80 straight in real life days but if I go into The Nether it would cut that time by eight since one block in the Overworld is equal to eight blocks in the Nether and that would make it take only 11 days also that's not counting all the food I would have to prepare and even though 11 days isn't that bad there are are way faster ways for example the fastest a normal horse can run is 14 blocks a second and pairing it with another would make it take only 3 days and the last normal method is using elytras but that would require over 150 elytras and tens of thousands of rockets and plus there's a way faster way so why even bother with that but with that being said let's move on to the final method and I don't know if you've noticed but I've been emphasizing the word normal a lot and that's because this last mode of transportation is anything but normal you see there's this one April Fool's update called 3D shareware and this update holds the fastest way of of Transportation in the game you see if I type how do you turn this on in the chat a horse will appear but not just any horse this horse runs 126 blocks a second and can jump 34 blocks high making it take only 8 hours to get to the world border which I'm pretty sure is a lot less than 86 days so with that being said I just need to use a program known as MCA selector to transfer this bad boy to the main world and now I'm just going to make a super fitting cage for him okay I know it's ugly but I'm running La funs so there's nothing I could do anyways with that out of the way it's time to move on to okay so now for this phase I need to get the 100,000 plus materials and luckily the material list only consists of three main blocks Stone dirt and coal and I'm going to start with the coal since it's the one I need the least of and since there's no way to farm it I'm going to have to get it all manually this is going to be so much fun okay so I finally got all the coal and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be anyways now that I'm done I can move on to collecting the 46,000 dirt and guess what there's no way to farm it as you can imagine collecting 46,000 dirt is no fun it's literally you just going back and forth but 4 hours later I'd finished collecting all the dirt okay now that I'm done with that I only need to collect the 65,000 Stone but only problem is my ender chest is already full with all the other materials so I'm instead going to get the materials for the stone farm and then I'm to make the farm at the world border and now that I'm done I'm just going to get a few more items such as loads of food beacons to speed the building process up bone meal and finally saplings to make the build look better and now with all the preparation out of the way it's time to move on to okay so now that we're in the Final Phase I just need to build the far lands which means The 8 Hour Journey Begins so let's just start by going in a single Direction and it's actually insane how fast this horse is so with that being said I'm just going to go AFK and check check back about every hour okay so it's been about an hour and I'm just in total darkness and my horse is also gone which I'm pretty sure is just a visual glitch since I'm not losing hunger anyways I hope Rel logging the game should fix it and nice it did fix it now even though I got that fixed we still have a massive problem you see the horse won't be able to get to the world border since it's too fast and my PC doesn't load chunks fast enough meaning the horse is off the table and at this point I really felt like giving up as using the horse was the only way that would allow me to get this video out before the end of the year and I was debating just making the far Lanes at my base and admitting defeat until I stumbled upon this machine Wait no that's the wrong machine you see I was scrolling YouTube to get ideas on how to easily get to the world border and I found this machine made by meword that uses tens of thousands of piece of TNT to launch the user hundreds of thousands of blocks at a time without using a single rocket and the materials list for a singular machine is really affordable so I'm get enough material for 25 of them since one won't be enough to get to the world border okay so now I got all the materials for the machine I need to do a bit of preparation and it starts with me becoming Immortal you see since this machine uses tens of thousands of piece of TNT any mishap could kill me and since I'm in hardcore that's not an option so with that being said I'm going to become immortal by getting a stack of 64 totems and it's actually pretty easy to get I first have to go to 1.12 pre-release to then I need to get some basic materials and now I need to find a mansion since Pillager Outpost weren't added into 1.14 and we look at that a woodland Mansion okay I may or may not have these chunk base but anyways I'm just going to kill this totem guy and then run for my life okay now that I'm out safely I just need to get a stack of wood and now to actually stack the totems I just have to drop it on the ground and then spam the crafting recipe and the glitch doesn't always work but when it does they stack to 65 which is pretty crazy so now I just need to use the same m i used earlier to transfer the tunnel to my main world now the last bit of preparation requires me to get a full Shuler box of elytra which is pretty easy but tedious and repetitive so enjoy this time lapse of me collecting them [Music] all okay and now that I got all the liers I'm going to perfectly enchant them and rip to my levels also I'm going to collect loads of bottles of enchanting so I can repair my ltras on the go anyways now that I'm done with the main part of the preparation I'm just going to make this little Contraption thingy and that will come into play later so now that I'm actually done the preparation I just need to build the machine and the way it works is I first throw ender pearl into an unloaded chunk then I hit the switch and it'll start duping TNT then I wait about an hour for a good amount of TNT to build up finally I Glide into the chunk and it'll teleport me to the ender pearl then the TNT will activate and send me flying hundreds of blocks a second then I just got to look down and switch my lighter out about every 25 minutes then I just rinse and repeat this process when I land yeah I'm have to be on my PC for about 30 hours this is going to be so much fun there's 1 million blocks 2 million blocks 3 million blocks and with this I should be at the world border so now I'm just going to make a nether portal and yes there's the world border anyways before I do anything I'm going to add a texture pack to make Minecraft look like the in days and now I can start building right well no I first got to get the 65,000 stone that I'm still missing so let's quickly make a stone farm and for it to be as efficient as possible I have to make a beacon so now I just got AFK for another 4 hours yay also something pretty cool about the world border is if you place two slabs against it then push them with a piston they'll turn into one slab which is pretty cool in my opinion and you can actually do this with any other slab anyways now that I got all the materials I can start building so I'm going to start by placing loads of beacons along the world border and this will just speed things up by 20% next I'm going to tidy up the area a bit by flattening it out finally I just got to start building the fir lands and the building process was actually a lot more fun than I expected as it was the first time time I actually played in like 4 days so with that being said let's finish up the farlands now I'm going to go around adding grass so the dirt can turn into grass finally I'm going to add trees and I'm already out of saplings yeah I'm not getting anymore so with that I'm officially done with the fir lands and they actually look insane so with that wrapped up I'm never coming here again since that trip took way too long so with that being said I just got a walk all the way back home so I'll see you in a couple days yeah no remember that little thingy I made earlier yeah so that was actually an ender pearl stasis chamber that will teleport me back to World spawn so now my friend Lucy just has to close a trap door and just like that I'm back at World spawn thanks to Lucid so do you have anything to say Lucid by my bath okay now that I'm done with the Farland I just need to make the final structure that breaks the game and this one is more of a transformation compared to Recreation so with that being being said I'm going to be making the village illegal using the loads of illegal items I got from last video so let's start by finding a plan's biome Village and this one should be perfect and I'm actually going to start with transforming the landscape so I'm going to be replacing all the path blocks with snowy grass [Music] blocks and I actually really like how this looks and now that I'm done with the path I'm going to move on to the lighting and as you can see this Village is still using torches so I'm going to go around and replace all them with fly blocks since they're the best normal way to light up a place now the next thing I'm going to illegaly is wait I don't even think that's a word is it a word the next thing I'm going to make illegal is the crop farms and for this I'm just going to replace the wood around it with end portal frames and now to finish off the landscape I'm going to be replacing all the leaves on the trees with monster spawners why you may ask because I think it'll look cool but anyways now that I'm done with the landscape I'm going to start working on the buildings and I'm going to be replacing all the stone with bedrock also fun fact Stone and Bedrock actually share the same texture but Bedrock just has more contrast and this Village looks wrong on so many different levels but I'm going to be making it look even more legal by replacing all the wood with end portal gateways the only problem is end gateways don't exist as an item well in Java they don't but bedrocks a completely different story so with a quick transition we're now in Bedrock and as you can see I already have the end gayway and that's because I already got that in the previous video now to actually transfer the end gway to my main world I first have to make the shape I want them to be in then I could use this app called am to copy the shape of the end gay ways finally I could paste that same shape into my hardcore world and I have to do this for every single house I have a feeling that this is going to take a while okay now that I'm done that I'm just going to add a few finishing touches such as replacing the wooden stairs with deep slate stairs to make the village look a bit better now last but not least I just need to bring in some villagers but instead of doing that I'm going to yeah these are a lot better than villagers so with that I've officially recreated every removed structure in Minecraft even though none of the current structures beat their removed ones we got to learn to appreciate them because one day we'll look back and say man I miss the old [Music] structures
Channel: Mello
Views: 4,097,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fk7n6Foq6yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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